On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> I'd like to keep the amprnet and internet operations completely
> separated.
> The machine I have was using diald and every time I sent smtp to another
> 44 station, it dialed up my ISP to do a DNS lookup, even though I am
> routing 44 traffic out my radio port.  /etc/hosts works fine for
> telnet, ftp, etc., but not smtp (at least I haven't found a way to do
> this.) I have run JNOS a bit, and have pointed 'dns nameserver' to a
> DNS via the local gateway, but if I run kernel AX.25 I don't know how
> to use a different DNS for ampr.org than I use for everything else.
> I was thinking that running a 'cache-only nameserver' with a local
> zone file for 44.xxx might work for this application.  As an
> alternative, is there a way to configure sendmail (or exim, postfix,
> qmail, etc.) to look at /etc/hosts first before trying a DNS lookup?
Hi Bob
Sounds to me as though you have exactly the setup I have and suffering the same
problems with sendmail - I never managed to stop it forcing a dialup for DNS
resolution even though I had the full ampr.org DNS domain loaded on the local

I switched to Exim which now also allows a 'psuedo hopper' facility for those
stations without MX records that are reachable locally. smtp hopper will be
familiar to *NOS users - its a kludge to relay smtp to the next station (ie
gateway) in the IP route to the desitination The effect can be duplicated in
Exim by either using an external director program or by using the new
translate_ip_address feature.

If you or anyone else is interested further, I can post some of the (smaller)
configuration files for Exim and bind to assist in their setup


73 de Robin. G8ECJ                      Hub manager gb7ipd

NTS: G8ECJ@GB7TVG.#42.GBR.EU            AmprNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     http://www.gb7ipd.freeserve.co.uk/
Shack: (+44) 1628 533311                Fax:  (+44) 1628 850165
Club pages (g4xyw modem etc) at http://www.tvipug.freeserve.co.uk

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