Linux-Hardware Digest #737, Volume #9            Fri, 19 Mar 99 13:13:30 EST

  Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session falls flat) 
  Re: ATI Xpert@Play 98 AGP (long, XF86config included) (Mircea)
  Canon Digital Camera ("John E. Hagensieker")
  fighting with X ("Kabal")
  Is Windows for idiots? (Re: X munges the graphics card?) (Guess Who)
  Re: SiS 5597/5598 video (M.K. Christopher)
  Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session falls flat) 
(Jeff Szarka)
  Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session    falls flat) 
  Re: lost "RPM" (Allen)
  Re: Is Windows for idiots? (Re: X munges the graphics card?) (Ed Falis)
  Re: SiS 5597/5598 video (Ken Oster)
  Re: Is Windows for idiots? (Re: X munges the graphics card?) (Richard Steiner)
  STB Velocity 128 Video Card ("John")
  Re: 3c905b-TX with Mandrake 5.3 (or any Linux2.2) ("H Brett Bolen")
  But, but...I have an Internal IDE Zip Drive... (Thomas Lepkowski)
  Re: Is Windows for idiots? (Re: X munges the graphics card?) (Steve)
  Re: Xcdroast, hp7200i IDE not mounting problem (Thomas Zajic)
  Re: Need advice on video card and monitor for Linux-X (QSC)
  Re: need help installing legecy sb16 on RH 5.2 (2.0.36) (David Pace)
  Re: Zenith laptop video chipset woes (long) (Cory Seligman)
  Re: lost "RPM" (David McKinney)
  Re: buying a linux box -- advice? (Brad Harris)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jedi)
Subject: Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session falls 
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 07:43:11 -0800

On 19 Mar 1999 07:42:51 GMT, Jeff Szarka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Sun, 14 Mar 1999 13:03:33 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jedi)
>:On 14 Mar 1999 12:21:03 -0600, Jeff Szarka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>:>On Sun, 14 Mar 1999 16:43:45 +0000, Michael McConnell
>:><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>:>:On Sun, 14 Mar 1999, Don wrote:
>:>:> Gerhard Traeger wrote:
>:>:> > 
>:>:> > On 14 Mar 1999 01:49:07 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff Szarka) wrote:
>:>:> > 
>:>:> > > Problem: I want to change my resolution.
>:>:> > 
>:>:> > > Linux:
>:>:> > > Edit config files and god know's what else
>:>:> > 
>:>:> > He?
>:>:> > Where´ve you got this one?
>:>:> > Changing spatial resolution for X-servers is done by pressing
>:>:> > <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<Num "+"> or <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<Num "-">
>:>:> I saw this and just thought I would add that it doesnt work for me. And
>:>:> I still got a lot of stuff that doesnt work in the linux windows. After
>:>:> 4 installs, I did get it to basically work, but it wont do anything once
>:>:> you start it. I probably need to edit about 40 files to fix each
>:>:> problem.
>:>:If your XF86Config file is set up only for one resolution it won't work. If,
>:>:like mine and Gerhard's setups where multiple resolutions have been
>:>:configured, it works really well. Though, I have to admit I only use it to
>:>:simulate full-screen on my TV card.
>:>So.........I still have to edit files? 
>:      No, you'll just have to rerun the configuration applet,
>:      much like you would have to do under Windows. The one
>:      in Windows is just prettier.
>Funny thing about that, when I set more then one resolution it makes a
>virtual desktop, which I like more editing

        While you might not happen to like this particular
        solution, it certainly does prevent the sort of 
        icon rearrangements that happen with explorer under
        a resswitch.



  "I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die     |||
   while you discuss this a invasion in committe."        / | \

        In search of sane PPP docs? Try


From: Mircea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ATI Xpert@Play 98 AGP (long, XF86config included)
Date: 19 Mar 1999 13:44:58 GMT

ATI Xp@P 8M AGP, in Slackware 3.6, kernel 2.2.2, X-3.3.2. Here's my
xf86config (the relevant part only):

Section "Device"
   Identifier      "Primary Card"
   VendorName      "Unknown"
   BoardName       "ATI Xpert@Play PCI and AGP, 3D Rage Pro"
   Ramdac          "internal"
   Chipset         "mach64"
   VideoRam        8192


Section "Screen"
   Driver          "Accel"
   Device          "Primary Card"
   Monitor         "Primary Monitor"
   DefaultColorDepth 32
   SubSection "Display"
      Depth        8
      Modes        "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
   SubSection "Display"
      Depth        15
      Modes        "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
   SubSection "Display"
      Depth        16
      Modes        "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
   SubSection "Display"
      Depth        24
      Modes        "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
   SubSection "Display"
      Depth        32
      Modes        "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

Section "Screen"
   Driver          "SVGA"
   Device          "Primary Card"
   Monitor         "Primary Monitor"
   DefaultColorDepth 32
   SubSection "Display"
      Depth        8
      Modes        "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
   SubSection "Display"
      Depth        15
      Modes        "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
   SubSection "Display"
      Depth        16
      Modes        "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
   SubSection "Display"
      Depth        24
      Modes        "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
   SubSection "Display"
      Depth        32
      Modes        "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

Section "Screen"
   Driver          "VGA16"
   Device          "Primary Card"
   Monitor         "Primary Monitor"
   SubSection "Display"
      Depth        4
      Modes        "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

Section "Screen"
   Driver          "VGA2"
   Device          "Primary Card"
   Monitor         "Primary Monitor"
   SubSection "Display"
      Depth        1
      Modes        "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

Section "Screen"
   Driver          "Mono"
   Device          "Primary Card"
   Monitor         "Primary Monitor"
   SubSection "Display"
      Depth        1
      Modes        "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

Rustan LeBaron wrote:
> I have an ATI Xpert@play 98 AGP w/ 8 meg RAM, and I cannot get it
> configured with XF86Setup...I have tried multiple configurations, does
> anyone out there have this card configured correctly on their Linux box?
> I am using Redhat 5.2, and XFree86 3.3.2 - I have available but
> I haven't upgraded yet. Will I have more success getting my card to work
> with
> Please help,
> RL


From: "John E. Hagensieker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Canon Digital Camera
Date: 19 Mar 1999 13:45:02 GMT

I have RedHat 5.2 and a Canon Powershot 350 Digital Camera.  Does anybody
know any software that I can use to download images into my pc and
manipulate them?  I have seen several digital camera programs but none seem
to support the Canon 350.

Linux Rules......John in Japan


From: "Kabal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: fighting with X
Date: 19 Mar 1999 13:45:08 GMT

I am (still) having problems setting up and running X. I think i followed
the relnotes instructions that come with new X correctly but still
have XF86Setup and X say it can't find something. Here is how I installed
it. I all went smooth without giving me any errors.
I have Riva TNT card and slackware 3.6

mkdir /home/X11R6
ln -s /home/X11R6 /usr

cd /usr/X11R6
sh /var/tmp/

chmod 755 extract

cd /usr/X11R6
/var/tmp/extract /var/tmp/X*.tgz

cd /usr/X11R6
sh /var/tmp/

these are the errors i am getting:

Kabal:~# XF86Setup
Couldn't determine where u have XFree86 installed. If u have XFree86
properly installed, set the XWINHOME environment variable to point to the
parent directory of the XFree86 bin directory.

and this is what i get when i try to start up X

Kabal:~# startx
execve failed for /usr/X11R6/bin/X (errno 13)
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
giving up.
xinit: No such file or directory (errno 2): unable to connect to X server
xinit: No such process (errno 3): Server error.

i will appreciate any ideas u guys may have... i've been strugglin with it
for a week now and still can't get it to run. thx



From: Guess Who <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Is Windows for idiots? (Re: X munges the graphics card?)
Date: 19 Mar 1999 13:45:16 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff Szarka) writes:

> If only more linux users understood there are cases in which people
> don't want to run linux. I was talking to a linux user on irc about 2
> months ago and he was one of those "if you use windows your a fucking
> idiot" kind of people, and he refused to admit there are cases in
> which linux is not a better choice then windows.

"Idiot" is relative.  Windows and Mac are both good systems for 
beginners.  Linux is not.  But anyone who can handle Linux, or 
any other variety of Unix-oid, is certainly more competent than
someone who can only cope with a beginner's OS.

I would never be so cruel as to throw a rank beginner to the mercies
of the unix command line.  But anyone who tries to do serious work
with Windows or Mac is kidding himself.


From: M.K. Christopher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: SiS 5597/5598 video
Date: 19 Mar 1999 13:45:21 GMT

  I also had the same problem and was very frustrated.  However, since I
installed XFree86 I have been very pleased with the performance 
of my graphics. 
  I am now am searching for a fix to get 5.2 to recognize my SoundPro driver
on my on motherboard.  
   Best of Luck,
M.K. Christopher

On Sun, 14 Mar 1999, Barry Kauler wrote: >Hans,
>I recently installed RH5.2 on a PC with the SiS5598 on the motherboard,
>but can't even get generic VGA to work. Just get lines on the screen.
>I'm new to Linux, but found out about the config file and edited that,
>tried all sorts of things, but the closest I got to seeing anything was when
>I went down to 320x200 mode and was able to vaguely see a mouse pointer,
>at four places on the screen.
>I have all the monitor specs (it's a cheap SVGA 14inch).
>I decided that I had to get XFree, but now I wonder what is really
>wrong, as you were able to get generic VGA to work ...
>Maybe I'll just go and buy a video card, but that's a cop-out.
>Barry Kauler
>H. van Walen wrote in message <7c94s8$jun$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>When installing RH5.2 I couldn't find a video driver for SiS 5597/5598 with
>>4Mb shared memory. So I use the generic VGA instead.
>>Is there a better solution, so that I can use a resolution of say 1000x800?
>>Thank you!
>>Hans van Walen


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff Szarka)
Subject: Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session falls 
Date: 19 Mar 1999 13:45:24 GMT

On Sun, 14 Mar 1999 13:03:33 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jedi)

:On 14 Mar 1999 12:21:03 -0600, Jeff Szarka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:>On Sun, 14 Mar 1999 16:43:45 +0000, Michael McConnell
:><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:>:On Sun, 14 Mar 1999, Don wrote:
:>:> Gerhard Traeger wrote:
:>:> > 
:>:> > On 14 Mar 1999 01:49:07 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff Szarka) wrote:
:>:> > 
:>:> > > Problem: I want to change my resolution.
:>:> > 
:>:> > > Linux:
:>:> > > Edit config files and god know's what else
:>:> > 
:>:> > He?
:>:> > Where´ve you got this one?
:>:> > Changing spatial resolution for X-servers is done by pressing
:>:> > <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<Num "+"> or <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<Num "-">
:>:> I saw this and just thought I would add that it doesnt work for me. And
:>:> I still got a lot of stuff that doesnt work in the linux windows. After
:>:> 4 installs, I did get it to basically work, but it wont do anything once
:>:> you start it. I probably need to edit about 40 files to fix each
:>:> problem.
:>:If your XF86Config file is set up only for one resolution it won't work. If,
:>:like mine and Gerhard's setups where multiple resolutions have been
:>:configured, it works really well. Though, I have to admit I only use it to
:>:simulate full-screen on my TV card.
:>So.........I still have to edit files? 
:       No, you'll just have to rerun the configuration applet,
:       much like you would have to do under Windows. The one
:       in Windows is just prettier.

Funny thing about that, when I set more then one resolution it makes a
virtual desktop, which I like more editing

:>Oh yea but...
:>"Perhaps, before complaining about missing capabilities of linux,
:>you should first try to ask how to do things properly."
:       Or mebbe you should have set the options you actually
:       wanted when they were being spoonfed to you the first
:       time.

I change resolutions quite a bit, why should it be such a
inconvenience to change a stupid setting?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jedi)
Subject: Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session    falls 
Date: 19 Mar 1999 13:45:31 GMT

On Sun, 14 Mar 1999 20:25:03 +0100, Henning Strandin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Don wrote:
>> Gerhard Traeger wrote:
>> >
>> > On 14 Mar 1999 01:49:07 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff Szarka) wrote:
>> >
>> > > Problem: I want to change my resolution.
>> >
>> > > Linux:
>> > > Edit config files and god know's what else
>> >
>> > He?
>> > Where´ve you got this one?
>> > Changing spatial resolution for X-servers is done by pressing
>> > <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<Num "+"> or <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<Num "-">
>> I saw this and just thought I would add that it doesnt work for me. And
>> I still got a lot of stuff that doesnt work in the linux windows. After
>> 4 installs, I did get it to basically work, but it wont do anything once
>> you start it. I probably need to edit about 40 files to fix each
>> problem.

        One simply runs the X configurator again and picks all the
        resolutions they want to run in the various color depths

>Probably not. Most config problems in the *nix world (in my experience)
>is of the 'columbi egg' type. Once you figure it out, it's usually
>proves to be a really simple problem.
>Check out the HOWTOs that probably came with your system. Ask on
>linux.setup (that means describing the problem fully). Once you get it
>worked out I bet you'll go 'Oh, was it that simple'.


  "I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die      |||
   while you discuss this a invasion in committe."        / | \

        In search of sane PPP docs? Try


Subject: Re: lost "RPM"
Date: 19 Mar 1999 13:45:38 GMT

It is somewhat rude to post to the USENET in HTML...  Many people will
completely overlook your posts unless you switch to plain text.  Just thought
you'd like to know.

On Sun, 14 Mar 1999 21:49:49 GMT, David McKinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

><!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
><br>&nbsp;I was trying to install Gnome, and in the process of&nbsp; repairing
>a conflict RPM command disappeared.&nbsp; Can't find it? Tried using a
>previous kernel, still no RPM.If anyone knows where it is supposed to reside,
>and how I can get it back off a RedHat 5.2 cd I'd sure appreciate it.


(email addy; user ID portion has a numeral one in place of word
onespoiler, and of course, delete the bogus secondary domain of nospam.)
PC/hardware Guru, and Linux Newbie


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Falis)
Subject: Re: Is Windows for idiots? (Re: X munges the graphics card?)
Date: 19 Mar 1999 13:45:45 GMT

<7chjmb$f6o$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: Ken Oster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: SiS 5597/5598 video
Date: 19 Mar 1999 13:45:47 GMT

"M.K. Christopher" wrote:
> Hello,
>   I also had the same problem and was very frustrated.  However, since I
> installed XFree86 I have been very pleased with the performance
> of my graphics.
>   I am now am searching for a fix to get 5.2 to recognize my SoundPro driver
> on my on motherboard.
>    Best of Luck,
> M.K. Christopher

Check this out...

i think the 8330 is what usually is on the motherboard when it says
SoundPro... you can tell when the pc boots up....

Ken O


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Steiner)
Subject: Re: Is Windows for idiots? (Re: X munges the graphics card?)
Date: 19 Mar 1999 13:45:51 GMT

Here in comp.os.linux.setup, Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake unto us, saying:

>It doesn't matter a hill of beans how technically superior your OS is
>if there are no applications for it that the general public want to

Sorry, that's not always correct.

It's all context-dependent, since everyone's requirements are usually
different, and anyone saying that one OS or another is best for all
situations is probably selling something.

>Vi, And EMacs and ppp-on, ppp-off, and slrn and tin an trn and tetris
>and ispell and on and on and on don't cut it when you have a plethora
>of Windows applications that blow the doors off the Linux crap...

Perhaps true in some instances, but if you're in a situation where you
need to create things which are heavily scripted, which need to be able
to interoperate with many other environments, or which need to be rock-
solid stable, then Windows is hardly an optimal solution, either.

IMhO, slrn beats any Windows newsreader I've used.  But my requirements
are probably different from yours.

Besides, most of the applications you're likely to put foreward as good
reasons to use Windows would also work just as well under Linux if the
ISVs would write native Linux versions.

>Users are NOT interested in going back to the 1970's....

What does that have to do with Linux?

   -Rich Steiner  >>>--->  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  >>>---> Bloomington, MN
    OS/2 + Linux (Slackware+RedHat+SuSE) + FreeBSD + Solaris + BeOS +
    WinNT4 + Win95 + PC/GEOS + MacOS + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven!
                  The Theorem Theorem: If If, Then Then


From: "John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: STB Velocity 128 Video Card
Date: 19 Mar 1999 13:45:54 GMT

Any good information on this video card. Couldn't find any compatibly list
from Red Hat, Caldera or on this card.




From: "H Brett Bolen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.misc
Subject: Re: 3c905b-TX with Mandrake 5.3 (or any Linux2.2)
Date: 19 Mar 1999 13:45:53 GMT

check,  I have the same trouble and found
there are instructions for the 2.2.3 update there.  Haven't tried it
yet though.


Richard F. Jr. wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I run this card with no trouble on SuSE Linux 5.3 kernel 2.0.36
>I just had to get a "driver" for it a ".c" file to install into my kernel
>befor I made it...
>Kevin White wrote:
>> eric wrote:
>> > I was wondering if the *New* Linux Kernel will support this card?
>> I have a 3c905b and it works great with slackware 3.6 upgraded to kernel
>> 2.2.2 (and other associated necessary updates, as specified in the 2.2.2
>> readme file).  I don't think I tried it with any previous kernel,
>> though, so I can't say.
>> --
>> Kevin White, Software Engineer
>> Envision Telephony


From: Thomas Lepkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: But, but...I have an Internal IDE Zip Drive...
Date: 19 Mar 1999 13:46:10 GMT

All the books talk about SCSI drives and parallel port drives, but I
have an internal IDE Zip drive.  Not SCSI, no parallel port connection.
What gives?

Is there anybody out there who can help me with installing an internal
IDE Zip drive?




Subject: Re: Is Windows for idiots? (Re: X munges the graphics card?)
Date: 19 Mar 1999 13:46:13 GMT

Amen...A word that is mentioned quite infrequently in this group,

It doesn't matter a hill of beans how technically superior your OS is
if there are no applications for it that the general public want to

Vi, And EMacs and ppp-on, ppp-off, and slrn and tin an trn and tetris
and ispell and on and on and on don't cut it when you have a plethora
of Windows applications that blow the doors off the Linux crap...
Users are NOT interested in going back to the 1970's....

On Mon, 15 Mar 1999 01:30:09 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Falis) wrote:

><7chjmb$f6o$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sorry about the empty prior reply.
>On 14 Mar 1999 19:20:41 -0500, Guess Who <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I would never be so cruel as to throw a rank beginner to the mercies
>> of the unix command line.  But anyone who tries to do serious work
>> with Windows or Mac is kidding himself.
>You must have a pretty strange idea of what serious work is.  We field IDE's on 
>Windows as well as various Unices for various kinds of applications including hard 
>real-time, multi-million line applications, and safety-critical applications.  And I 
>daresay our Windows hosted versions are more pleasant to use than the UNIX ones.  
>Personally, I've always found the UNIX "user" level environment to be a distraction 
>from getting serious work done - and I've done some serious work on it since the 
>early 80's.  I've also seen an awful lot of people who are UNIX-philes waste a lot of 
>time dicking around with their GUI and other configuration settings instead of 
>their purported work done.  
>I guess my definition of serious is concentrating on the job at hand.  So, if I have 
>to spend more time thinking about the environment in which I'm doing it because it 
>_intrusively_ offers a lot of configurable bells and whistles I'm not interested in, 
>I resent it.  It's not serious, just seriously distracting.
>Can't argue taste, right?  But your last statement is just BS, raising your own 
>preference to the level of absolute truth.
>- Ed


From: Thomas Zajic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Xcdroast, hp7200i IDE not mounting problem
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 12:58:11 GMT

Mr Cheuk Kong Lo wrote:
> [ ... ]
> Now, recompile the kernel, install new kernel and modules.
> Case 1:  You don't need CDR, just normal Linux
> You are already done. No extra step need to use /dev/hdb, /dev/hdc as IDE-CDROM.
> Case 2: You need CDR[W],
> Just copy the lilo.conf entries from original one to another one, have
> it named linux-cdr, e.g.,
> image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.3
>         label=linux-normal
>         root=/dev/hda6
>         read-only
> image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.3
>         label=linux-cdr
>         root=/dev/hda6
>         append="hdb=ide-scsi hdc=ide-scsi"
>         read-only
> Re-run lilo and now choose linux-cdr in bootup. Now both IDE CD will be
> emulated as SCSI CDROM/CDR.

Huh? This sure strikes me as extremely, unnecessarily overcomplicated.
Are you saying you have to reboot each time you want to burn a CD?!
If I understood this correctly, /dev/hdb is a normal IDE CD-ROM, and
/dev/hdc is the IDE CD-RW.

Well, why not just do the following:

1. Disable ATAPI CD-ROM support, enable ATAPI-SCSI host emulation,
   SCSI CD-ROM support and SCSI generic support in the kernel.
2. Remove all "hdX=ide-scsi" from lilo.conf. This way, /dev/hdb (the
   CD-ROM) becomes /dev/sr0, /dev/hdc (the CD-RW) becomes /dev/sr1.
   Both drives are now treated as SCSI devices.
3. Update your /etc/fstab and eventual /dev/cdrom and /dev/cdwriter
   links accordingly, then you´ll be able to mount both drives as
4. X-CD-Roast/cdrecord automatically figure out the correct generic
   SCSI device (/dev/sg*) anyway, no need to worry about this part.

Alternatively, do the following (only works with kernels >= 2.0.35):

1. Enable ATAPI CD-ROM support, ATAPI-SCSI host emulation, SCSI
   CD-ROM support and SCSI generic support in the kernel.
2. Add "hdc=ide-scsi" to lilo.conf. This way, /dev/hdb (the CD-ROM)
   remains the same, /dev/hdc (the CD-RW) becomes /dev/sr0. The
   CD-ROM is now treated as an IDE device, the CD-RW as an SCSI
3. as above.
4. as above.

Either way, you always have access to both CD drives, no matter
what you´re going to do (burn a CD, or mount a CD for reading),
absolutlely no need to reboot. See my lengthy reply to J-L Boers
for more details.

-        Thomas Zajic aka ZlatkO ThE GoDFatheR, Vienna/Austria        -
-        Spam-proof e-mail: thomas(DOT)zajic(AT)teleweb(DOT)at        -


Subject: Re: Need advice on video card and monitor for Linux-X
Date: 19 Mar 1999 13:46:14 GMT

I would recommend getting a Matrox Millenium II if you have a PCI slot or a
Matrox G200 if you want AGP, get the most ram you can afford on the chip. You
will want NO less than 8MB. If you want 3D acceleration then buy a seperate
VooDoo II card with 12MB of ram. The 2 cards together will cost you about $250
or so but can't be beat. As far as a monitor get a namebrand you have heard of
that will do 1600x1200 at the lowest dpi you can afford. I would recommend a
Sony Trinitron but they are expensive.


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Judy/Bob Dilworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All:
> I'm upgrading to SUSE 6.0 and want to use KDE as my desktop.  Toward
> this end I want to replace my current video card (S3-864 generic card
> with 256K ram) with something more substantial as well as replacing my
> 14" monitor with a 17 incher.  I'd like some opinions on what other
> folks use in the way of cards and 17 inch monitors - obviously I want
> something supported by the Linux video drivers available with SUSE 6.0.
> What do you fine folks recommend?  Any thoughts on this matter would be
> greatly appreciated!!!
> Thanks in Advance!
> Bob Dilworth
> Toledo Ohio

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From: David Pace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: need help installing legecy sb16 on RH 5.2 (2.0.36)
Date: 19 Mar 1999 13:46:15 GMT

Charles Moon wrote:

> I am seeking assistance in installing a legecy ISA SB16 sound card on a
> RH 5.2 (2.0.36) i486 box.  I understand that I may be able to do so as a
> module.  Who understands the process?

check out:

David Pace  Free Trading software:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cory Seligman)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Re: Zenith laptop video chipset woes (long)
Date: 19 Mar 1999 13:46:21 GMT

Mac Cody <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

i'm not answering your question, because i cant, but maybe you can help me:

>I have a Zenith Data Systems Z-Note 325Lc laptop computer.  The

i have one of these too. but i wouldnt even think of running X on it.  

>I have been able to get the X server working in 1-bit mono mode

can i ask how you managed to get X going on it at all? the zenith 325 only
comes with 4 meg of ram, and it's a 386sx25. it can barely run text mode stuff.

i'd like to use my zenith as a gateway to my ISP, but i'm not sure if it's fast
enough for that. you seem to have gotten futher than i have in making the beast

any help would be appreciated.



From: David McKinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: lost "RPM"
Date: 19 Mar 1999 13:46:23 GMT

Sorry about that, I think I checked the right one this time. Any ideas
on the lost Rpm command?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brad Harris)
Subject: Re: buying a linux box -- advice?
Date: 19 Mar 1999 13:46:24 GMT

I've been building custom linux boxes for about 8 months now... I
could get you a quote up if you would like...
I would build the system for you and set up sound and the such for
Or I could just build he box and install a generic kernel and let you
tinker with the hardware, it is up to you...
Keep in Touch
I'm running Linux now on a custom system I built



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