Linux-Hardware Digest #117, Volume #10           Thu, 29 Apr 99 00:13:28 EDT

  How to run Trident 3DImage975 -based videocards (Andrew Comech)
  Re: bttv, bttvgrab: kernel panic? (Gerd Knorr)
  Re: ++ USB and LInux ?? ++ (Mark Hahn)
  unrecognized memory by linux ("Robert B. Andrews")
  Re: Linux Sound Help! (Colin)
  Creatix ISDN S.0 card (Thomas Jentzsch)
  Re: Help: Driver for SMC EtherEZ card? (Larry Ozarow)
  Re: Kernel 2.2 + dual CPU ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Still Modem problems. ("Robert B. Andrews")
  Re: Exabyte 8200 issues (Paul Thompson)
  aic7890 and redhat/suse install / Q3ATEST GriLLon ("Alfred Wallace")
  graphics driver for CornerStone image-accel PC 164i card ("Willem J. Atsma")
  Re: unrecognized memory by linux (J A)
  Linux Sparc Boxes - Great Prices - Even Co-Location! from $85.00 ("Byron MIller")
  Well supported RAID 0/1/5 Controllers (pete demoreuille)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Comech)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc,alt.os.linux
Subject: How to run Trident 3DImage975 -based videocards
Date: 28 Apr 1999 17:23:32 -0500


Many people complained they could not run videocards with Trident
3DImage975 (9750) chipset at decent resolutions (usually, the screen 
just remained black at something like 1024x768).
I also spent some time on a Jaton videocard with this chipset, and now 
I can squeeze any resolution out of it (up to 1200x1024), with decent 
color depths:

bpp/resolution 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1152x864 1200x1024
8                 *       *        *        *        *
16                *       *        *        *        *
24                *       *        *        -        -
32                *       *        *        -        -

The recipe is kind-of simple, but strange: one needs to use _particular_
orders of resolutions in the "Modes" line. (I did not touch Modelines.)
The details are at

If you have time and need to try this recipe, I'd appreciate to hear
from you whether this (or some modification) solves your problems with 
this chipset. 

Hope this will help someone,

PS. I guess this would also work for 3DImage985 chipset... I do not know.
PPS. for personal answers, please finger out my login name.

Looking for a Linux-compatible V.90 modem? See


Crossposted-To: de.comp.os.unix.linux.hardware
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gerd Knorr)
Subject: Re: bttv, bttvgrab: kernel panic?
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 20:23:57 GMT

On Wed, 28 Apr 1999 19:24:49 +0200, Martin Franke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi there!
> We try to set up a webcam with linux, bttv and bttvgrab. After some
> succesful tests we got a strange problem.
> We are using:
> linux kernel 2.2.1
> bttv 0.5.19

You either have to fix bttv-0.5.19 or upgrade to a newer version, there
was a change in struct file_operations somewhere in late 2.1.x kernels.

> Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
>  name="martin.vcf"

What this is good for?



From: Mark Hahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ++ USB and LInux ?? ++
Date: 28 Apr 1999 22:19:06 GMT

> Best of my knowledge there are a few USB projects going on but there is no
> "official" support for USB at this stage.. Sorry.  You're only chance is to

heh.  well Linus is contributing to the USB effort; 
if that doesn't make it "official", I don't know what does!


From: "Robert B. Andrews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: unrecognized memory by linux
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 14:50:49 -0700

I have 2 64M dims, and during the memory test the bios tests/sees
all 128M.  After booting linux (2.0.29), I see that only 64M
is recognized.  I then have only 128M swap.  My swap partition
is over 256M, so I don't see a problem there.

In case it matters, I have a Cyrux 686 pp-233.

Thanks in advance.



Subject: Re: Linux Sound Help!
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 19:33:46 -0400

> Hi,
> I have been a happy RedHat user for several months now, but sound JUST
> I have a SB 16 card (IDE) which is functioning fine in Win98, but
> here's what happens when I run sndconfig in Linux (RH5.1):
> It goes through the typical start screens,
> plays the test sound of Linus speaking
> (This sound plays just fine - loud and clear)
> then, I get the following message:
> ------------------------------------------
>  An error was encountered unloading the
>  sound module. This could mean another
>  application is using the sound card.
>  Please exit sndconfig and make sure all
>  other sound applications are closed
>  before running sndconfig again.
> -------------------------------------------
> As far as I know, I am not running any other apps that use sound -
> here is my ps list:
> -------------------------------------------
>   337   2 SW   0:00 (mingetty)
>   338   3 SW   0:00 (mingetty)
>   339   4 SW   0:00 (mingetty)
>   340   5 SW   0:00 (mingetty)
>   341   6 SW   0:00 (mingetty)
>   863   1 S    0:00 /bin/login -- root
>   864   1 S    0:00 -tcsh
>   945  p3 S    0:00 su
>   946  p3 S    0:00 -csh
>   978  p3 R    0:00 ps
> --------------------------------------------
> I am using Red Hat, release 5.1 and sndconfig 2.1
> Any help you can offer would be great.
> Thanks,
> -Mike
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What are the settings of your SB16 card?  IRQ?  I/O Port? DMA?
Reply to "cwv [at] idirect (dot) com"


Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 17:44:58 +0200
From: Thomas Jentzsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: de.comp.os.linux.hardware,de.comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Creatix ISDN S.0 card

I got an ISDN S.0 Card (IDE-Bus) from CREATIX and would like to use it
with Linux. There's no manual coming with it, the only 2 jumpers on the
card determine the adress of some i/o registers (D800, F000, etc) and
that's it.
Does anybody know whether the card can be used with Linux and what
necessary configurations steps are to be done in order ot get the damn
thing to work ?
Thanks a lot.


From: Larry Ozarow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help: Driver for SMC EtherEZ card?
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 02:28:03 GMT

Lars Jensen wrote:
> Does anyone know which driver to use with the SMC EtherEZ network card?
> Thanks for your help.
> Lars.
> --
> Lars Jensen
> Truckee Meadows Community College
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own



Subject: Re: Kernel 2.2 + dual CPU
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 22:34:04 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i often do simulations involving trying something out thousands of
> times with various initial conditions and noise sequences.  i can run
> 500 in one batch and 500 in a second concurrent batch and get the
> whole 1000 done twice as fast.  notice that this is a trivially
> parallelizable type problem.
> something like inverting a matrix would be done on one cpu (usless you
> have or write some special multiprocessing software) and unless you
> need to invert two of them, you won't get any benefit.
> one really fast cpu is better than two half speed ones.  as you know,
> the cost of the fast one may be prohibitive and the two slow ones
> therefore make some sense.
> hope this helps.
> --
> johan kullstam

Yes, thanks for the response. This is kinda' what I expected. I really don't
need to parallelize single jobs. What I will be doing is running simulation
trials two at a time. I expect this to be faster than running them
sequentially on a single P2-400/450 machine. Another useful thing is to run
my usual work load with a simulation running on the other CPU instead of
running in the background on the same CPU.

I just want to run the tasks as I would on a single CPU machine with Linux
automatically assigning the second job to the other CPU. What I do not want
is for the second CPU to stay idle until SMP-aware applications explicitly
use it.

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From: "Robert B. Andrews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Still Modem problems.
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 19:41:48 -0700

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I have a couple files I keep in /usr/local/bin that might help you.
pppio starts or stops pppd: usage is pppio <start|stop>
When starting pppd, we use chat (which is like expect?) to do
the actual login -- this is done in verio_expect.  Also, to see
what is going on, I have output go to syslog facility, and we
automatically tail /var/log/messages to see the progress.  When
you see you have a connection, hit ^C to kill the tail process.

Anyway, it works for me and might be helpfull in getting you started.


Elliott Paiken wrote:
> I have linux recognize my modem, but I sometimes have trouble knowing when
> my modem dials. For example if I have no dialer running it will just turn on
> and dial into my isp. What is the problem with that? Also do I need to use a
> script to log into my isp because it does not connect to my isp at all. If
> you have a solution please feel free to answer because I have no clue what
> my modem is doing and why it does not connect to my isp.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline;

# set ts=8 (in vi)
# pppio         Starts/Stops pppd.
# usage:        pppio {start|stop}
# Author:       Robert B. Andrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#               July 20, 1996

# RBA 96.08.27  Add optional 'quite' for arg2.
#               Add checks for kermit running.
# RBA 96.09.06  Make chat script external (ccnet_expect)
#               Password no longer printed in syslog
# RBA 98.12.29  Add lock argument to pppd, creates /var/lock/LCK..modem
#               Also, device and speed need to be 1st (versus last).

# A handy little msg routine.
exitmsg() {
        myname=`basename $0`
        echo $myname: $*
        exit 0

# A function to find the pid of a program.
pidofproc() {
        # Test syntax.
        if [ $# = 0 ] ; then
                echo "usage: pidofproc {program}"
                return 1

        # First try "pidof"
        pid=`pidof $1`
        if [ "$pid" != "" ] ; then
                echo $pid
                return 0

        # Next try "/var/run/*.pid" files
        if [ -f /var/run/$ ] ; then
                pid=`head -1 /var/run/$`
                if [ "$pid" != "" ] ; then
                        echo $pid
                        return 0

        # Finally try to extract it from ps
        ps auxw | perl -e '$prog = $ARGV[0];
                while (<STDIN>) {
                        @a = split;
                        $_ = $a[10];
                        if (/^$prog$/ ||
                            /^\($prog\)$/ ||
                            /^$prog:$/) {
                                print "$a[1] ";
                }' $1

[ -f $pppd ] || exitmsg "Could not find $pppd."
base=`basename $pppd`
pid=`pidofproc $base`

# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
        [ "$pid" != "" ] && exitmsg "pppd is already running."
        kermit=`pidofproc wermit`
        [ "$kermit" != "" ] && exitmsg "Modem busy: kill kermit session first."

        [ -f /var/spool/uucp/LCK..modem ] && exitmsg "Modem busy."
        faxq=`pidofproc faxq`
        if [ "$faxq" != "" ] ; then
                faxio stop
                sleep 4

        [ "$2" != "quite" ] && clear
        echo "Starting pppd: "
        pppd /dev/modem 115200 connect /usr/local/bin/verio_expect debug crtscts modem 
noipdefault defaultroute lock
        if [ "$2" != "quite" ] ; then
                sleep 1
                echo "Hit interrput key to kill tail..."
                exec tail -f /var/log/messages
        [ "$pid" = "" ] && exitmsg "pppd is not running."
        echo -n "Shutting down pppd: "
        rm -f /var/spool/uucp/LCK..modem  # refers to same file in chat above
        kill -s INT $pid >/dev/null 2>&1
        while [ "" = "" ] ; do
                pid=`pidof $base`
                [ "$pid" = "" ] && break
                echo -n "waiting: "
                sleep 1
        echo done
        base=`basename $0`
        echo "usage: $base {start|stop}"
        exit 1

exit 0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline;

# verio_expect  Expect script used for starting pppd on
# Robert B. Andrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# 98.12.29

# Run chat, -v -> use syslog, \\q -> don't display passwd in syslog

# 510.288.0042 (52K support)
# 510.238.8596

chat -v TIMEOUT 3 "" ATZ OK ATDT2880042 TIMEOUT 30 CONNECT "" \
        TIMEOUT 10 ogin: <your user id> word: \\q<your password>



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Thompson)
Subject: Re: Exabyte 8200 issues
Date: 29 Apr 1999 00:52:33 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

The 8200 was infamous for its buggy scsi implementation and other problems.
Some commercial OS's (AIX and OpenVMS are two, as I recall) have specific
patches to deal with this drive.

(remove the nospam for best results)

In article <weJU2.9131$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Trevor Bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I've got a linux server and have recently aquired an old Exabyte 8200 drive,
> a "MaynStream 2200HS" and a number of used 112m 8mm tapes.  I've been trying
> to get this tape drive running under linux with limited success.  I can
> access the tape drive fine, but I occasionally get "Hardware Errors".  These
> errors appear to show up more quickly on some of the tapes than others, so
> I'm trying to determine if its a problem with the drive, or with old tapes.
> Sometimes, the drive just seems so fed up with the tapes, it just spits them
> out after I attempt to insert them, and then I have to power cycle the drive
> to get it to work... Does the drive need to cool down a bit? :)  SCSI
> devices probably don't like their power being cycled.  Should I reboot my
> server as well?
> How reliable are old tapes?  Do you loose bits or big chunks?  The one
> sucsessful "tar zdf" I did showed no differences, but it was with a tape I
> suspected was better than the rest.
> I've been using the followin gprocedure for backup:
> mt -f /dev/st0 rewind
> cd / ; tar zcf /dev/st0 *
> mt -f /dev/st0 rewind
> To restore:
> tar zxf /dev/st0
> And to test:
> tar zdf /dev/st0 *
> Should I be using another device, like nst0?  What's the difference?  Where
> would I find out which to use?  Should I be using ftape instead?
> Here's a sample of the errors I've been getting:
> In all instance, with each tape operation I've been performing, I get the
> following:
> st0: Error 25040000 (sugg. bt 0x20, driver bt 0x25, host bt 0x4).
> Is bt bitrate?  Is the drive misconigured somehow?
> If the drive is getting really cranky I'll see the following:
> st0: Error with sense data: Current error st09:00: sense key Hardware Error
> tar (grandchild): Cannot write to /dev/st0: I/O error
> tar (grandchild): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
> st0: Error with sense data: extra data not valid Current error st09:00:
> sense key Hardware Error
> st0: Error on write filemark.
> st0: Error with sense data: extra data not valid Current error st09:00:
> sense key Hardware Error
> Broken pipe
> This tape drive is behaving rather crotchety.  I may be able to excange it
> for another.  Shoud I do this?
> Can anyone help?
> Thanks!



From: "Alfred Wallace" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: aic7890 and redhat/suse install / Q3ATEST GriLLon
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 17:12:21 +0200

hi everyone, I hope U can help me: I'm desperate...

here is a pic of my system:

asus P2B-DS
    dual PII 350    /    aic7890
256Mb RAM
G200 AGP
Monster sound MX300 (Aureal Vortex 2)
3com Etherlink XL (3C905)
Voodoo2 SLI

I have Two quantum vicking II 4.5Gb

I cannot get the installer to load the aic7xxx.o module.
It ask me for some parameters and i don't know what to feed him.
My SCSI is on IRQ 15  d000 scsiID 7
anyone can help?
(just tell me what parameters and how to write them...)
I did try 0xd000,15,7 didn't give anything (no host)
(BTW no IRQ problem)

I AM DESPERATE: my system HAS to BE ready for Q3aTEST LINUX


From: "Willem J. Atsma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: graphics driver for CornerStone image-accel PC 164i card
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 16:41:01 -0700


I need a graphics driver for the following card:

Image Accel PC 164i card (from Cornerstone)

Can anyone help me (please)? Can I perhaps reconfigure an existing




Subject: Re: unrecognized memory by linux
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 02:16:08 GMT

Yes, as mentioned below, if you upgrade your kernel to one more
recent, then all you have to do is turn the swap partition off, mkswap
the device that you partitioned for swap, then turn it back on and you
should see the full partition being used in swap.

On Wed, 28 Apr 1999 18:17:29 -0400, jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>"Robert B. Andrews" wrote:
>> I have 2 64M dims, and during the memory test the bios tests/sees
>> all 128M.  After booting linux (2.0.29), I see that only 64M
>> is recognized.  I then have only 128M swap.  My swap partition
>> is over 256M, so I don't see a problem there.
>You'll need to specify "mem=128M" when booting LILO (e.g. type "linux mem=128M"
>at the LILO prompt).  You might want to put it in your /etc/lilo.conf , e.g.:
>and re-run LILO.  As for your swap partition, 2.0.x kernels restricted swap
>partitions to 128M, so if you want to use all 256+ MB of swap space, you'll need
>to split that partition up into multiple partitions (or upgrade to a 2.2.x
>kernel, which supports swap partitions over 128M).  For more info, type
>'man mkswap'.
>Hope this helps,
>(to reply via email, make the appropriate substitution in my email address)


From: "Byron MIller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux Sparc Boxes - Great Prices - Even Co-Location! from $85.00
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 23:41:27 -0400

Hello Everyone.

I just wanted to let you know i got some sparc hardware and will be setting
up linux on these boxes and offering them.

I have several IPX, IPC, Sparc 1's, 2's and Sparc 10
and Sparc 5 boxes available.

I will be installing the latest redhat release on each box. Boxes with color
graphics boards will have Xfree86 installed also.

If you are interested in a Sparc LINUX box, drop me an email.

I'm also offering some web co-location for these boxes. If you would like to
have your own dedicated sparc web server running linux, i will be happy to
help you get up and running. These boxes can handle many
hits and are perfect for people wanting dedicated hardware to have control
of there site.


Sparc 1, 16 megs memory, 250 meg scsi  drive - 85.00 + shipping and
handling. Or co-locate this
as a web server on our high speed multi-homed network (contact me for

I can upgrade/mix/match hardware to match your
own configuration.



From: pete demoreuille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Well supported RAID 0/1/5 Controllers
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 19:51:04 -0500

Can anyone suggest a well supported (and maybe even somewhat
affortable) RAID level 0,1 and 5 controller for Linux?  I have
looked into the DPC entry level models, but I was wondering
if there are any other options.  Thanks,

Pete Demoreuille



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