Linux-Hardware Digest #117, Volume #11           Sat, 28 Aug 99 01:13:29 EDT

  Re: Linux users group in Kansas City area - can't find one ("Jonathan Hutchins")
  Modem recommendation for RH 6.0 ("microgiant")
  Re: how do i access the cd-rom (Larry Ozarow)
  Linux on an old Mac SE (or LC II) (Jeremy Fincher)
  Re: An Acer Hole! (Larry Ozarow)
  Re: Modem US Robotics 56K v.90 INT (Andy Johnstone)
  Re: cost of leased line in notting hill, London England (Peter Eddy)
  Turtle Beach Montego II A3d (Sung Soo Kang)
  Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 Hardware Compatibility Questions ("Jorge Padron")
  Number Nine Revolution 3D PCI (Stuart Johnston)
  Re: S3 Inc. Trio3D (Andy Johnstone)
  Re: Dual Pentium II shows as Dual Celeron... (Tim Moore)
  Re: Resurrection of old hard disk (Andy Johnstone)
  Re: An Acer Hole! (Larry Ozarow)
  Re: Looking for beginner system builder info (Andy Johnstone)
  Re: Which printer should I buy? (Grant Taylor)
  RFI - Analog Modem Channel Bonding (Ken McCord)
  Re: HP 720C printer and Linux (Ray Kohler)
  CDROM problems (Guru Prasad)
  Re: Sound Blaster Live - How do you Activate a sound card (cjh)
  Re: MaxiSound/ESS1868 (Wei-shi Tsai)
  Concern: Do SCSI Target mode drivers exist for Linux (Ingmar Graesslin)
  Re: Linux on an old Mac SE (or LC II) (hac)
  Re: Does the monitor matter? (hac)
  Re: Webserver specs needed...thanks ("Arunas Salkauskas")
  Re: Webserver specs needed...thanks (hac)
  Linux on Toshiba 2595xDVD ?? (Jeff Howard)
  Graphics card with TV-Out under linux? (Dermot Bradley)


From: "Jonathan Hutchins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux users group in Kansas City area - can't find one
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 01:48:12 GMT

> Jeff Greer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:37ab5478.23235937@news-server...
> > Hi,
> >
> > Does anyone know of a linux users group in the Kansas City area?

Jeff Weiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7of486$9ne$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> There is a Linux User Group in Kansas City.  It is a special interest
> of Heartland Users Group (HUG).


Just like there's a special interest group for NT?

Expect a handfull of confused people worried about Y2K and complaining about
Bill Gates conspiricy to force them to upgrade their 286's running DOS 2.0


From: "microgiant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Modem recommendation for RH 6.0
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 22:42:50 -0400

can anybody there recommend some external modems for RH6.0 ?



From: Larry Ozarow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.powerpc,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: how do i access the cd-rom
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 02:41:39 GMT

ZAP wrote:

> i have an ide cd-rom drive.  I would like to read from it in openlinux 2.2
> can any tell me how to copy from cd-rom to linux hard drive
> ------------------  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ------------------

How does this question belong in any of the three groups
you crossposted it to? I guess because it concerns two drives you could
somehow convince
yourself that it has something to do with hardware, or maybe it's on a
powerpc so you could
mistakenly think it belongs in that group. But x?

Don't these groups have some kind of guidelines somewhere?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeremy Fincher)
Subject: Linux on an old Mac SE (or LC II)
Date: 28 Aug 1999 02:17:08 GMT

Will it work?  If it will, how will I get it to work?


If i ever forget to capitalize a proper noun, forgive me.  i'm a big fan of ee

My ICQ # is 28153190. My AIM/AOL name is either jemfinch02 or Cassius80.
Have a good day, and good luck in your endeavors!


From: Larry Ozarow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: An Acer Hole!
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 03:11:09 GMT

Larry Ozarow wrote:

> MACKENZIE wrote:
> > If I can't find a driver for my Acer Scanner and Acer CD RW. I'll be Scanless and 
>there'll be a
> > big hole where my CD-RW used to be. Can someone tell me how to set these things up 
>to work?
> > --
> What interfaces do they use? If the scanner is scsi see If 
>it's not you
> can pretty much fugettaboudid.
> As for the CD-RW check the CD-Writing HOWTO, at
> If it's scsi, it's easy, if it's ATAPI it's a little more work, but doable.
> Larry

PS: Don't crosspost so much. It's noisy enough already. Comp.os.linux.hardware ore
comp.os.linux.questions would have sufficed.


From: Andy Johnstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Modem US Robotics 56K v.90 INT
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 23:23:28 -0400

You more then likely have a winmodem (sounds like the exact model i have).
To get it to work in linux, throw it out and buy a full modem, not a
SOFTWARE modem.  Make sure you ask for one that is not a software modem, it
will be about $20 more then a $30 winmodem....but its well worth it....I'm
stuck with mine unfortunatly :(


Egberto Burger wrote:

> Does anyone know how to configure the  US Robotics 56K v.90 INT..
> I had configured the isapnp.conf file and Linux has recognized it, but I
> cannot access the modem in any port...
> Any help will be very much appreciated.
> Thank you!


From: Peter Eddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: cost of leased line in notting hill, London England
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 22:12:45 -0400

colin wrote:
> Could someone very kindly tell me if this seems a reasonable price for a
> leased line in Notting Hill, London England. Prices are in pounds sterling
> £2000 set up
> £8700 128k
> £12200 256k
> £17900 512k

I've heard that European connectivity prices were higher than in the
U.S. but these prices seem criminal.


From: Sung Soo Kang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Turtle Beach Montego II A3d
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 23:21:49 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Does anybody know how to configure kernel with the sound card or any other way

of setting it up? Please help me.

Sung Soo Kang
Address: 350 Prince-Arthur #2203, Montreal, Quebec H2X 3R4
Phone : (514)287-7546
ICQ: 8662591

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">

<pre>Does anybody know how to configure kernel with the sound card or any other 

<pre>of setting it up? Please help me.</pre>

Sung Soo Kang
Address: 350 Prince-Arthur #2203, Montreal, Quebec H2X 3R4
Phone : (514)287-7546
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]&nbsp;
ICQ: 8662591</pre>



From: "Jorge Padron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 Hardware Compatibility Questions
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 22:51:36 -0400

*** NEWBIE: No experience with Linux whatsoever ***

I'm planning to purchase Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 to install it on my home
computer. I currently run Windows 98SE (quite ~unstable~ I most say) and I
have an old hard drive that I made available to give Linux a try -- I am
planiing to dual boot Windows 98SE and Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 >>>>> IS THIS
POSSIBLE? <<<<<<<<

The problem I have is that I'm not sure if my hardware is going to be
compatible with Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 -- here's the list of stuff I have in
my system. Would anybody please let me know whether this is going to work at

+ ABUT BH6 motherboard with Intel Celeron 300Mhz

+ 128MB 100Mhz RAM

+ Two Maxtor IDE hard drives: Windows 98SE will stay on the first hard drive
and I'll install OpenLinux 2.2 on the second drive.

+ Toshiba ATAPI CD-ROM

+ Matrox Millenium G200 AGP 8MB video card

+ No network card

+ 3COM USR Courier V.Everything internal modem (I'm using the default
settings: are the default settings Plug and Play? Will this work or do I
need to manually set the IRQ, COM port, etc.?)

+ Creative SoundBlaster Live! Value sound card (I'm using the default
settings: are the default settings Plug and Play? Will this work or do I
need to manually set the IRQ, etc.?)

My main problem is that all my devices (video, sound, modem) are using the
default settings the way they come out-of-the-box, which I believe are in
"plug-and-play" mode. Can I just go ahead and install Caldera OpenLinux 2.2
like that without doing anyhting and expect everything to work fine,
including my modem and sound?  Or should instead open my computer case and
and manually set all IRQ, COM ports, etc?  I would very much prefer -not- to
have to touch anything inside my computer if at all possible.

Thank you in advance for your input,

J. Padron


From: Stuart Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Number Nine Revolution 3D PCI
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 22:16:50 -0500

I have a Number Nine Revolution 3D PCI video card that I have been
trying to get working with XFree86 without success.  Has anyone had any
success with this card?  I know that the AGP version is supported but I
have the PCI.

Stuart Johnston


From: Andy Johnstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: S3 Inc. Trio3D
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 23:21:34 -0400

Jesse, youll have to download the latest X at  that version has support for the
trio3d.  See the faq at their web site if you need morehelp.


Jesse Singh wrote:

> Hello I need some help setting up my video card.  It is a S3 Inc. Trio3D
> card.  I have RH6.0 CD, Standard packages that are on the CD.  Do I need
> to upgrade any files so that my card is supported?  I can't get anything
> better that 600x800 8 bit. Where can I get the apprpriate drivers.  I
> need a ftp site as I am behind a firewall and can't get access to port
> 80.
> any help would be appreciated.
> TIA Jess


Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 19:57:31 -0700
From: Tim Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Dual Pentium II shows as Dual Celeron...

Check your sspec number here
for details.  You appear to have a pair of 400MHz celerons that may have
the doubled L1 cache but no L2 as noted.  Without special pin rewiring
(e.g.- drilling and soldering), Slot-1 Celerons do not do SMP by
design.  Try timing some repeatable task that drives the cpu high with
both, then physically remove one and rerun.

Also xosview will show two CPU and IRQ stacks in SMP.  It may give you a
quick visual if SMP is working or not.  Launch more than one task since
most code is not multi-threaded.

You might also check to make sure you got what you think you bought.
timothymoore    "Everything is permitted.  Nothing is forbidden."
bigfoot                                            WS Burroughs.


From: Andy Johnstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Resurrection of old hard disk
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 23:25:59 -0400


If your drive is in fact defective, i recommend getting the data off it real
soon.  fsck may mark bad clusters as unusable, and it may have already..  At
anyrate if you do in fact have bad clusters, the rest of the drive is sure
to follow.  HDs going bad are usually rare, even after many years.


"Oliver D. Bedford" wrote:

> Hi!
>   I have here an old hardisk (I think a 2GB Quantum drive, SCSI 1?,
> taken from a HP 710 workstation) in an external SCSI-case. The controller
> is from Dawicontrol based on the NCR 53c875 (rev 4) with an internal
> 4GB IBM U-SCSI disk.
>   There exists the possibility that the old HD might be defective, if
> it“s the electronic or one of the disks itself I cannot tell. We had
> some problems on the the workstation.
>   I already connected the HD to my Linux box and two or three days
> there were no problems. Then I saw some messages in the xconsole and
> after a reboot Linux could not mount the drive. After extensive
> fsck“ing I could restore all the data on it, but that gave me a very
> bad feeling regarding the reliability of the drive.
>   Additionally I have an external 230MB MO-drive which I also want to
> connect to the PC.
>   What would be the right (i.e. safe) way to connect this drives to
> the PC?  The terminator is passive, could this cause any trouble? If
> the HD is defective, could a low-level format help? And how do I do
> it, then?
>   Any help appreciated.
>   TIA,
>         Oliver


From: Larry Ozarow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: An Acer Hole!
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 03:09:34 GMT


> If I can't find a driver for my Acer Scanner and Acer CD RW. I'll be Scanless and 
>there'll be a
> big hole where my CD-RW used to be. Can someone tell me how to set these things up 
>to work?
> --

What interfaces do they use? If the scanner is scsi see If it's 
not you
can pretty much fugettaboudid.

As for the CD-RW check the CD-Writing HOWTO, at
If it's scsi, it's easy, if it's ATAPI it's a little more work, but doable.



From: Andy Johnstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Looking for beginner system builder info
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 23:19:34 -0400


I just bought a linux only system myself (built it).  Here's what i got,
works wonderfully;

Diamond monster fusion (voodoo banshee chipset, you'll need the latest X
Epox atx motherboard EP-MVP3G.  Not that the poweroff on shutdown won't
work, but otherwise its fine.
2 168-pin 32mb DIMM (PC100) ram
AMD K6-2 450MHz (i've had no problems with it, despite some reports of it
not working on this NG)  My
    uptime is at about 72 hours, so i think something would have happened
by now.
AT keyboard with PS/2 adapter
ATX case, mid tower
generic 3.5" floppy
4.3Gb seagate HD UDMA/33
SB 64 Gold(?)
Realtek Ethernet adapter (if you want a home network)
Artec 3 button mouse
32 MAX cdrom...don't know who made it but as long as its ATAPI compatable
linux will like it.  I believe
    everything above 8x is atapi compatable
17" Digiview monitor

i llisted even obvious things, but that you can use this as a checklist
if you want.  By the way, im using RedHat Linux 6, it installed pretty
easily.  Hope that helps.


Matt Bucken wrote:

> Hey,
> I'm planning on building a system for win9?/Linux in the next few
> months, but I've got a lot to learn about hardware.  I've picked up
> some stuff by lurking on this news group, but would greatly appreciate
> it if someone could direct me to a good resource for beginner pc
> hardware info (focused on Linux woudl be great).
> My local Library does not seem to have anything current and I have had
> poor results trying to find something on the web that is up to date.
> Thanks,


From: Grant Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Which printer should I buy?
Date: 27 Aug 1999 23:22:37 -0400

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David A. Rogers) writes:

> On Sat, 21 Aug 1999, Ernst de Haan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> speaketh saying:
>> I know the HP DeskJet 895CXi is a very fast high-quality inkjet printer
>> that works fine with inferior operating systems like Win 0.95 and Win
>> 0.98 :-) but i don't know how well it performs under Linux.

> Check the how to on hardware compatibility at  Press the
> support button then choose the howto link.

Or, you can go straight to the Printing HOWTO's database at

Grant Taylor - gtaylor@picante<dot>com -
 Linux Printing HOWTO:
 Cellphone information:
 Libretto information:


From: Ken McCord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: RFI - Analog Modem Channel Bonding
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 23:24:08 -0400

Does anyone out there have any experience with bonding analog modems
together to improve throughput (ie two 28.8k modems bonded together to
get approximately 56k throughput)?

Some of the technologies I've been looking at are:

- Diamond's SupraSonic dual v.90 modems with 'Shotgun' technology. 
Anyone aware of a Linux driver for it?

- EQL.  Looks like you need the ISP to have either a Linux box or a
Livingston Portmaster with EQL support.

- slirp.  Need shell account on ISP and it runs on their box (not
something I can run on a Linux box being used as a router at home).

- Multi-link PPP.  Anyone aware of Linux support for MLPPP?


Ken McCord


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ray Kohler)
Subject: Re: HP 720C printer and Linux
Date: 28 Aug 1999 03:46:57 GMT

In article <N9Fx3.162$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Dave Rennie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Does anyone have any experience with getting the HP 720C printer running?
> It is listed in the HOWTO as partially compatible but I'm unable to get it
> to print even with cat <filename>  > /dev/lp0.  All the modules, daemons,
> printcap and filters are set up.  The parallel port works, lp seems to be
> configured, the queue works okay (I think) but nothing happens at the
> business end.

I have this printer, and I have it working (no color). As Dan Warren says
in another followup to your post, get pbm2ppa. I've had no luck getting
the spooler to integrate pbm2ppa, but the "print" and "printascii"
scripts one is instructed to make in the docs for pbm2ppa work great.



From: Guru Prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CDROM problems
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 03:53:41 +0000



I am using RedHat Linux 6.0 and i seem to have a wierd problem with my TEAC
Drive. I can mount the cdrom , read the files, play audio cds, but when i try
to do an
ls -l on a directory with many files my system hangs and i have to reset the
Can anyone shed some light into this problem ?



Crossposted-To: redhat.config,
Subject: Re: Sound Blaster Live - How do you Activate a sound card
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 03:35:38 +0000

There's a driver on Creative's developer site, but I couldn't get it to work
with RH6.  It said it was the wrong kernel version, but it does support
2.2.5.  I just put a cheap Ensoniq in there till someone writes a better

Reagan wrote:

> Hi People,
>      I recently installed Linux 6.0, and have been getting along with it
> relatively nicely with one major exception.  I can't get any sound.  I
> can't even find where to add a sound card driver or change settings.  My
> computer has a Sound Blaster Live (Value) card on it.  It wasn't listed on
> Linux's compatibility list, but c'mon... its Sound Blaster... I thought
> for sure some one would have a driver for Live! or that at least one of
> the sound blaster drivers would work.
> My question is... how do I install a driver for my Sound Blaster, and
> where do I find one for Live! if it exists.  Has anyone else tried to use
> Live! with linux?
> Reagan
> ------------------  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ------------------


From: Wei-shi Tsai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MaxiSound/ESS1868
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 22:03:31 -0500

Gertjan Zwartjes wrote:

> PLEASE, can anyone help me? I have a Maxisound soundcard (Guillemot
> MaxiSound 64 Dynamic 3D) which has an ESS1868 and a DREAM9407 chips onboard.
> It works fine with Windows and DOS, I can configure it with sndconfig but
> when the sample is played I don't hear a thing. Someone knows a driver or
> something???

I don't know about your MaxiSound, but the ESS1868 sound chipset must be set up
in a special way in your kernel. You must do these things for any sound to

1.  You must recompile your kernel to exclude the sound drivers, and compile the
sound drivers as modules.  (See the Kernel-HOWTO for information.)

2.  You must have at least kernel version 2.0.35 (I think)

3.  If your soundcard is ISA, you must have isapnptools.

See the file in /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/ESS1868.  It will tell you
how to set it up.

Good luck!
Wei-shi Tsai


Crossposted-To: comp.periphs.scsi
From: Ingmar Graesslin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Concern: Do SCSI Target mode drivers exist for Linux
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 13:00:48 GMT

Dear freaks,
I have following question:
Does Linux support SCSI target mode drivers and if yes for which SCSI
adapters ?

In the spec. SCSI was also inteded for the interconnection of computer
systems and not only for internal PC usage.
There are actually two problems that are currently not supported by SCSI

1. When I tried to become initiator (on home build DSP emulation of a
tape drive) on the SCSI bus and send data to another targen (HD) the
AHA2940 got so irritatated that it crashed. I heared that also for cache

coherency all data has first to go via CPU memory and then to its
Things get worse if two machines need to be coupled via two AHA2940. If
one resets the bus the other rescans the bus, ...
Only solution to my knowledge: implement a target driver youself which
definitely is no easy task. Maybe these drivers already exist in source
or also a comercially available product. Both things would be of
interest to me.

Hopefully I get some feedback (please mention for which adapter).

Till the next hack,
I. Graesslin


Subject: Re: Linux on an old Mac SE (or LC II)
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 03:51:03 GMT

Jeremy Fincher wrote:
> Will it work?  If it will, how will I get it to work?
I believe that you can run NetBSD on these.

I was thinking of trying this, and then I realized that I already own
too many computers.

Howard Christeller  Irvine, CA   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Re: Does the monitor matter?
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 03:41:25 GMT

> Hi all,
> Ok this is a very newbie question.  I'm just not very familiar with
> how hardware works.  I am buying a machine that uses the Diamond
> Viper 16MB TNT AGP card that is supported by Red Hat 6.0  My question
> is, does the type of monitor matter.  i.e. if I get a Trinitron 1600HS
> or a Trinitron 1000HS or a Dell P780, will it affect the working
> of my operating system.  As far as my limited knowledge of the
> working of the hardware goes it should not, because all the OS cares
> about is the video card, if it can talk too the video card, the
> video card should be able to talk to the monitor that it works with.
> Am I correct?

Well, yes and no.

The monitor has limits on the vertical and horizontal scanning
frequencies that it can use without damage.  Those scanning frequencies
may limit the usable screen resolution.  And the dot pitch limits the
number of pixels that you can actually see.  For example, my 17" monitor
can run at 1600x1280, but the pixel size is too close to the dot pitch
to be useful.  I run 1280x1024, and that's pushing a 17" display a bit. 
The 1152x8?? resolution found on Mac's and Sun's is easier on the eyes
for 17".

The resolution may be limited by the monitor, or by the graphics card. 
Make sure that BOTH support the mode that you want to use.

> Sorry if this is a little basic for someone with more depth of
> knowledge.

Everyone has to start with the basics.

Howard Christeller  Irvine, CA   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Arunas Salkauskas" <arunas@an!>
Crossposted-To: comp.infosystems.www.servers.misc,comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix
Subject: Re: Webserver specs needed...thanks
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 22:07:04 -0600

Even if it can't cache that much, it would be faster than accessing the HD.
- Arunas Salkauskas
High Point Designs

hac wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>shane wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm currently a MS#@t administrator running several NT boxes with IIS4.
>> I myself am building my own webserver for very high traffic, but like
>> many, Im on a budget. Also, I have limited experience with any flavor
>> other than NT. Anyway, what I have is the following (see below) but need
>> a question answered about the CPU, which really comes down to, "is it
>> enough"?
>> Pent 166 with 256 megs RAM (going to upgrade to 1gig), 1 ultra wide SCSI
>> HD for OS, and a RAID5 config. with 3 10Krpm Seagate Cheetah HD's.
>Can the motherboard cache that much RAM?  Most Pentium chipsets from
>Intel only cache 64MB, with the HX going up to 512MB.  Socket 7 chipsets
>from other vendors can do more.

Even if it can't cache that much, it would be faster than accessing the HD.
- Arunas Salkauskas
High Point Designs


Crossposted-To: comp.infosystems.www.servers.misc,comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix
Subject: Re: Webserver specs needed...thanks
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 04:01:49 GMT

shane wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm currently a MS#@t administrator running several NT boxes with IIS4.
> I myself am building my own webserver for very high traffic, but like
> many, Im on a budget. Also, I have limited experience with any flavor
> other than NT. Anyway, what I have is the following (see below) but need
> a question answered about the CPU, which really comes down to, "is it
> enough"?
> Pent 166 with 256 megs RAM (going to upgrade to 1gig), 1 ultra wide SCSI
> HD for OS, and a RAID5 config. with 3 10Krpm Seagate Cheetah HD's.
Can the motherboard cache that much RAM?  Most Pentium chipsets from
Intel only cache 64MB, with the HX going up to 512MB.  Socket 7 chipsets
from other vendors can do more.

> I'll be severing up mostly static web pages BUT will be doing some CGI
> (perl) stuff. I plan of course to use Apache as my webserver. Should I
> spend the extra "jack" on a new CPU and MotherBoard...or with the 1 gig
> RAM and RAID config, is this enough? ANY opinions or different
> configuration ideas  would be GREATLY appreciated ...peace
> Shane

Howard Christeller  Irvine, CA   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Jeff Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.laptops
Subject: Linux on Toshiba 2595xDVD ??
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 09:23:49 -0400


I'm planning on purchasing a Toshiba 2595xDVD
laptop and wanted to know if anyone has installed
Linux on one (or a similar model) successfully.
I'm not expecting the DVD drive to work but want to
make sure that Linux will boot and work with the 
internal modem.

The machine is a 400MHz Celeron with 64MB 
and a 6.4 GB disk. Display is 14.1" TFT.
Modem is V.90

Thanks in advance for any replies!

Oh, the machine will cost $1800 after taxes and 
includes a small printer. With purchase have to sign
up for 3 years of ISP service with Prodigy.

Jeff H.


From: Dermot Bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Graphics card with TV-Out under linux?
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 14:44:16 +0100


I looking for a SVGA card with a TV-Out connector for a new linux box
I'm building.

The ideal card would:
- be supported by the framebuffer drivers (VESA 2.0, ATI, Matrox, etc).
- be able to send the same display to both the VGA and TV-out ports.
- be able to work with no VGA monitor attached (i.e. on boot display to
the TV-Out).
- optionally, be able to select from software which of the ports (VGA
and TV-Out) the display appears on.

Does anyone have any recommendation on suitable cards?

Thanks in advance

Dermot Bradley                  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Wireless Data, Apion TSS Ltd    Tel: +44 1232 269190
Belfast, Northern Ireland       Fax: +44 1232 269111



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