Linux-Hardware Digest #831, Volume #12            Tue, 9 May 00 21:13:05 EDT

  Re: ATA/66 accessed as ATA/33 ? (bgeer)
  signal processing for non specialists
  changeing irq's ("s_gallaghan")
  Re: Abit BP6 stability (Dave Thompson)
  Re: Abit BP6 stability (Alex Lam)
  Re: 8390-based NIC w/DMA?? ("Joachim Ring")
  Re: Athlon Locks in Linux?!?! (Alex Lam)
  Newbie -- LS120 (Richard Maiello)
  Re: changeing irq's (mst)
  Canon BJC-240 (theCelt)
  Re: Xmms Installation - missing file (Peter Polman)
  Re: Xmms Installation - missing file (John McKown)
  Re: Lexmark Optra 40 will not print in RH linux 6.1 (Kevin Stevens)
  Broken HPT366? (Jamie Guinan)
  Broken HPT366? (Jamie Guinan)
  Re: Newbie -- LS120 (Dances With Crows)
  Strange Network Adapter--Please Help! (Andrew Daugherity)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (bgeer)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: ATA/66 accessed as ATA/33 ?
Date: 9 May 2000 15:09:59 -0600

Sandhitsu R Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 >I'm buying a system with ATA/66 HDD. I hear that linux doesn't yet support
 >ATA/66. Till it does, won't it use the disk as an ATA/33 ?

I recently benchmarked a K6-3 on a VIA-based EPOX m'board with a
Samsung 4gig ATA-66 capable disk drive using kernel 2.2.13 from
Slackware 7.  The system installed & ran with no problems.  I patched
the kernel source to include ATA-33, which also ran with no problems.

My "benchmark" was compiling the kernel; ATA-33 decreased the compile
time from 3:47 to 3:40, a whopping 3% improvement.  This is in the
same ballpark as a 6% performance increase claimed by someone who
patched a kernel to ATA-66.

I don't consider a kernel compile in 64M of ram a significant disk
benchmark.  It does show me that, given how I use computers, ide
vs. ATA-66 vs. scsi makes little difference.

<> Robert Geer & Donna Tomky  |               *             <>
<>    [EMAIL PROTECTED]      |    _o      *   o *      o   <>
<>    [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |   -\<,      * <\      </L   <>
<> Salt Lake City, Utah  USA  |   O/ O     __ /__,    />    <>


Subject: signal processing for non specialists
Date: Tue, 9 May 2000 23:24:35 +0200

signal processing for non specialists


On this site you will find information (downloadable files, links with added
value, little tools like a fractionnal multiplier ) to help you to design a
little signal processing system. It's not a site for super-specialists, but
for people they want to learn the basics in this area.
Thank you,


From: "s_gallaghan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: changeing irq's
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 02:26:19 +1200

I am trying to get my modem working. linux (turbolinux) is finding the port
correctly but not the irq (it says irq 2 when it is irq 9).
I have tried using
 setserial /dev/modem irq 9
 setserial /dev/ttyS2 irq 9

but it isn't changing the irq.
i.e. if I do a setserial /dev/modem it is still set to 2.

how can I get it to change????


From: Dave Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Abit BP6 stability
Date: Tue, 09 May 2000 22:14:02 GMT

I too had many lockups with a dual celeron setup until I flashed the
latest bios.  An unattended machine runing seti would lockup every
couple of days -- that same machine, after the 'flash' has been up 15
days now.

The same board in another pc, with only one celeron, is ultra stable --
it's been months since I had a lockup  (i.e. no lockup since I removed
the second celeron).  When I have reason to take that machine down (my
firewall), I'll flash the bios in that machine too.

Dave Thompson

Hal Burgiss wrote:
> On Tue, 09 May 2000 06:25:04 -0700, John Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >I've noticed a range of reports on this mainboard, having read opinions
> >indicating extreme reliability to extreme flakiness.
> I have had many lockups and tried many 'cures'. I am apparently now
> mostly stable since flashing QQ BIOS in late Feb. Only one lockup since
> then. This is a big improvement.
> >I'm curious how much of the flakiness might be due to the use of the
> >ATA channels on the mainboard. In other words, if you run an all-SCSI
> >system, will you notice any improvement in stability with this
> >mainboard?
> Can't say, as I am all IDE. There were Linux IDE<>SMP problems that were
> fixed in 2.2.14.
> >Also, does the type of memory make a diffference? I generally run the
> >best I can get my hands on (within economic reason :-). Does the SMP
> >operation of the board necessitate ECC memory? I'm running non-ECC
> >PC100 memory in my current setup that I'd like to recycle in a BP6, if
> >it will work reliably with the board.
> Good quality components are very important IMO. I don't think ECC RAM is
> a requirement though. Spend extra on a good Power Supply.
> >
> >I'd love to use this board for my next setup, but am very hesitant to
> >just jump in with it because of some of the tragic experiences that
> >I've read.
> I would have a hard time recommending it for any serious work for
> reasons you mention. While there are many who have had good experiences,
> the sheer number of problems is something to consider. I fought weekly
> lockups from Oct to late Feb. This is the only board that I know of that
> has its own mailing list dedicated to solving intractable problems.
> Worth noting that running X seemed to be a problem for many. SCSI + no
> X, seemed to be more reliable.
> --
> Hal B
> --


From: Alex Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Abit BP6 stability
Date: Tue, 09 May 2000 15:30:34 -0700

John Hagen wrote:
> Good morning,
> I've noticed a range of reports on this mainboard, having read opinions
> indicating extreme reliability to extreme flakiness.
> I'm curious how much of the flakiness might be due to the use of the ATA
> channels on the mainboard. In other words, if you run an all-SCSI system,
> will you notice any improvement in stability with this mainboard?
> Also, does the type of memory make a diffference? I generally run the best
> I can get my hands on (within economic reason :-). Does the SMP operation
> of the board necessitate ECC memory? I'm running non-ECC PC100 memory in
> my current setup that I'd like to recycle in a BP6, if it will work
> reliably with the board.
I don't have the Abit board yet. But I've been running two Asus
SMP boxes for a couple of years.
I found high quality memory  works better. ECC is not
necessary, unless you want to go with more than 256MB.

Abit has also released its own Gentus-Linux 2.0 distro. It's
optimized for all Abit mobo, with native ata66 supports, soft
RAID, VIA chip sets, SMP, amongst other things.

You can download it for free. According to the Abit web site. A
CD-ROM version will comes with all Abit mobo later this month. 

You can read about it and download the Gentus Linux

> I'd love to use this board for my next setup, but am very hesitant to just
> jump in with it because of some of the tragic experiences that I've read.
Yeah, especially now the Celeron 500 is dirt cheap.
Yes, I've read both good and bad things about this board as
well. Asus SMP boards are extremely nice, but a bit pricy,
especially for a toy box.

Alex Lam.

-remove the YYY from email address if reply by email.
> Cheers,
> --
> john hagen ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> =================================


From: "Joachim Ring" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 8390-based NIC w/DMA??
Date: Tue, 9 May 2000 18:40:30 +0200

Andrew Daugherity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:

> I've got a NIC, Thomas-Conrad TC5045 (16-bit ISA).  It is 8390-based;
> the main chip is an 83932, and it has an 8392 near the bnc port.  (These
> seem to identify it as 8390-based, according to the Ethernet-HOWTO).
> One strange thing is that there is a jumper to set the DMA, which is not
> present on NE2000 boards.  Under Linux, 'insmod 8390' works, but 'insmod
> ne' returns "Device or resource busy", even if I supply the io and irq.

well, the 8390 module not flinching is a good thing, iirc, there's quite a
lot more nic types based on it & the 8390.o is used by all of these drivers.
the wd 8003/13 and the 3c503 being are just some of the more prominent
besides ne2k. maybe try some of these drivers...



From: Alex Lam <"here,there">
Subject: Re: Athlon Locks in Linux?!?!
Date: Tue, 09 May 2000 15:52:44 -0700

jurgyman wrote:
> hey bp and anyone with Athlon,
> see below context.....
> how did you get your athlon system stable? i have K7 700MHZ, Abit
> KA7 ... and locks up regularly in linux. not too bad in windoze!
> just upgrade to 300 WATT PS, a  little better, but not much!
> I have two PC100 64mb DIMMS...
> seems to reliably lock when i play sound (mp3)?!?!
> i dont have much hair left...
> ideaz?
Maybe you should try the Gentus-Linux 2.0, released by Abit.
It's said to be optimized for Abit mobos.

Details and free download from

Alex Lam.
> --------------------------------------------
>   Re: K7 Athlon 700 or BP6 dual celeron
> Ed Jamison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   Steer clear of celeron, try the athlon...
> Definitely do the athlon - too many people are having problems
> with the
> abit board, both in and out of linux-land. A friend of mine just
> spent a
> week trying to get his stable, to no avail (w/o overclocking at
> all).
> On the other hand, mine works flawlessly after about a week of
> severe
> pain shuffling cards and hard drives.
> -bp
> * Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network *
> The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free!


From: Richard Maiello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Newbie -- LS120
Date: Tue, 09 May 2000 18:42:47 -0400


    Will someone please explain, step by step and in plain English, how
to get my LS 120 drive to work under Mandrake 7.0?  I'm running on an
AMD K6-II 400 MHz, with Award 4.51 PG BIOS (which does support LS 120).
During startup, Linux recognizes the LS 120, but I can't seem to
actually use it.  I've tried a couple of things suggested by other
newsgroups, but I must be doing something wrong.  Any help



Subject: Re: changeing irq's
Date: Tue, 09 May 2000 18:52:54 -0400

s_gallaghan wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying to get my modem working. linux (turbolinux) is finding the port
> correctly but not the irq (it says irq 2 when it is irq 9).
> I have tried using
>  setserial /dev/modem irq 9
> and
>  setserial /dev/ttyS2 irq 9
> but it isn't changing the irq.
> i.e. if I do a setserial /dev/modem it is still set to 2.
> how can I get it to change????

(crossposting deleted)
Firstly, irq9 for a modem is suspect: are you certain it's not a
Secondly: on PC architecture, irq2 and irq9 are one and the same (irq2
is used to cascade the second interrupt controller via irq9).



From: theCelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Canon BJC-240
Date: Tue, 09 May 2000 23:17:11 GMT

Good day -

I am running Mandrake 7.0 and would like to get my Canon BJC-240
working there.  However, I can find no documentation other than The
Linux Printing HOWTO on it.  Unfortunately, they do not say how to get
this printer to work under Linux.

I tried printtool, but the printer is not listed, but the BJ-240 is.
Does this mean that my printer should do at least bw?  Does anyone know
if it is possible to get this printer to work?   I hate to buy a new

Thanks for hearing me out and any advice you can throw my way.



Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Peter Polman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Xmms Installation - missing file
Date: Tue, 09 May 2000 16:58:58 -0700

Daezz wrote:

> thanks for the site.. i just aint sure which one to get.. i am new to all
> this linux stuff.. so which one should i download and how do i install it?

Try and look under index by name. You'll find that
the files are coded by distribution. You'll find that there are several versions
available, try to match to your Redhat 6.0 or try one of the Mandrake versions.
All the dependencies are listed when you get to the download region.
Use "rpm -ivvh libxml*" to install from the command line or use kpackage from X
windows if you have it intalled.
Try "man rpm" for info on rpm if you have the man documentation installed or
"rpm --help".
Visit one of many sites for info how to use rpm. Redhat's CD will have the
documentation on it as well.

Real address is peterp the domain is internorth and that's "com"


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John McKown)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Xmms Installation - missing file
Date: Tue, 9 May 2000 18:53:55 -0500

On Tue, 9 May 2000 07:31:33 -0400, Daezz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I am trying to install xmms on a red hat 6.0 system. xmms is like winamp for
>linux. When i run the rpm file i get a message telling me that ""
>is missing and is needed to install xmms.
>Does anyone know where to get this file or where to look for it on the red
>hat cd? Which package should I install in order to install !!

Go to Click on "go directly to RPM database". 
Click on "index by name". Click on "packages beginning with the letter L".
Find the "libxml" section. I'm running with libxml-1.7.3-1mdk. This is
from Mandrake, but Mandrake is an enhanced version of RedHad and it works
for me. You might want to get the libxml-devel-... package as well.



From: Kevin Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.periphs.printers
Subject: Re: Lexmark Optra 40 will not print in RH linux 6.1
Date: Tue, 9 May 2000 16:51:40 -0700

In article <8f73pe$rgu$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> and as advertised. The only problem I have found is if you use Windows
> 2000 as it uses a Microsoft proprietary LPR  that doens't seem
> compatiable with anything but thats about on par with course with them
> :)
> Good Luck, Fletch

Mine works perfectly under 2000 with the Postscript driver from Lexmark's page.



From: Jamie Guinan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.abit
Subject: Broken HPT366?
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 00:19:20 GMT

I suspect I have a broken HPT366 chip or motherboard, but I wanted
to see if anyone else had similar problems.

I have an Abit BP-6, dual celeron 466's (not overclocked),
with the HPT 366 chip on-board.  The chip reads,

  HighPoint JAPAN
  9920 L010

(incidentally, I noticed on 
 that some chips seem to have newer "lot" numbers).

And I have three hard drives: 
  Maxtor 52049U4 (x2)

I've tried various combinations of the Quantum and the Maxtors
on the two HPT IDE channels, and in every case, devices on the
first HPT IDE channel are not recognized by the BIOS, nor by 
Linux 2.3.99pre6 (probably as a consequence of the BIOS not 
initializing them). For example, with the Quatum on the plain
IDE channel and one Maxtor on each HPT channel, Linux reports 
the following (my comments in []'s),

  HPT366: onboard version of chipset, pin1=1 pin2=2
  HPT366: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 98
  HPT366: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
      ide2: BM-DMA at 0xb400-0xb407, BIOS settings: hde:pio, hdf:pio
                                                       [^^^ bad]
  HPT366: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 99
  HPT366: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
      ide3: BM-DMA at 0xc000-0xc007, BIOS settings: hdg:DMA, hdh:pio
                                                       [^^^ good]

  hdc: CR-4802TE, ATAPI CDROM drive
  hdg: Maxtor 52049U4, ATA DISK drive
  ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
  ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
  [ide2 (first HPT channel) not reported!]
  ide3 at 0xb800-0xb807,0xbc02 on irq 11
  hda: 25429824 sectors (13020 MB) w/418KiB Cache, CHS=1582/255/63,
  hdg: 40020624 sectors (20491 MB) w/2048KiB Cache, CHS=39703/16/63,

The second channel works fine, with any of the individual drives,
or with two drives on the same channel (master/slave).  I want 
to take advantage of software RAID-0, and my impression is
that one-drive-per-channel is they way to go.

I tried three different UDMA/66 cables (80 wires, blue end on 
the mobo), with no difference. 

I upgraded my flash with BP6_NJ.BIN (1.21 I believe), so I get
the Blue HPT bios screen, but devices on the first HPT channel
are still not being detected.

So my questions are:  
Is there anything I can do to get drives deteced on the first
  HPT channel?
Am I missing something?
Do you think my HPT366 is broken?

Thanks in advance,


From: Jamie Guinan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.abit
Subject: Broken HPT366?
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 00:23:20 GMT

I suspect I have a broken HPT366 chip or motherboard, but I wanted
to see if anyone else had similar problems.

I have an Abit BP-6, dual celeron 466's (not overclocked),
with the HPT 366 chip on-board.  The chip reads,

  HighPoint JAPAN
  9920 L010

(incidentally, I noticed on 
 that some chips seem to have newer "lot" numbers).

And I have three hard drives: 
  Maxtor 52049U4 (x2)

I've tried various combinations of the Quantum and the Maxtors
on the two HPT IDE channels, and in every case, devices on the
first HPT IDE channel are not recognized by the BIOS, nor by 
Linux 2.3.99pre6 (probably as a consequence of the BIOS not 
initializing them). For example, with the Quatum on the plain
IDE channel and one Maxtor on each HPT channel, Linux reports 
the following (my comments in []'s),

  HPT366: onboard version of chipset, pin1=1 pin2=2
  HPT366: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 98
  HPT366: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
      ide2: BM-DMA at 0xb400-0xb407, BIOS settings: hde:pio, hdf:pio
                                                       [^^^ bad]
  HPT366: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 99
  HPT366: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
      ide3: BM-DMA at 0xc000-0xc007, BIOS settings: hdg:DMA, hdh:pio
                                                       [^^^ good]

  hdc: CR-4802TE, ATAPI CDROM drive
  hdg: Maxtor 52049U4, ATA DISK drive
  ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
  ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
  [ide2 (first HPT channel) not reported!]
  ide3 at 0xb800-0xb807,0xbc02 on irq 11
  hda: 25429824 sectors (13020 MB) w/418KiB Cache, CHS=1582/255/63,
  hdg: 40020624 sectors (20491 MB) w/2048KiB Cache, CHS=39703/16/63,

The second channel works fine, with any of the individual drives,
or with two drives on the same channel (master/slave).  I want 
to take advantage of software RAID-0, and my impression is
that one-drive-per-channel is they way to go.

I tried three different UDMA/66 cables (80 wires, blue end on 
the mobo), with no difference. 

I upgraded my flash with BP6_NJ.BIN (1.21 I believe), so I get
the Blue HPT bios screen, but devices on the first HPT channel
are still not being detected.

So my questions are:  
Is there anything I can do to get drives deteced on the first
  HPT channel?
Am I missing something?
Do you think my HPT366 is broken?

Thanks in advance,


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: Newbie -- LS120
Date: 09 May 2000 20:30:53 EDT

On Tue, 09 May 2000 18:42:47 -0400, Richard Maiello 
<<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:
>    Will someone please explain, step by step and in plain English, how
>to get my LS 120 drive to work under Mandrake 7.0?  I'm running on an
>AMD K6-II 400 MHz, with Award 4.51 PG BIOS (which does support LS 120).
>During startup, Linux recognizes the LS 120, but I can't seem to
>actually use it.  I've tried a couple of things suggested by other
>newsgroups, but I must be doing something wrong. what sort of error messages do you get when you try to use the
thing?  Those might help a bit.  ANyway:

0.  Find out where the LS-120 drive is.  DUring boot, the kernel should
spit out a message like "hdd: ATAPI LS-120 drive".  Remember what showed
up in front of the "LS-120 drive".  The kernel's boot messages are stored
in /var/log/ somewhere, usually with a filename of "boot.log" or
1.  Insert a formatted LS-120 disk.
2.  Become root
3.  mkdir /mnt/ls120     (only do this once!)
4.  mount /dev/hdX /mnt/ls120     (replace X with the LS-120's actual
"drive letter")

If that worked, then the files on the LS-120 disk will now be accessible
under /mnt/ls120.

Matt G / Dances With Crows              \###| You have me mixed up with more
There is no Darkness in Eternity         \##| creative ways of being stupid,
But only Light too dim for us to see      \#| as I have to run nothing but a
(Unless, of course, you're working with NT)\| burp in the butt.  --MegaHAL


From: Andrew Daugherity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Strange Network Adapter--Please Help!
Date: Tue, 09 May 2000 19:54:32 -0500

I have this TC5045 network adapter, which seems to be the same as the
MCA TC5046
except in an ISA version (actually I
bought a box of six for $5).  It came with a manual and a 5-1/4 floppy,
but all that's
on there is the diagnostic (useful!) and odi/netware drivers (not
useful).  Compaq's
site doesn't have anything more.  It is a Thomas-Conrad TC5045 16-bit
ethernet controller.  I have it jumpered to use io 0x300, irq 10, and
dma 7, and the
etools program agrees these are the settings, and reports the ethernet
address to be

When I try to use it in Linux, here's what happens:
[root@hades6 /root]# modprobe 8390

(not necessary for the 82596 module, but it does load without

[root@hades6 /root]# modprobe 82596
eth0: 82596 at 0x300, C4 DC 1A C0 20 CA IRQ 10.
82596.c:v1.0 15/07/98
eth0: lp at 0xc0fb7c80, lp->scb at 0xc0fb7c94

(what's this about lp?  I thought lp was for printers).

[root@hades6 /root]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/network start
Bringing up interface lo                                   [  OK  ]
Bringing up interface eth0 eth0: i596_open() irq 10.
eth0: init_rx_bufs 16.
eth0: starting i82596.
eth0: i82596 initialization timed out with status 0000, cmd 0000.
eth0: receive unit start timed out with status 0000, cmd 0100.
i82596 init timed out with status 0000, cmd 0010.
eth0: set multicast list, 0 entries, promisc OFF, allmulti OFF
eth0: set multicast list, 1 entries, promisc OFF, allmulti OFF
eth0: Adding address 01:00:5e:00:00:01
eth0: set multicast list, 1 entries, promisc OFF, allmulti OFF
eth0: Adding address 01:00:5e:00:00:01
eth0: set multicast list, 1 entries, promisc OFF, allmulti OFF
eth0: Adding address 01:00:5e:00:00:01
                                                           [  OK  ]
[root@hades6 /root]#

Note that the ethernet addresses it reports are not the same as the one
reported by
the utility.

More info on the card:
The largest chip (it's a weird kind of socket--looks like a socket for
surface-mount chips) is labeled SONIC S9330AK and also has DP83932 on

There is a 16-pin chip with the SONIC logo and "P9330" and also DP8392
near the
BNC port.

There are 14 other chips on the board, most 20-pin and some 24-pin.
I noticed that a pin is cut on a chip marked GAL16V8A-15LNC; it looks
deliberate.  There are two of these chips; the other one does not have a
cut pin.

Note that there is not any chip marked "intel" or "82596" on the board.

Sorry I don't have a digital camera to take a picture of it.

Thanks is advance for any help.

--Andrew D.

Jeff Sumner wrote:

  Linux standard "Apricot" (for the 82596)driver loads and finds the
right interrupt,
  but doesn't
  go on the network. Yet.

  Jeff Sumner wrote:

  > The only mention of the chipset is in a MIPS specific driver. Hmm.
MIPS and
  > Sounds good to me.
  > Jeff Sumner wrote:
  > > Badabing! This is the beast. No, not Token Ring. Hope to find
Linux drivers.
  > >
  > > Thank you!
  > >
  > > Rich wrote:
  > >
  > > > Jeff Sumner wrote:
  > > > >
  > > > > Strange NIC not mentioned on Louis's site-
  > > > >
  > > > > Thomas-Conrad TC5046-T
  > > > >
  > > > > Microchannel, looks like babynet... I'm a lookin' for info.
  > > > >
  > > > > JD
  > > >
  > > > Is this a Token Ring card, what is the ADF, may not be in master
  > > > [purch by COMPAQ]
  > > >

  > > > Cheers  Rich



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