Linux-Hardware Digest #831, Volume #14           Sun, 27 May 01 16:13:21 EDT

  Re: Resize the swap file? (Michael Heiming)
  smartlink linmodem driver problem (Manfred Vogelgesang)
  Re: Serial port expansion board recommendation? (Matt Majka)
  AD : Multichannel OD Test Cards For Sale £25 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: copy floppy with 8k-sector using fdrawcmd ("Tauno Voipio")
  Re: Resize the swap file? (LRW)
  home web/file server specs? ("Steven")
  tape backup malfunction (Gary Krupa)
  Re: tape backup malfunction (Bob Martin)
  Re: Back up in Linux (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Back up in Linux (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Support for winmodem in Linux (Bob Martin)
  New PC, please help (Mr Belod)
  Re: Resize the swap file? (Bob Martin)
  Re: home web/file server specs? (Trevor Hemsley)
  Re: Resize the swap file? (LRW)
  rh 7.1 big install problem ("alik blochin")
  Re: ZIP drive (ferrante)
  Trying to add RAM to my old Pentium 133MHz machine (Rajesh Radhakrishnan)
  Re: home web/file server specs? ("Steven")


Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 17:30:38 +0200
From: Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Resize the swap file?

Brian Davis wrote:
> There's no way to put that reclaimed space in the root partition, is there?
> Thanks,
> Brian

Unless you're using LVM (Logical Volume Manager) I fear there is no
However, you can mount the reclaimed space where you like.

Michael Heiming


From: Manfred Vogelgesang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: smartlink linmodem driver problem
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 17:39:58 +0200


To my surprise, I finally found a linmodem driver for my aztech
mr-2800w internal modem at (dated may 9 2001)!
It's called

This seemed to be great news, for so far I had been unable to use my
modem riser under linux (while the smartlink as well as the aztech
drivers for this modem card work fine under windows).
still lists my modem as unsupported, by the way.

I looked through the "readme.txt" and found that it requires (among
others a VIA686 mainboard, which I do have), a kernel 2.2.16 or higher
(I have 2.4.3) and for instance a suse 6.4 distribution (that's what
my most recent system is based upon).

I followed the instructions to install the drivers (kernel modules
etc.), but unfortunately, I got unresolved symbols in all of the
linmodem modules (sl*.o).

So I decided on trying a 2.2.16 kernel (which the readme.txt mentions
as the system where the rpms were tested and worked!).

But although I now had a 2.2.16 kernel, a suse 6.4 system and a VIA686
mainboard, there was no success! The modules still had unresolved
symbols and could not be loaded!

I am not very optimistic that many people might be able to answer me,
but perhaps someone already knows about these new drivers
(unfortunately binary-only, of course), the problem with the
unresolved symbols etc. and may have some helpful idea?

Many thanks


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matt Majka)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.embedded
Subject: Re: Serial port expansion board recommendation?
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 10:53:13 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pete Zaitcev) wrote:

> > > I'm looking for a PCI 8-port serial expansion card that supports
> > > baud rates from 9600bps to at least 115.2kbps (preferably higher)
> > > with linux drivers available.  Does anyone have a favorite vendor
> > > for this type of card?  I looked at a couple vendors listed on
> > >, but wanted to see what people have experience
> > > with.
> > 
> > I don't have direct experience with it (yet), but the KeySpan 49W 4
port USB to
> > serial device is supposed to be well supported with newer 2.4.x kernels
> > (evidently KeySpan helped in writing the driver).  It claims data
rates up to
> > 920 Kbps per port.
> The poster said plainly that he wanted a PCI board.
> I think it implied "no USB shit, please".
> He wanted a Cyclades, probably.
> -- Pete

Yep.  USB won't work for me.  I need to communicate with
several RS-232 devices ranging from 9600bps to 115.2kbps.
Just a bunch of command/status messaging between some
custom software and some navigation sensors in a NASA lab.



Subject: AD : Multichannel OD Test Cards For Sale £25
Date: 27 May 2001 16:21:18 GMT

email for info


From: "Tauno Voipio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: copy floppy with 8k-sector using fdrawcmd
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 16:29:56 GMT

"Markus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Now I've reached a point, where I need help... :-(
> I'm trying to copy a floppy-disk, with a standard DOS-format
> (80 cyls, 18 sectors/cyl.) and one "non-standard"-track:
> head 0, cyl.22 contains sectors 1 to 12 and 18. Moreover,
> sector 18 seems to have 8k.
> First, I duplicated the floppy using a MS***-tool ignoring the
> error-message concerning cylinder 22.
> I switched to linux and formatted track 22 using
> $ fdrawcmd format 0 2 18 0x1b 0xf6 track=22 < input1
> # "input1" is a binary file containing:
> -----------
> 16 00 01 02
> 16 00 02 02
> 16 00 03 02
> ...
> 16 00 0C 02
> 16 00 12 06   <-- the modification
> 16 00 10 02
> 16 00 11 02
> 16 00 0D 02
> 16 00 0E 02
> 16 00 0F 02
> -----------
> and fdutils is version 5.3
> and wrote the first sectors using
> $ fdrawcmd write 0 22 0 1 2 0 0x1b 0xff length=6144 need_seek track=22 <
> # "input2" was just of dump from the original disk.
> At this point I check the copied disk with
> $fdrawcmd readid 0 track=22 need_seek repeat=20
> and got sectors 1 to 12 followed by 18,13,14,15,16,17 -- fine!
> Now the trouble starts: after writing the remaining sector with
> $ fdrawcmd write 0  22 0 18 6 0 0x1b 0xff length=512 track=22 no-mt <
> # you guess: "input3" is the corresponding dump....
> and checking the available sectors again, I found only
> sectors 6,7,8,9,10,11,12 and 18 --- what happened to #1 to 5??????
> And how can I prevent this effect????
> Any hint, either to this board or via mail appreciated.

A usual trick for many copy-protection schemes is to format one sector with
weird size and / or address. It seems to me that you're overwriting the
sectors 1 to 5 when writing the oversize sector. There is only 5 * 512 bytes
= 2560 bytes (+ gaps and headers) of data space for the 8 kbyte sector.

You should probably avoid writing the extra-size sector, if possible. Also,
it seems to me unnecessary to format the sectors 13 to 17.

Tauno Voipio
tauno voipio @ iki fi


Subject: Re: Resize the swap file?
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 11:47:08 -0500

Well I wouldn't think so, but I didn't know if Linux had some builtin
partition utility that would do it. I don't think Partition Magic will
will it?


Brian Davis wrote:
> There's no way to put that reclaimed space in the root partition, is there?
> Thanks,
> Brian
> "Chris Elvidge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Liam Watts wrote:
> > >
> > > I've been monitoring my swap file, and it almost never gets over 5%
> > > used.
> > > I have 128 MB RAM and 250 MB swap file. That's a lot of unused HD space
> > > I'd like to get back.
> > >
> > > Is there a way to resize that partition and reapply the space to the
> > > root partition? Or at least take a chunk of it as another partition?
> > >
> > > Thanks for any assistance!!
> > >
> > > Liam
> >
> > Single mode. Swapoff. Fdisk. Delete swap partition. New patritions size
> > x and 250-x. Make one type 83, other 82. Write and quit. mkswap
> > /dev/hd{whatever}. Swapon. Reboot. makefs /dev/hd{otherwhatever}.


From: "Steven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: home web/file server specs?
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 17:03:17 GMT

I am fairly new to linux but quickly becoming a total convert...  Could
someone please give me some advice on what type of hardware I would need for
a home based web/file/ftp server?  It would probably have an avg of 3 users
from the lan side with a rare max of 8 or so users and maybe 5 - 10 users
accessing it from the outside at any given time.  I would like it to be able
to handle cgi without too much fuss as well.  Should I set up different
machines to accomplish these tasks?  What kind of lag would people
experience if someone was using the server as a workstation?

Thanks for any and all help :).



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,alt.os.linux
From: Gary Krupa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Gary Krupa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: tape backup malfunction
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 17:10:17 GMT

I have an HP Colorado tape backup drive, linux 2.2.9. Before I was able to
access any block on the tape just by issuing the command "mt -f /dev/nht0
seek <block no.>". Now when I issue that command, the tape only advances to
block no. 1. The tape will only advance one block at a time if I use a
command such as eof. The command bsf will always rewind to block 0.
Previously written starting blocks are inaccessible and therefore I can't
access the data that I've already backed up to the tape.

Has the tape been erased? Or are these read errors? I've just tried
retensioning the tape a few times, with no effect. And I haven't erased the
tape on my own. Does the drive need to be cleaned, or is it defective? I'd
appreciate any advice offered. The security of my data is compromised.

Gary Krupa


From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: tape backup malfunction
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 12:52:16 -0500

Gary Krupa wrote:
> I have an HP Colorado tape backup drive, linux 2.2.9. Before I was able to
> access any block on the tape just by issuing the command "mt -f /dev/nht0
> seek <block no.>". Now when I issue that command, the tape only advances to
> block no. 1. The tape will only advance one block at a time if I use a
> command such as eof. The command bsf will always rewind to block 0.
> Previously written starting blocks are inaccessible and therefore I can't
> access the data that I've already backed up to the tape.
> Has the tape been erased? Or are these read errors? I've just tried
> retensioning the tape a few times, with no effect. And I haven't erased the
> tape on my own. Does the drive need to be cleaned, or is it defective? I'd
> appreciate any advice offered. The security of my data is compromised.
> Gary Krupa

Cleaning the drive is definitely worth a shot. I've had tape drives on openVMS
boxes that refused to work until the cleaning cartridge was passed through.

Bob Martin


Subject: Re: Back up in Linux
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 17:53:39 GMT

"Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Investigator wrote:
> > 
> > The short answer is "yes".
> > 
> > More detail is needed, however, to explain the process.
> > 
> > Importantly, you do *not* want to back up any draconian system (like Linux)
> > while it is active with a full-bore "tar czf /dev/whatever/BACKUP.tgz /*"
> This is true of ALL operating systems, including losedos.

perhaps not MS-DOS.  but then you could honestly argue that it is not
fully an operating system.

J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
Don't Fear the Penguin!


Subject: Re: Back up in Linux
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 17:55:30 GMT

"Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Jerry Wong wrote:
> > 
> > I used to backup the windows by Ghost software. In linux, can the command "tar"
> > be used like Ghost. I means to backup the whole Linux system by tar it and
> > restore it when necessary. I have windows98 and two Linux system in my PC
> > (Red Hat 7.0 and Mandrake 8.0), so I can tar one of them when running the other.
> > 
> > Is it possible? Please give me some advice.
> tar is okay for groups of files, but NOT good for the entire system.
> learn to use dump, and/or BRU or Arkeia.

dump is not a sufficient solution either.  linus had a few comments
about this on linux-kernel about a month ago.  it seems that the only
way to get a clean snapshot of the disk partition is to unmount it
first and then save.  this is especially true of the journalling

J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
Don't Fear the Penguin!


From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Support for winmodem in Linux
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 12:55:30 -0500

Zardal wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a Creative Modem-Blaster 56K, Internal PCI (DI5655). Is there
> a Linux driver for this modem (I didn't find one at
> If not, are there any 56K internal PCI winmodems with Linux drivers?
> Thanks,
> Chaim.

Modems do not need drivers unless it is a winmodem. You can try at,
there are a few being worked on.

Bob Martin


From: Mr Belod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: New PC, please help
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 14:18:16 -0400


I plan to buy a new PC for use as a home desktop.
Below is a tentative spec. I would like to know if Linux can be
installed on such a configuration. Is there components
for which drivers are not available? Is there components
for which it will not be possible to exploit all the functionality?

Creative Labs SoundBlaster Livw II Value, PCI 1024 Voice, (with SPDIF
digital out) Bulk
Altec Lansing ACS 45.2 Speaker Set, 2 Satellites (12 Watts each) and 1
Subwoofer (20 W)
Quantum Fireball AS 30GB Ultra ATA/100 7200RPM, 2MB cache, 20GB/platter
ATI All-IN-Wonder Radeon, 32MB, Video capture, Video output, TV tuner,
H/W DVD, 2D/3D accelerator OEM
Pentium 4/1.4GHz retail box (Intel heat sink & fan) + 128MS PC800 RDRAM
Sony G500 21" Flat Display Trinitron 0.24dp 2048x1536@75Hz
HP 9350i 10X/4X/32X internal IDE CDRW retail package W/Software
Pioneer 5th Generation 16X internal DVD drive (IDE) (40X CDROM) tray
Intel AD850GB (Pentium 4) RDRAM support, built-in LAN



From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Resize the swap file?
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 13:43:31 -0500

Liam Watts wrote:
> I've been monitoring my swap file, and it almost never gets over 5%
> used.
> I have 128 MB RAM and 250 MB swap file. That's a lot of unused HD space
> I'd like to get back.
> Is there a way to resize that partition and reapply the space to the
> root partition? Or at least take a chunk of it as another partition?
> Thanks for any assistance!!
> Liam

Are you using a swap file or swap partition ? they are two different things.

Bob Martin


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Trevor Hemsley)
Subject: Re: home web/file server specs?
Date: 27 May 2001 18:54:44 GMT

On Sun, 27 May 2001 17:03:17, "Steven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am fairly new to linux but quickly becoming a total convert...  Could
> someone please give me some advice on what type of hardware I would need for
> a home based web/file/ftp server?  It would probably have an avg of 3 users
> from the lan side with a rare max of 8 or so users and maybe 5 - 10 users
> accessing it from the outside at any given time.  I would like it to be able
> to handle cgi without too much fuss as well.  Should I set up different
> machines to accomplish these tasks?  What kind of lag would people
> experience if someone was using the server as a workstation?

I've got a machine that does pretty much that. It's a Pentium Pro 180 
with 32MB RAM and 2 x 2GB SCSI disks. Most of the time the processor 
is running at about 96% idle so a PPro 180 is actually overkill for 
this ;-) It _could_ do with more RAM though but since it's a Compaq 
Proliant 800 and takes weird ECC EDO DIMMs that no-one stocks it's not
likely to get any in a hurry.

Trevor Hemsley, Brighton, UK.


Subject: Re: Resize the swap file?
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 14:07:33 -0500

Partition. During install I used Disk Druid to make a /hdb5 off of /hdb1
as a Linux Swap type.


Bob Martin wrote:
> Liam Watts wrote:
> >
> > I've been monitoring my swap file, and it almost never gets over 5%
> > used.
> > I have 128 MB RAM and 250 MB swap file. That's a lot of unused HD space
> > I'd like to get back.
> >
> > Is there a way to resize that partition and reapply the space to the
> > root partition? Or at least take a chunk of it as another partition?
> >
> > Thanks for any assistance!!
> >
> > Liam
> Are you using a swap file or swap partition ? they are two different things.
> --
> Bob Martin


From: "alik blochin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: rh 7.1 big install problem
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 22:36:05 +0200

ok i have a very very big problem :
(i can say i am desparate)

i've tryied to install rh 7.1 for god know how many
tomes and without success:
the installation gets stacked on :
"transferring install image to hard drive"

i've tryied all available option with disk druid, fdisk
and automatic partitioning
but nothing nothing helps.....
still the same result

when at the point where the installation hangs
i did ctrl+alt+f3 i saw that that there was a problem
to create the partitions:
/boot - cannot create not enough space
/          the same

when i tryied to install for the second time
it did the partitions but
gave the error:
hdd disk error something,
can't read block.....
and this error keeps running down the screen for each block
(the installation hangs with
"transferring install image to hard drive" )

(the install cd is perfectly ok)

then it writes :
 there was a problem  maybe
 because you haven't enough space....

but that's boolshit
i have 14GB just for linux
i have two disks:
primary 20GB
primary slave 30GB : (14GB for linux)

when i had just one 20GB the installation was the same
hanged on the same point

i just don't know what to do....

it seems like hardware problem
but windows works ok...
and furthermore Mandrake 8.0 gets installed without
a problem
but hangs every 2-3 hours but that's i believe
an IRQ problem
i somehow have 4 devices on the same IRQ.....

my configuration :
MBoard chaintech 7AJA with AC'97 sound on-board
256 MB memory
two disks...

* by the way when i tryied to install RH 7.0
i've also was without luck...
after partitioning the install gets reboot and doesn't
actually did the partitioning (as i checked later)

**ok if anybody knows what might that be
and any suggestions i would be glad to hear.....

it driving me crazy.....


From: ferrante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ZIP drive
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 21:46:39 -0400

No, that's not the problem. I already know how my fstab is.


From: Rajesh Radhakrishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Trying to add RAM to my old Pentium 133MHz machine
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 15:45:45 -0400


I tried to add to my Pentium 133Mhz machine from 48MB an another PNY
128MB RAM which used the PC133 RAM type which connected to  the SIMM
connector(i think). I was told by CompUSA that the memory can't be
installed as it didn't interface to my 66MHz Bus.

Any suggestions on what I should check system parameters I need to be
aware of on my system before buying the memory and what type of memory I
could buy from the internet.



From: "Steven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: home web/file server specs?
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 20:09:52 GMT

Is SCSI a must for even a low traffic web page, or will IDE RAID do?  I was
thinking of two 75GB IBM Deskstars with a promise fastrak pci Raid
controller doing raid 0.




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