Linux-Hardware Digest #831, Volume #13            Thu, 2 Nov 00 14:13:09 EST

  scsi module not loading at boot, but can insmod it ("Dennis Leiterman")
  Re: MP3 player experience? (James Moss)
  eth1 does not work after mandrake 7.2 install (James Moss)
  Re: TNT2 Clock Utility -- Please Help! ("Dan Pospolita")
  Re: stuck on TLP IPI wait ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Linux and video (iamme)
  Re: Intel D815EEA sound/audio & Linux problem. (Dana Echtner)
  Re: Linux and video (Tim)
  IBM PC Camera/Videeo4Linux ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Intel Anypoint? (Mike Eggleston)
  Re: LinkSys betrayed us!  Poor prospects for Linux. ("Clifton T. Sharp Jr.")
  Re: Internal PCI Modems (Peter Bloomfield)
  Re: An appeal to experts for help! (Jack C Pinette)
  Using Two Netgear FA310TX cards w/redhat7 ("Tim Carr")
  need help with seagate travan drive (Yosef Zlochower)
  Re: Linux support for PDAs/organizers other than Palm Pilot? (Marcus O.C. Metzler)


From: "Dennis Leiterman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: scsi module not loading at boot, but can insmod it
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 12:32:00 GMT

  Just upgraded from RedHat 6.2 to RedHat 7.0.  Was running 6.2 ok with no
problems.  After I upgraded, my adaptec 2930 scsi controller is not seen at
boot.  If I log in as root and do
insmod aic7xxx
it finds it and it works fine.  I checked and in the /etc/modules.conf the
line is there.  I also have a line for my etherned adapter and sound card
that seems to work fine.  I tried moving it down in the file but that didn't
work either.  Thanks in advance.



From: James Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MP3 player experience?
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 13:17:12 GMT

Glitch wrote:

> The only Rio that *is* supported that I know of *is* the 500 which uses
> USB. I have the 300 and it isnt supported (it uses the parallel port).
> I can't point u to any drivers although I think I remember reading an
> article about it on
> "Tage V. Madsen" wrote:
> > 
> > Hi
> > 
> > I'm considering selling my Samsung Yepp MP3 player and getting another
> > one with Linux support (with the USB adapter Yepp only supports W98, not
> > even W2K!) - but which one? I need at least 64 Mb and preferably USB. I
> > know that there is some support for RIO, but does it work with RIO 500
> > with USB?? Has anyone tried it? Has anyone tried another one (with
> > success)?
> > 
I have a rio500 that I bought specifically because of the linux support.

The drivers work great and are even included in mandrake 7.2 but they are 
easilly installed in other distro's.

BTW the rio 300 IS supported by another set of drivers. Search freshmeat 
for rio and you will find both 300 & 500 driver efforts.

> > -Tage V. Madsen

Computers are like air conditioners,
They stop working when you open windows.


From: James Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: eth1 does not work after mandrake 7.2 install
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 13:24:00 GMT

I have an interesting problem that I cannot resolve.

I have done a fresh install of Mandrake 7.2 as I wanted to move to rieserfs 
on all my partitions. I previously had a fully working install of 7.1

After the upgrade I have lost my local networking.

I have two pci SMC decchip cards installed and they are both recognised by 
the system but when I go to initialise eth1 I get this message:

# ifup eth1
SIOCSIFFLAGS: Resource temporarily unavailable
SIOCADDRT: Network is down 

I don't know what this means, but I am guessing it might be a resource 
conflict. Probably IRQ as this card shares an irq with my scsi card.

I need help resolving this isssue as I have not net sharing now :(


Computers are like air conditioners,
They stop working when you open windows.


From: "Dan Pospolita" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: TNT2 Clock Utility -- Please Help!
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 13:43:26 GMT

You might find this usefull?
I downloaded fasttrax 6.34. It has a overclocking utility in it.
You can find it here:
Hope this helps.

"Max Silakov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:89dud9$2vi$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi!
> Actually - you don't need to write such utility for Linux - here is more
> elegant way -
> test how far you can overclock you TNT (under windows), remember
> clocks.
> Use VERY COOL program "TNT Bios Editor" (get it from
> and flash these new setting into the bios
> your videocard!
> That is - no need to use any stupid overclocking programs,
> Works under any O/S and so on.
> BTW,
> Why do you want to overclock you card under Linux?
> I mean - for what reason? - Currently available X Servers with HW
> Acceleration are to slow (due to their nature - beta status - and weak HW
> Acceleration support in Xfree 86 3.xxxx -  no DIRECT rendering
> infrastructure) and overclocking will not help a lot. Better wait for
> 86 4.0 release (or Nvidia+SGI own release of RECENTLY-PROMISED HW
> Accelerated X Server).
> And 2D works fine without any overclocking :-)))
> It's just a question :-)) Mine card is overclocked (via bios) in Linux
> :-))))
> --
> Best Regards,
> Max Silakov
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> сообщил/сообщила в новостях следующее:
> news:88kntc$q8k$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Hello-
> >
> > I'd like to write a simple utility for Linux that will allow me to
> > adjust the core and memory clock speeds of my TNT2 card. There is no
> > such utility for Linux that I'm aware of. My question is, where can I
> > get the info on the TNT2 that will allow me to access the core/memory
> > clock speeds? Is there a whitepaper (or something similar) somewhere
> > that would help me out? Thanks.
> >
> > -Matt
> >
> >
> > Sent via
> > Before you buy.


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: stuck on TLP IPI wait
Date: 2 Nov 2000 14:29:20 GMT

Christoph Pohl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: In article <8tqs23$jku$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
:   "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:> Are you trying to tell us that you have an SMP system?!!!

: That's what you might call a hint ;-) I already mentioned that earlier
: in this thread when I suspected that IO-APIC malfunctions were causing
: the scsi timeouts (that's mostly the case with i840 chipsets). My kernel
: is running in "noapic" mode and is a lot more stable since then but
: there are still scsi command timeouts -- often accompanied by these
: "stuck on TLB IPI wait" messages. I know that this kind of messages
: simply hints to a likely race condition caused by either a running
: program itself or the SMP control, but I'm not quite sure whether it's
: in coincidential or causal connection to the scsi timeouts.

To check, take out one cpu and reboot. If you still get the condition,
try a further experiment: recompile the kernel and modules for
uniprocessor. Reboot again. If the condition persists then it is NOT
an smp error, but a driver or hardware problem.



From: iamme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux and video
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 22:57:01 +0800

i want to know too

dudulle wrote:

> Hello !
> I want to know which video capture are recognized by Linux (Pinnacle ?) and
> is where any video editing programs.
> Thanks !


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dana Echtner)
Crossposted-To: intel.motherboards.pentium_ii,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Intel D815EEA sound/audio & Linux problem.
Date: 2 Nov 2000 15:02:28 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Dr. Jason J. Hogan-O'Neill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   The D815EE comes with two different versions of the sound card.  One is
the Soundblaster Ensoniq PCI card and one is a "soft audio" card of some

   Check out

   too see how to figure out which one you have.  If it's the Soundblaster
then you'll need to recompile your kernel to support it.  If it's the soft
audio card you'll have to do more research.  (I don't really know anything
about it, sorry)

   Also, as  has been pointed out, normally the volumes are set very very
low in Linux, use aumix or mp3blaster or some such to crank it up and see
if it might actually be working.

   Good luck!


>From what you say it sounds like your card/chip has been unmuted and so it
>should play as it is recognising the chip when you run sndconfig.
>> I have Intel D815EEA motherboard, which has integrated sound/audio,
>> video, & LAN.
>> I'm running RedHat Linux 7.0, which has kernel 2.2.16.
>> When I try to play an MP3 file using XMMS, it seems to play, but I
>> don't hear anything.
>> When I switch the OS to Win98SE (I have dual boot), I'm able to play
>> and hear the music without problems.  When I switch back to Linux, XMMS
>> seems to play the MP3 file, but I don't hear anything out of the
>> speakers.
>> I tried sndconfig from the root account.
>> It seems to identify the sound card as,
>> Model: Intel Corporation|82801AB AC'97 Audio
>> It tries to play a sample sound as a test, but I don't hear anything.
>> Then it presents me with a list of soundcards.
>> I choose Intel i810 AC97 Audio, because it's already selected, and it
>> seems like the closest model.  It tests the sound driver again and
>> fails.
>> I contacted Intel tech support, but they couldn' help me because they
>> don't officially support Linux.
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> ---
>> Sent via
>Before you buy.
>>         -------------------------------------------
>>                      "THE ACADEMIC SITE"
>>          -------------------------------------------

Dana Echtner             \  Unix Systems and Network Administrator
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /   IITS, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
          rw-rw-rw-:  The file protection of the beast


Subject: Re: Linux and video
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 10:26:09 -0500

Try this link:

I am also interested in video capture. Basically, the Linux kernel can
use the BT848, BT878 and DC10 chipsets, and there are <many> cards
listed on ZDNet's Linux Hardware Database, the link listed above. 

There is a lot of information on this subject on many Linux sites.

Good Luck!

iamme wrote:
> i want to know too
> dudulle wrote:
> > Hello !
> > I want to know which video capture are recognized by Linux (Pinnacle ?) and
> > is where any video editing programs.
> > Thanks !

Timothy J. Schutte
"I yam what I yam and that's all what I yam!" --Popeye the Sailor-Man


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: IBM PC Camera/Videeo4Linux ?
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 15:18:30 GMT

Hi all,

Has anyone been able to successfully get this device running ? Both
modules show up with lsmod; and the ibmcam is noted as being
successfully registered in the kernel ring buffer.  The FCC ID for the
camera is listed as supported in the ibmcam documentation.

However, I have been unable to get it to work with any video4linux
application.  For instance, v4l-conf (or video4linux?) tells me
(something like) "/dev/video No overlay" (with 2.4-test10) ; on this and
another machine (2.4-test5) xawtv gives the message "/dev/video: No such
device".  This latter machine successfully runs xawtv with a bt848
framegrabber, though of course that module is not installed when I am
trying the above.

gqcam opens but just gives me a blank picture frame.  Sliders, etc. move
but do nothing.  The bottom of the window has the message "Calculating
speed".  If I press "Freeze picture" gqcam hangs.

I've ensured that everything in /dev/ is there according the the ibmcam
documentation, with the prescribed permissions.

Anybody have any hints or suggestions they can pass on ? I've been
killing myself on this one for days...

thanks for any help at all,

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Eggleston)
Subject: Intel Anypoint?
Date: 2 Nov 2000 15:35:44 GMT

I'm considering using AT&T broadband, but they use Intel AnyPoint
adapters. Does anyone know of these adapters working with Linux
(RH6.1 or RH7.0)? I would prefer to use the adapter directly
instead of using the USB, but I'm not sure even the USB would




From: "Clifton T. Sharp Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: LinkSys betrayed us!  Poor prospects for Linux.
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 09:43:00 -0600

Eric Bourland wrote:
> clifto wrote:
> >[RTFM rant snipped]
> Respectfully, I don't agree with you. I have been trying for weeks to
> install a Netgear FA-311 card in Linux. I have read all kinds of HOW-TOs,
> been to, and researched the matter at various web sites ... but I
> am unable to understand the instructions offered in any of these places.
> Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful that instructions are there, but I am
> having a devil of a time understanding something as basic as getting my
> Linux operating system to work with my network interface card. Arctic Storm
> is right -- in many places, Linux instructions are incomprehensible.

So tell me what progress, if any, you've made so far.

|   Cliff Sharp   |  Hate spam? Take the Boulder Pledge!                      |
|      WA9PDM     |  |


From: Peter Bloomfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Internal PCI Modems
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 08:08:08 -0500

Minor comment re USR 5610 (internal, PCI, controller-based): mine is
recognized automatically on ttyS4 using serial-5.x and setserial-2.17
from Sourceforge.  It doesn't have to be a hassle!


From: Jack C Pinette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.powerpc
Subject: Re: An appeal to experts for help!
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 10:47:12 -0600

On Thu, 2 Nov 2000, Anil Trivedi wrote:

> Jack C Pinette  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >That truly depends.  If you are able, find somebody with OS X Beta
> >installed and play with it for a while to get a feel.  You can run many
> >but not all *n*x apps on Mac OS X, but the feel is very different from
> >Linux.  As mentioned, I have both, and OS X has not made me stop using
> >Linux.
> Since you have both, I'd appreciate it if you could expand on this
> a little. Just how "Unix-like" is OSX? What can you not do there for
> which you need Linux? Or is it just a matter of feel?
> Thanks,
> Anil

It's Unix-like in the sense that core services are provided by Darwin,
Apple's open-source-ish, free but not Free *n*x operating system, which is
based on BSD.  You can install Darwin by itself and (I'm told) it's a lot
like a *BSD system, although there are some key differences and it's
missing some things... actually, I'm not even sure they have X running on
Darwin yet, but I could be wrong about that.

OS X is basically this Darwin, CLI, *BSD-based system with a bunch of
stuff on top of it... stuff like an advanced graphics engine (Quartz)
which enables the widget set/look-and-feel setup (Aqua) and several sets
of APIs for different purposes.  What's most likely interesting to you is
that you can open up a terminal window and run bash (or whatever you
like).  You can use CLI tools like ftp, telnet, vi, emacs, etc.  You can
get the GNU dev tools and compile your own stuff.

Now, I haven't spent a lot of time trying to get *n*x software running
under OS X, and I am by no means an expert on *n*x in general (newbie, in
fact), and furthermore I don't know exactly what you will need... which
is why I would suggest finding someone with OS X Beta if at all possible
and mucking with it yourself.

Reasons why I still use Linux include the fact that I can use whatever X,
gnome, or kde software I feel like under Linux... in order to use anything
X-based under Mac OS X, you have to run a VNC client and connect to a VNC
server running on your own machine, since OS X doesn't natively support X
in any way.  Or at least that's my current understanding; you would do
well to go to and browse their current and history articles
for more info on that.



From: "Tim Carr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Using Two Netgear FA310TX cards w/redhat7
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 12:03:56 -0600


I am trying to get IPMasquerading going on an internal network of mine using
my linux box as the router.  I have installed two netgear fa310TX cards for
use in my system. I am able to use eth0 to connect to the internet via my
static ip but I cannot even get the lights on the back of my eth1 card to
light up.  When doing a dmesg I get the following kernel statements can
anybody help me with a configuration?

Redhat7 kernel 2.2.16

eth0: Lite-On 82c168 PNIC rev 32 at 0xf400, 00:A0:CC:61:0F:56, IRQ9.

eth0: MII transceiver #1 config 3000 status 7829 advertising 01c1.

eth1: Lite-On 82c168 PNIC rev 32 at 0xf800, 00:A0:CC:62:08:F1, IRQ10.

eth1: MII transceiver #1 config 3000 status 7809 advertising 01c1.


Tim Carr


From: Yosef Zlochower <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: need help with seagate travan drive
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 13:50:21 -0500


    I am currently running rh6.2 with the latest 2.40-test kernel. I
the kernel with ide-tape support. My tape drive is a
seagate STT22ььььA-RFT atapi 10/20Gb travan drive.
(this drive is compatible with linux according to seagate).

When I use tar or cpio to back up a directory to tape the last file to
tarred gets corrupted. I first tested the drive by taring a directory
with 4 files( each file was ~ 10 M), and the 4th file became corrupted.
When I added a 5th file to the directory the first 4 were backed up
correctly but the 5th one became corrupted. Each time I attempted
to tar the directory the last file was corrupted in the  same way.

I checked the drive using the windows based test program. The
drive was able to successfully pass a 500mb test under win98.

My system is a p3 600mhz coppermine overclocked to 800 mhz,
asus p3b-f mboard, voodoo 2000 pci video card, promise ultra 66.
I attached the drive to the mboard ide slot, and the promise slot. In
both cases the tarfiles were corrupted.

   Any help would be greatly appreciated


I used the following comands to backup the test directory:

tar cvf /dev/ht0 dir
find /dir | cpio -o > /dev/ht0


tar xvf < /dev/ht0
cpio -i < /dev/ht0

to recover the data. The errors were reported durring the recovery

The following is an edited output of 'dmesg' that I saved after several
tar attempts.
The error "bh == NULL ... " was reported many times and I just kept the
first instance.

ide-tape: Reached idetape_chrdev_open
ide-tape: Reached idetape_chrdev_open
ide-tape: Reached idetape_chrdev_open
ide-tape: bh == NULL in idetape_copy_stage_to_user

ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc =  1, key =  2, asc =  4, ascq =  2
ide-tape: Reached idetape_chrdev_open
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 10, key =  2, asc =  4, ascq =  2
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 34, key =  2, asc =  4, ascq =  2
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc =  0, key =  2, asc =  4, ascq =  2
ide-tape: Reached idetape_chrdev_open
ide-tape: Reached idetape_chrdev_open
ide-tape: Reached idetape_chrdev_open
ide-tape: Reached idetape_chrdev_open
ide-tape: Reached idetape_chrdev_open
ide-tape: bh == NULL in idetape_copy_stage_to_user

ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc =  1, key =  2, asc =  4, ascq =  2
ide-tape: Reached idetape_chrdev_open
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 10, key =  2, asc =  4, ascq =  2
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 34, key =  2, asc =  4, ascq =  2
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc =  0, key =  2, asc =  4, ascq =  2
ide-tape: bh == NULL in idetape_copy_stage_to_user

ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc =  1, key =  2, asc =  4, ascq =  2
ide-tape: Reached idetape_chrdev_open
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 10, key =  2, asc =  4, ascq =  2
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 34, key =  2, asc =  4, ascq =  2
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc =  0, key =  2, asc =  4, ascq =  2
ide-tape: bh == NULL in idetape_copy_stage_to_user

ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc =  1, key =  2, asc =  4, ascq =  2
ide-tape: Reached idetape_chrdev_open
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 10, key =  2, asc =  4, ascq =  2
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 34, key =  2, asc =  4, ascq =  2
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc =  0, key =  2, asc =  4, ascq =  2
ide-tape: Reached idetape_chrdev_open
ide-tape: Reached idetape_chrdev_open
ide-tape: Reached idetape_chrdev_open


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marcus O.C. Metzler)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Linux support for PDAs/organizers other than Palm Pilot?
Date: 02 Nov 2000 18:35:39 +0100

Mac Cody <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The subject line pretty much says it all.  Is there support
> on Linux for PDAs/organizers other than the 3Com Palm Pilot?
> For example the Sharp Wizards (OZ-730PC), Royal DV3 DaVinci,
> or Casio PV-400Plus.  Any pointers would be appreciated
> Thanks,
> Mac Cody
I don't know about the ones you mentioned, but the compaq ipaq is
supported and some others that use ARM CPUs.




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