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On Wed, 1 Sep 1999, Shlomo Reches wrote:

> I know one thing that is good in Free BSD.
> They have something much better than RPM.
> When you want to upgrade a certain program
> it automatically detects the depandencies and
> get from the web any other package which is
> needed. In RPM you will get a message that
> a package is missing. You go download it then
> continue and you are informed that another one
> is missing.
> Does anybody know if such thing exists in Linux?
> Regards,
> Shlomo.
> Dune wrote:
> >  hey listdoes any one uses Freebsdand can tell me The Differnce
> > Between FreeBsd And linuxBesides The obvius ? and by the way this is
> > the posix user group not the linux user group since all thetalks are
> > around a posix based unix systemsthnx and cya

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