Hi, Nimrod!

On Sat, Jun 17, 2000 at 04:08:25PM +0300, you wrote the following:

> Recently I switched to FreeBSD and decided to give GNOME a try. Built
> all gtk/gnome components from sources (using the excellent BSD ports
> system) - latest stable versions.
> Took me two days to realize GNOME is not nearly as stable as KDE1 is.
> While mostly, it works, various components (e.g., the help application)
> crash repeatedly and sometimes restarting X seems like the only
> option...

The uptime of my Gnome session at work is about 40 days, and I see no
reason why it shouldn't stay up for 40 more days or 80. (After that
I'll probably want to upgrade. :-) And that's not even the stable 1.2
release. So much for Gnome instabilities.

(And boy do I abuse this machine -- it has 128 MB of RAM, and I'm
curently about 320 MB into the swap; I have 8 desktops, 7 of them are
full with applications, and indeed almost all of them I use all the

I don't know what kind of problems you had, but it's a very common
theme of messages -- KDE users installing Gnome and complaining how
unstable and bloated it is, and Gnome users installing KDE and
complaining about the exact same thing. I think we've seen many such
messages on this list alone, and definitely Slashdot is full of them.

It's a very simple effect -- a KDE user that loves his KDE, and
installs Gnome just to prove himself how right he is in his choice and
how Gnome sucks, and vice versa of course. And the same in many other
areas in life. We're human...

Alex Shnitman                            | http://www.debian.org
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