On Sat, 17 Jun 2000, Matan Ziv-Av wrote:

> > and to the more politicly aware
> > linux users I explain my other ideological problems with their
> > cathedral practices and license problems.
> I guess you also don't use bind (cathedral), sendmail (cathedral), qmail
> (cathedral). Also, read lkml and see how many patches not accepted into
> the kernel only because linus/alan don't know the patch sender.

I didn't disqualify the cathedral methodology on the whole. for mission
critical servers and kernels it's not too much of a bad idea, but that's
not the case with the linux kernel either.

> The GPL never was and never was meant to be some kind of a goal to reach
> or a flag to wave. The only reason the GPL was written is to promote the
> free software cause.
> Being pro-GPL is stupid. Being pro Free Software is good. KDE is free
> software. Qt-2.* is free software. Debian's position on illegality of
> kde is petty lawyerese from the distribution that's supposed to be
> farthest away from this stuff.

QT is NOT free software, and as such it does not settle with GPL of KDE
as it is distributed today. violating or bending the GPL is one thing,
but taking others' GPL code from outside the KDE project when the clash
is a known issue is REALLY rude.

KDE is starting to look like windows. features stripped away from the
GUI to dumb down the experiance, and a few products (the item mentions
kISDN, haven't checked) are moving from GPL to Shareware. now I know
it's not a sign for everybody else's opinions in the KDE developer
community, but it's making me uneasy. therefore I avoid it.

Ira Abramov   (@-  Gnu/Linux, Free Speech, RFC 1855
whois: IA58   //\  Peace,  Love,  Music,  Slow Food
www.scso.com  v_/_ Citroens, Camels, Penguins, Cats

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