On Sat, 17 Jun 2000, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:

> > (scroll to fourth item)
> > http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=00/06/13/1642213
> You're more then welcome to take a look at the kde-devel archive at:
> http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-devel&r=1&w=2 to see their response. I
> remembered that I posted an email there to ask about their reply. You
> can read all of them here..

actualy on kde-licensing:


and I see that they could not agree amongst themselves. they agree that
in a strict "lawyer" POV it may be a problem, but not in spirit, and
that basicly compiling the sources instead of taking them in ready-made
RPMs is fine. it IS a bit grey, I agree.

> > QT is NOT free software, and as such it does not settle with GPL of KDE
> > as it is distributed today.
> Nop. KDE is not free software, but Linus, ESR and others call them
> open-source. and open-source doesn't mean always free software.

KDE is GPL, QT is QPL. there is a slight problem there, but the more I
read now I see I have jumped the trigger. Debian are really arguing on a


I suppose Qt is no more "non-free" than pine, apache, Mozilla or Zope,
so there's nothing hurting in this. not unless you stay stuck on a few
small letters in the GPL...

> KDE is indeed looks similar to Windows in some parts. GNOME is doing the
> same.(and may I remind anybody the article that Miguel bragged about
> buying an Excel book to copy part by part all Excel look to GNOME?).

Gnome are also a long way from a friendly GUI (I'm using the latest from
Helix), but it's not as restrictive. can't explain it in words, but
Gnome is more intuitive and flowing for me.

> People who are lots of years using Unix/Linux as their only platform
> (ot most of them) tend to forget one thing. Its very hard to teach
> user a gui

it shouldn't be. I haven't tried Kleopatra yet, but between the current
stable KDE and Gnome 1.2, I feel Gnome is more flexible and
managable. we need spare newbies to test on with control
groups. volunteers? :)

> If I'm going to move a user from Windows enviroment or I want to teach
> him Linux - I WILL put him/her in front of KDE screen and not run-level
> 3 login prompt. And thats the main reason why we have KDE & Gnome -
> primary target == newbies!

I'm giving a course to newbies this summer, and I'm not at all certain
I'll give them a GUI at all till the 3rd lesson!

then again, they might be scared away :-)
ok, then Gnome...

> And regarding all the legalstaff - I had my share of fights with Marc,
> Ury, Mike & Asaf :))

on OSS vs. closed? I hope they decide already :)

Ira Abramov   (@-  Gnu/Linux, Free Speech, RFC 1855
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