Ury Segal wrote:

> We have tons of Windows Licences. Never used any. Any idea
> of what we can do with them? They are packed in original
> package.

Let me assume that what you have are packages and not only MOLPs
(licenses without media):

1. The CD's are good for freesbie.
2. You may also hang them on mirrors of cars (but this is not
   recommended, since people may think you are ars; In addition,
   it "blinds" other drivers).
3. If you use a microwave for preparing frozen pizzas, the cartons
   are very useful to put the pizzas on them (dishes are bad idea,
   because pizzas stick to them).
4. The paper (in the books, licenses, warranties, etc.) is useful
   for LaG BaOmer.
5. And for people with a too gentle ass (though too smooth in my
6. If you use Mandrake, installing Win on a separate partition may
   allow you to grab TrueType fonts, using (IIRC) DrakFonts.
7. If you use Wine, a Win installation on a separate partition
   may help you to run it better (thanks to the original DLL's).
8. If you paid $300 for VMware and don't want your boss to ask you
   what was done with this money, install Win under it.
9. Last but not least, while most hardware devices are detected by
   both Linux and Win, some hardware devices are detected only by
   Linux, and some others - only by Win. It may be useful to
   reserve a partition for Win, even in servers, for the uncommon
   and rare case that there will be a hardware that Win will be
   able to detect for you. There are also advanced diagnostic
   software packages that you may run under Win.

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          • ... Ariel Biener
    • ... Alon Altman
    • ... Omer Musaev
    • ... Geoffrey S. Mendelson
      • ... Schlomo Schapiro
        • ... Geoffrey S. Mendelson
          • ... Oleg Goldshmidt
  • Re... Schlomo Schapiro
    • ... Eli Marmor
      • ... Ury Segal
        • ... Eli Marmor
          • ... Orr Dunkelman
        • ... Moshe Zadka
        • ... Geoffrey S. Mendelson
  • RE... פופוב יבגני

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