Schlomo Schapiro wrote:

> from experience as a "decent sysadmin" 

> > Or just hire yourself a decent sysadmin. :-)

Sorry, this was a private joke between Oleg and me.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson
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        • ... Oleg Goldshmidt
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      • ... Alon Altman
      • ... Omer Musaev
      • ... Geoffrey S. Mendelson
        • ... Schlomo Schapiro
          • ... Geoffrey S. Mendelson
            • ... Oleg Goldshmidt
    • ... Schlomo Schapiro
      • ... Eli Marmor
        • ... Ury Segal
          • ... Eli Marmor
            • ... Orr Dunkelman
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          • ... Geoffrey S. Mendelson
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