On Mon, 20 Nov 2000, Ury Segal wrote:

> We have tons of Windows Licences. Never used any. Any idea
> of what we can do with them? They are packed in original
> package.

Contribute them to matnases etc., who might get computers with
no legal copy of windows?

Moshe Zadka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- 95855124

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    • ... Omer Musaev
    • ... Geoffrey S. Mendelson
      • ... Schlomo Schapiro
        • ... Geoffrey S. Mendelson
          • ... Oleg Goldshmidt
  • Re... Schlomo Schapiro
    • ... Eli Marmor
      • ... Ury Segal
        • ... Eli Marmor
          • ... Orr Dunkelman
        • ... Moshe Zadka
        • ... Geoffrey S. Mendelson
  • RE... פופוב יבגני

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