Hi Cedar,
The adsl is a very sturdy protocol considering what he has to do. The 5 times a day 
disconnection could
be a not so good quality of your line. I had the same problem in the past, until i 
called bezeq technitians a few times until they went all over the cables in my house 
(and replaced quite a few) and along the whole route from my house to my local switch 
and they replaced a few cables. now the line runs smoothly as long as line quality is 
However, it could also be that your script is disconnecting you because of bezeq 
redback routing problems from time to time. this is why you should always backup you 
line with a modem/isdn connection at businesses.

* - * - *
Tzahi Fadida
Fax (+1 Outside the US) 240-597-3213
* - * - * - * - * - *

-----Original Message-----
Cedar Cox
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2001 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: ADSL problems (is it just me?)

> Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 01:20:16 +0200
> From: "Nadav Har'El" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: ADSL problems (is it just me?)
> On Wed, Nov 21, 2001, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote about "ADSL problems (is it just me?)":
> > I don't know if its just me or this happends to anyone but in the last 2 days 
> > I'm was disconnected from my ADSL about 10 times...
> > 
> > The weird thing is that the IP stays, but the connection is seems to be dead 
> > (no pings to anyway and the ADSL modem works ok) (I'm connected to 
> > NetVision)...
> > 
> > Anyone had that problem?
> I am seeing the exact same problem (also using Netvision). It's not specific
> to the last 2 days - sometimes a connection lasts more than a week, but some
> days I get disconnected 5 times a day. Most "disconnections" are like you
> describe: only the pptp process (I think) dies, but the pppd (I think)
> process remains and holds the IP address and interface. The /var/log/messages
> has some error message from pptp (I think), but I don't remember now what
> it says.
> -- 
> Nadav Har'El                        |     Thursday, Nov 22 2001, 7 Kislev 5762
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
> Phone: +972-53-245868, ICQ 13349191 |The world is coming to an end ... SAVE
> http://nadav.harel.org.il           |YOUR BUFFERS!!!

Same here.. Sometimes a connection lasts more than a week, but some days I
get disconnected 5 times a day.  We use Actcom.  Same problem back when we
were with Bezeq.  I'm interested to know if Windoze people have the same
problems because perhaps it is a fault of pptp or something.

Another note, I run two servers that are geographically close enough to be
connected to the same adsl "switch".  I am guessing that there may be two
separate problems.  Sometimes both servers get disconnected at the same
time and sometimes only one.  I have noticed on a few occasions a
disconnection during a large power disturbance (from UPS daemon logs), and
the adsl modem is on the UPS.  If many people are having problems with
disconnections it may be helpful to collect connect time logs with people
located in the same area.

And, finally, remember that adsl works over a pair of copper wires that go
all over the place.  The rain may have something to do with it... that may
explain the last two days problem, but I would expect the modem to have
problems maintaining a link so keep an eye on it..  (I know, you probably
don't babysit your server all day.. I plan on making a sensor to monitor
the the link LED on the adsl modem.)


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