On Tue, 2003-03-04 at 18:38, Vadim Vygonets wrote:
> Quoth Alon Weinstein on Tue, Mar 04, 2003:
> > Care to list the alternative options? I can guess Lyx for document creation,
> > GIMP for image manipulation, but that's where my list ends. What are the
> > options to perform other common tasks:
> > 
> > -- Email & Organizer (an only-email client is no replacement for Outlook or
> > Evolution)
> Replacement for Outlook?  What are you talking about?  Some of us
> used e-mail before Microsoft had an IP stack in their basic OS
> distributions.

You remind me what I knew about using Windows before I arrived to my
current workplace.  Outlook is not just a mail client but a (convenient!
IMHO) address book + calendar + notes + mail organizer. You can say they
don't belong together but the fact is that the integration is VERY

> Organizers should run on PalmOS anyway ;)  Seriously though, it's
> not a job of an MUA to organize files, it's not a browser's job
> to read news, and the only reasonable mail + news reader in one
> piece I ever heard of is Gnus.

I think you are mixing Outlook Express with Outlook.

> > -- Spreadsheet
> Why are people so obsessed with spreadsheets?  What do you use
> them for?

To keep records of numbers (e.g. flight log books, simple money
tracking), graphs (our club's flying priority graph is printed
automatically with excel). Anyway - just because you don't have or want
to use an application doesn't mean it's illegitimate for others to use

> > -- Presentations
> TeX, as Muli said.
> > -- File and web-browsing (i.e Windows Explorer/Konquerer/Galleon)
> Netscape (or Mozilla) did *not* rip MSIE's interface, they both
> ripped it from Mosaic.  You're forgetting that MS is a newcomer
> on the Net.
> > Those are the first things that pop to my head, I'm sure there are other
> > areas in which most OSS alternatives are merely imitating MS's or any
> > commercial vendor's products.
> Sure.  And the usability of Windows programs is higher than that
> of most competing Linux software.  But your claims that the only
> thing OSS people can do WRT GUI is rip MS's interface make me
> want to come over and rip KDE/Gnome from under your feet, so you
> see real UNIX inside, however ugly it may be.

I think many people who despise MS (me among them) admit that they are
kings when it comes to GUI design and usability for non-technical users.
Just because some program looks like MS doesn't mean it's bad - many
times it's an interface which matured through a long time of user
feedback and enhancements and besides it might help immigrants from MS
world to feel more comfortable.

> Vadik.

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