Noam Rathaus wrote:


Lately I heard rumors of the idea of changing the Day Light Savings from +-1 hour to +-2 hours, and changing it on less of a regular basis that it is now (I didn't notice it was on a regular basis ... It always appeared to be changing at random).

Anyhow my question is whether there is an Israeli NTP server that keeps track of these things, allowing my organization, and others out there to keep track of these time changes.

Hi Noam,

NTP gives out the time in UTC/GMT/Zulu/whatever they call it now. As such, changes to the timezone are not, and should not, be taken from it.

I know, for my part, that the debian maintainers have been doing a wonderful job of keeping my timezone info on my machine up to date. Quite frankly, I don't know how to determine when or where the time zone will change.

In complete contradiction to what I have just said, the OS challanged can download It's a registry entry for 2003's daylight saving for Israel. It was built for Windows 2000, but should work, at least, on NT class OS like systems.


Shachar Shemesh
Open Source integration consultant
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