Vadim Vygonets wrote:

Quoth Shachar Shemesh on Thu, Sep 25, 2003:

NTP gives out the time in UTC/GMT/Zulu/whatever they call it now.

To be precise, timezone is irrelevant in context of NTP.

To be even more precise - *LOCAL* timezone is irrelevant, but NTP
must keep the time in SOME timezone so you can relate to it when
translating to a convenient timezone by date(1) and friends. That is
what UTC (a universal timezone, which happens to be similar (not
identical) to GMT) is about.

It's not Debian, actually (just because it makes more sense to

maintain it in one place for all OSes).

But do other distributions keep the Israeli timezone up-to-date out
of the box? I didn't know about the link above and didn't have to go to
Ephraim's TZ page at HUJI CS (the real authority for Israeli UNIX
timezone files) since I installed Debian except in order to tell Linux
users of other distributions how to keep up with the Israeli TZ, it's
just a question that never comes up when you use Debian unstable.


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