On Monday 10 November 2003 18:03, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

> >While Debian supplies tools for all of these, and while mostly techincally
> >superior, in terms of user-friendliness these are usually inferior to
> > tools provided by other distributions.
> Can you please qualify your last statement?

> I don't see where your claims regarding Debian
> come from

While not an avid Debian user I've played with it several times and compared 
to other more desktop and newbie oriented distros (Mandrake comes to mind) 
its hardware support tools are a joke. try Harddrake if you need the counter 
Besides, you stated yourself that the hardware configuration it problematic in 
installation. it didn't became great afterwards - the missing tools are still 

As for software, apt is a very good software managment solution but very far 
from being friendly to noobs. synaptic and other frontends do a good job once 
you have everything configured, but managing sources is still a pain.

> Except for the "replacing graphical card", which I am yet to see a
> newbie do by themselves

While not common, I have seen wierder things happen :-) a friend of mine which 
is a sensible person but a far cry from being a computer freak has saved her 
music collection from her USB harddrive that was trashed by windows using a 
linux live cd, and it was the first time she ever booted linux.


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        Don't try it 'til you've knocked it.

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