On Tue, Oct 04, 2005 at 01:30:46AM +0300, Uri Even-Chen wrote:
> Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> >/me reminds everybody of an enlightened decision of some people in
> >Massachusetts.
> You wrote this sentence twice.  What do you mean?  Sorry for not
> understanding.

I forgot to delete it once.

Anyway, I meant http://lwn.net/Articles/152924/

> >Firefox on windows? Do you honestly say that you have problems
> >installing flash on it? What version do you use? Mind providing more
> >details?
> >
> >Though you should really install add-blocker first ;-) .
> OK, I tried now and installed the Flash plug-in, but it should come with
> it pre-installed like in MS IE.  I also had to "agree" to some legal BS
> which I didn't even bother reading.  

It's even worse: if you bothered reading the text of the license you'd
notice that it imposes no limitations on usage. Distribution does
require accepting the terms of the agreement.  Hence there is really no
sound reason for that click-through license, IMHO. 

> I hate having to agree to legal
> terms when installing software.  A true Free Software should not come
> with terms.  It should be free as breathing air, drinking water and
> watching TV (I don't have to agree to anything when I watch TV).

That's an interesting definitions of your basic needs. I would have put
there "internet connection" instead of TV ;-) .

But you confuse a bunch of terms here:

* Free software is still licensed (unless in the public domain). though
  with a rather permissive license.
* You must still respect that license when distributing it
* It should not impose usage limitations
* nobody said it should not nag. However you're free to remove nags.

Tzafrir Cohen         | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | VIM is
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ICQ# 16849755         |                           | friend

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