On Tue, 2006-05-30 at 14:23 +0300, Oded Arbel wrote:
> Hi list. I'm trying to work with CentOS 4.3 (RHEL 4.3 based distro) but
> some of the stuff it uses is too old for my needs, so I thought I'd
> upgrade some of the stuff to Fedora Core 4 (which IIRC is the closest
> Fedora Core release that is newer then RHEL 4.3 - and it includes what I
> need). 
> Problem: what I want to install eventually requires me to upgrade python
> from the CentOS version (2.3) to the Fedora Core 4 version (2.4), and
> due to this it needs to upgrade a python component called
> python-elementtree, as it requires a specific python ABI version. But
> the version Fedora Core 4 carries (compiled against 2.4) has the exact
> same version and package release number as the CentOS version (compiled
> against 2.3), and so yum refuses to download and install it which causes
> it to complain about missing dependencies and to abort the install.
> Is there any way to tell yum to download the newer version even though
> it has the exact same version information? From perusing the
> documentation I couldn't find anything about it.
> --
> Oded
> ::..

I doubt that you'll be able to pull a clean upgrade between RHEL and FC
using yum... it may even fail to upgrade between different consecutive
Fedora versions. (Hence it's unsupported...)

I'd back what I need (home, /etc) and do a fresh installation.

Oh, you might consider using FC5. At least IMO, FC5 is better.


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