On Sat, 2006-12-30 at 08:51 +1100, Amos Shapira wrote:
> On 29/12/06, Maxim Veksler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         - IBM (note: Not the new lenovo junk!)
> Do others agree that Lenovo != IBM? 
> I'm not a laptops expert but was considering to look at some Lenovo
> stuff based on the great Linux support by IBM laptops. 
The Thinkpad series still works as it were before - I don't know for how
long, but I hope that Lenovo won't kill a winning horse.

The Lenovo 3000 series also works rather well, but people are having
issues with sound supports (ICH8 - external speakers aren't turned off
when headphones are plugged in), screen resolutions (i945 - can't enable
native 1280x900 resolution in X, always goes back to 1024x768) and
camera (doesn't work at all, but its still better then the Thinkpad that
doesn't have a camera).

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