On 04/04/07, Ira Abramov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Quoting Amos Shapira, from the post of Tue, 03 Apr:
> >i say a hack because it doesn't come out of the box, and it needs more then
> >installing a .deb or .rpm
> >usually a half-baked sh script ...
> My current desktop at work is a 64-bit AMD Athlon running Debian Etch
> with a 64-bit kernel (2.6.18-4-amd64) and Iceweasel works just fine on
> it, including Adobe's Flash player and other closed-source programs
> (e.g. Skype). I didn't  have to do anything fancy to make it work.
> Could this be related to it being AMD and not Intel?

I highly doubt it. 64bit kernel is a 64bit kernel. what may have

Well, it is a kernel from a package called "linux-image-2.6.18-amd64"
so I suspect it is tweaked to run especially on this architecture.

happened is that you are using a 32bit weasel and debian was installed
with the libraries for 32 bit compatability, or that the flash player is
statically compiled and runs outside the weasel process' context (which
I'm pretty sure it's not, but I never checked)

There it goes to show that the claim that it takes more than just a
deb install is incorrect, which was the whole point of my previous


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