On 4/4/07, Ira Abramov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

the flash player is
statically compiled and runs outside the weasel process' context (which
I'm pretty sure it's not, but I never checked)

There's something called nspluginwrapper[1], which allows moving plugins out
of the browser process context. This allows you to keep running a 64-bit
browser binary + 32-bit plugins.

Alternatively, it's very likely that more user-friendly distros choose to
ship browsers and other programs still dependent on 32-bit libraries as
32-bit binaries only. (Same goes for media players which might load Win32
codecs.) Even if not a default, Fedora is likely to still ship a i386
Firefox RPM on the x86-64 discs.
And really, 32-bit or 64-bit, it really doesn't matter much. Myself, I'm
only using 64-bit as an 'early adopter', cause I like making broken things
work, submitting patches and learning new instruction sets.

When I first got on Fedora Core x86-64 two years ago, many prominent
programs weren't 64-bit clean: for example, I spent a few days going over
NoMachine's NX and porting it. To this day I'm not sure what they did with
my patch :/ Nowadays Sun has a 64-bit Java JIT and so does Mono, but Adobe's
Flash is not yet there (rumor is they have a JIT for ActionScript and lots
of hand-tuned asm code).
Another reason for apps to break is not being aware of "multiarch"
deployments, i.e. one that has /usr/lib and /usr/lib64.

A final note on performance: not only are pointers longer, but you'll also
end up having both 32-bit and 64-bit sets of libraries (think
libc+glib+gtk+qt+..., twice) competing over your memory (if you'll end up
having to run some 32-bit apps), so you might need some more RAM.

[1] http://gwenole.beauchesne.info/projects/nspluginwrapper/

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