I suggest, that you should scan for full open ports on your web site
(all the port range), to see if that person have an open "shell" on
your account.

Regardless of that, please look for known vulnerabilities from the
versions of every server on the machine, and also if the server runs
any dynamic web apps, you should see if they do not have any problems
.. (404 and any other error messages can give you a clue for what
they where looking for).

Anyway, I recommend you to install (from a clean install rather then
to update, because you do not know the whole things that the attackers
did) a newer version, such as fc 6 ... or something better such as
Debian ;)


On 4/8/07, Ori Idan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
A server I managed was hacked by a libian hacker.
The only thing he did was changing the index.html of some web sites.

The server is based on fedora core 2
proftp (through xinetd)

Any ideas how he could have done it?
What should I do to prevent such hackes in the future?

Ori Idan


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