Last I used PAE kernels (ages ago) - I saw 1-5% degradation in performance.
It was a while ago and I am not even sure I remember the versions any more.

What I remember is NOT scientific data.

----- "Muli Ben-Yehuda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would like to understand this better, if you or Marc could shed
> more
> details? In general, I believe you know what they say about "lies,
> damn lies, and performance numbers". See some numbers from Ingo
> Molnar
> which give the PAE overhead at a round 0.0% here:
>    100Hz                100.00%
>    100Hz + PAE:           0.00%
>    1000Hz:               -1.08%
>    1000Hz + PAE:         -1.08%
> Cheers,
> Muli
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