On 12/08/07, Nadav Har'El <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 11, 2007, Ira Abramov wrote about "Re: @iglu list address no
> longer working":
> > > I'll make it as short as possible: if iglu.org.il accepts and forwards
> all
> > > incoming mail to a certain alias to to [EMAIL PROTECTED], which
> considers
> > > iglu.org.il a somewhat trusted host, that effectively turns
> iglu.org.il to
> >
> > well DUH of course it circumvents RBL tests for HUJI but
> Let's not regurgitate over-simplifications and falsehoods (Ira, I'm not
> saying
> that you started this regurgitation or falsehoods - it goes through this
> entire thread as a "god-given truth", when in fact it is not god-given and
> not the truth).

Let's try to get back to the origins of all this problem, and I'm saying in
advance that I might have missed something and got it wrong so you are
welcome to correct me (and I'm a long way away so don't threaten me with "I
know where you live" :).

Linux-IL USED to be accessible through three addresses: @iglu,
@linux.org.iland @
cs.huji (the "real" one).

For some reason (people too lazy to change over?) the list managers decided
to keep all three address instead of unifying them to one ("
[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is the natural one, IMHO).

Following that, people who replied through the address from which they were
not subscribed got bounced.

So a while ago the list managers dropped the subscription requirements and
allowed non-member posts.

In order to counter spam they added anti-spam filtering to the list.

That anti-spam filtering broke by e-mails from @iglu so now @iglu is out and
people are forced to post through @cs.huji anyway.


1. What's the matter with @linux.org.il? Is it still used?

2. Maybe the managers can reconsider limiting posts to list members again
and get rid of these anti-spam measures, now that all subscribers are
required to e-mail through the @cs.huji address?


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