Omer Zak wrote:

Shachar (Lingnu CEO): can you open a PayPal account (or equivalent) to
collect money from private people?  Or do you have another mechanism to
deal with, say, 300 small payments?

PayPal is fine. The main problem is what happens if too few people say "I will"? How do you deal with returning everyone's money? There is also the bitch of issuing invoices to everyone involved - not a trivial task!
Shachar (Hamakor chairman): are there any tax advantages in getting
Hamakor to handle this, and work out any conflict of interest issues?

Not that I can see. Since the money will eventually have to reach a business entity, VAT will need to be collected whatever the route. If Hamakor was an approved donation organization, then private people could offset this against income. Businesses can do that with the current situation. The only problem is that Hamakor has not managed to secure an approved donation status, so at the moment participation adds nothing.
Shachar (again, Lingnu CEO): seems that we might pull this off - so we
need more realistic estimates of the project cost.  What budget do you
need to cover the cost of reviewing bugs, edit control development and
RTF edit control development?
I think we should leave RTF out of it right now. It does not add much to the end user experience, and is probably a pain to implement. As for edit - I'm supposed to be working on a project for ISOC that will implement a BiDi edit control (not in Wine), and hopfully, once that project is done, there will be enough reusable code to reduce the cost of this element. At the moment, it is hard to estimate.

Please note that even without edit control, even just with #2 support, MSO will work.
With this figure, we can plan on 2-stage project, each stage to be
budgetted separately:
stage 1 - plan the project and make estimates.
stage 2 - actually execute.
If the output of stage 1 is made publicly available, then maybe parts of
stage 2 can be performed by outside volunteers with their own sources of
No problem with that. At the moment, the tasks are not really divisable. Once #1 and #2 are done, hopefully, that will improve.


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