
On Thu, 2008-09-04 at 08:06 +0300, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
> >
> > IMHO this is the kind of thing that the Chief Scientist's Office would
> > fund.
> Hmm.


>  We all know that 10K is hardly enough to achieve much 
> on Wine, and we all also know that getting the community to put in 10K 
> is extremely hard. At the moment, for example, the sum total raised, 
> despite numerous complaints about the matter, totals in a round zero.
> So, no, I don't think the CS is a very likely venue.

How about publicizing in Linux-IL the budget needed to fix Wine BiDi in
terms of money, equipment and human resources?

(I actually laughed when I saw the mention of the total raised so far,
without mention of the amount which should be raised.)

Can we also see a project plan, which will let us know where can we chip

And if I am at that, can you also publicize an estimate (should be
lower) of the effort (money+human resources) needed to prepare the Wine
BiDi project for execution by a group of students in GSoC of 2009?

                                               --- Omer

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