On Sun, Feb 08, 2009 at 10:25:53AM +0200, ronys wrote:
> Indeed it's legal. When the anti-spam law was passed, a special 
> exemption was put in to allow politicians to send spam.

Not only politicians. 

Here's a conspiracy theory for you:

We all know that ISOC is an NPO, and as such in a good position to
still send spam. ISOC has been one of the main promoters of the law.
This suggests that ISOC was interested to reserve itself the option
to spam innocent Israely Internet users.

The fact that this is completely unsupported by other facts (the
declared position of ISOC, the opinions of ISOC board members as we know
them, and the simple fact that ISOC has never (IIRC) resorted to sending
spam before does not disprove that conspiracy theory (because it's
impossible to disprove a conspiracy theory).

> IIRC, this was Leiberman's initiative.

Before calling such names, please support your claim with facts.

I'm no supprter of that MK you mentioned, however I expect my opinion to
be based on solid facts.

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzaf...@jabber.org | VIM is
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