On Feb 17, 2010, at 5:16 PM, Valery Reznic wrote:

Hi, list

Recently Netvision representative contacted me and offered to use
Netvision instead of Bezek as my "phone provider"

Just to keep this in a related thread, Friday's Yediot in their "7 Days" section had a two page ad for Orange as a landline ISP. The ad detailed the various benefits of using them as a land line phone provider and as an ISP.

They had several plans which can either include VoIP only or Internet and VoiP. The VoIP part can either be 40% (or less) calls to cell phones, or no limit on the relative amount of calls to cell phones versus other phones.

AFAIK you get an incoming number in the 07 range instead of the 054 (anyone actually know?)

In order to use their service you have to buy an 800 NIS "box" (which can be spread out over 36 months) and provide your own aDSL line or HOT connection. I do not think you can bring your own box, as it were or connect to them via SIP.

I don't know anyone who uses Orange as their landline ISP nor their VoIP services, so comments good or bad would be appreciated.

geoffrey mendelson N3OWJ/4X1GM
Jerusalem Israel geoffreymendel...@gmail.com
New word I coined 12/13/09, "Sub-Wikipedia" adj, describing knowledge or understanding, as in he has a sub-wikipedia understanding of the situation. i.e possessing less facts or information than can be found in the Wikipedia.

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