On Sun, Apr 02, 2000 at 10:47:53PM +0530, Bharat Ale wrote:

> Don't we need IP-Masq to share internet connection if proxy is installed
> (and all we need is http) ? From what I understand from your mail, IP-Masq &
> proxy (squid) are mutually exclusive. I'm confused.

They're not mutually exclusive - you can have both running.
However, if (as you say above) all you need is HTTP, and proxy
server (like squid) is installed, then you don't really need
IP-Masq at all.

In this case, use the first scenario I showed you (explicitly
setting proxies in Netscape), and don't use IP Masq at all.  In
fact your "gateway" doesn't have to do any forwarding of packets
in either direction, since this is happening in user-space (via

You would need IP-Masq only if you need stuff like telnet, ftp,
etc., (that is, other than HTTP).

Hope this helps.

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