On Sun, Apr 02, 2000 at 10:24:15AM -0700, Nick Hill wrote:

> ipchains (or ipfilter, in kernel 2.4), to fwd all port
> requests to 80 (for HTTP) to the proxy's HTTP port...
> effectively making it a "transparent" proxy.

I forgot to mention this before, but once in a while you'll see a
web server using some non-standard port (like 8100, 8080, or
whatever).  In those situations, your transparent proxy rules must
be amended by the sysadmin to let those requests also be
transparent proxied, (unless of course you're also IP Masqing, in
which everything will work).

Explicit proxy setup (where you actually tell Netscape to use this
proxy server at this port on this machine) does not have this
problem - even non-standard ports (like http://www.xyz.com:8100/)
will go OK.

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