Hi Indranil,

Hey, that was to create a special environment to start our long
lasting friendship :-)

Coming to the point, that long discussion was to forcefully encourage
Khader as well as other Linux programmers to develop user friendly
apps which in turn will encourage novice computer users to switch to
Linux. I had myself encouraged a lot of my friends to use Linux but
when they found it less user friendly than M$ Windoze, they switched
back. That was a great disappointment for me and I'm not prepared for
it to happen again.

Urmil Parikh

-----Original Message-----


You two are beginning to sound like an action replay of a similar
argument on a Userfriendly strip... only thing required is one
"Miranda" to walk in, and say something about her  "changing inodes by
hand using magnets" :D

(I am sure ol' faithful UFies on the list will remember that
particular strip)


LI is all for free speech, but this list was created for a purpose --
to help popularise Linux in India. If your messages are counterproductive
to that purpose, your privileges to submit messages can and will be revoked.

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