Archan Paul proclaimed:
>         Outlook Express 5 clone!!

Mozilla will solve this problem. ;-)

>         Windows Media Player 5 clone!!

xanim and rvplayer

>         Journaling File system as native FS!!

Will be there by the end of this year.

>         Cool device driver!!

Is cool some kind of hardware peripheral / card?

>         Winzip clone!!

guitar (

>         Linux in embaded system!!

Efforts are already out there.

>         beOS style multi threading and multimedia optimisation!!

Probably will never happen.  With Be being free (in the zero-cost sense)
for personal use and with VMWare this should not be that big a problem.

>         Cellular Automata implementation in kernel level!!      (my precious dream)
>         Cellular Automata based multimedia stream compression tool!!    (my
> precious dream)
>         cellular Automata based VR engine!! (my precious dream)

Why add any of this stuff to the kernel?

"See that ship over there?  They're broadcasting Major League Baseball
       with implied oral conesnt, not express written conesent."
                     -- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n Lead Indentured Slave

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