>>"S" == S K singh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 S> But reading HOWTO's implementing them is bit difficult for novice
 S> users.  i.e one can set 'ppp' dialin server within an hour or so
 S> if one gets stepwise configuration as written in PC-Quest or in my
 S> article but may take weeks if he starts reading HOWTO's. Thorugh,
 S> he may understand many things by redaing them, eventhen helps are
 S> required.

        But is this not an issue of the quality of the HOWTO, or at
 least the amount of details it goes into, than a format issue?  I
 have rarely seen well written helpfiles in the alternate OS; and yes,
 I have seen HOWTO's actually giving the level of detail for me to
 actually put up a firewall. Or listar. Or indeed, diald and pppd.

 Travel important today; Internal Revenue men arrive tomorrow.
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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