Linux-Misc Digest #474, Volume #19               Tue, 16 Mar 99 03:13:09 EST

  Re: Compuserve dialup from linux (Ralph W. Crane)
  Re: Help trying to compile dhcpcd (and glibc2) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: mount ntfs? (DaZZa)
  Re: framebuffer (Eric Potter)
  Re: Encyclopedia Brittanica ("Colin R. Day")
  Opinions Needed for New App Planning (Eddy Ferguson <sucks>">)
  Re: critical hard disk error!? (rhino143)
  Re: version control - complicated diff usage (Martin Pool)
  Print API (Jacques Oosthuizen)
  Re: Mysterious bug (Vegard Engen)
  Re: Gnome & shared libraries [was: Gnome 1.0 bugs][was:  (Denis Goddard)
  hp Laserjet 3si (Andy Vontobel)
  """"""""My SoundBlast 16 pnp isn't up yet"""""""""""" (Escape)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ralph W. Crane)
Subject: Re: Compuserve dialup from linux
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 23:49:26 -0500

On 15 Mar 1999 16:31:46 GMT,
        Philipp Kull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Marc Dobson wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I don't know if this has been tackled here before but I can't actually 
>find any
>> reference so I will ask my question.
>> I have a compuserve account and use Windows 3.11 to access it and get 
>mail. I
>> have also used it to surf the web.
>> However the machine is dual boot and I wish to use Linux to connect to my
>> compuserve account (and therefore to the internet), surf the web, use the
>> newsgroups and even pick up my mail.
>> Do people know if it is possible to make a ppp connection to compuserve 
>and what
>> the details of this are (eg PAP or CHAP authentication, domain servers, 
>> server address etc...). Or is Compuserve like AOL which has a proprietry 
>> to connect to (as far as the ISP-HOWTO says).
>> Any info, URLs etc on this would be much appreciated.
>> Thanks
>> Marc
>> -- 
>> Marc Dobson
>> EP Division, CERN
>> CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
>> --
>>  ________________________________________________________________________
>>  \                                                                   /
>>  /     Marc Dobson                   email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]     \
>>  \                                                                   /
>Dear Marc
>I can't connect in PPP-mode to Compuserve, but I probably have some 
>Information for you.
>I don't know if they have a Linux-Entry-Skript. I will ask them next week.
>Dial-in-Number is 0842 111 092.
>The Info-Line said that they use TERMINAL and the NAMESERVERS 
> .
>The NEWSSERVER is called and the POP3 
>That's all I know about.
>------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------

The answer is yes.  Check out past postings at in the 
comp.os.linux.* news groups, particularly the misc and network groups.
Also brouse UNIXFORUM on Compuserve and the NETSCAPE Users Forum.
Ralph Crane     [EMAIL PROTECTED]         /o
                                      // |
                                     // _|_
                                LINUX/ [___]
                                o===o              Building with LINUX!


Subject: Re: Help trying to compile dhcpcd (and glibc2)
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 05:44:13 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Robert J. Bogue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I started with a new installation of Slackware 3.6.  I compiled version
> 2.0.35 of the kernel.  I upgraded bash to 2.02 and autoconf to 2.13.  I
> compiled glibc 2.0.6, following the instructions in the HOWTO with no
> problems.  At the end of the make install, I got an error that libz was
> not found.  It looked like it was just for the info files, so I went on
> to try out Hello World.  Then it complained about not being able to find
> <gnu/stubs.h>.  I created a blank stubs.h, and then Hello World compiled
> and ran okay.  Finally, I tried to compile dhcpcd 1.3.17, and it
> couldn't find <netinet/ip.h>.  There is no /usr/include/netinet
> directory at all.  I tried using the one from libc5, but that failed
> miserably.  So now I'm stuck.
> To summarize, these are my three questions in order of increasing
> importance:
> What is libz and where is it supposed to come from?
> Do I need a non-blank <gnu/stubs.h>, and if so, where do I get it?
> Why didn't glibc5 install a netinet directory, if it's required?
> Robert Bogue

Don't know if you've found the problem by now.  In redhat 5.x, netinet and
stubs.h (not empty!) is part of the glibc-devel 2.0.7 package.  zlib comes
from zlib-1.1.3-2.

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


Subject: Re: mount ntfs?
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 14:26:27 +1100

On 14 Mar 1999, Frank Y. Xie wrote:

> While I mounted win95 partition in Linux 2.*, but I could
> not mount NTFS partition (winNT4) by using file system type of msdos,
> mmsdos, or  vfat. Could somebody please give some hint?

Recompile your kernel with NTFS support.

mount -t ntfs /dev/xxx /mountpoint.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Potter)
Subject: Re: framebuffer
Date: 14 Mar 1999 16:42:33 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

jik- enlightened this group thus:
> I would still like to know how to get the ATI framebuffer driver to run
> at 800x600x16 which my card is fully capable of doing, and how to get it
> booted into the right modes (instead of using fbset to fix it later). 
> Shouldn't I be able to pass some sort of command line to the kernel?  I
> tried using the vesa fb driver and it works fine,...I can get the
> 800x600x16 mode from it, but the scan rate hurts my eyes, I know I can
> do better but fbset doesn't help on that one.  Switching the VESA mode
> with the ATI driver gets ignored....trying to switch to 16 bpp gets
> invalid parameter, switching to 800x600 and it says not enough
> memory,...thats with fbset.
> I can't find anything in the docs about this except what I have already
> tried, which is vesa modes and fbset.
> Also, were is the kernel crew suggestion box?  I think that since the
> logo is only in the corner, and the rest of the top is left blank, there
> should be some sort of message in the blank area, like "Booting, please
> wait.." in some sort of painted writing....

I'm not sure about ATI, but I have my Matrox doing 1024x768 by means of an
append line in my lilo.conf:

append = "video=matrox:vesa:0x118,fv:90"

The docs are all in the kernel source tree.
   *  ^  \     ___@      
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/  /   ^ \  \     
  /       \  \           Eric Potter
 /  ^   ^  \  \          


From: "Colin R. Day" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Encyclopedia Brittanica
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 06:01:17 +0000


> >Has anyone managed to run the EB CD from Linux? I hear that it runs through
> >a modified Netscape browser, which leads me to believe that it should be
> >feasible to access the info on CD from within Linux.
> OK, here we go again.....
> All of the following only applies to the old (eg 1997) edition of EB, which
> uses Netscape rather than IE (and which doesn't even claim to be multimedia).
> The files that come with it somehow constitue a compressed WAIS database.
> I have been unable to get them to register with any WAIS server I could find,
> but then, I don't have the first cluse about WAIS. So someone might want to
> explore that venue.
> The usual operation is that EB starts up and registers a documentclass with
> the Windows version of Netscape. It is doing so through something like OLE.
> That's what all those eb://cgi-bin/g stuff you find in the HTML source is
> about. This tells Netscape to hand over control to EB whenever it finds
> a URL starting with eb://, and EB then starts the appropriate search engine
> (usually g.exe), _after_ filling in the matching .ini file. The search then
> returns its (HTML) results in a file which was named in the .ini file.
> Now, there is little chance of making this cooperate with Netscape/Linux, as
> that seems to be lacking the mechanisms for registering new URL types
> (or at least does it in a completely different way).
> What I did was to install the whole thing on a Windows98 box, together
> with a WEB server which can do CGI scripts (in my case, Xitami). I
> then went and wrote a short little CGI "program" that accepts requests
> from my linux box, writes a proper .ini file for g.exe, calls that,
> grabs the result and rewrites all references to eb://cgi-bin/g to
> http://magpie/cgi-bin/myg (where magpie is the name of the Windows
> box, and myg is the name of that wrapper program) and feeds it all
> back as the answer to the request.
> As a frontend on the linux side, I usually use lynx --- after all, the
> whole thing _is_ text based (and I don't even have the images installed),
> and a little script called "eb" and containing just
>    lynx http://magpie/cgi-bin/myg?keywords=$1\&DBase=Articles\&hits=10
> allows me to do very rapid searches right from the command line. A similar
> script, called webster, searches the dictionary.
> If anyone is interested, I can send you the code. Be warned that it is in
> a "it works for me, if it doesn't for you, that's your problem" state. Be
> also warned that, strictly speaking, doing this sort of thing probably violates
> your licence even if you are the only user. It definitely is illegal to use
> this method to make things available to other people. DO NOT DO THAT!
> That said, the EB is a great resource, and with a reasonably fast Windows
> machine to run it on, it's really handy for the incurably curious ---
> especially when freed from the stupid interface. Quick,  what's Michelangelo's
> family name?


> Bernie
> --
> ============================================================================
> "It's a magical world, Hobbes ol' buddy...
>                                            ...let's go exploring"
> Calvin's final words, on December 31st, 1995

Colin R. Day    [EMAIL PROTECTED]     alt.atheist #1500

"The alleged short-cut to knowledge, which is faith, is only
a short circuit destroying the mind."           Ayn Rand


From: Eddy Ferguson <"eddyf<spam><sucks>">
Subject: Opinions Needed for New App Planning
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 00:10:53 -0600

Prerequisite for reading this article:  Suspension of disbelief


Myself and a couple of friends have an original idea for a web
browser(remember that suspension of disbelief prereq.?? ;) ) but, we are
unsure as to which direction to go for the Linux port.  

Question:  Would you anyone be willing to try a web browser
"environment" (it's original..remember?) that is pure Java or would you
prefer something built around Mozilla?  Would Java cause you, as a Linux
user, to shy away?

Any responses are greatly appreciated as they could save me a huge
amount of time and allow me to "get it right" the first time!!

Thanks one and all!!




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (rhino143)
Subject: Re: critical hard disk error!?
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 05:56:10 GMT

One thing that may help you in the future.  This happened to me in the
same situation.  If you boot with the disks that you can make with
partition magic and in that boot start up partition magic in dos, not
windows, you can manipulate the partitions and it should work fine.

On 14 Mar 1999 09:11:39 PST, "Craig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Ok, I've really gotten myself into a mess this time...  (And sorry for the
>long post, but I have to go back to work tomorrow with my laptop)
>  I dual boot my laptop with Win98/RH Linux.  Over the weekend I decided I
>would reformat and repartition my hard disk.  During my initial installation
>of Linux I used Disk Druid (RH partition utility) and just created a /
>(800MB Linux Native) and Linux swap partition (50MB) which I quickly figured
>out was not enough after adding KDE and some other software.
>At this point I used PartitionMagic 3.0 to delete my Linux partitions within
>the extended partition they were in.   That left me with a FAT32 partition
>(win98), and extended and another FAT32.
>I booted to DOS and did a "format c:" and then installed Win98 thinking that
>I should now have one big 4GB FAT32 partition.  Wrong...  After installing
>Win98 I installed PartitionMagic again and was going to use it to create my
>Linux partitions.  When I opened it, it said "partition table error #113
>found".  The detailed explaination says "the hard disk contains erroneous
>values".    It doesn't allow me to do ANYTHING to the disk.
>In the 'resolving partition table errors' section of PM3.0 manual it says I
>need to delete the partitions using FDISK.  When I boot to DOS and run fdisk
>however, it just seems to hang forever.  It's like it's working, but never
>comes up (and I've waited for at least an hour).
>What can I do now?  How do I delete my partition table and start fresh??


From: Martin Pool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss,comp.emacs.xemacs,ed.linux
Subject: Re: version control - complicated diff usage
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 10:24:56 +1000

Sascha Spangenberg wrote:
> Hi there,
> is s.o. out there who knows how to do the following....
> I have a file called foo version 1.0
> I edit foo v1.0 and save it as v1.1
> I further edit v1.1  and save it as v1.2
> Now I copy foo v1.0 to - say foo2 v1.0- edit this file and save it at
> v1.1
> At this stage I want to apply the same changes to foo2 v1.1 as I did in
> foo from v1.1->v1.2
> Assume that the parts where changes need to be made shall be
>     * identical in foo v1.1 and foo2 v1.1  BUT
>     * at different positions withing the files...

You can do this interactively in emacs using the emerge functions:

  C-h C-f emerge-files-with-ancestor RET

 /\\\  Mincom | Martin Pool          | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
// \\\        | Software Engineer    | Phone: +61 7 3303-3333
\\ ///        | Mincom Pty. Ltd.     | 
 \///         | Teneriffe, Brisbane  | Speaking for myself only


From: Jacques Oosthuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Print API
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 08:30:54 +0200

Is there a print API for Linux


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vegard Engen)
Subject: Re: Mysterious bug
Date: 16 Mar 1999 06:56:24 GMT

On 13 Mar 1999 18:19:25 GMT, Gamma Rat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have a C program that I compiled with GCC under Slackware Linux with
>version 5 of the C library.  When I try to run it, it says
>"maze: Can't open display:"

This is an program with an X11 interface, right? It's trying to open a window
on the machine you're logged in from, but the DISPLAY environment variable is
not set. Try to set it to , where is the name of
the machine on which you want the window to pop up, and possibly also do an
xhost to allow it to connect to it. Note that if you're running
X as one user but the program is running as another, it will not be allowed to
open a window even if it's running at the same mahine.

>But when I run it in the debugger (gdb), it runs and exits normally.
>When I run it under Redhat 5.2, it works!

This is probably due to differences in configuration - i.e. the DISPLAY
environment variable is probably set automatically. Or something.
>I have noticed this same problem with one other program I compiled
>on Slackware, but no other programs I compiled on this same system
>exhibited this problem.

This is because they are not X programs. Or, you run it in a different way.

- Vegard


From: Denis Goddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Gnome & shared libraries [was: Gnome 1.0 bugs][was: 
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 22:22:41 -0800

I should have done a more thorough DejaNews query before posting, sorry.
For those who are still stuck, here's what turned up.

I venture that this is going to border on FAQ-able frequency w.r.t Gnome.
Especially for those of us still new to the o/s. Sorry...


A number of people wrote:
> error loading shared libraries
> undefined symbol: __register_frame_info

Author: Wr0ngWay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 1999/03/15
Forum: linux.redhat.rpm

Well, I ran into this same problem just recently.  Weird too - I had gnome
1.0 working pretty good, but figured I'd just update all the rpms just in
case.  Big mistake.  As a result, gnome-session would not work anymore,
giving that undefined register_frame_info.  I don't know why it was working
before with the slightly older rpms of 1.0, but with the rpms I just got, it
no longer worked - I guess whoever compiled the executables in the latest
rpms did so on a machine with egcs =P

At any rate, after some digging, there is a simple workaround - what you need
to do is preload another library that already has those symbols defined.  In
my case I found such a lib by doing a "nm -o /usr/lib/* 2> /dev/null | grep
register_frame_info", then picked one which had the symbol as something other
than undefined (U).  Then use the LD_PRELOAD environment variable to force
that library to be preloaded before running anything else.

So in my case I just stuck the following line in my ~/.bash_profile as a quick
and dirty workaround untill someone else resolves this issue in a better way,
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/

Not the best way to do it, but has the smallest headache factor.  If you'd
rather not have that lib loaded for every exe you run, then just do it when
you run across an executable that doesn't work for you.

Author: James Flom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 1999/03/15
Forum: comp.os.linux.x

What version of libc to you have?  This is most likely caused by 
you having libc5 and the rpms being compiled with egcs, either update
your libc or get rpms compiled with the same libc as you or compile 
them yourself.  Personaly I would update libc, but that is the hardest!


     __  __  _  __     __
~~~~(__)|-< /-\(__ |__(-_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Denis Goddard, Development Manager NDE/ADE |"I see the heads of men arise
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (506-3365) |with hungry minds and open eyes!"
Favorite languages: PL/SQL and Perl5       | -Rush, from 2112: _The Oracle_


From: Andy Vontobel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: hp Laserjet 3si
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 08:08:16 +0100


I try to print on a hp Laserjet 3 si (with postscript) but I
get only lines like this

abcd def
         ghi jklmn

What should I do? May you send me your configuration-Files?

Unforutnately I've no manual for the printer.

If you have one, please let me know that.

Thanks, Andy.

For sending me e-mails, remove the X in the first part of my
address. Thanks.
By sending me unsolicited commercial/political/religious/MailPush
E-mail message/s (known also as "spam"), you irrevocably agree to
pay me $500.-(plus any legal expenses incurred by my trying to
collect the amount due) per unsolicited commercial/political/
religious/MailPush E-mail message - for the service of receiving it.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Escape)
Subject: """"""""My SoundBlast 16 pnp isn't up yet""""""""""""
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 04:29:29 GMT

My machine: P166+mmx, 32mb ram, 4gb HD with Win95 and Win NT 4.0 and
redhat5.1 co-existed in different partitions.

I issued "sndconfig" within a xterm inside X Window, The program
detects the SB 16 pnp card sets it up with no error message, but when
it launch ModProbe to test out, it gets a message states: An error was
encountered running the ModProbe program."  I tried different IRQ
settings, all ends with the same message.

2nd, When I try to mount /dev/cdrom from File Systerm Manager, the
following error is returned:  Can't find /dev/hdb in /etc/mtab or

3nd, When my machine boots, it halts at "Sendmail" for about 3-5 mins
before it goes to next step.  Obviously there isn't any mail system on
the machine right now because it is a standalone.  How can take this
mail thing out and speed up booting?

last one, Is my Zoom 56k PCI FaxModem a Windmodem that Linux can't use
to connect me to my local isp?

Experts help me out please. thanks.



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