Linux-Misc Digest #704, Volume #19                Fri, 2 Apr 99 15:13:08 EST

  Re: Redirecting to Nowhere (Robert Heller)
  Re: can't be excuted by typing its name (Jet)
  apsfilter - acroread, orientation? (Elizabeth Leight)
  Re: C++ Heeeelp!!!! (Robert Heller)
  Re: Linux for a 286 ("Steve Baker")
  Re: postgreSQL or MySQL for Webserver? (ingenuit)
  Re: How to create linux cd-rom from ftp sites (Ian Richards and Andrea Ryde)
  Re: Newbie FTP Problem (Hannu)
  Re: Where can I download Linux as one compressed file? (David Dineen)
  Re: Slow ethernet LAN driving me crazy!! (Steve Holdoway)
  ipppd: pinging possible, but no telnet. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  file system crashes (H. Holzhauser)
  Re: HELP: My users have problems logging on... (David Pace)
  Help--Medium Error prevents booting ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Multiple modem (Walter Strong)
  Re: Is Microsoft a nasty company ? I'm asking you this question. ("The Dude")
  Re: AMD compilers ("Spud")


From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Redirecting to Nowhere
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 21:10:59 GMT

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Cook),
  In a message on Thu, 01 Apr 1999 13:43:52 GMT, wrote :

JC> I understand the redirection that you described from my DOS experience. (That's
JC> kind of ironic). What I need help with is directing a programs output to a file
JC> (interbase.log) to go into the bit-bucket. The program will know nothing about
JC> the bit bucket.
JC> Someone had alluded to a type of ?soft-linking? that would direct any i/o
JC> against a file to go to /dev/null instead.
JC> Any ideas on how to do this?

There is nothing stopping you doing:

ln -s /dev/null /path-to-hardwired-log-dir/interbase.log

(Better would be specifying the use of /dev/null as the logfile on the
command line startup.)

But, what you *really* want to do is figure out how to tell 'Borland's
Interbase 4' re-open its log file and create a proper logroate script
that will do for Interbase what is done for the various other
long-running daemons under Linux.  This way if Interbase barfs, you have
the most recent log info to help you find out what Interbase crashed.

JC> thanks,
JC> jim
JC> On Wed, 31 Mar 1999 16:08:02 -0800, Gregory Greenman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
JC> >James Cook wrote:
JC> >
JC> >> I've got Borland's Interbase 4 running on Linux. It's really cool and almost
JC> >> always works. I use it for home development. There appears to be a problem with
JC> >> its log file however. I've seen posts by others regarding an ever growing log
JC> >> file, until there is no more disk space. Alas, the rumors are true.
JC> >>
JC> >> Someone mentioned a technique where the file (interbase.log) can be redirected
JC> >> to /dev/null. (Or something like that. I think they mentioned soft-linked? I'm
JC> >> doing this from memory, sorry if I get it wrong). Being completely new to Linux
JC> >> (or Unix) what are they talking about and how do I do it? Step-by-step for the
JC> >> neophite would be nice.
JC> >>
JC> >> thanks,
JC> >> jim
JC> >
JC> >Jim,
JC> >
JC> >   In your /dev directory you have a "device" called /dev/null.   It is not a real
JC> >
JC> >device - it is a "bit-bucket" - anything sent here will be discarded.
JC> >
JC> >You redirect your standard output via the ">" operator, as follows:
JC> >
JC> >cat foobar > /dev/null
JC> >
JC> >will "cat" or copy file "foobar" to /dev/null, which means the copy will
JC> >be discarded.  File foobar will still be there.
JC> >
JC> >You can use redirection to real files too.
JC> >
JC> >cat foobar > foobar.bak
JC> >
JC> >will make a copy of foobar called foobar.bak.  That's redirection, because
JC> >cat would normally print to the screen, but you have redirected the output
JC> >to file foobar.bak or the the "bit-bucket" /dev/null.
JC> >
JC> >Dr. Gregory Greenman
JC> >Physicist
JC> >

Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153


Subject: Re: can't be excuted by typing its name
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 12:40:47 -0800

Alan Graham wrote:

> Be aware that when you do this you are opening up a potential security hole.
> Bash (and sh, and ksh...) deliberately leave the current directory off the
> path, as having it there opens up the possibilty of trojan horse attacks.
> I've always thought that you're pretty safe if the current directory is the
> last directory in the path tho'...

I've seen this said many times, could you please explain why that is the case?
Why is a system less vulnerable to attack if the current directory is not in
the path?

Thanks, I'm a newbee.



From: Elizabeth Leight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: apsfilter - acroread, orientation?
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 20:16:28 +0000

I've sucessfully installed apsfilter and netatalk on my RH5.2 linux
system with an HP 1100 Laserjet connected, and can print to it
from both Linux and MacOS.  However, two questions/issues have
come up:
1) I can't print from acroread, or print files generated by acroread.
    Other postscript files are fine.  Any pointers as to why this is
2) Is there a way to change, on a per-job basis, the output orientation.

    I've found the FEATURE setting in the /etc/apsfilterrc file,
    and it's set to what we want as a normal default, portrait, 1 page,
    no header.  I see that I can change that setting, but is there an
     easier way to do it on a single job?
Thanks to those who have answered questions before, I ran into the
"printer needing to be turned off when rebooting" problem, and solved
it by searching this newsgroup.


From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: C++ Heeeelp!!!!
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 21:10:46 GMT

  "No Spam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  In a message on Thu, 01 Apr 1999 03:30:09 GMT, wrote :

"S> Hi all,
"S>   I am wondering if there is a documentation somewhere about using C++ under
"S> Linux. I have found documentation about using gcc/g++, but it is about
"S> compiler features and not language features. A simple example (not the only
"S> question) is the alternative of Borland's "clrscr" command. Where can I find
"S> specific features like these? I am sure a lot of people know otherwise we
"S> wouldn't have all these wonderful Linux programs :)
"S> Please feel free to suggest a good book.

Probably reasonably decent generic C++ book would do.  Probably any
'Teach Yourself C++' would do, even one geared for MS-Windows or MacOS
(except the graphics would be all wrong).

*I* don't know what "clrscr" is.  If this is a graphics command, there
is probably nothing like an exact replacement.  Under UNIX and Linux,
the graphics is not part of the C/C++ compiler and its libraries. 
Under UNIX in general (including Linux), graphics is via the X11
system, which are documented *separately* from the C/C++ compiler
(manual section 3).  You should get a good book on X11.  Actually, X11
is rather a bear to program with.  A *better* way to go is to write
your C++ code as sharable compute-engine class library and load it into
Tcl/Tk.  Get 'SWIG' -- SWIG will automagically generate an interface
module to make your C++ classes show up as Tcl commands.  You can then
build a shared library with the SWIG generated interface module and
your C++ class object code and load this into Tcl/Tk (wish) and then
write the GUI stuff in Tcl/Tk.

But if you are just learning C++, you probably should stick to
non-graphical programs written in straight C++.

"S> Thanks
"S> Please remove NOSPAM

Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153


From: "Steve Baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux for a 286
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 10:49:39 -0700

I've never actually tried it, however they are working on what you want
Daniel Gagnon wrote in message ...
>does anyone know of a version of Linux that will run on a old Intel 80286?
>i've got this old beast in my closet that's just collecting dust and i want
>to put it to some use...maybe give it to a young cousin to fool with....and
>i fugure he's better to fool with Linux than DOS.....


From: ingenuit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: postgreSQL or MySQL for Webserver?
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 18:43:25 GMT

It's of maximal importance to evaluate your applications requirements
before choosing an RDBMS: speed isn't everything:
MySQL seems to shine at high-speed lookups of very large amounts of
simple table data.  Elsewhere it doesn't compare as well.

MySQL has a "read-only" feature that would make it desireable for a
lookup-only database.  It appears that they get this speed by
eliminating the more difficult referential integrity and complex join
features that would slow it down (and make it more industrial strength.)

PostgreSQL is beginning to compare reasonably with the major commercial
databases.  It is also very well documented. (If they would just get
with it and get FOREIGN KEYS!!!!!!! WORKING, it would rapidly become a
significant RDBMS player. (MySQL has stated unequivocally that they will
never support foreign keys---big misatke.)   

PostgreSQL has a particular feature that *nothing* else has:  you can
*easily* program new, complex data-types that will be integrated into
the DB engine and can be used equal to its built-in ones.  This can
greatly simplify certain kinds of programming tasks, although you lose
portability. PostgreSQL has many more, valuable, RDBMS features than
MySQL, IMHO, such as the ability to do complex, multi-table joins.
Postgres also has a fastpath option which puts its speed much closer to

(Whatever you do, stay away from MS Access---its a joke on all fronts.)

Don't look at just the speed:  high-speed can be a

The "good trick" is to support complex joins with nested sub-selects,
high degrees of referential integrity, and high-availability with high
crash-recovery across large volumes of distributed, networked data while
large numbers of user-idiots, nested transactions and badly written
applications are trying to take it down---all of this at high-speed. 
That's why the Oracle's and DB/2's of the RDBMS world are still the ones
to beat.

Best Wishes,



From: Ian Richards and Andrea Ryde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: How to create linux cd-rom from ftp sites
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 15:13:45 GMT

Hi there.  This took me a while, but here's a website that'll help you out.  If
you have a cable modem or other high speed access line, I recommend downloading
the complete iso9660 image file that the site has a link to.  Just set it up to
do it overnight or something cause obviously it's a biggie and even with my
cable modem it still took several hours.  Also the image is VERY up to date.  It
was more up to date than some of the actual Redhat mirror sites!

Hope this helps.


Jee wrote:

> I would like to burn my own redhat 5.2 cdrom from its ftp sites. Can someone
> advise me on what cd format (iso9660, joliet) I should burn the files in and
> what directories I should include in the cdrom. I am using easy cd creator
> deluxe in windows nt. I tried burning the entire i386 directory, including
> subdirectories using the joliet format but it did not work.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux.redhat
Subject: Re: Newbie FTP Problem
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 15:09:47 GMT

On Wed, 31 Mar 1999 01:15:02 -0800, Keith Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Stressed wrote:
>> I have the typical Linux machine using IP masQ to connect my Windoze LAN to
>> the net via cable modem. By typical I mean I used the typical addressing
>> scheme (192.168.1.x) for the LAN and I use DHCP to get settings for my
>> gateway interface.
>> I have RHL 5.2 and it runs wu FTP (wu-2.4.2-academ[BETA-18-VR13]).
>> Whenever I try to connect to a remote (Internet) FTP site from a Windoze
>> machine, (going through the Linux masQ machine), I get the connection, but I
>> get the following error and I'm unable to see, send or recieve data:
>> 230 User mojo7 logged in.
>> PWD
>> 257 "/home/@c/h/c/mojo7" is current directory.
>> 215 UNIX Type: L8
>> Host type (2): UNIX (standard)
>> PORT 192,168,1,2,4,47
>> 500 Illegal PORT Command
>> ! port cmd failed.
>> ! DoDirList failed 0
>> Is this due to my masQing or to my FTP setup or both or what?
>Yes.  :-)  You need to also use the ip_masq_ftp
>option in the kernel to allow machines behind the
>masquerade ''gateway'' to FTP to the other side
>of the masquerade properly. I load it as a module
>in my startup files, though I suppose you could
>also compile the option directly into the kernel.
>-- Keith

Can you elaborate a little bit?
Which start-up file should be used in RedHat 5.2?
Is the line one needs just: ip_masq_ftp ?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Dineen)
Crossposted-To: alt.uu.comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: Where can I download Linux as one compressed file?
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 19:21:27 GMT

On Thu, 1 Apr 1999 10:25:57 +0059, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kim Carter)

>Assuming you can get British PC magazines in Ireland, this months PC Plus 
>(May 1999 issue) has Redhat 5.2 as a cover CD . They are also running a 
>series on starting Linux - Well worth a look.

Thanks. I installed it this morning. It seems fine, although I'm still
getting a few graphical glitches. PC Plus seems to have really jumped
on the Linux bandwagon in the last few months :). C++ Builder 3 is
 David Dineen            net_surf at bigfoot dot com
 Netsurf Web Design    


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Holdoway)
Subject: Re: Slow ethernet LAN driving me crazy!!
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 18:44:26 GMT

I suspect a poor quality cable somewhere. Is it all Cat 5?

Have you tried getting rid of the hub, and using a crossover cable
instead? Less to go wrong.



On Wed, 31 Mar 1999 09:16:01 -0800, "Stavros C. Kassinos"

>I have a home LAN comprising of 2 linux boxes (Box-1 and Box-2). They
>are both running RedHat Linux 5.2 . The two machines are connected with
>100base-T ethernet via a hub. Box-1 is the server connected to the ISP
>via DSL. 
>I am using masquerating and ip-forwarding on Box-1 the server.
>Everything seems to work ok, both machines see each other and the world.
>From the client machine I can ping, telnet and ftp to machines outside
>the LAN.  
>PROBLEM: The connection, even the local one just between Box-1 and
>Box-2, is slow. FTP transfer rates are only 1-5Kb/sec!!  
>Does anybody have any suggestions where the problem lies? 
>Thank you for any response. 


Subject: ipppd: pinging possible, but no telnet.
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 18:32:00 GMT

I've been messing around with a specific problem for some time now. I'm
trying to use my ISDN-adapter (AVM Fritz!Classic) under Linux. I've managed
to get a connection to the internet, but there's something weird going on. I
can ping to the outside world, but when I try to telnet to the same machine
(which does accept telnet) it will hang forever. Anyone have an idea what I
might be doing wrong?

The initialisation I'm using is:
ifconfig ippp0 netmask pointopoint
ipppd ippp0 file /etc/ppp/my_ioptions.ippp0
-> from this moment on this prompt will hang - the ipppd remains active, but
doesn't run in the background.

isdnctrl dial ippp0

The file /etc/ppp/my_ioptions.ippp0 contains:
#mtu 1500
name loginname

I'm using the isdn4k-utils version 3.0beta2 compiled on, and used on, Linux

Any feedback is very welcome.



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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (H. Holzhauser)
Subject: file system crashes
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 20:23:53 GMT

Hi all,

last night I experienced an enormous file system crash, not for the
first time so far. During one year with Linux, it has happened about 6
times now! With lots of files/directories/nonsense links in "lost and

Perhaps, someone knows what might be the origin of the problem. My
system is a P150, 32 MB RAM, Suse 4.4.1, kernel 2.0.33, 25 MB swap.

I found these warnings in /var/log/warn:

Apr  2 03:04:14 my kernel: EXT2-fs error (device 03:08):
ext2_find_entry: bad
entry in directory #4317: rec_len %  != 0 - offset=0, inode=33188,
rec_len=6005, name_len=0
Apr  2 03:04:14 my sendmail[31561]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(root): orderq:
open "/var/mqueue" as ".": No such file or directory
Apr  2 03:16:32 my syslogd: exiting on signal 15
Apr  2 03:26:51 my kernel: EXT2-fs error (device 03:08): ext2_readdir:
directory #43927 contains a hole at offset 12288
Apr  2 03:26:51 my kernel: EXT2-fs error (device 03:08): ext2_readdir:
directory #43927 contains a hole at offset 13312

I should note that I like Linux very much, but begin to despair about
it. I always shut down in a clean way, and I also use win95 just as
often, without ever having had such problems. Scandisk/surface
analysis, smart values under windows as well as e2fsck and badblocks
under linux don't show me any problems. 
So what is going on here?

Before the crash, I had compiled and installed window maker, thus
creating and deleting many files/directories. I noticed that such
activities (creating huge numbers of files and deleting huge numbers
of files recursively) seem to result in such problems (also had it
with a news spool under leafnode which I deleted by a script).

I would also like to mention that I use some unstable software, such
as "wine", "ext2 compression", "dmsdos file system support", "umsdos
support", although I remember having had similar problems before using
those things.

Is it my hardware (hard drive)? (which seems to run fine under

Who can help me, who had similar problems and found their cause and

Please, answer me; any helpful hints are welcome.

Heike Holzhauser


From: David Pace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: HELP: My users have problems logging on...
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 14:30:25 -0500

Jerry wrote:

> Hi all,
> I wonder if you can help me. I'm new to Linux and i've been given a
> temporary position whilst the main admin is on a vacation.
> We've got a small network that's hooked to the Internet and sometimes
> some of the people log onto it from home in order to surf the
> Internet. But there's a problem.
> The problem is: My collegues have to try several times in order to
> make a successful connection. One of my colleagues who's also new to
> Linux said that when he does 'tail -f /var/adm/messages' whilst
> connecting, he gets a message "serial line is looped back". He only
> get's this once or twice and then it's fine. But this happens too
> often, i.e. on nearly every connection attempt. The others mainly use
> Win98 and report that it takes them several attempts before they're
> accepted onto the server.
> As far as I can tell, I think this is related with the what I've
> noticed. When they logoff or get disconnected for some reason or
> another, their session is left running on our server, which is a Linux
> server. I notice this when I do 'ps -aux|more' and I can see their
> username on there but they're not logged on as I've checked with the
> 'w' command.
> Why is this happening and where have we gone wrong?
> I would appreciate any help on this. TIA.
> Jerry

Here are two things to try:

Take a look at the modem settings on the modems answering the phone.
Think along the lines of whether DTR signal drops when the user logs off.
I think that it is DTR that signals the Linux system to kill the user
programs at logoff.  But, if DTR does not drop then the programs remain
active. So, look through the modem manual for something like that.

If the modem has a AT&W feature that works, you can use it to save the
new settings.

Otherwise, you must add an AT string to the /etc/inittab serial lines
after the mgetty.  Do `man mgetty` for more info.

Secondly,  you should be using mgetty (in /etc/inittab)and not getty to
answer the calls.  `getty' does not work well with modems/serial lines.

Download a copy of mgetty from somewhere if you do not have it on your system.

Free commodity/stock graphing software
and Linux links at


Subject: Help--Medium Error prevents booting
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 21:13:03 GMT

Hi everyone,

I'm a new Linux user. I have the Red Hat release 4.2 (Biltmore) installed on
a Jaz drive connected to a Adaptec 2940 UW SCSI controller. I have a Pentium
II 400 mhz processor and 64 MB of memory. I also have Windows 98 (on the C:
drive) and Windows NT running on my main (Seagate 9 GB) hard drive.

Linux worked fine until I assigned a drive letter to a FAT partition I
included on the JAZ drive (using NT's Disk Administrator). I am not sure
whether my assigning a letter to that partition was what caused the problem
or not.

The message I get is
   MEDIUM ERROR on channel 0, cd 6, lun 0, CDB: Read (6) 16 00 48 02 00
   Current error sd08:11 sense key medium error
   Additional sense indicates Unrecovered read error
   scsidisk I/O Error dev 08:11, sector 144182
   Kernel Panic: Ext2-fs panic (device 08:11):ext2_read-inode unable to read
   i-node block - inode=178914, block=720916
After that, the computer freezes and I must use the reset button to reboot.

Am I correct in thinking this is a hardware error--a bad sector on the disk or
something similar? IF so, is there anything I can do about it short of
reformatting the JAZ disk and starting over?

Thanks for any advice you can give!

Tom Ryan

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Walter Strong)
Subject: Re: Multiple modem
Date: 2 Apr 1999 15:47:53 GMT

Brian McCauley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: shu ling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

: > If I have more than one modem installed, how can I configure which modem
: > does the "chat" program talk to?

: chat does not explicitly talk to any device.  You call if from another
: program (like pppd).  The other program opens the device before it
: calls chat.

: To specify a device when you call pppd... er... well... um... you
: specify the device.

: -- 
:      \\   ( )  No male bovine  | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:   .  _\\__[oo   faeces from    | Phones: +44 121 471 3789 (home)
:  .__/  \\ /\@  /~)  /~[   /\/[ |   +44 121 627 2173 (voice) 2175 (fax)
:  .  l___\\    /~~) /~~[  /   [ | PGP-fp: D7 03 2A 4B D8 3A 05 37...
:   # ll  l\\  ~~~~ ~   ~ ~    ~ |
:  ###LL  LL\\ (Brian McCauley)  |

You can specify the device like this:

/usr/sbin/pppd /dev/ttyS3 38400 file /etc/ppp/options2

where the work of /dev... is obvious and /etc...options2 is a 
secondary file that you might want the other modem to use instead
of the primary.  If you want both modems to just use the default
options, leave out everything after "38400".  The man pages for 
pppd and chat are alright, but some of the examples they give
didn't work straightaway (not for me anyway).


From: "The Dude" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is Microsoft a nasty company ? I'm asking you this question.
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 20:03:37 GMT

True, it was a small install.
X-windows, games and programming stuff.

whistler (Paul E. Larson) wrote in message ...
>In article <4_QM2.5491$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "The Dude"
>>Only takes me 5 mins. to install the Redhat Linux OS.
>How long to configure to your needs? Installing is only a third of the
>>Klaus Schilling wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>:John Doe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>:> BeOS is even easier to install that Linux or Windows. it took me 5
>>:> minutes to install it once PM3 finished making the BFS partition. I
>>:> installed it and have it almost ready for daily use.
>>:No, it's by no means easier to install, as the installation of those
>>:proprietary stuff is downright inflexible. Linux can be bootstrap
>>:Klaus Schilling
>Get rid of the blahs to email me :}


From: "Spud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AMD compilers
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 19:40:46 GMT

    GCC is the GNU C Compiler. Considering that it is used on a huge variety
of chips, it is not dependent on the Intel architecture. When compiling,
some programs do include the -O2 flag, which is for optimization. I am
hardly a guru with this sort of thing, but what chip you compile on
shouldn't make that much of a difference.
>    I'm just a newbie that has been lurking for the past several months and
>have not seen this addressed anywhere.  I recall reading some place that
>compiler that Linux uses to make bianaries is optimized for Intel (and
>compatible) x86 chips.  Also, I believe the Linux Documentation Project
>when compiling a kernel for non-Intel chips, use the "make for 386" (or
>something like that) command.
>    My question: does a compiler exist that has been optimized for the
>K6 chips from AMD?  If so, where do (can) I download it?  Or, is this a
>pointless endeavor because of the speed at which they run?
>    If I have misunderstood any concepts or need correcting, please email
>me, just take the "no_spam_please" out of the address.  Thanks to everyone
>who can help me better understand.



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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