Linux-Misc Digest #731, Volume #19                Sun, 4 Apr 99 00:13:07 EST

  Re: Proprietary Linux -- End Of Open Source Software! (Steve Benting)
  Re: Best Free X Windows Server for Win95/98 Box on Samba/Linux Network? (yan seiner)
  Re: wvdial problem ("Anthony")
  Re: Linux 2.2 is very unstable (John Thompson)
  Re: Best Free X Windows Server for Win95/98 Box on Samba/Linux Network? ("John 
  pppd reports "serial device is looped back" (shu ling)
  Re: Best Free X Windows Server for Win95/98 Box on Samba/Linux Network? (Leslie 
  Re: Proposal: "Linux 2000 Platform" (Kendall Bennett)
  Please help me Video card ATI Rage LT PRO AGP (Srinivas Madiraju)
  Re: RPM Catch-22s? (Ewan Dunbar)
  Re: wvdial problem (Bill Unruh)
  Re: wvdial problem (Ewan Dunbar)
  Re: Please help me Video card ATI Rage LT PRO AGP (Ewan Dunbar)
  Re: Downloading Linux? ("No Spam")
  Re: Why Linux still isn't my standard boot-up OS, or what are the  (Tom Betz)
  Re: wvdial problem (Walter Strong)
  Re: Please help me Video card ATI Rage LT PRO AGP (Benjamin Smith)
  Re: How do I monitor my modem (Benjamin Smith)


From: Steve Benting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Proprietary Linux -- End Of Open Source Software!
Date: Sat, 03 Apr 1999 18:43:07 -0800

Er -- note the date on that article...

Gerard Motola wrote:
> "Mark S. Bilk" wrote:
> >
> > <LI><a 
>href="">Salon 21st | 
>Money talks -- open source walks</a>
> >
> >    Money talks -- Open source walks
> >    Plans for new LinuxSoft venture map
> >    new business model for "free" software.
> >
> >    SALON STAFF REPORT | In a move sure to send shock waves through the
> >    free software/open-source community, Linus Torvalds, creator of the
> >    Linux operating system, announced today that he is founding LinuxSoft,
> >    a new company that will specialize in selling "enhanced" proprietary
> >    versions of Linux.
> >
> >    LinuxSoft will be a joint venture between leading Linux vendors Red
> >    Hat, VA Research and LinuxCare. Torvalds announced it has already
> >    obtained venture capital funding from Silicon Valley's premier VC
> >    firm, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers.
> >
> >    "The free software model has served its purpose," said the Finnish
> >    coder, considered by many geeks to be the greatest programmer in the
> >    world, "but now I've got to think about putting my daughters through
> >    college."
> >
> >    LinuxSoft, according to Torvalds, will experiment with a variety of
> >    business models -- including an innovative advertiser-supported
> >    approach, in which sponsors will pay to insert their messages directly
> >    into the program code. "We know that that's where they'll get the
> >    maximum eyeballs and best bang for their buck," he said.
> >
> >    LinuxSoft expects to file for an IPO within 36 hours, Torvalds added.
> >
> >    Torvalds' announcement was followed by a rash of similar breakthrough
> >    developments in the open-source world, prompting one longtime observer
> >    to say via e-mail "the dam has broken -- the open sourcers have
> >    finally realized that TANSTAAFL: There ain't no such thing as a free
> >    lunch."
> >
> >    Eric Raymond, the oft-quoted hacker advocate and open-source
> >    propagandist, released a paper on his personal Web site titled "The
> >    Cathedral, the Bazaar and the Bottom Line." Raymond said that he was
> >    launching a new venture called "Open Bourse" -- an online marketplace
> >    in which free-software programmers could auction off their code to the
> >    highest bidder. "Open Bourse" is a joint venture with eBay.
> >
> >    Slashdot, the popular "news for nerds" Web site that has served as a
> >    focal point for open-source devotees, unveiled a redesigned and
> >    renamed site, Slashdot Investor. Beginning immediately, Slashdot
> >    Investor will only be available to site visitors who have purchased
> >    subscriptions. Premium content will include a "Stock Tip of the Day"
> >    from journalist Jon Katz -- a 6,500-word essay on a particular
> >    company's cultural context, along with a buy/sell recommendation.
> >
> >    Brian Behlendorf of the Apache Project issued a press release
> >    detailing a new plan to levy a micropayment tax on every Web page
> >    delivered by the widely deployed Apache Web server. "This great
> >    software has been doing its job on millions of computers without ever
> >    asking for anything in return," Behlendorf said. "The free ride is
> >    over -- it's time to pay the piper."
> >
> >    In Redmond, Microsoft announced that Free Software Foundation founder
> >    Richard Stallman had accepted the new position of Senior Vice
> >    President for Ideology.
> >
> >    Initial reaction to the news was mild, to the dismay of trolling
> >    journalists. A brief flame war broke out on comp.os.linux.advocacy,
> >    where a few die-hard open-source devotees tangled with the movement's
> >    leaders. But complaints like "Have our whole community's ideals gone
> >    to /dev/null?" were quickly met with responses like "Get real, pal."
> >
> >    Some posters on Usenet suggested that the news was an instance of
> >    "Microsoft FUD": "There has not been such a massive disinformation
> >    campaign since the days of Cointelpro." A few even claimed that the
> >    moves were an obvious April Fools' prank, but Torvalds himself posted
> >    a strong denial: "We are still intent on world domination. But now we
> >    plan to rake in some dough, too."
> >    SALON | April 1, 1999
> That couldn't happen because Linux is GPLed...


From: yan seiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Best Free X Windows Server for Win95/98 Box on Samba/Linux Network?
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 01:47:39 +0000

The cool thing about VNC is that it runs in a web server if you want
it.  And it's proxyable.  Pretty cool when you can bring up a windows
app in a web server window.

I've run Autocad (no lite app) from a 486/100 win95 laptop, dialing into
a Linux box, geting forwarded to, and controlling, an NT workstation
over phone lines.  Poor but acceptable performance.


dproc wrote:
> Eugene VonNiederhausern wrote:
> > Cyrus Mehta wrote:
> >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I am creating a dual Windows/Linux environment using Samba for file serving
> > > on a standard Ethernet network.  I was wondering what kind of X server software
> > > for the Windows side I could use to run some X windows apps off of the LInux Box.
> > >
> > > Reliability is the most important factor, windows will crash often enough without
> > > the help of the X server.
> > >
> > > Any ideas?
> > >
> > > CKM
> >
> > Yesterday, I found the best X server/viewer for windows  (and linux) that I have
> > seen yet and it is free (GNU Public License). It  is called VNC from Olivetti and
> > Oracle research laboratory. You can connect from linux->windows, windows->linux,
> > linux->linux, windows->windows. It is a lot better than any of the other products
> > I have seen ot this kind. I don't  have the URL (it is at work) you can email  me 
> > post a reply and I will get it and reply.
>   That sounds really interesting.  At the moment I use MIX, which is not free (binary
> only and other restrictions) but it costs nothing.
> I downloaded it from MicroImages  <>
> It doesn't crash my Windows 95* system.  It includes a Window Manager (twm) and its 
> fonts which run as native on the Windows box taking some load off the network.   This
> is important to me as I don't have a real network, just a serial cable between two 
> ports running PPP (pppd) and the X client applications on the Linux* system, and
> Dial-Up Networking on Windows.  It is only 115200 bits per second!  That is not 
> for Netscape, but performance is excellent for large xterms and lynx.
> If for some reason the GPL X Server recommended by Eugene doesn't work, why not try
> MIX?
> Yours, dproc
> * Windows 95 is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
> * Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds


From: "Anthony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: wvdial problem
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 11:11:46 +0800

April 4, 1999

Following your advice, I am able to run application
programs for Internet successfully in xterm.

I am still new in Linux.  Please advise the method
to invoke console.  I attempt to run console in bash
shell and in x-window, but all fail.


Anthony Cheung

zentara ¼¶¼g©ó¤å³¹ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>On Fri, 2 Apr 1999 15:32:23 +0800, "Anthony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>April 2, 1999
>>How can I switch into pine or other application programs
>>for the Internet after making connection to my isp
>>by wvdial in shell mode?
>Well, if you are in X, start wvdail in a xterm,
>then start pine , netscape, or whatever in another
>If running from the console, do an alt-F1 to start
>wvdial in tty1, then alt-F* to another virtual console
>and start whatever program you want.
>To disconnect, hit alt-F1 then control-C.


From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux 2.2 is very unstable
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 19:42:06 -0600

root wrote:
> Apparently for me Linux 2.2.x is not as stable as everyone says.


Kernel 2.2.1 has been rock-solid stable for me.  So much so,
in fact, that any newer releases are going to have to
include something I really, really, really need (as opposed
to just "want") to convince me to move on...




From: "John Hardin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Best Free X Windows Server for Win95/98 Box on Samba/Linux Network?
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 19:21:57 -0800

dproc wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Eugene VonNiederhausern wrote:
>> Cyrus Mehta wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I am creating a dual Windows/Linux environment using Samba for file
>> > on a standard Ethernet network.  I was wondering what kind of X server
>> > for the Windows side I could use to run some X windows apps off of the
LInux Box.
>> >
>> > Reliability is the most important factor, windows will crash often
enough without
>> > the help of the X server.
>> >
>> > Any ideas?
>> >
>> > CKM
>> Yesterday, I found the best X server/viewer for windows  (and linux)
that I have
>> seen yet and it is free (GNU Public License). It  is called VNC from
Olivetti and
>> Oracle research laboratory. You can connect from linux->windows,
>> linux->linux, windows->windows. It is a lot better than any of the other
>> I have seen ot this kind. I don't  have the URL (it is at work) you can
email  me or
>> post a reply and I will get it and reply.
>  That sounds really interesting.  At the moment I use MIX, which is not
free (binary
>only and other restrictions) but it costs nothing.
>I downloaded it from MicroImages  <>
>It doesn't crash my Windows 95* system.  It includes a Window Manager
(twm) and its own
>fonts which run as native on the Windows box taking some load off the
network.   This
>is important to me as I don't have a real network, just a serial cable
between two COM
>ports running PPP (pppd) and the X client applications on the Linux*
system, and
>Dial-Up Networking on Windows.  It is only 115200 bits per second!  That
is not enough
>for Netscape, but performance is excellent for large xterms and lynx.
>If for some reason the GPL X Server recommended by Eugene doesn't work,
why not try
>Yours, dproc


Just to clarify, VNC is *not* an X server. It is a facility for remotely
viewing the system console of a different machine.

If you happen to be running an X server on the machine whose console you're
viewing it may *look* like you're running an X server...

 John Hardin KA7OHZ                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgpk -a finger://    PGP key ID: 0x41EA94F5
 PGP key fingerprint: A3 0C 5B C2 EF 0D 2C E5  E9 BF C8 33 A7 A9 CE 76
  In the Lion
  the Mighty Lion
  the Zebra sleeps tonight...
  Dee de-ee-ee-ee-ee de de de we um umma way!


From: shu ling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: tw.bbs.comp.linux
Subject: pppd reports "serial device is looped back"
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 11:27:17 +0800

When I run "pppd /dev/ttyS1 38400", I read "serial device is looped
back" from my /var/log/messages.
Anybody has simliar experience and offer me some pointers? Thanks.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell)
Subject: Re: Best Free X Windows Server for Win95/98 Box on Samba/Linux Network?
Date: 3 Apr 1999 21:49:06 -0600

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
John Hardin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Just to clarify, VNC is *not* an X server. It is a facility for remotely
>viewing the system console of a different machine.

Indeed, it is different but that isn't quite the whole story either. 
It is really a remote frame buffer, and what is in the frame may
be an X server from another machine.

>If you happen to be running an X server on the machine whose console you're
>viewing it may *look* like you're running an X server...

When the host is windows NT or 95 you are limited to viewing the
system console since there is no concept of multiple screens.  If
the host is running X, vnc actually creates a different desktop
visible only from the viewer - it does not use the same sesssion
as is on the console.  For some things this is nicer than the
traditional remote usage of X because you can create long-running
sessions that you can grab from various locations when you need
to interact or check progress.

  Les Mikesell


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kendall Bennett)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: Proposal: "Linux 2000 Platform"
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 18:57:08 -0800

In article <7e349q$s5u$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kendall Bennett) wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > Since there will be differences between the different uses for Linux, we
> > should define multiple variations of the Linux 2000 platform. The
> > contents of what make up the variations Linux 2000 platform should be
> > debated and eventually voted on to come up with the final guidelines.
> > Some people may not agree with the final vote, but the important thing is
> > that compromises need to be made for this to be successful. We may also
> > want to define what are 'base components' that must be installed on every
> > system, and components that are optional and may or may not be installed
> > by the user.
> this was an april fools joke, right?

No, it was not. Stupid me had my head in the clouds and didn't realise it 
was April 1st when I posted it.

> the scary thing is that this is actually occuring,
> the end result of windows programmers that do not understand unix.
> it cracks me up when people make their linux look and behave as much like
> windows as possible, then denounce the very thing they are emulating.

It is responses like this that really piss me off. What do you know about 
me and my understanding of Unix? It just so happens that I have been a 
Linux/FreeBSD user since way back in the 0.9x days, and have used Unix 
system extensively in the past (did lot of graphics research on high end 
SGI boxes). I do active development for DOS, Windows, OS/2, Linux, QNX 
and BeOS. Hmm. Perhaps I might *know* a thing or two about Unix systems?

What is worse is that what I was proposing has absolutely *nothing* to do 
with Windows!!!! Sure, I used the '2000' moniker because in the corporate 
world marketing rules, whether you like it or not. Call it something else 
if you please, I really don't care. The important thing that I was trying 
to get across, something that everyone seems to have completely missed is 
that Linux needs:

 . Cooperation
 . Standardisation
 . Uniformity

Those three points are vital for the continued growth of Linux. I am not 
talking about this in the sense of 'continuing to challenge Windows'. I 
am talking about this in the sense of the growth of Linux itself, 
regardless of any other OS'es. I am talking about this in the sense of 
making it easier for people to develop cool stuff for Linux as a 

The standard response to my proposal seems to be something along the 
lines of 'Hell, you can solve those problems; you are just too lazy!'. 
Well a lazy programmer is a good programmer, and if there are ways that 
things can be streamlined to cut down on the amount of effort someone 
needs to expend to release a product that supports Linux, that is a good 
thing right? Surely people realize that is developers spent less time 
fucking around trying to make their products compatible with all the 
different Linux distributions, they could spend more time concentrating 
on developing better products.

It appears to me that many in the Linux community are either just to 
vain, or too damn ignorant to realise this. So forget that I ever brought 
up the subject...


|      SciTech Software - Building Truly Plug'n'Play Software!         |
| Kendall Bennett          | To reply via email, remove nospam from    |
| Director of Engineering  | the reply to email address. Do NOT send   |
| SciTech Software, Inc.   | unsolicited commercial email!             |
| 505 Wall Street          | ftp  :                |
| Chico, CA 95928, USA     | www  :         |


From: Srinivas Madiraju <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Please help me Video card ATI Rage LT PRO AGP
Date: Sat, 03 Apr 1999 20:27:01 -0800


I  completed installing LINUX  5.2 on my machine but I could not
configure Xserver properly.
I have a COMPAQ  Presario machine with following  config
Intel Pentium2
64 MB  RAM
Video card:
Rage LT PRO AGP 2x  of ATI Tech

I tried different servers including ATI_MACH64 , after running startx I
do see a window
comes up fine but inside that   , the windows are split  across the
I  cannot imagine wokring  without xwindow system . I highly
appreciate  your help
and suggestions to resolve this problem .

Thanks in Advance,


From: Ewan Dunbar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RPM Catch-22s?
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 23:33:19 -0500

Jon McLin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> My experience with rpm thus far is that it is close to worthless.  About
> 25% of rpms I download can be installed.  The remainder fail.  There are
> circular dependencies, and what appears to be inconsistent naming:
> packages will not install due to dependencies, despite the fact that the
> required library is in fact installed.

Which is why you RTFM and use the --force option.

Ewan Dunbar
Visit Preston Manning: Action Hero at


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: wvdial problem
Date: 4 Apr 1999 03:47:06 GMT

In <LKAN2.7296$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Anthony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>April 4, 1999

>Following your advice, I am able to run application
>programs for Internet successfully in xterm.

If you are running X (as youmust be to be running xterm), click with the
left mouse button on the background on the screen (ie not inside the
xterm, but on the green background). A list will come up. The first item
is "New Shell" click on that item and a new xterm will appear. put your
cursor on that new xterm, click in it, and run your other command. You
can do this as often as you like and cover your screen with xterms.

The "console"-- while in X type Alt F2 (ie hold down the alt key and
while holding it down type the F2 key). Youwill now have a full blank
screen on which you can run another command. alt-F1 will bring you back
to the X screen. each of alt-F2 to alt-F6 will bring up a seperate

>I am still new in Linux.  Please advise the method
>to invoke console.  I attempt to run console in bash
>shell and in x-window, but all fail.


From: Ewan Dunbar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: wvdial problem
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 23:39:03 -0500

On 4 Apr 1999, Bill Unruh wrote:
> The "console"-- while in X type Alt F2 (ie hold down the alt key and
> while holding it down type the F2 key). Youwill now have a full blank
> screen on which you can run another command. alt-F1 will bring you back
> to the X screen. each of alt-F2 to alt-F6 will bring up a seperate
> screen.

BzzzT! wrong. You can't access the consoles from X unless you do a

Ewan Dunbar
Visit Preston Manning: Action Hero at


Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install,linux.redhat.misc
From: Ewan Dunbar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Please help me Video card ATI Rage LT PRO AGP
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 23:43:27 -0500

On Sat, 3 Apr 1999, Srinivas Madiraju wrote:

> I  completed installing LINUX  5.2 on my machine but I could not
> configure Xserver properly.

I apologise deeply for this, but I just can't resist telling you that
there is no such thing as Linux 5.2. The release of the *distribution* --
that is, the OS that *uses* the Linux *kernel* is 5.2. From the
cross-posts, I assume it's RedHat.

Ewan Dunbar
Visit Preston Manning: Action Hero at


From: "No Spam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Downloading Linux?
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 04:33:34 GMT

I have been doing that with slackware for quite a while now. Download the
whole OS. The whole slakware directory.

I usually put it in a subdirectory on a win9X partition. Then of course I
have to have the A series handy on diskettes.

After that I install the system once with just the A series.

Then I reboot.

Now the system should be able to access your your fat partiton (provided you
installed "vfat" I think.) (This happens when you say you want your fat
partiton to be visible from linux).

You mount the linux directory.
You then run "setup" again.
You specify the source as the mounted partition.
You specify the destination, but don't format your linux partition again.
Don't install the A partition again. (It will warn you of this, if u ignore
the warning and go on with installing the A series again, you will get
errors and might have to redo the whole process from scratch).
You should be done now.

As for burning the CD. Just put your slakware (without "c") in the root
directory. I might be inaccurate, but I remember reading this somewhere that
you can't change the name. Of course whenever you have to put this directory
somewhere else, u can probably use the mount trick.

May be the above instructions won't make sense to some people, but believe
it or not, it works for me.

If you need further assistance:

And as people usually say remove the "NOSPAM" from my email

> I am trying to download Linux and burn it onto a CD. I am wondering what I
> > would need to do. Do I just download the whole directory (I have T1) and
> > it onto a CD and the installation would automatically pick it up or is
> > any thing I would have to do.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Betz)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Why Linux still isn't my standard boot-up OS, or what are the 
Date: 3 Apr 1999 23:45:49 -0500

Quoth Christopher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
|Matthias Warkus wrote:
|> It was the 2 Apr 1999 15:24:18 -0500...
|> ..and Tom Betz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|> > Quoth "George Georgakis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in 
|> > |Much as I hate to say it, for ease of use and for those of the "just
|> > |install and use it" crowd, I must agree that Win9* is currently ahead of
|> > |all flavours of Linux.
|> >
|> > Sad, but true.
|> >
|> > Little things annoy.  For example, there is no common buffer for
|> > cutting and pasting between apps.
|> Sure there is.
|> > You can't do something as simple
|> > as paste text copied from an xterm session into, say, Netscape.
|> Netscape is a screwed-up app, that's why it works with almost
|> everything but Netscape.
|Try holding the shift key while highlighting the text and hold shift when pasting. I 
|can paste just about
|anywhere with this method.

Thanks for being the only respondent to actually offer a possible
solution, instead of telling me that something works that I know 
from short personal experience doesn't work.

I'll try it next time I'm on my experimental box.

|We have tried ignorance       |            Tom Betz, Generalist               |
|for a very long time, and     | Want to send me email? FIRST, READ THIS PAGE: |
|it's time we tried education. | <> |


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Walter Strong)
Subject: Re: wvdial problem
Date: 4 Apr 1999 04:41:46 GMT

Bill Unruh ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

: >April 4, 1999

: >Following your advice, I am able to run application
: >programs for Internet successfully in xterm.

: If you are running X (as youmust be to be running xterm), click with the
: left mouse button on the background on the screen (ie not inside the
: xterm, but on the green background). A list will come up. The first item
: is "New Shell" click on that item and a new xterm will appear. put your
: cursor on that new xterm, click in it, and run your other command. You
: can do this as often as you like and cover your screen with xterms.

: The "console"-- while in X type Alt F2 (ie hold down the alt key and
: while holding it down type the F2 key). Youwill now have a full blank
: screen on which you can run another command. alt-F1 will bring you back
: to the X screen. each of alt-F2 to alt-F6 will bring up a seperate
: screen.
isn't it ctrl-alt-F* to get to a non-x console from X?  Also should add
that alt-F7 will get you back to X;)

: >I am still new in Linux.  Please advise the method
: >to invoke console.  I attempt to run console in bash
: >shell and in x-window, but all fail.


From: Benjamin Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Please help me Video card ATI Rage LT PRO AGP
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 04:46:50 GMT

Apologies if you see this twice. My newsreader screwed up.

You need to upgrade the X distribution that comes with RH 5.2 to XFree86
3.3.3. The 3.3.2 set that comes with RH 5.2 won't work with this card. I
have one working fine with 3.3.3 and the Mach64 server.

Good luck!

Srinivas Madiraju wrote:
> Hi,
> I  completed installing LINUX  5.2 on my machine but I could not
> configure Xserver properly.
> I have a COMPAQ  Presario machine with following  config
> Intel Pentium2
> 64 MB  RAM
> Video card:
> Rage LT PRO AGP 2x  of ATI Tech
> I tried different servers including ATI_MACH64 , after running startx I
> do see a window
> comes up fine but inside that   , the windows are split  across the
> screen.
> I  cannot imagine wokring  without xwindow system . I highly
> appreciate  your help
> and suggestions to resolve this problem .
> Thanks in Advance,
> -Srini


From: Benjamin Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: How do I monitor my modem
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 04:57:24 GMT

I use wmifs with WindowMaker. Look at:

Stephen Thomas wrote:
> I am using diald to dial up a ppp account with my ISP. I would like to
> monitor the modem connection rate, time connected, bytes sent, bytes
> received, etc. Is there a utility to do this?
> Thanks,
> Steve



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