Linux-Misc Digest #370, Volume #20               Thu, 27 May 99 16:13:11 EDT

  Re: FDD Tape Drive--The Sequel (M. Farrenkopf)
  Re: Diald dials out every 15 minutes (Michel)
  Re: Lilo having a problem (Johan Kullstam)
  GNU Cgicc released ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Threading (Ralph Blach)
  Re: Commercially speaking....? (Erik Olson)
  Re: Commercially speaking....? (Chris Wilson)
  SMP & RAID Tools (Mooniesdl2)
  Re: Commercially speaking....? (Erik Olson)
  LSH-0.1 (Niels =?ISO-8859-1?Q?M=F6ller?=)
  Re: connecting-computers ("Jeroen N. Witmond")
  Re: LILO problem with win98 (Redhat) (FX)
  Re: Commercially speaking....? (Erik Olson)
  Re: Diald dials out every 15 minutes (Erhard Siegl)
  Re: xterm & background processes (Erik Rissanen)
  Re: xterm & background processes ("T.E.Dickey")
  Re: Linux Read win95/98 Long File Names? (carl)


From: mattf* (M. Farrenkopf)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: FDD Tape Drive--The Sequel
Date: 27 May 1999 18:13:20 GMT

On 26 May 1999 21:37:37 GMT, Adam J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Thanks for the info.  I installed my Colorado 250MB tape drive, but have 
>been unsuccessful in getting anything on the tape.  I know I should use tar, 
>(the command line I used was "tar -cz /home/* /dev/ftape/hame.tar") but 
>whenever I try to use it, I get a bunch of garbage on the screen and my box 
>starts beeping at me.  Any advice?

Yes. :-)

You're missing a very important option.  -f is what allows you to specify
the destination and name of the tar file.  Thus, you're telling tar to tar
up /home/* and /dev/ftape/hame.tar.

If you want the file to go to /dev/ftape/hame.tar, then try:

tar -czf /dev/ftape/hame.tar /home/*

(c = create tar file, z = compress, f = filename to use)

I've never tried the f option as anything but the last option since it
requires a filename, so just make sure it is the last option listed and it
should work fine.


"Why put fault tolerance in the OS, when it's already built into the User?"
        - Steve Shaw, comp.os.linux.advocacy, on the apparent lack of
          fault tolerance in MS Windows-series of OS's.


From: Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Diald dials out every 15 minutes
Date: 27 May 1999 11:26:04 -0500

Brian Lane wrote:
> On 26 May 1999 22:02:01 -0500, Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >marco tephlant wrote:
> >>
> >> Im pleased to say i've got IP masquerading and diald working this
> >> weekend,  one problem though is that diald spontaneously dials out.  I've
> >> looked through the man pages and checked theres no cron job causing it
> >> but can't figure out whats making it happen,  I have two Win98 PC's
> >> connected to the network,  neither of them were running any network app
> >> or anything. As a test I left the server and one PC switched on for a
> >> couple of hours and didnt touch anything,  but logs still showed it
> >> connecting every fifteen minutes.
> >>
> >> Any tips as to what this could be?
> >>
> >
> >Did you set it to be active with control-panel? or KDE?
> >
> >If that is the case you are technically connected 24hrs a day. If something
> >disconnects you the redialer will happily reconnect you. It looks like your
> >ISP disconnects you after 15 minutes of inactivity. Linux is nice enough to
> >reconnect you.
>   I think you misunderstood him, he said it is connecting every 15 minutes,
> not disconnecting.

You misunderstood what I said. My ISP for instance will disconnect me every 20
minutes if there is no activity. For example, when I download some stuff with
wget at night the net connection may go off and I'm reconnected a few seconds
later, in the case that my download is ended before I get up and turn off the
connection it will reconnect me every 20 minutes a few seconds after my ISP
disconnects me. I've tested it and every 20 minutes exactly it will reconnect me.

Tired of Windows' rebootive multitasking?
then try Linux's preemptive multitasking
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From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lilo having a problem
Date: 27 May 1999 14:18:01 -0400


> Lilo is having a problem with my hard drive. It says that because it
> is more than 1024 cylinders that Lilo will not work right. Will
> Redhat 6.0 fix this. By the way I am using Redhat 5.2

iirc this is a pc bios problem.  lilo must use the bios in its initial
disk access.  the bios calls were specified some twenty years ago, and
while they have been updated, have not kept up with disk drive
technology.  no lilo can fix it.

to fix this you have two options[1]

1) make a small partition at the beginning of the disk (i.e., below
   the 1024 cylinder point) and put your kernels there.

2) sometimes you can trick the bios by giving a fake geometry.  i
   think it is called linear mode, but i may be wrong.

for more information, go to  i think this
question has been asked before.

[1] well, three options, 0) being get a decent piece of hardware,
    i.e., a non ia86 based machine.  however price considerations
    force acceptance of the low bidder despite its horrible flaws.

johan kullstam


Crossposted-To: gnu.announce,alt.sources.d
Subject: GNU Cgicc released
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 20:17:29 -0400

I've just finished the first official GNU version of Cgicc, a C++ class library
for writing CGI applications.  Cgicc has been around since 1996 in various
incarnations, but was rewritten to use the C++ STL and rereleased under the GPL.
In brief, Cgicc does the following:

 - Parses both GET and POST form data transparently.
 - Provides string, integer, floating-point and single- and multiple-choice
retrieval methods for form data.
 - Provides methods for saving and restoring CGI environments to aid in
application debugging.
 - Provides full on-the-fly HTML generation capabilities, with support for
cookies and file inclusion.
 - Supports HTTP file upload.

The newest version is 3.0, and requires a C++ compiler supporting the C++ STL
(both gcc-2.8.1 and egcs-1.1.2 work fine).

The web pages for Cgicc are at
Cgicc is available via ftp from,
or any mirror (see list below).

If you have any questions regarding Cgicc, please contact me at


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From: Ralph Blach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Threading
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 12:26:12 -0400

Where Do I find a technical description of the Threading which is in 




From: Erik Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Commercially speaking....?
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,,,uk.comp.os.linux
Date: 27 May 1999 19:01:48 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy David Damerell wrote:
> Erik Olson wrote:
>>Now this has confused me, making system calls to the Linux kernel by non
>>open source commercial programs should be illegal, or at least my
>>interpretation of the GPL makes me think so.  But apparently it is not.
>>I don't understand.  Can you explain why?

> Because Linus says you can. No, really.

Now Linus is a person I trust, so I don't have problem with that.

But what scares me is that the GPL says something about not being allowed
to modify any of its licensing terms.  Now I respect RMS's uncanny ability
to publicly give Bill the finger, but trust RMS I do not.  It is my
belief that his agenda calls for the death and destruction of the closed
source commercial software market as we know it today.  RMS's view is an
extreme view.  So it is my fear that it is only a matter of time before
RMS with the power of the FSF legal team crack down on all closed source
commercial software for the GPL'd Linux OS.  Their logic will be that any
program that runs on Linux must somehow call the kernel inorder to even
run, a kernel call is a library, and the GPL forbids closed source
programs from doing this.  If sucessful such a legal precedent would
render all closed source Linux software illegal.

Will this ugly scenario ever happen?  I hope not, but from what I
understand of RMS's agenda, this does seem a logical step once Linux
achieves critical mass.

Now why didn't Linus use the LGPL instead of the GPL?

erik olson


From: Chris Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Commercially speaking....?
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 20:27:37 +0100

Erik Olson wrote:
> In comp.os.linux.advocacy David Damerell wrote:
> > Because Linus says you can. No, really.
> Now Linus is a person I trust, so I don't have problem with that.

[snip RMS pursuing all GPL violations] 
> Will this ugly scenario ever happen?  I hope not, but from what I
> understand of RMS's agenda, this does seem a logical step once Linux
> achieves critical mass.

This cannot happen as it is the copyright holder who has the option to
pursue license infringements as he sees fit -- which is, IIRC, why the
copyright of GNU projects is owned by the FSF and not the authors.
(Please someone correct me if I am hopelessly wrong.)
As a safeguard against some evil spirit possessing Linus' body (and
Linus revoking the GPL license on future revisions), Linus has made sure
that large contributions to the source code are under the copyright of
the author and not his.
Oh, and IANAL.
  Chris Wilson - spam to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dougal: 2.2.5 Up: 32 days 15:02 eth1 Tx: 2445MiB
 Carol says 544 == 4 * (3 * (50 + 1 - 5) - 2)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mooniesdl2)
Subject: SMP & RAID Tools
Date: 27 May 1999 16:38:27 GMT

I have a couple of questions for a future project;

1.  Is there a set of RAID tools that are written to support SMP?

2.  I assume future kernels will support ATA-66?

moonie ;)


From: Erik Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Commercially speaking....?
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,,,uk.comp.os.linux
Date: 27 May 1999 19:47:18 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy gus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Erik, I recommend that you read the license again....
> less /usr/src/linux/COPYING.
> Read point 0 and 1.

Thanks for the /path.  I read 0) and 1) and I don't see how they relate
to GPL'd Linux Kernel calls being OK from closed source commercial apps.
Point 1) does say you can charge money for it, by my issue was about
the "closed source" nature.

> There is nothing wrong with writing commercial applications for linux
> just so long as you do not copy / use / base any code on the *source*
> *code* of a GPL program. There is *nothing* wrong with using a GPL
> program for what it is desiged for.

OK, if this is the case then how is calling a GPL'd Linux kernel function 
any different than calling a GPL'd library function?  Being called is what
they both were designed for.

RMS's main point in his "use GPL for libraries and not the LGPL" rant
was to lessen library usefullness for closed source commercial products.
This I believe was RMS's whole point of the article.

> If I were to wrap a GPL program in a
> non-gpl suite, there is nothing stopping me from charging for the
> wrapper, just so long as I do not charge for the GPL program.

Charging is OK, but that wrapper had better be open source and GPL'd!

So are you saying you can charge if you use GPL code and your app is
open source.  But you can't charge for the app if it isn't open, but
you can charge for the wrapper?  If that is what you are saying then
I missed that in my interpretation of the GPL.  Time for me to re-read
it for the Nth time today.

erik olson


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Niels =?ISO-8859-1?Q?M=F6ller?=)
Crossposted-To: gnu.announce,gnu.utils.bug,alt.sources.d
Subject: LSH-0.1
Date: 26 May 1999 18:16:09 +0200

This is the first public release of LSH, a GPL:ed implementation of
version 2 of the Secure Shell protocols. Both a server and a client is

LSH-0.1 supports the basic operations, such as key exchange,
encryption, compression, password authentication, and spawning of a
remote shell (including a pty). 

A lot of things are still missing. In particular, the randomness
generator is lousy (except possibly on systems with a good
/dev/random), and there's no hostkey database, leaving it open to
Man-in-the-middle attacks. So you don't want to replace ssh with LSH
quite yet.

You can get the source from

There's a mailing list for discussions about LSH and other free ssh
implementations, see <URL:> for

If you would like to contribute, mail me or the list. If you would
like to help funding the development of LSH, please contact me.

Happy hacking,
/Niels Möller


From: "Jeroen N. Witmond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: connecting-computers
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 19:11:40 +0000

François Patte wrote:
> I'd like to connect another computer (pc under windows or mac) with mine
> (linux red-hat) in order to copy or install files exactly in the same
> way as I do on my hard disk beetween linux partition and windows
> partition. Is that possible? and how?

Yes, it is. I believe it is called Samba. Try a search engine.

Jeroen N. Witmond ( mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] )

This message was composed in a Micro$oft-free environment.


Subject: Re: LILO problem with win98 (Redhat)
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 15:20:08 +0200

> Hi,

> > The problem now is with booting my linux kernel.I have fiddled with
> my /etc/lilo.conf file but with no luck.

Which kernel ? Type `uname -a` to know ! You should have 2.0.35 with Red
Hat 5.1 ! This kernel supports FAT32 (as vfat) ... so it's very amazing
that fdisk report "unknown" for your win98 partition type, and this has
certainly a link with lilo configuration error ...

What I can advise you, is to use an other multi boot manager, or use for
example a DOS tool called Loadlin that allow you to launch Linux from
DOS prompt !

For more infos : then search BOOT UTILITIES



From: Erik Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Commercially speaking....?
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,,,uk.comp.os.linux
Date: 27 May 1999 19:13:26 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy brian moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ya, just like the Mozzila project was a "positive experience".
>> They only had like 36 active external developers vs hundreds of internal
>> developers.  My bet is that when Netscape went open source the folks at
>> Microsoft had a lot more than 36 people actively poking around and
>> inspecting it for ways to break it, Borg'ify it, and such.

> Actually, you'd lose: Microsoft employees were told to stay the hell
> away from it.  If they even inadvertantly used the same methods,
> Microsoft would be in a very nasty spot regarding copyrights.
> It would look very bad for Microsoft to be caught stealing code --
> especially Mozilla.

What would you expect Microsoft's official policy be?
This statement protects Microsoft from a legal point of view.

Of the companies I have worked for, when ever they made some sort of
protectionist corporate policy, it only means that things have gone
clandestine.  It might be their official coporate policy but is not
going to stop a manager from asking an employee to disobey it, you just
better not get caught.  Yes, its a sleazy corporate world out there.

Microsoft looking at the Netscape source is such an incredible business
advantage that I can't imagine for a second that it didn't actually happen.

erik olson


From: Erhard Siegl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Diald dials out every 15 minutes
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 20:34:44 +0200

On Thu, 27 May 1999, Bill Unruh wrote:
>>marco tephlant wrote:
>>> Im pleased to say i've got IP masquerading and diald working this
>>> weekend,  one problem though is that diald spontaneously dials out.  I've
>Do you have named or gated running? Don;t.

Oops, I would recommend exactly the oposite.

We had the same problem. The cause was a combination of Samba
and the netbios(?) name-lookup from the Windows boxes. They do
a broadcast and ask for the name of another computer. Samba wants
to answer this request and asks the (external) name-server for an
answer (-> dialout).
We set up a nameserver and fed it with all local machines. That
solved the problem.

To figure out what really caused the dial-out you can use

Hope this helps,


"Doubt is not a pleasant mental state, but certainty is a ridiculous one."


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Erik Rissanen)
Subject: Re: xterm & background processes
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 19:39:55 GMT

On 27 May 1999 14:39:58 -0400, Conway Yee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Running a terminal and involking a background process, say "foo &"
>should invoke foo in the background that is detached from the parent
>process.  Specifically, when I terminate the parent process, the
>xterm, foo should continue to run.  As a specific example, I run emacs
>in the background and then terminate the xterm from which it runs
>should not kill emacs.  Is there a setting somewhere that I am
>missing?  I am running RedHat 6.0 and have noticed this problem since
>5.2 although the problem is getting more annoying.  I am also running
>GNOME and Metro-X.  I doubt a GNOME error because it predates my use
>of GNOME.

I don't really know what is going on here, but I have noticed that if
I kill the xterm by closing it with the mouse, then the emacs will
also die. But if I exit the xterm by typing "exit", then the emacs
will survive. That might be a solution to your problem.

I am sorry for my bad English (eller svenska).


From: "T.E.Dickey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: xterm & background processes
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 18:21:26 GMT

Conway Yee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Running a terminal and involking a background process, say "foo &"
> should invoke foo in the background that is detached from the parent
> process.  Specifically, when I terminate the parent process, the
> xterm, foo should continue to run.  As a specific example, I run emacs
> in the background and then terminate the xterm from which it runs
> should not kill emacs.  Is there a setting somewhere that I am
> missing?  I am running RedHat 6.0 and have noticed this problem since
> 5.2 although the problem is getting more annoying.  I am also running
> GNOME and Metro-X.  I doubt a GNOME error because it predates my use
> of GNOME.

User Commands                                            nohup(1)

     nohup - run a command immune to hangups

     /usr/bin/nohup command [ argument ...]
     /usr/xpg4/bin/nohup command [ argument ...]

     The nohup utility invokes the named command with  the  argu-
     ments supplied.  When the command is invoked, nohup arranges
     for the SIGHUP signal to be ignored by the process.

Thomas E. Dickey


From: carl <#[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Read win95/98 Long File Names?
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 13:22:18 -0400

There may be another way, but best I know is you rebuild the kernel and select
VFAT support in the file system options.


spaten wrote:

> Is there a trick or utility to enable Linux to see the full extended file
> name used by windows on my FAT partitions instead of cutting it off with a
> tilde?
> ------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------



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