Linux-Misc Digest #370, Volume #21               Wed, 11 Aug 99 23:13:11 EDT

  Re: CIA assassinations (Jerry Lynn Kreps)
  Re: Ad-blocking software? (Gergo Barany)
  Re: Grand Prix Legends / Linux: Very last call for signatures ;-) ("hotdog")
  Where is SOUND CONFIGURATION in CALDERA2.2 ("Unknown")
  Re: Graphics Library for C/C++ (David M. Cook)
  Re: Graphics Library for C/C++ (David M. Cook)
  Any suggestion   Couldn't mount Windows 98 second edition ("Unknown")
  so... the os works... now what? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  mount -t  vfat  /dev/hda1  /mnt ("Unknown")
  Re: QuickTime 4 player for linux (Jim Hill)
  Re: Grand Prix Legends / Linux: Very last call for signatures ;-) (Tony Porczyk)
  Re: I've had a problem d/ling RH6.0 from ftp site and mirrors.. Has  
  Controlling Linux through a COM port ("Adam JBC")
  Need help running script....for Nvidia TNT support ("JMNugent")
  Re: Ad-blocking software? (Jim Hill)
  Re: linux mem=80M too long (Cameron L. Spitzer)
  Re: Any suggestion Couldn't mount Windows 98 second edition ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: /etc/ (Chris Mahmood)
  Max Users, Increasing ("KillaBee")
  installing Downloader for X (Jeff Strunk)
  Re: Have you heard? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: kernel booting problem (Chris Mahmood)
  Re: How does one read a CDROM in Linux? (Vilmos Soti)
  Re: How does one read a CDROM in Linux? (Adam Silverthorne)
  Re: double-sided printing queue ("Gene Heskett")
  CPU Temp (was: Is Linux A Memory Hogging OS?) (Paul Hovnanian)
  Re: Mounting Windows? (Chris Mahmood)
  Re: Applications (Chris Mahmood)
  Re: Any Support for PCI Modems? (Chris Mahmood)
  Re: instaling GCC (Chris Mahmood)
  SCSI scanners (Bob Lockie)


From: Jerry Lynn Kreps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: CIA assassinations
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 18:56:21 -0500

MK wrote:


> >Perhaps you're not well acquainted with the Blue Cross system in the US,
> >which you hve just described, but it happens to be the most expensive of
> >all possible alternatives.

Because the government got into the health-care "business" via
Medicare-Medicaid, creating a bottomless pit of money from which all
kinds of husksters draw.  In 1962, I was working for $1.65/hour, 40
hours per week, plus 100% Blue Cross & Shield. (No co-pay back then).  I
had to have an emergency appendectomy, spent one week in the hospital
after having an experimental "vest pocket" surgery.  The TOTAL bill,
including the hospital, the doctor and anethesiologist came to $732.50. 
50 cents was for an asperin.  Today, that same surgery, using the same
materials and technique, and taking the samme amount of time, but
staying only three days in the hospital would cost $10,000.  Without the
charges inflated by government intervention, fees, regulations, etc., it
would have cost less than $2,000.  Fraud and greed by doctors, and by
insurance company CEOs, compounded by government waste all contribute.

Hospitals are forced, *repeatedly*, to pass on costs for care given to
people who can't or won't become responsible for their own care.
Druggers, gang bangers, hookers, wineos, welfare kings and queens, etc.,
to say nothing of those deserving help: mentally ill, retarded,
physically impared, the young and old. Some doctors double bill, but
most doctors are forced into defensive medicine (unnecessary tests,
procedures,etc., to ward off lawsuits and government welfare nannies). 
Insurance companies have abandon the mortality and per-capita tables,
partly because of greed, CEO golden parachuts, etc., but many folks are
making a living scamming Insurance, which raises rates to the rest of

The US gov appoints an insurance company as the Medicare-Medicare
insurance provider, administering tax funded insurance payments.  The
insurance company implements the biggest insurance scam of all:
"coordinated" insurance.  My mother-in-law lived with us 20 years before
she passed away at 95.  She had insurance via her deceased husbands
employment policy.  Over the years it went from 100% to 80-20 copay,
which really became about 50-50 when their "usually and customary"
exclusions were applied.  THEN, they would deduct the amount
Medicare-Medicaid paid from the amount they were liable for, and pay the
difference.  Many times, with deductables, they paied nothing!  It never
stopped them from collecting premiums from her husbands former employer.

The bottom line:  the current crisis in health care arises from the
basic dishonesty of all parties envolved.  Doctors only have an oath to
their income, which is why they average $275+ per hour in a society
where the average wage is $16/hour.  Insurance companies build monuments
to their CEOs egos, while paying them more than what the average doctor
charges.  The government agencies only reason for existence is to keep
themselves in existance, i.e., give their staffs a well paid job.

There is no solution to these problems unless hearts are changed or some
left or right wing extremist dictates solutions from behind the barrel
of a gun.  I don't see the former happening any time soon, considering
who we elect for congress and for president.

> Suppose govt monopolizes market of cheap and middle class cars. Then,
> the only market niche in which it makes sense to do business is the
> niche in which companies like Rolls Royce or Ferrari reside. Aren't
> cars made by private industry expensive? Should we nationalize private
> auto industry?

Cheap amd middle class cars?  That's what we call a Yugo, remember it? 
That about sums of government monopolies. 



Linux, because it's STABLE, the source code is included, the price is


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gergo Barany)
Subject: Re: Ad-blocking software?
Date: 12 Aug 1999 00:33:11 GMT

Michael Edson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Is there any linux software that blocks ads on web-sites 
>(like AtGuard and Intermute do under Windows)? might help, I think (but it'd late at night,
and I didn't bother to check).


Don't stop to stomp ants when the elephants are stampeding.

GU d- s:+ a--- C++>$ UL+++ P>++ L+++ E>++ W+ N++ o? K- w--- !O !M !V
PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP+ t* 5+ X- R>+ tv++ b+>+++ DI+ D+ G>++ e* h! !r !y+


From: "hotdog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Grand Prix Legends / Linux: Very last call for signatures ;-)
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 18:16:01 -0600

Why don't you ask some of the BIG game sites to post your link?
You may end up with many more sigs.
Only a VERY small number of people read these groups really.

Uwe Schuerkamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I would like to issue the very last call for signatures in order
> to support the Grand Prix Legends Linux Port petition. My goal
> is 200 sigs, and we're only like 40 or so short of it, so once
> I've got the magic number I'll print the tables and send them
> off to both Sierra U.S. and Sierra Germany (maybe Papy gets
> their copy, too ;-)
> In case you don't know, Grand Prix Legends is considered the
> best racing simulation to date by many and would make a great
> title on the Linux platform as more and more games are coming
> out for our operating system of choice.
> Please show you support for this title by signing here:
> Thanks in advance for your time,
> Uwe
> --
> Uwe Schuerkamp
> uwe.schuerkamp at for direct mail (from: is spambox)
> PGP Fingerprint:  2E 13 20 22 9A 3F 63 7F  67 6F E9 B1 A8 36 A4 61


From: "Unknown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 00:54:20 GMT

I have no sound in CALDERA 2,2
REDHAT  has        sndconfig   utility
Unfortunatly  There is NOT  sndconfig in CALDERA
I appreciate your help


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David M. Cook)
Crossposted-To: alt.hacking,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Graphics Library for C/C++
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 00:21:01 GMT

On 10 Aug 1999 13:14:26 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Use Java man! It has all the graphics API's you could dream of, and
>it is portable too, and much better language, and much easier to
>work with. Java is it for graphics.

Is it easier to work with for your end users?  (That's a rhetorical
question.  The answer is no.)

Dave Cook


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David M. Cook)
Crossposted-To: alt.hacking,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Graphics Library for C/C++
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 00:26:35 GMT

On Tue, 10 Aug 1999 19:03:31 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I'm looking any available graphics library for C/C++.  I've looked on
>the net and can't seem to find any.

I recommend gtk+ and its C++ wrapper gtk--.

Dave Cook


From: "Unknown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Any suggestion   Couldn't mount Windows 98 second edition
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 00:50:09 GMT

Any suggestion   if  it is wrong  command        mount -t  vfat  /dev/hda1
I tred to mount to different directories SAME  massage
"mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1,
     or too many mounted file systems"
Yes it is massage,  to be exact


Subject: so... the os works... now what?
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 01:05:01 GMT

OK... I was on a breif rampage to remove all M$ stuff (except my mouse
:) from my computer.  Well, I have. Sorta.

I have a Voodoo3 video card, and I love Quake and Quake2... so that was
my first priority.  So now I have accelerated 3d gaming, sound, internet
access, a browser, and text editors galore.  But now I need the apps

I am looking for "replacements" for Dreamweaver and a good graphics
editor (is Gimp really good?).  I also would like some GUI apps for FTP,
ping, tracert, etc. and to get my cd-r working.  It doesn't have to be
freeware or anything, but it does have to work.

Any and all recommendations as to products/websites/more info are deeply


Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: "Unknown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: mount -t  vfat  /dev/hda1  /mnt
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 00:48:07 GMT

Any suggestion   if  it is wrong  command        mount -t  vfat  /dev/hda1
I tred to mount to different directories SAME  massage
"mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1,
     or too many mounted file systems"
Yes it is massage,  to be exact


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Hill)
Subject: Re: QuickTime 4 player for linux
Date: 12 Aug 1999 00:46:48 GMT

Mladen Gavrilovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I was wondering if
>there's a multimedia player for linux which can play QuickTime files up
>to and including version 4 (and hopefully as many other formats as

There is none -- Apple/Sorenson use proprietary codecs.

>To my understanding apple hasn't released a version for
>linux, but they did use open source compression standards (or so I

They did not use nonproprietary compression.  There _is_ support within
QT4 for various nonproprietary routines but the QT4 "format" is very
much clenched within Apple's little fist.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]            

   "People have grown used to thinking of computers as unreliable, 
       and it doesn't have to be that way."  --  Linus Torvalds


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tony Porczyk)
Subject: Re: Grand Prix Legends / Linux: Very last call for signatures ;-)
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 00:56:28 GMT

On Wed, 11 Aug 1999 18:16:01 -0600, "hotdog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Why don't you ask some of the BIG game sites to post your link?
>You may end up with many more sigs.
>Only a VERY small number of people read these groups really.

How about Slashdot?  They will sign it even if they never play :-)



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: I've had a problem d/ling RH6.0 from ftp site and mirrors.. Has 
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 20:33:38 -0500

Jason Peacock wrote:

> Hello.
> I was just wondering if anyone out there has successfully downloaded
> RH6.0 from or any of the mirrors?
> They say on the website that you can either 'buy' the product with
> printed manual(s) for a certain price, or you can 'download for free'
> from their ftp site or mirrors.
> Well.. I took a look at d/ling RH.  I've downloaded Slackware once
> before but that was back when I was on a 14.4 modem.. So I figure my
> 56k would do a bit better.. =)
> Anyways, I used CuteFTP in Win98 to select the 'i386' directory which
> contains everything included on the Intel version of Linux, and then I
> went to sleep..
> When I awoke 5 hours later, I found that upon arriving at the
> /i386/misc/src/trees/initrd/var directory, there was a symbolically
> linked directory which led back to /i386/misc/src/trees/initrd , or
> something to that effect.. The first thing I saw when I looked at the
> progress was the download of a file in the
> /i386/misc/src/trees/initrd/var/var/var/var/var/var/var/var/var/var/var/var
> well.. you get the picture..
> I found more similar symbolically linked directories thoughout the FTP
> server..
> So the next night I took a look at a mirror site, and didn't see the
> same symbolically linked directories I found on the redhat FTP site,
> so I tried it again.. But once again I awoke to a flood of /var/var
> etc...directories..
> Does anyone know what to do or how to d/l the distro without having to
> sit there and d/l the files one by one?  Any help would be
> appreciated!
> Thanks Again
> Jason
> P.S.- just incase anyone was wondering, I had a max count of 46
> /var/var directories.. =) The total MB d/led under the /i386/
> directory was roughly 150 MB both times I tried.. Yet 72 MB alone
> resided within the /i386/misc/src/trees/initrd/var directory (yes..
> the original /var directory.. =) ) The files residing withing the
> final /var directory I stopped the d/l on had such a long directory
> path, that Explorer would crash just because it considered the
> dir+filename the complete filename, and couldn't handle it it was so
> long.. Oh well..

Yes From:


Subject: Controlling Linux through a COM port
Date: 11 Aug 1999 18:05:31 -0100


I have a Psion (palmtop computer) attached to COM2 on my PC.

It has a terminal emulator, VT100 I believe.

Can I get it set up so I can issue commands on my psion, and get the results on
my Psion's screen?

If so, how?



btw> i'm a 'linux newbie' so i'd appreciate it if the instructions are easy to
follow, oh and I normally use KDE, if there's a K app which does the trick, oh
and my installation is Linux-Mandrake.


From: "JMNugent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Need help running script....for Nvidia TNT support
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 19:54:07 -0600

I downloaded a new X Server from Nvidia's web site, unzipped, etc.

At the # prompt, .....What do I type to run the script???? I've moved to the
directory where the script is located..but it wont run

I realize this is a dumb question,..but I've tried     " . / riva_install  "
(the name of the script).....but all I get is "command not found"

any help would be greatly appreciated....jason


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Hill)
Subject: Re: Ad-blocking software?
Date: 12 Aug 1999 01:01:47 GMT

Michael Edson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Is there any linux software that blocks ads on web-sites 
>(like AtGuard and Intermute do under Windows)?

Get junkbuster from and say goodbye to the
ads (and a lot of other crap).

[EMAIL PROTECTED]            

   "People have grown used to thinking of computers as unreliable, 
       and it doesn't have to be that way."  --  Linus Torvalds


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cameron L. Spitzer)
Subject: Re: linux mem=80M too long
Date: 12 Aug 1999 01:08:23 GMT

In article <7ot35j$6diu$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jonathan C Busey wrote:
>I can't find a way to append my lilo to include this at boot; how can I
>have this included automatically?

Here is /etc/lilo.conf from a nearby machine with 128 megs DRAM.

| boot=/dev/hda2
| root=/dev/hda2
| message=/boot/message
| install=/boot/boot.b
| map=/boot/map
| prompt
| timeout=120
| vga=normal
| delay=20
| image=/boot/z2.0.35
| append = "mem=0x7f00000"
| label=2.0.35
| alias=a
| read-only
| image=/boot/bz2.2.10
| append = "mem=0x7f00000"
| label=2.2.10
| alias=b
| read-only

The "append" statement probably could have been at the top, and we
would then only need one of them.  I probably could have said "128M" 
Eighty megabytes is 0x5000000.
You could probably say
  append = "mem=80M"
  append = "mem=0x4fffff0"

The documentation is contradictory.  Is this mem= value the address of
the last byte of addressable memory, or the number of bytes of
addressable memory?
In a machine with 0x20000 bytes of RAM, the highest address is
0x1ffff.  They're off by one.  I'm playing it safe.




Subject: Re: Any suggestion Couldn't mount Windows 98 second edition
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 02:04:51 GMT

Try another directory, you might already have something mounted (cdrom,
floppy, etc).  BTW when I asked for the distribution I was talking about
linux.  You can also try replacing vfat with auto.


In article <5Tos3.55$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Unknown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any suggestion   if  it is wrong  command        mount -t  vfat
> /mnt
> I tred to mount to different directories SAME  massage
> "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1,
>      or too many mounted file systems"
> Yes it is massage,  to be exact

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: /etc/
Date: 11 Aug 1999 17:45:46 -0700

"Brian D. Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> For some reason, /etc/ (text that gets displayed when machine
> is telnetted to) keeps getting remade maybe every day (I haven't kept
> track).  Why?  How do I make this stop, or how do I control how and when
> it remakes itself?
do a 'grep issue *' in /etc/rc.d (or whatever your distribution does)--typically
there's something like 'cat /etc/.issue >' there.


From: "KillaBee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Max Users, Increasing
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 21:06:29 -0500

ulimit -a

max user processes       256

How do you increase the amount of processes?

Slackware 2.0.30

Russ Verner


From: Jeff Strunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: installing Downloader for X
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 21:16:41 -0500

HAs anyone installed the download manager "Downloader for X"? I just downloaded
it and am having trouble installing it as there is no documentation with it or
online. I have seen that there are many who have accomplished this task. What
commands do I need to run on the console to install it?


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware,
Subject: Re: Have you heard?
Date: 12 Aug 1999 01:43:24 +0100

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Knott) writes:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Robin Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >If no one proves they hacked in; this is not proof that no one did (or
> >could). M$ is heading for a big fall if it announces that it has any
> >kind of hacker proof system.
> Heh heh heh!   ;-)
> So we all hack in and don't tell Micros~1!

        I'd be happy just getting paid to replace fucked up M$ OSs
with 'nix of some flavour. I settle though for the moment just to get



From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: kernel booting problem
Date: 11 Aug 1999 18:10:02 -0700

Mark Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello. Recently I've been trying to boot a kernel i've just compiled
> (2.2.11) and what ever I try it always freezes up at the "OK, Booting
> the kernel". I'm running redhat 6.0. If anyone can help me i'd
> appreciate it.
It's hard to tell without knowing how you configured the kernel, but
most likely you compiled something needed before the disks are mounted 
as a module (such as IDE or SCSI support).


From: Vilmos Soti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How does one read a CDROM in Linux?
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 01:34:56 GMT

Adam Silverthorne wrote:
> Frank Conte wrote:
> > I've been having problems mounting a CD Rom in Linux RH 5.2
> > I've tried the mount command but to no avail. Any help would be
> > appreciated?
> Try this
> mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom -t iso9660
> then you should see the files on the cd in the /mnt/cdrom directory...
> -doog

Also be sure you have enabled support for the CD-ROM and for the iso9660
filesystem in your kernel. If not, then you have to recompile it. Do you
try it as root or as a user? If your /etc/fstab (man fstab) is not
configured correctly, then only root can mount the cdrom.


Have you recompiled your kernel today?


From: Adam Silverthorne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How does one read a CDROM in Linux?
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 01:03:43 GMT

Frank Conte wrote:

> I've been having problems mounting a CD Rom in Linux RH 5.2
> I've tried the mount command but to no avail. Any help would be
> appreciated?

Try this

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom -t iso9660

then you should see the files on the cd in the /mnt/cdrom directory...



Date: 11 Aug 99 22:33:01 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: double-sided printing queue
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.hardware

Unrot13 this;

Gene Heskett sends Greetings to Kuang-chun Cheng;

 KC> Hi,

 KC>    How to setup a double-sided printing queue for a network
 KC> postscript printer (for example, HP 4050).  Using printtool or linuxconf
 KC> can only setup single-sided printing queue and Printing-HOWTO doesn't
 KC> help neither.  Thanks.

If the 4050 can do that.  I'm not sure it can.  What I do here on this
Amiga, but haven't managed to hack it into linux code yet, is to run
ghostscript out to page numbered files, see use.txt for how-to on that,
having it give each pages file a page number as part of the filename.

Then to actually print, I have an ARexx script I wrote that checks the
page numbs for even/odd, and prints the file collection in 2 or more
passes, with *you* turning the paper around/over when ready to do the
other side.

Thats why big print jobs, of over 30 pages, get exported to this Amiga.

Its drive hungry though, a 400 page book needs 300 plus megs of scratch
disk when running in hi-rez B&W here, with color turning that into 5+
megs a page.

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040 50 megs fast/2 megs chip
    Ch. Eng. @ WDTV-5          |A2091,GuruRom,1g Seagate,CDROM,Multiface III
                               |Buddha + 4 gig WDC drive, 525 meg tape
                               |Stylus Pro, EnPrint, Picasso-II, 17" vga
         RC5-Moo! 690kkeys/sec isn't much, but it all helps
email gene underscore heskett at iolinc dot net


From: Paul Hovnanian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: CPU Temp (was: Is Linux A Memory Hogging OS?)
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 17:49:33 -0700

Tom Wilson wrote:
>you can find, and mount it with some thermal grease.
> PC Power & Cooling makes one with some rather large fins, and a footprint
> that's actually larger than the CPU.  I haven't had the opportunity to
> *really* beat on it yet, but I can drop down to BIOS setup (my mboard has
> temperature sensors), and the CPU temp is usually around 40 C (60 C is
> the warning level).

I can do the same which brings up an interesting point: Has anyone undertaken
the writing of hardware drivers (probably modules) that can read some of the
more popular board BIOS' status information? 

(Crossposted to comp.os.linux.hardware for obvious reasons)

Paul Hovnanian     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ban the bomb.  Save the world for conventional warfare.


From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mounting Windows?
Date: 11 Aug 1999 17:57:49 -0700

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul) writes:

> How can i mount my Windows95 partition under linux??
This is a FAQ.  Please use Dejanews and/or look at the HOWTO's in the
future.  Assuming your system has support for the vfat filesystem,
        $ mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/dos
you'll need to change the above command to suit your setup.


From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Applications
Date: 11 Aug 1999 15:06:48 -0700

Allen Flick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> An acquaintance of mine has SuSE6.1 which comes with StarOffice &
> WordPerfect8.0.  I have RedHat6.0.
> Is there any way I can get StarOffice & WordPerfect from this friend's
> CD's ??  He states that there are no files that look like they are of
> the
> SO or WP ilk, which infers that SuSE has these apps hidden in some
> "hidden" files which their installation procedure knows how to open
> & get things out of.
SuSE's license probably prohibits this kind of copying--why don't you
buy your own copy of SuSE or SO and WP and support companies that
support Linux.


From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Any Support for PCI Modems?
Date: 11 Aug 1999 17:49:34 -0700

Jeremy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi!
>  I Just got a PCI Modem and found out that they are not supported at all
> in Linux. 
PCI modems are supported.  Unfortunately what you purchased is
probably not a modem but a winmodem--return it and buy a real,
external modem.


From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: instaling GCC
Date: 11 Aug 1999 17:53:03 -0700

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonathan C Busey) writes:

> I cannot compile.  every 'make' ends in (g)cc : command not found
> but I can't install the pgcc rpm package from my dist cd (mandrake 6.0)
> because I always get the message 
> cannot find header lookup at 577....
> When I download the souce from or I cannot
> compile it because my compiler doesn't work.  A vicious circle.  ANy
> ideas?
Building a compiler is a real pain, just grab the binary and then
recompile if needed for some reason.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Lockie)
Subject: SCSI scanners
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 02:01:11 GMT

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - William Cherry
:>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Lockie) writes:
:>> How can I guarantee that a SCSI scanner I pick will work with the SCSI card I
:>> pick?
:>> I have had difficulties getting an HP scanner to work with an Adaptec 2940.
:>I use an HP ScanJet 6200C with an Adaptec 2940 card and it works great.

Has anyone heard about the Acer 620S?



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