Linux-Misc Digest #567, Volume #20               Thu, 10 Jun 99 02:13:07 EDT

  Re: vmware for linux (Dan Schaertel)
  Re: LD_LIBRARY_PATH for glib-1.2.1.tar.gz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: I am not impressed with Debian so far. (Barry Samuels)
  Re: Restricted telnet access ("Network Administrator")
  Linux/m68k Registration Site (Geert Uytterhoeven)
  Re: Backup Issues (-ljl-)
  Re: usr sportster 28.8 modem init string for office use HELP (Alan Bettridge)
  Re: Is it possible to copy a Red Hat CD on a Windows system? (Christopher Browne)
  nohup and procmail (Tom Shannon)
  Re: I am not impressed with Debian so far. (Christopher Browne)


From: Dan Schaertel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: vmware for linux
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 08:35:40 -0400

"Ferdinand V. Mendoza" wrote:
> This vmware is really brilliant. If you want to
> simulate several machines to run, network inside
> one standalone computer, this is your answer.
> I'ts quite good to prototype a  physical  network with
> vmware before implementing  the real stuff.
> I would highly recommend it to people who
> doesn't have a network and relying only on a single
> machine but would like to learn the
> essentials about networking.
> I have tried Samba and it works fine. Now I'm in
> the process of getting the IP Masquerading in action
> so I can't tell you much until success is achieved.

I have a question.  I can't get a sound driver for my card (Maestro) in
Linux and I have a Winmodem.  So in Linux I have no sound and no
online.  If I run vmware and run Windows95 as a virtual machine should
the sound and modem work?


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: LD_LIBRARY_PATH for glib-1.2.1.tar.gz
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 04:50:04 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, hihihi  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I use Red Hat 5.1, i case that makes a difference..
>I need to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for glib-1.2.1.tar.gz in
>Can anyone tell me exactly what that path should be ??
You don't say what your level of expertise is.  Perhaps you are a
complete newbie and do not know what a gzipped tar file is?  A
file that ends with the suffixes 'tar.gz' is almost certainly such a
beast, and would need to be uncompressed and extracted.  There are
man pages for these (man tar, man gzip).

Praeterea censeo Micromolle non esse utendum. 
("Moreover, I maintain that Microsoft should not be used."  A toned down
adaptation of a sig from Cato the Elder regarding the city of Carthage.
       ---- Remove "UhUh" and "Spam" to get my real email address -----


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Barry Samuels)
Subject: Re: I am not impressed with Debian so far.
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 18:36:00 GMT

On Tue, 8 Jun 1999 07:49:23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ray) wrote:

> Either something is wrong with the layout of the CDs or you've done
> something wrong earlier on in the install.  I wouldn't be surprised if this
> is related to your later problems with wdm.  I'd suggest a dejanews search
> just in case there is a bug in the instructions.

I don't believe that I did anything wrong during the second install.  
I'll have to follow that up.

> When you installed the system you were given the oportunity to "install"
> various drivers/modules.  The choices you made there determine which modules
> are loaded at bootup.  If you change your mind later you can either run
> modconf or just edit /etc/modules.  In general I prefer to let the kerneld
> load things automatically and I only specify modules in /etc/modules when
> necessary.

I thought, at that stage, that I was being asked what support I wanted
to be included not what modules were to be loaded.  I think that 
perhaps the instructions could be a little clearer at that point.
> This is after you re-compiled your kernel right?  Any chance they are
> related?

Well of course they are related.  That was never in question.  What I 
didn't know was what had gone wrong or why.

> Well, it's VERY reliable it's just not as intuitive as it should be and the
> on line directions still leave a lot to be desired, maybe you can help.

I am pleased, in this case, to be proven wrong it makes me feel less 
apprehensive.  I can't imagine that I could help, not being an expert,
and I would not even classify myself as an experienced user yet.

> I hope this gets you pointed in the right direction.

I am sure that it has.  Thanks for taking the trouble to reply.

Could I perhaps impose on your good nature with respect to one other 
minor problem?

This is not Debian related because I also had it when I first 
installed SuSE although it has now been fixed on that system but I 
can't remember how.

The screen goes blank from time to time, for about 1 second, when the 
mouse is moved or a button is pressed,  and then the image returns 
normally.  This was happening before the kernel was recompiled and is 
still happening.

Barry Samuels


From: "Network Administrator" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Restricted telnet access
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 14:36:41 -0400

> One thing, your /etc/passwd file could be vulnerable for password
> cracking if you don't implement  shadow passwords.
> It's built-in in the 5.2. YOu only have to enable it but there are
> of course.

Thanks for the suggestion.

We do use shadow passwords. The problem has been people creating
mailing lists using the usernames from /etc/passwd.

--Jesus Alvarez


From: Geert Uytterhoeven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.m68k
Subject: Linux/m68k Registration Site
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 14:44:48 +0200

Linux/m68k Registration Site



   The main goal of this registration site is to get an impression of the
   popularity of Linux/m68k, cfr. the Linux counter of Harald Tveit


     * General statistics
     * Linux/m68k users
     * Linux/m68k system configurations
     * Linux/m68k machines connected to the Internet


   This is an overview of the Linux/m68k registry. It's posted monthly to
   comp.os.linux.m68k, comp.os.linux.misc and [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   User statistics

       Country                    Count  Percentage
       Australia                     49       2.58%
       Austria                       18       0.95%
       Belgium                       30       1.58%
       Brazil                         4       0.21%
       Bulgaria                       1       0.05%
       Canada                        64       3.37%
       Chile                          2       0.11%
       Colombia                       1       0.05%
       Croatia                        3       0.16%
       Czech Republic                17       0.89%
       Denmark                       37       1.95%
       Finland                       68       3.58%
       France                       135       7.10%
       Germany                      387      20.36%
       Greece                        12       0.63%
       Greenland                      1       0.05%
       Hungary                       10       0.53%
       Ireland                        5       0.26%
       Italy                         80       4.21%
       Japan                         15       0.79%
       Latvia                         2       0.11%
       Lebanon                        1       0.05%
       Lithuania                      1       0.05%
       Luxembourg                     2       0.11%
       Mexico                         8       0.42%
       Netherlands                   72       3.79%
       New Zealand                    8       0.42%
       Norway                        43       2.26%
       Poland                        40       2.10%
       Portugal                      10       0.53%
       Russian Federation             4       0.21%
       Singapore                      1       0.05%
       Slovak Republic                2       0.11%
       South Africa                   2       0.11%
       South Korea                    9       0.47%
       Spain                         31       1.63%
       Sweden                       110       5.79%
       Switzerland                   41       2.16%
       Trinidad &#38; Tobago          1       0.05%
       Turkey                         7       0.37%
       Ukraine                        1       0.05%
       United Kingdom               160       8.42%
       United States of America     398      20.94%
       Yugoslavia                     4       0.21%
       Total                       1901

   System statistics


       Platform                   Count  Percentage
       Amiga                       1294      65.72%
       Apollo                         3       0.15%
       Atari                        244      12.39%
       Custom                         9       0.46%
       HP 9000/300                   14       0.71%
       Macintosh                    346      17.57%
       NeXT                           5       0.25%
       Q40                            7       0.36%
       Sun 3                         18       0.91%
       VME                           29       1.47%
       Total                       1969


       CPU                        Count  Percentage
       MC68020                       69       3.50%
       MC68030                      957      48.60%
       MC68040                      615      31.23%
       MC68060                      328      16.66%
       Total                       1969

   Generic machine statistics

                                      Mean  Maximum
       Amount of system RAM (MB)        25      150
       Amount of disk space (MB)      1886    72000


   If you are running Linux/m68k and you want to become a registered user,
   or if you want to update your data, please fill in the form at

   and select `Register'.

   If you don't have access to the World Wide Web, you can fill in the
   attached ASCII form and E-mail it to


   or fax it to


   or mail it to

     Geert Uytterhoeven
     C. Huysmansstraat 12
     B-3128 Baal

   We welcome your registration!


Basic information

   The following information is mandatory for registration:

     * Your name:
     * Your country:
     * Your system platform:
       [Amiga|Apollo|Atari|Custom|HP 9000/300|Macintosh|NeXT|Q40|Sun 3|VME]
     * Your CPU type:
     * Your CPU clock frequency (in MHz):
     * Your total amount of usable system RAM (i.e. excluding Chip RAM on
       Amiga, including ST-RAM on Atari) (in MB):
     * Your total amount of hard disk space (in MB):

   This information will be used e.g. for statistics, like

The mean Linux/m68k user lives in United States of America, has a MC68037.77 running at
36.4 MHz, equipped with 25.11 MB RAM and 1886.56 MB diskspace. :-)

Other information

   The following information is welcome too, but not necessary for

     * Your E-mail address: (Recommended)
     * More information about your system configuration:

     * Your full qualified hostname (if your Linux/m68k machine is
       connected to the Internet):
     * The URL of your home page:
     * Your voice phone number:
     * Your fax number:
     * Your snail address:
     * Additional comments about you or your system:

   [ ] Check this box if you registered before and want your data to be

   [ ] Check this box if the above information may not be published on
   the Linux/m68k registration pages.

   Thank you for your registration!


Geert Uytterhoeven                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Wavelets, Linux/{m68k~Amiga,PPC~CHRP}
Department of Computer Science -- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven -- Belgium


From: -ljl- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Backup Issues
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 17:36:22 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew T. O'Connor) wrote:
> Hello, I manage a large network of 100+PC's.  Each department has a
> server (Some NT, all new are Linux) for Authentication and file
> storeage.  I have a Linux box in my office for the sole purpose of
> backing up all the other servers.  I am backing up the other servers
> to tar files on the backup server using either smbtar or tar.  This
> works fine.  I then write those tar files to a DAT drive using dd.
> This seems to work also, but when list the contents of the tape, I
> have to issue several tar --list --file /dev/nst0 commands before it
> will list the contents of the next tar file.  Why is this happening
> and what can I do about it?

Look at "info tar" and search for "Tape positions and Tape Marks".
This explains the extra tape-mark.  There are two different versions
of "mt", although one is called mt it is actually "mt-st".  The later
has more options and the one I prefer.  It's written by the author
of the kernel's st driver (SCSI Tape).

Also, see "/usr/src/linux/drivers/" for more info.

You may find amanda more to your liking:

Louis-ljl-{ Louis J. LaBash, Jr. }

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Alan Bettridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: usr sportster 28.8 modem init string for office use HELP
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 23:07:30 -0600

Terry Moore wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have usr sportster 28.8  (is not PNP )
> at home on a POTS line   ATDT123-1234   works fine.
> when i took it to the office it requirs 9 -123-1234
> ATDT9123-1234  fails with no dial tone
> i have tries many variations of  , ; \ to get it to work.
> does anyone have a string that works for this application ??
> Thanks in advance,....
> linux  2.0.34     slackware...............
> at diald sting would work too..
> Terry

Your message doesn't indicate if you have an analog phone
line or not.  First, verify that you do.  If you don't then
the modem will not detect a dial tone.  Second, hook up an
analog phone into the "phone" (other) jack on the modem and
see if you get a dial tone.  If so, then dial a 9 and listen
for what happens.  Do you get a second dial tone?  If you do
then try using AT DT 9 W 123 45678 (the spaces are just for

Try using AT$ and AT&$ for online help from the modem.

good luck.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Subject: Re: Is it possible to copy a Red Hat CD on a Windows system?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 05:58:27 GMT

On Wed, 9 Jun 1999 12:25:07 -0400, Charles Sullivan
>Fascinating!  This entire thread because a guy doesn't want to spend $2.

Funny enough, to be sure.

Although I thoroughly approve of the idea of there being widespread
understanding of how to build/master 'em.  

After all, this means that if any of the vendors turn into Bad Guys,
there is the ability for thousands of Little Guys to work around the
problem.  Furthermore, it's better for understanding to be widespread
rather than collected up in a few "centres of expertise."
Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual.
-- Michael A. Petonic


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Shannon)
Subject: nohup and procmail
Date: 9 Jun 1999 13:13:57 GMT

I'm running a standard Red Hat 6.0 installation with kernel 2.3.3 and
I'm trying to run procmail in the background with nohup:

$ nohup procmail &

When I logout, procmail terminates with the message "procmail:
Terminating prematurely" in nohup.out.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,
Quote of the day for Wednesday, 9 June, 1999:

"The charm of television entertainment is its ability to bridge the 
chasm between dinner and bedtime without mental destraction."

  - Russell Baker


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Subject: Re: I am not impressed with Debian so far.
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 05:58:08 GMT

On Wed, 09 Jun 1999 18:36:00 GMT, Barry Samuels
>On Tue, 8 Jun 1999 07:49:23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ray) wrote:
>> Well, it's VERY reliable it's just not as intuitive as it should be and the
>> on line directions still leave a lot to be desired, maybe you can help.
>I am pleased, in this case, to be proven wrong it makes me feel less 
>apprehensive.  I can't imagine that I could help, not being an expert,
>and I would not even classify myself as an experienced user yet.

The fact that you're not highly experienced gives you an *advantage*
when trying to construct good documentation *for novices.*

Those of us that have been using LILO and compiling kernels since the
early '90s don't badly need good "enduser" documentation, and
virtually unconsciously work around bits of complexity that, due to
being new to you, are something you can more readily blunder into.

As such, you'll encounter things that would be *worth documenting* for
other novices.

There is value to "partnership" in this; if you supply the "ignorant
errors," others that are no longer ignorant can help provide answers,
and some of the "reasons why."  That can add up to improved

And, on occasion, changes to change system functionality a bit so as
to avoid some of the problems in the future...
"Using Java as a general purpose application development language is like
going big game hunting armed with Nerf weapons." -- Author Unknown



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    Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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    Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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