Linux-Misc Digest #567, Volume #21               Sat, 28 Aug 99 06:13:07 EDT

  Re: Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 Hardware Compatibility Questions (Roger)
  Re: The Microsoft/Linux Conspiracy ("Gabriel")
  Kernel Panic:  and I Panic too. ("Gabriel")
  Re: What is best HTML Editor for LINUX? (Indica)
  [Q] message on telnet? (student)
  Re: Mandrake 6.0 kernel (Ben Ritchie)
  win95 & linux (M Harpur)
  Re: File system repair after crash (peter)
  Re: Shutdown Problem (W.G. Unruh)
  Re: Kernel Panic: and I Panic too. (W.G. Unruh)
  Re: Shutdown Problem (David Fox)
  Re: Viewer for multi-page faxes needed (David Fox)
  Re: What is best HTML Editor for LINUX? ("Adam C. Emerson")
  HowTo extract from a tar archiv ... ("Markus Meng")
  Re: What is best HTML Editor for LINUX? (letdown)
  Re: Best language for graphical apps? (Phil Hunt)
  Re: Dual Pentium II shows as Dual Celeron... (Greg Leblanc)
  Aktien zu verschenken!!!! Free Stock Programm!!!! ("erhard.m")
  Re: Printer chopping off the end? ("David Syratt")
  Re: Best language for graphical apps? (Phil Hunt)


Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 07:56:53 +0100
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 Hardware Compatibility Questions

Jorge Padron wrote:
> *** NEWBIE: No experience with Linux whatsoever ***
> I'm planning to purchase Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 to install it on my home
> computer. I currently run Windows 98SE (quite ~unstable~ I most say) and I
> have an old hard drive that I made available to give Linux a try -- I am
> planiing to dual boot Windows 98SE and Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 >>>>> IS THIS
> POSSIBLE? <<<<<<<<

Yes, and quite easy.

> The problem I have is that I'm not sure if my hardware is going to be
> compatible with Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 -- here's the list of stuff I have in
> my system. Would anybody please let me know whether this is going to work at
> all?
> + ABUT BH6 motherboard with Intel Celeron 300Mhz
> + 128MB 100Mhz RAM
> + Two Maxtor IDE hard drives: Windows 98SE will stay on the first hard drive
> and I'll install OpenLinux 2.2 on the second drive.
> + Toshiba ATAPI CD-ROM

All this is fine, as is Linux on a second HDD (I do it).  the drives
will be auto-detected and you can choose which one to fdisk.  I take it
you're going to wipe the second HDD, which makes it really easy - no
need for fancy partitioning tools.

> + Matrox Millenium G200 AGP 8MB video card


> + No network card

You don't need one

> + 3COM USR Courier V.Everything internal modem (I'm using the default
> settings: are the default settings Plug and Play? Will this work or do I
> need to manually set the IRQ, COM port, etc.?)

You'll need to know the COM port (probably 3 or 4).  AFAIK it's *not* a
Winmodem but is it is, you need a new modem.  Check the manual.

> + Creative SoundBlaster Live! Value sound card (I'm using the default
> settings: are the default settings Plug and Play? Will this work or do I
> need to manually set the IRQ, etc.?)

Oh dear.  This is a tricky card to set up - have a look on DejaNews.  I
think it has been done but as with any newish hardware Linux can have
difficulty recognising it.  Sound is generally the worst thing to set up
under Linux - my card won't work at all and I'm considering a
'downgrade' to a SoundBlaster!

> My main problem is that all my devices (video, sound, modem) are using the
> default settings the way they come out-of-the-box, which I believe are in
> "plug-and-play" mode. Can I just go ahead and install Caldera OpenLinux 2.2
> like that without doing anyhting and expect everything to work fine,
> including my modem and sound?  Or should instead open my computer case and
> and manually set all IRQ, COM ports, etc?  I would very much prefer -not- to
> have to touch anything inside my computer if at all possible.

You don't have to open the PC at all.

ICQ: 40038278
*** Please remove 'james' from the Reply address ***


From: "Gabriel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Gabriel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The Microsoft/Linux Conspiracy
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 02:17:41 -0400 (EDT)

MS will not let go easily and it has practically endless
those who believe that Linux is safe just because they
imagine what ms will do next are sitting penguins. 
My guess is that sooner or later ms will buy one of the 
distributions and start playing with it. 


On 28 Aug 1999 02:27:10 GMT, Cameron L. Spitzer wrote:

>We already have two examples of Microsoft's strategy against its open source
>competition.  The Front Page Extensions to the defacto standard protocols
>between Web authoring tools, Web servers, and Web browsers.
>Take a good long look at the patch Microsoft publishes for Apache.
>It's a trojan horse.  If you install it your security is compromised.
>Does anyone believe this compromise is an *accident*?
>Is there anyone who runs an Apache Web server with more than twenty users
>who has not had user requests to install the Front Page Extensions?
>Microsoft gives away a very comprehensive and user friendly tool
>to create demand for the extensions.  That's the social engineering
>side of a trojan horse attack, that's been underway for a couple
>of years now.
>Microsoft Outlook Express and Exchange Server, likewise, are a social
>engineering attack against generic SMTP email.  The deal is this,
>Microsoft will give you a free shared calendar system and lots of other
>goodies for distance collaboration, as a bribe to your company to
>get off SMTP and go to their proprietary email system.  I know of
>three otherwise network-savvy Silicon Valley startups that have
>taken this devil's offer.  
>Don't speculate about possible Microsoft Linux distros, Microsoft
>is much smarter than that.  The attack is already well underway
>and you didn't even see it.
>In the case of Outlook/Exchange, the open-source community would do
>well to defend against it by developing a freeware Web-enabled
>shared calendar.  The functionality of the old Openlook Calendar tool
>would suffice, except the client side has to use forms or run
>on Java in the web browser.



From: "Gabriel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Gabriel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Kernel Panic:  and I Panic too.
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 01:59:58 -0400 (EDT)

I get this upon boot:

        Kernel panic: unable to mount root fs on 08:07

I am new to linux so please forgive my ignorance. 

This is what I understood so far. 

The problem appeared after not using linux for some time.
While in OS/2 I apparenty consolidated two partitions (I
remember doing it but there is no other explanation). 
As a result my root partition, which used to be sda7 (
08:07) became
Trying to cure that, I used a rescue disc to boot, mounted
root partition ( which seems completely OK) and changed all

instances of sda6 to sda7 in etc/fstab , etc/lilo.conf and
( the last  one is probably superfluous--so be it.)

But the Panic message persists and I guess the problem is
that i need to run sbin/lilo from within my installed 
kernel, but I don't know how, since my kernel  won't boot--
that's exactly the problem. 

I use Red-Hat 6. ( recompiled to 2.2.10 )
/               sda6
/boot           sda5    ( yes, I changed that to)

Thanks to all readers.



From: Indica <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What is best HTML Editor for LINUX?
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 06:30:58 GMT

Gilbert Groehn wrote:
> Does anyone make a HTML editor similar to
> MS 'Front Page' for LINUX ?

Are you sure you want front page as an html editor?

I'd recommend dreamweaver or one of the higher end html editors that don't 
goof up the code.  Right now I don't think any of the major software 
companies like macromedia, adobe, allaire or microsoft have a linux 
version html editor.  I do know that macromedia and adobe are pretty 
receptive to user feedback so you should probably send in a request to 
them asking they start to produce software for the growing body of linux 
users.  If enough people do this we'll see results quickly :)

send a linux version request of dreamweaver to:

==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (student)
Subject: [Q] message on telnet?
Date: 28 Aug 1999 07:15:31 GMT


I have a question on where I can find the message
when you telnet to a linux machine.
Specifically, the message is:

% telnet
Trying x.x.x.x...
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Linux 2.2.5-15 (    <------ *


For the security reason, I need to replace  * line.
The machine is running RedHat 6.x.
I searched several directories, but in vain.
Where is the message located?
Any reply would be appreciated.
Thank you.



From: Ben Ritchie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mandrake 6.0 kernel
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 08:38:41 +0000

Thanks Bill - where can I find the HOWTO, though? I can't find it listed

(Maybe it's in the Mandrake distro - I'm still on RH5.2 at home)


William B. Cattell wrote:

> <snip>

> Ben - yes, they are written down in the Kernel-upgrade

> HOWTO.  That HOWTO will tell you all you need to know about
> upgrading your kernel.  make xconfig *should* work.  I'm
> pretty sure I used it on a Mandrake 6.0 system I have at
> work.  I would suggest getting the whole source.  It's
> always been my preference to compile a kernel and not just
> patch it.  No real reason other than personal peference.
> Bill


From: M Harpur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: win95 & linux
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 19:50:41 +1200

Heard about a linux install program installing  from within win95. meant
to be easy. Anyone know about it?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (peter)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: File system repair after crash
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 07:56:51 GMT

In article <s7v6q7.hr7.ln@localhost>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] told 
> It depends on the size of your computer room.  Have you seen the computer
> room, and the batteries and the diesel generator_S_ at CompuServe's facility in
> Columbus or Dublin, Ohio?

or just look at the ups in the austrian-telecom-headquarter. the batteries are 
like swimmingpools ...
however: this might not be necessary for a single-user-home-nt-machine ;)



cause many people complaining about it:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (W.G. Unruh)
Subject: Re: Shutdown Problem
Date: 28 Aug 99 08:09:45 GMT

Alan Swartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>stan168 wrote:

>> I was thinking if the user just want to turn off the power without
>> doing a shutdown properly. Is there any way to prevent the checking (fsck)
>> at booting time and data corruption?

It would be a VERY bad idea. If you just switch off, thee is stuff in
the buffers on the computer which may nothave been written todisk yet,
and teh disk tables may not have been updated properly. fsck looks for
errors on the disk to make sure that the disk is set up properly. If you
continue to use a disk whose talbles are corrupted the probablioty is
high tht you will overwrite data already there and eventually destroy
the usefullness of the disk.

And when it happens, accept your punishment of waiting while linux tries
to make sure you have not corrupted your disk, and saves you from your
Ie, make sure that you educate your users-- shout at them, paste huge
signs around the computer, etc, to always shut down before switching


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (W.G. Unruh)
Subject: Re: Kernel Panic: and I Panic too.
Date: 28 Aug 99 08:17:11 GMT

"Gabriel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Trying to cure that, I used a rescue disc to boot, mounted
>root partition ( which seems completely OK) and changed all

>instances of sda6 to sda7 in etc/fstab , etc/lilo.conf and
>( the last  one is probably superfluous--so be it.)

Then while still booted with your rescue disk, you need to run lilo and
tell it to use the altered lilo.conf. So when you had the rescue disk
booted, the sd6 partition mounted say as /rescue, you run
/sbin/lilo -C /rescue/etc/lilo.conf


From: d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox)
Subject: Re: Shutdown Problem
Date: 27 Aug 1999 21:40:16 -0700

Alan Swartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> stan168 wrote:
> > I was thinking if the user just want to turn off the power without
> > doing a shutdown properly. Is there any way to prevent the checking (fsck)
> > at booting time and data corruption?
> I'm curious: Why would you want to do that?

Perhaps to use Linux as the basis of an appliance like a stereo system.
David Fox              xoF divaD
UCSD HCI Lab                                         baL ICH DSCU


From: d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox)
Subject: Re: Viewer for multi-page faxes needed
Date: 27 Aug 1999 23:34:46 -0700

"M. Leo Cooper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I need a viewer, running under Linux, of course, for multi-page faxes. I'm
> using the free fax service, and they deliver faxes as attachments
> to e-mail in '.tif' image form. This is fine, except for one thing...
> The graphics viewers for Linux - xv, Image Magick, the gimp - all
> display only the first page of the fax. Even the 'fax view' command of
> the efax package does the same (it uses xv for displaying). The only
> software I've found for Linux that displays all pages is "SwiftView",
> by Northern Development Group, but this is proprietary, closed source,
> and expensive (boo, boo).
> Does anyone know of any ***Open Source*** tif viewers for Linux that will
> display *all* the pages of a received fax?

There is one at's ftp site called viewfax.  I've placed my
(somewhat elderly) RPM of it at

David Fox              xoF divaD
UCSD HCI Lab                                         baL ICH DSCU


From: "Adam C. Emerson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What is best HTML Editor for LINUX?
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 08:43:57 GMT

Gilbert Groehn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone make a HTML editor similar to
> MS 'Front Page' for LINUX ?

No, but there are other WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Web
Page designers.

You don't want one of those.

You want a WYGIWYG (What You Get Is What You Get) editor.  VIM and Elvis
both have very nice HTML editing modes with syntax highlighting.

You should know HTML well enough to write a webpage if you're going
to be putting one up, and if you can write it in a text editor,
why not?  Only problem is placement, but that's not too big an issue.

Adam C. Emerson                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Why finish when you can start a new thing to half do?"


From: "Markus Meng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HowTo extract from a tar archiv ...
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 10:13:35 +0200

> Hey and hello,
> I do have a tar archive on a tape. I would like to extract some files
> onto my solaris machine. However all the files on the archive are
> in absolute path notation...Is there a switch to tell the tar cmd
> not to try to restore with the absolute path notation, since I don't
> want those pathes on my solaris box ??
> thank's
> marcus
> --

** Meng Engineering        Telefon    056 222 44 10               **
** Markus Meng             Natel      079 230 93 86               **
** Bruggerstr. 21          Telefax    056 222 44 10               **
** CH-5400 Baden           Email      [EMAIL PROTECTED] **


From: letdown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What is best HTML Editor for LINUX?
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 00:43:23 -0400

Indica wrote:

> Gilbert Groehn wrote:
> >
> > Does anyone make a HTML editor similar to
> > MS 'Front Page' for LINUX ?
> Are you sure you want front page as an html editor?
> I'd recommend dreamweaver or one of the higher end html editors that don't
> goof up the code.  Right now I don't think any of the major software
> companies like macromedia, adobe, allaire or microsoft have a linux
> version html editor.  I do know that macromedia and adobe are pretty
> receptive to user feedback so you should probably send in a request to
> them asking they start to produce software for the growing body of linux
> users.  If enough people do this we'll see results quickly :)
> send a linux version request of dreamweaver to:
> ------------------  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ------------------

be a stud and use vi


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Hunt)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Best language for graphical apps?
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 99 08:49:35 GMT

In article <37c75b3d@coconut-wireless>
           [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Max Reason" writes:
>  Incidentally, when I read your paragraph, I am left with all sorts
>  of questions about what you mean.  You say "everything that is
>  considered part of the Linux system is supposed to be 'free'".
>  Do you consider every program that runs on Linux to be "part
>  of the Linux system"?

Of course not: is everything that runs on Windows95 part of 
Windows95? Is everything that runs under MacOS part of MacOS?

>  I have no way of knowing without buying
>  a non-existent (and certainly non-standard and disputed)
>  Linux Lexicon.  What does "open source" mean?


>  Is that a
>  synonym for "free" or "freeware" or do they mean different
>  things to you (and others)?

``Open Source'' was invented, in part, to counter the problems
regarding the ambiguity in the term ``free software''.



From: Greg Leblanc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Dual Pentium II shows as Dual Celeron...
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 08:54:29 GMT

I don't know if you've already asked and got some replies, but the first
thing to check is whether or not CPU EXTERNAL CACHE is enabled or
disabled in the BIOS.  If it's disabled, that could cause CPU
misdetection.  I can't think of anything else off hand that would even
have a chance of causing it, but I promise to think on it again when I'm

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  fprintf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My brand new dual pentium II system shows as Dual Celeron (Covington)
> my /proc/cpuinfo.  As requested I am enclosing my cpuinfo and dmesg
> in hopes that someone can help identify a) why my CPUs are being
> incorrectly identified and b) why it is showing as having no cache
> available.
> I have kernel 2.2.7 from the SuSE 6.1 distribution and I have enabled
> via a kernel recompile.
> Thanks,
> Stuart
> Cheshire, CT USA
[snipped to save the net]

It's pronounced "sexy" not "scuzzy"!

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 10:45:38 +0200
From: "erhard.m" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Aktien zu verschenken!!!! Free Stock Programm!!!!

Hallo zusammen,

Die Firma Tradehall ( vergibt umsonst Aktien als
Promotion-Aktion. Sie wollen damit Interesse an Ihrem neuen Unternehmen
generieren. (Die letzte Firma, die das gemacht hat, war Yahoo!!!)

Wenn ihr die Seite  besucht, müßt Ihr auf
'free stock program' klicken und den Bedingungen zustimmen, oder der
direkte Link:
dann die persönlichen Infos eintragen (Name, Adresse, ... müssen
angegeben werden; Alter, Ausbildung... sind freiwillig. Login und
Passwort ausdenken und folgende Referenznummer angeben:


Mit der Anmeldung bekommt Ihr eure Gratisaktie - und eine eigene
Referenznummer! (Für jede Person, die sich über diese Referenznummer
anmeldet, bekommt Ihr noch mal eine halbe Aktie dazu!!! - insgesamt
ihr bis maximal 100 Aktien sammeln) Anschließend erhaltet Ihr eine
E-Mail. Dort erste URL anklicken und Eure Login, Passwort und
Referenznummer eingeben und bestätigen.

Es ist GRATIS! (der neue Kundenaccount natürlich auch) - solange es sie
noch gibt - das ganze läuft nämlich nur solange, bis tradehall den 1
Millionsten Kunden hat - und davon sind sie nicht mehr allzu weit

Yahoo ist auch so gestartet. Die Aktie ist inzwischen ca. 140 Euro wert!

Also, auf gehts. Umsonst ist umsonst.

Bis dann



From: "David Syratt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Printer chopping off the end?
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 19:10:03 +1000

1) You'll find that because (I think) you are using an InkJet printer which
cannot print to the last
5-10mm of paper due to mechanical constraints of the printer and the
original was specified to
either print on a laser or a dot matrix - which does not have the same
2) Make sure your printer is configured for A4 not US letter.
3) Reformat the document and change the footer size


Chris Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> It seems that whenever I print something (using GhostScript on an Epson
> Stylus 400), it chops off the last bit of the page (about 5mm or so).
> Does anyone know why it's doing this, and (more importantly) how to stop
> it?
> --
>   Chris Butler                       e-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> PGP key 9D973385/1024 fingerprint: 047E 3689 387A 8C4B 709C 74A2 7AB3 4869


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Hunt)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Best language for graphical apps?
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 99 08:51:12 GMT

In article <37c7610f@coconut-wireless>
           [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Max Reason" writes:
> > My dictionary begins its definition of Free with:
> > "adj, not subject to external constraints or domination"
> > as in "freedom".  Only much later on, toward the end, does 
> > it mention "without expense" - so the former would appear to 
> > be the main meaning, with "free lunch" as a subsiduary meaning.
> > So as far as I can see, the comp.os.linux.* meaning is
> > perfectly correct.....and no-one is redefining anything!
>  Okay, now inanimate "standards" or "objects" like Linux
>  have individual human rights - "freedom".

No, it is people who use Linux who have freedom.

>  How brilliant!
>  Obviously you have the right meaning.  How dumb of me!

You said it.




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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