Linux-Misc Digest #706, Volume #20               Sun, 20 Jun 99 14:13:08 EDT

  Re: Help for MODEM (ron)
  Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft Retest 
News (Frank Sweetser)
  Re: ATAPI ZIP disk file corruption (Jay Daniels)
  Re: ATAPI ZIP disk file corruption (Stewart Honsberger)
  Re: RH 6.0 Upgrade Well Behaved? ("Rich")
  Re: emacs problems on redhat 6.0 (Coy A Hile)
  Re: Network Configurator - What files does it touch? (Konrad Hambrick)
  Redhat 6.0 and USB mouse (Yanhong Li)
  Re: Netscape + java = crash (Lennart Hengstmengel)
  Re: Trying to do a triple boot setup (Eddy Kuo)
  Re: New to mutt: problem (Tom Shannon)
  Re: add user ("Carl Alexander")
  Re: Apache Question (Stewart Honsberger)
  Real Media Player G2 (Eric McCraw)
  How do I access another Linux box using X/Gnome? (Ted Milkovich)
  Re: New Login ("Ron")
  Re: linux on 386 (Geoff Short)
  Linux viruses ("WME")
  Re: The best IRC and ICQ applications for Linux? (Holger Eitzenberger)
  Re: Real Media Player G2 (scable)
  Conflict between modem and soundcard on RH6 ("Rich")
  Re: Linux viruses (hudini)


Subject: Re: Help for MODEM
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 16:18:16 GMT

Emanuele Fabrizi wrote:

> I have an internal modem PCI called : SupraExpress 56i V PRO
> make by DIAMOND.
> Under Windows98 it works : Port = COM3
>                                                 Interrupt = 10
> and the 'DOS Support' menu (under 'Propriety') says :
> for DOS application :  COM Port = COM3
>                                        Base Address(Hex) = 03e8
>                                        IRQ = 4.
> Under Linux (SuSE 5.3) the modem don't work.

All the PCI modems I've ever looked at are actually 'Win Modems'.  As
far as know there is still no support for any of these modems under
linux.  Bummer, it'd be nice if they'd make a PCI modem that was non
'win modem'.


From: Frank Sweetser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft 
Retest News
Date: 20 Jun 1999 12:01:43 -0400

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ken Williams) writes:

> >> They don't sell fixes - they are free.
> >>
> >Win 98 was a fix for Win95 don't try to tell me they don't sell them.
> Wrong, 98's sole purpose on earth is to force IE4/5 upon every user
> possible.  IE is the most important peice of software ms has right now.

tell that to the hundreds of MIS managers who asked MS "how do we make 95
y2k compliant?" and got told "windows 98."

> The fact that MS was able to bloat 98 up some more to make people buy
> faster machines(typical purchase cycle) was just a bonus.  I don't think
> they cared about the money on this one.  Not at all.

bullshit.  in the long run, microsoft has one and only one goal.  not to
write office and word.  not to write new windows operating systems.  to
*make* *money*.

Frank Sweetser rasmusin at fsweetser at  | PGP key available RedHat 5.2 kernel 2.2.5        i586 | at public servers
Magically turning people's old scalar contexts into list contexts is a
recipe for several kinds of disaster.
             -- Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: Jay Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ATAPI ZIP disk file corruption
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 12:19:07 -0400

L J Bayuk wrote:
> I am getting file corruption on my new ZIP drive (100MB internal ATAPI).
> No error to the process writing the file, but syslog gets:
>   ide-floppy: hdd: I/O error, pc=2a, key=4, asc=47, ascq=0
>   end_request: I/O error, dev 16:41, sector <some_number>
> The resulting file on disk has a block (512 bytes) all zeros
> or maybe containing the data which was on the sector before.
> This seems to happen a lot more with an EXT2 filesystem on the ZIP. With
> a MSDOS FAT filesystem, it happens less frequently, but still often
> enough that the drive isn't reliable.  It also seems to happen more if
> I copy files from an NFS mount point onto the local ZIP drive, but I
> can't explain why that might be. It happens both when mounted, and with
> mtools access.
> I'm using Linux 2.0.35.
> Do I have a bad drive? Does anyone have an ATAPI ZIP which works
> reliably?

The problem is (even in windows) with the atapi zip drive, the scsi
version has no problems.

       "Captain, I just uploaded a virus called Windows to the
        Klingon computer system."
Jay Daniels            Pc-Technical Services                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stewart Honsberger)
Subject: Re: ATAPI ZIP disk file corruption
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 16:24:50 GMT

On 20 Jun 1999 02:02:46 GMT, L J Bayuk wrote:
>I am getting file corruption on my new ZIP drive (100MB internal ATAPI).
>No error to the process writing the file, but syslog gets:
>  ide-floppy: hdd: I/O error, pc=2a, key=4, asc=47, ascq=0
>  end_request: I/O error, dev 16:41, sector <some_number>
>The resulting file on disk has a block (512 bytes) all zeros
>or maybe containing the data which was on the sector before.
>I'm using Linux 2.0.35.

I'm running 2.2.9, but I beleive I ran mine with 2.0.36 (the original kernel
that came with my distro. I mounted my ZIP disk to retreive my stored 2.2.2
kernel (at the time)).

>Do I have a bad drive? Does anyone have an ATAPI ZIP which works

I'm not sure about the bad drive, but how are you mounting it? I haven't
put an entry in fstab yet, so I mount it manually every time I need it, like

mount -t ext2 /dev/hdd /zip

I haven't used it with a FAT filesystem at all yet, only ext2, and I haven't
had any problems with it.

Could the disk itself be bad? Have you tried another disk?

Stewart Honsberger (AKA Blackdeath) @
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Remove 'thirteen' to reply privately)
Humming along under SuSE Linux 6.0 / OS/2 Warp 4


From: "Rich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RH 6.0 Upgrade Well Behaved?
Date: 20 Jun 99 14:46:23 GMT

Not sure about KDE, but in general upgrading Redhat is not recommended.  I
had nothing but problems running the upgrade.  I suggest backing up your
important files and doing the full install of Redhat 6.  Choose Custom
rather than Workstation or Server (WS and server both will delete your
existing partitions), reformat your existing partitions to get rid of old
libraries and such, and then do the install.  Also, get the $2 CD from
Cheapbytes or Linuxmall rather than buying the official set for $80.  All
the $80 gets you is two printed manuals (which are on the CD electronically
anyway), an install floppy(which you can make from the CD) and tech
support.  Redhat tech support appears tries to help you but in most cases
you get better answers from the newsgroups.

Steve D. Perkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
>     I've been reading all the nasty complaint posts over the past
> month about RedHat 6.0... specifically how the KDE distribution
> that comes with it gets installed to directories totally
> different than the standard.  I was wondering if I'm running KDE
> 1.1.1 on RH 5.2... will installing RH 6.0 with the "upgrade"
> option mess up my KDE, install a seperate copy in a different
> directory, or anything else crummy like that?
>     Also, is there really any compelling reason to do this
> upgrade right now anyway?  I remember when 5.2 came out... it
> seemed like OVERNIGHT that every Linux application available for
> download wanted you to have 5.2 instead of 5.0 or 5.1.  However,
> I haven't really seen anything out there yet that "requires"
> 6.0... or even has an updated version optimized for it.  Is there
> any real compelling reason to jump from 5.2 to 6.0... or is it
> similar to the Microsoft situation with Win95 vs. Win98?
> Steve


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Coy A Hile)
Subject: Re: emacs problems on redhat 6.0
Date: 20 Jun 1999 11:41:28 -0400

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Eran Dvey-Aharon  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi !
>Emacs behaves oddly on redhat 6.0. (kernel 2.2.5-15). It causes some
>kind of short system freezes. Any ideas ?
>I wanted to try a defferent version of emacs , downloaded a couple but
>could compile any of them,
>because of a message going
>/usr/include/unistd.h:567: parse error before '('
>/usr/include/unistd.h:567: parse error before '__pgrp'
>again , any ideas ?
ideas?  sure i have plenty of ideas....the first would be not to use
emacs and use vi.  try editing the header file it mentions to see if 
there are any of the parse errors it mentions.

Coy Hile
"Theirs not to reason why; theirs but to do...."
Tennyson, "Charge of the Light Brigade"


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Konrad Hambrick)
Subject: Re: Network Configurator - What files does it touch?
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 15:45:40 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mohamad SALEH  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Mark Tranchant a écrit :
>> Look in /etc/hosts. This is the trouble with "automated" tools - you
>> have no idea what is really going on.
>> Mark.
>In RedHat 5.2, it is not suffichient to look at /etc/hosts. You must see
>also some files under /etc/sysconfig.
>Another thing : ifconfig doesn't store any thing so when you reboot you
>waste configuration set by using ifconfig on line.

All --

I have found it handy at times to use the find -newer argument.

Just before invoking the automated tool do:

   # # create a time stamp file:
   # touch /tmp/time-stamp-file

Invoke the tool and do your thing.  When done:

   # # use find to see what has been touched:
   # find / -newer /tmp/time-stamp-file -print 2>/dev/null |tee /tmp/file.lst
   # rm /tmp/time-stamp-file

Most times the config files will be under the /etc directory
so you could invoke:  find /etc -newer /tmp/time-stamp-file -print ...

However until you get the hang of it, it may be best to search
from the / dir.

There may be some chaff amongst the wheat but you _will_ have
a list of files changed since the time stamp file was made.


-- kjh
Konrad J. Hambrick           |  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |     
1111 Seacoast Dr.  Unit 41   |  home:   (619) 423-4451     |
Imperial Beach, CA   91932   |                             |


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yanhong Li)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Redhat 6.0 and USB mouse
Date: 20 Jun 1999 16:42:10 GMT

Hi -

I am trying to install Redhat 6.0 on a new machine - Acer Aspire 6150,
it has a USB mouse, which linux does not recognize. 
1. Where can I find the patch for this (redhat 6.0 is linux 2.2.5)?
2. How can I install the patch to my system?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lennart Hengstmengel)
Subject: Re: Netscape + java = crash
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 13:58:47 GMT

On Sat, 19 Jun 1999 11:28:22 -0500, scable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Lou Poppler wrote:
>> On Wed, 16 Jun 1999 22:35:08 -0500, Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> : I'm using Netscape Communicator with RedHat 6.0 on my box and it just dies
>> : anytime it has to view a Java applet.  Is there any work-around for this?
>Your problem is probably with a bug in the RH6.0 distribution.  I had the same
>problem too.  Red Hat has an FAQ page that deals with this.  I can't find the info
>right now, but you shouldbe able to find it with a little bit of surfing.

No, it is a bug in Netscape. I am told that the unsupported glibc
version 4.6 doesn't have this bug, but I haven't tried it yet. I use
SuSE 6.1 with netscape 4.6, and i have problems with java too (some
applets, not all).



From: Eddy Kuo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Trying to do a triple boot setup
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 12:21:43 -0400


I have setup up a Triple boot on my system, win98, winNT, and Linux.

I use lilo to load winNT or Linux,
and then I use the winNT loader to choose between win98 or winNT. 
If you have win95 already installed, and install winNT, NT should give
you a choice to setup up a dual boot.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Shannon)
Subject: Re: New to mutt: problem
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 09:04:39 -04-59

On 20 Jun 1999 03:12:45 GMT, Frederic L. W. Meunier
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >I am evaluating mutt
with an eye toward switching to it from pine.  I >like some of the
features like scoring.  I also like the fact that >most commands can
be carried out by hitting one key.  Both of these >features make it
very much like slrn (for news reading).  Very >functional.  

>Edit your ~/.muttrc and change: 

># If Mutt is unable to determine your sites domain name correctly,
> you can

Actually, I had already tried this along with several variations of
'realname'.  No dice.

Thanks anyway,


From: "Carl Alexander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: add user
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 09:39:17 -0700

KDE includes a user manager that I like for that sort of thing

Carl Alexander

sadams wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Hello all,
>I used to have a nice graphical interface to replace adduser(useradd).
>Somewhere, I lost it; I don't remember what it was called.  Any
>suggestions for a adduser GUI would be appreciated.  Thanks.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stewart Honsberger)
Subject: Re: Apache Question
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 17:35:42 GMT

On Sun, 20 Jun 1999 17:26:11 GMT, Scott Gravenhorst  (see sig for reply) wrote:
>What is the function of the line:
>#! /bin/sh
>Without this line, I get no data.  With it, the page is displayed
>It looks like a comment.  Is this a 'magic comment' ?  Does the HTTP
>server remove the # and execute the rest?

That tells Linux that it's a script, and is to be parsed by /bin/sh. If it
were Perl, you'd replace that line with the path to your Perl interpreter.

Stewart Honsberger (AKA Blackdeath) @
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Remove 'thirteen' to reply privately)
Humming along under SuSE Linux 6.0 / OS/2 Warp 4


Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 12:22:44 -0500
From: Eric McCraw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Real Media Player G2

anyone get this to work w/ Redhat 6.0? and how please. i installed the
rpm, but cant figure out how to run it or configure it. Please help.


From: Ted Milkovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How do I access another Linux box using X/Gnome?
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 13:31:32 -0400

I am sure this is easy to do, but I haven't been able to find it.

I have multiple Linux machines.  I would like to access all of the boxes
from one using X/GNOME to administer, etc. the others.  (some are remote
and won't have monitors attached) How do I do it?  Do I run the X/GNOME
terminal session, telnet into the desired machine, then run some type of
display export?  Can someone explain in detail? or point me to the info?

Thanks in advance.

Could you also send an e-mail reply to me as well as the newsgroup post?



Subject: Re: New Login
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 17:35:30 +0200
Reply-To: "Ron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

eeh, manual?

Like in manpages/readme's and the like?
Should be on your system

Take a look in /bin and try "man blabla" for every command/filter you see.
Should keep you busy for a while.
And start browsing at


Louis Dupree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:2Q6b3.4010$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> How do I install a new user on Red Hat 5.2. The ROOT longin works great,
> when I go to X Window I do not get the icons that my 5.1 manual shows. It
> shows how to make a new user. If had a 5.2 manual might help!!
> Any one have a suggestion? Thank you.
> Louis


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Geoff Short)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: linux on 386
Date: 20 Jun 1999 17:35:00 GMT

Stefano Ghirlanda ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I happen to have an 386 with which I would like to do something useful,
: but mostly play with :-)
: My plan is to use it as a loghost for a small network (5-6 machines) so
: that it should only allow syslogd or simlar connections and from these
: machines only. There doesn't need to be any X or fancy stuff or even user
: programs beyond what's needed to examine the logfiles.

If it's got 4 meg memory then you'll be ok, any less makes life very hard.
About 100 meg disk drive is a sensible minimum: basic install,
compiler and docs.  50 meg would do at a pinch, my record is 30 ISTR.
(These figures based on Slackware 3.4)

Go for an older distribution, especially Slackware which tends to be
smaller than Redhat etc.   Don't be afraid to re-install lots of times
until you get it right, preferably using nfs install from one of your
other machines (although the basics of slackware are designed to be
installed from floppies).

If you can get more memory than 4 meg then it _will_ feel faster.

For performance tuning, compile a kernel for it, possibly also recompile
any processor-intensive programs with 386 optimisation.

Ever sit and watch ants? They're always busy with                Geoff Short
something, never stop for a moment.  I just          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
can't identify with that kind of work ethic.


Subject: Linux viruses
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 13:28:39 -0400

    Are our linux systems immune from viruses? I mean do we just transfer
them or could they get infected. I used to think that my system is safe as
long as I am using Linux because hackers usually make viruses for M$ and
apple. Now I noticed some virus software for linux on the tucows website.

I was just wondering



From: Holger Eitzenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The best IRC and ICQ applications for Linux?
Date: 20 Jun 1999 15:44:00 GMT

Kenny Zhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi I'm wondering what's the best IRC / ICQ applications for Linux (w/o KDE
> GNOME). Please let me know. Thanks.


* micq *

    It's the only console-based ICQ client i tried... and my
    preferred one too.

* epic4 (enhanced programmable irc client) *

    The name says it all.  It's a direct ircII descendant which is
    well documented and overlookable even for an IRC newbie, but i
    think you should be willing to learn some scripting - but of
    course there are some good scripts already available.  BitchX is
    just a mess, it's just a feature bloat and even worse: not well
    documented.  So you will get kicked on some IRC channels cause of
    the settings which come with BitchX by default and you don't even
    know how to change that damned setting.  _Just forget it_!


* licq *

    Easy too.  Maybe the other ICQ clients have improved but when
    i tried them Licq was just outstanding.  You need a recent Qt
    library which should not be a problem if you are using KDE.  If
    you are using Gnome try GtkIcq.

  -- Holger

+ PGP || GnuPG key -> finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] +
+++ Debian/GNU Linux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +++ ICQ: 2882018 +++


From: scable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Real Media Player G2
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 12:52:48 -0500

Eric McCraw wrote:

> anyone get this to work w/ Redhat 6.0? and how please. i installed the
> rpm, but cant figure out how to run it or configure it. Please help.

Red Hat says something about this on their errata page.
(www.rehat.xom/errata)  Go to the page on 6.0 General errors and click on
"Applications".  The folks at Real Network have a little blurb about
this.  Don't know the URL but you can find it by going to their site and
doing a search on something like "Linux" or "Linux  patch".  I myself
haven't gotte it to work yet, but I have been busy w/ other things.


From: "Rich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Conflict between modem and soundcard on RH6
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,
Date: 20 Jun 99 15:07:29 GMT

I'm having trouble getting my modem and soundcard to both run on my Redhat
6 system.  The modem is a USR Sportster Voice 33.6 PnP Fax Internal ISA
modem.  The sound card is a Creative Sound Blaster 16 PnP.  Here's the
history:  I had the modem running and was able to connect to my ISP with
PPP.  Then I ran sndconfig and set up my soundcard which ran fine.  Now if
I go to use my modem, either for pppd, minicom, or anything else I get a
modem busy error even after a reboot.  So I remove
/etc/sysconfig/soundcard, /etc/isapnp.conf, and restore my old
/etc/conf.modules (these are the files created/modified by sndconfig),
reboot and bingo the modem works again.  The modem (ttyS1) is set to IRQ 3
and the soundcard is IRQ 5 so I don't know why there's a conflict.  My
/proc/ioports before the soundcard looks like:
0000-001f : dma1
0020-003f : pic1
0040-005f : timer
0060-006f : keyboard
0070-007f : rtc
0080-008f : dma page reg
00a0-00bf : pic2
00c0-00df : dma2
00f0-00ff : fpu
0170-0177 : ide1
01f0-01f7 : ide0
02f8-02ff : serial(auto)
0376-0376 : ide1
03c0-03df : vga+
03f6-03f6 : ide0
03f8-03ff : serial(auto)
ffa0-ffa7 : ide0
ffa8-ffaf : ide1

After setting up the soundcard, I also get the following entries:
0220-022f : soundblaster
0330-0333 : MPU-401 UART
0388-038b : Yamaha OPL3

Under Win95, where they happily coexist, the modem is also IRQ 3 and the
soundcard is also IRQ 5 with IO ports of 0220-022f, 0330-0331, and
0388-038b.  Notice that the second io port is slightly different under
Linux (0330-0333).  Could this be the problem?  I really want to be able to
use both simultaneously.  Any help would be appreciated.



From: hudini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux viruses
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 12:49:43 -0500

WME wrote:
> Hi,
>     Are our linux systems immune from viruses? 


> I mean do we just transfer
> them or could they get infected. I used to think that my system is safe as
> long as I am using Linux because hackers usually make viruses for M$ and
> apple. Now I noticed some virus software for linux on the tucows website.

Fuck that.  Freaking lame sorry website.  Tucows and Linuxberg know shit
about Linux... They are just in for the quick buck.

Trying to bring that MS shit to Linux...
> I was just wondering
> Thanks

And whoever says that there are Linux virus or that Linux is
vulnerable... send them to me.  *Infetct* me...

But then again... keep on dreaming.

You have Linux/Unix don;t worry about "virus."



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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