Linux-Misc Digest #706, Volume #26                Thu, 4 Jan 01 12:13:01 EST

  OpenOffice - non-root cannot start program ("Lloyd Llewellyn")
  Re: APACHE won't serve out pages... (X-ample)
  Re: OpenOffice - non-root cannot start program (Kae Verens)
  Re: APACHE won't serve out pages... (Bo Berglund)
  Setting Up Several Apache (Immortal Love)
  Re: OpenOffice - non-root cannot start program ("Lloyd Llewellyn")
  Re: Samba stopped working! (Anders Peterson)
  Re: Need MINIMAL Linux for a laptop dinosaur... (Ellen Geertsema)
  Reiser FS (Dietmar Vogel)
  Re: Portsentry 1.0 (Bosco Tsang)
  auto run (ZippiZ)
  Re: Dual Xeon hangs (ekk)
  Re: Portsentry 1.0 (Bob Tennent)
  RH Linux on flash disk ("Nils M. Lunde")
  Re: Why did SawFish become default in RedHat, instead of Enlightenment ? (Silviu 
  Re: OpenOffice - non-root cannot start program (Robert Wiegand)
  X won't start: $KDEDIR points to wrong place for KDE 2 ("Jason Bond")
  memory question (Hajo Drescher)
  Re: memory question (Kae Verens)
  Transfer Primary Zones to Secondary DNS Server? (Rob Weiss)
  Re: Realtime audio processing (Dave Phillips)
  Re: Please Help me with XPERT 98 Video card and Redhat 7.0 (Dave Brown)
  Re: Step-by step to install Linux RH7 and Win98.
  lilo.conf (TomC)
  Re: Portsentry 1.0 (Bosco Tsang)
  Re: email (John Hasler)
  Re: Matrox AGP G450 on Redhat 7 - Can't get X to Start (benoit mordelet)
  DHCPD questions (G)
  Re: lilo.conf (David)


From: "Lloyd Llewellyn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: OpenOffice - non-root cannot start program
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 14:16:12 GMT

I'm unable to run OpenOffice as non-root.  When I run soffice, I get the setup
program instead.

When logged in as root, it runs properly.

I have OpenOffice installed in /usr/local/openoffice60.

I've tried with the 609 and 613 builds.

Any ideas what the problem might be?


From: X-ample <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: APACHE won't serve out pages...
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 15:18:54 +0100

Bo Berglund wrote:

> I have now reinstalled Linux RH 6.2 as a server install since I got so
> many problems with FTP and Samba when I tried to get it running on a
> KDE Workstation install. These items are now resolved.
> But to my astonishment on this install Apache will not accept
> connections! What I see in my browser is this:
> Forbidden
> You don't have permission to access /index.html on this server.
> Apache/1.3.12 Server at Port 80
> Really strange, and what do i do now? I have looked through the
> httpd.conf file to find any reference to permissions there without
> really finding anything.
> In my earlier workststion installs Apache always started and I could
> see the index page just fine, instead I had problems with FTP and
> Samba. Now Apache is acting up, it is so frustrating....
> BTW: Is there a web based configuration tool for Apache such as SWAT
> for Samba? It would be much easier than using pico on a telnet
> session...
> Bo Berglund

Using "vi" over "ssh" ?? ;-)
There is such a thing as comanche, runs on X11 ..
check out "" and search for "Apache"




From: Kae Verens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OpenOffice - non-root cannot start program
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 14:28:58 +0000

Lloyd Llewellyn wrote:
> I'm unable to run OpenOffice as non-root.  When I run soffice, I get the setup
> program instead.

have you tried completing the setup as a non-root user? Gimp also
requires a setup for every user.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bo Berglund)
Subject: Re: APACHE won't serve out pages...
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 14:39:11 GMT

Found the answer in another conversation on this group...

Clip from that thread:
If you've used linuxconf to modify the Apache webserver settings, it's
more than likely that the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file has a bunch
garbage in it that is preventing access.

Pay particular attention to the directory entries at the end of the
file. If you have entries similar to:

<Directory >
Options Includes MultiViews Indexes FollowSymlinks
AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo Indexes Limit Options

<Files >
Options Indexes FollowSymlinks
AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo Indexes Limit Options

remove them or comment them out of existence. The restart the httpd
daemon and things should be accessible:

# /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart

Sure enough I had used linuxconf this time and wandered into Apache
setup and shure enough there were a bunch of <Directory xxx> and
<Files xxx> lines there!
I commented them away and now I am able to see what I need to see!

Why in heavens name is linuxconf doing this???


On Thu, 04 Jan 2001 13:23:22 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bo Berglund)

.. snip ..
>But to my astonishment on this install Apache will not accept
>connections! What I see in my browser is this:
>You don't have permission to access /index.html on this server.
>Apache/1.3.12 Server at Port 80

Bo Berglund


From: Immortal Love <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux,tw.bbs.comp.linux
Subject: Setting Up Several Apache
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 22:30:48 +0800

I installed RedHat Linux 6.2 with everything, ie. I had Apache 1.3.12
installed well. Now, I downloaded Apache 1.3.14 source code and complied
and made in default destination, /usr/local/apache/. But how can I run
and autorun when booting up both Apache servers together. Can anyone teach
how to do it? Do I need to copy some files to somewhere? Or do I need to
edit httpd.conf script? Thanks.


From: "Lloyd Llewellyn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OpenOffice - non-root cannot start program
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 14:53:46 GMT

>> I'm unable to run OpenOffice as non-root.  When I run soffice, I get the
>> setup program instead.
> have you tried completing the setup as a non-root user? Gimp also requires a
> setup for every user.

I tried going through the setup - it gives me a series of warning messages
(unable to register components).


From: Anders Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Samba stopped working!
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 14:48:40 GMT

It’s difficult to understand what happened, but the problem is solved.
The server’s hosts file was “not complete”. Why it stopped working this
morning is a mystery. It worked fine for months, and then suddenly ...

In article <931u21$6kk$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Anders Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This morning when I came to work my Windows machines could not “find”
> our samba server. The message I get is: The semaphore timeout period
> has expired.
> If I try to telnet the server it takes very long before the initial
> login prompt appears, but after that everything seems ok.
> Accessing the server’s default web page is no problem. Accessing SWAT
> is very slow.
> If I go to the server and log in there everything appears normal.
> What could have happened?
> /Anders
> Sent via


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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ellen Geertsema)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Need MINIMAL Linux for a laptop dinosaur...
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 15:01:00 +0000 (UTC)

On Thu, 4 Jan 2001 04:07:08 -0600,
Matthew D Thrond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Interesting, but the link is dead.
>"Ellen Geertsema" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Smalllinux only needs 2MB to run...  :-)

Hmm, you're right -- must have happened within the last couple of
days...  Anyway, it can also be found here:

and probably in lots of other places -- just do a search using, for
instance, metacrawler.


Ellen Geertsema               "All my life I wanted to be someone;
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            I guess I should have been more specific."
                                                   -- Jane Wagner


Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 15:53:23 +0100
From: Dietmar Vogel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Reiser FS

Hi Everybody,

I have here a SuSE 7.0 installation running, with the home directories
mounted on a reiserfs.
The home directories are accessible via AppleTalk and NetBIOS in a
heterogene network with several Macs and PCs.

Since I copied with a Mac complete big directories to the reiserfs and
deleted them afterwards, there has  happened something strange.

With the df command I got a disk usage of about 2 GB - the du command
shows the disk usage for all home directories - all together about 100

After a reboot of the machine everything was perfectly fine again - df
had an output of about 100 MB - but how comes?

Does anybody has an idea?



From: Bosco Tsang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.dcom.modems.cable,redhat.general
Subject: Re: Portsentry 1.0
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 14:57:04 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

> Other types of servers (www, ftp, etc) don't seem to be picked up on these
> scans. While they're still against @Home's AUP, you only get in trouble if
> someone reports you to @Home.

Wait a minute, why I will get in trouble? I don't even have a news server
installed. My portsentry have already blocked this scan, will this get me
into trouble?

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Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: auto run
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 23:14:28 +0800

I am using Turbolinux and Debian, I know the way to set the program to
autorun at startup is the rc.local in Turbolinux, but what is that in
Debian? Thanks for any suggestion!



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Dual Xeon hangs
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 10:25:23 -0500

Thanks, but no, it is the 440GX chipset.  I'm pretty confident it isn't the
CPUtemp.  I did notice a lot of nmbd error messages in /var/log/messages, so
I turned of smb.  Hopefully that will help . . .

"D. Stimits" wrote:

> ekk wrote:
> >
> > Sorry for the duplicate post - I noticed I hadn't changed the subject
> > line.
> >
> > ekk wrote:
> >
> > > Hello
> > > I have a dual Xeon 550 machine that hangs often, somewhat randomly when
> > > I'm doing some CPU intensive stuff.  In the most recent crash, I was
> > > heavily using only one CPU,  It doesn't seem to be CPU temp related,
> > > becuase just before it crashed, the temp was 45.5 deg. C.  I'm running
> > > RH 6.1, kernel 2.2.14 - configured pretty much the same way as another
> > > dual 650 Pentium III which has no trouble.  /var/log/messages contains
> > > little helpful info.  I am running all the same daemons as the 650.
> > > Anyone know what's going on?  In the meantime, I'm going to put 2.2.16
> > > on there to see if that helps.
> > > Ken
> What chipset does it use? If it is i840 your problem is the broken
> IO-APIC of the i840 chipset. In that case boot with kernel option
> "noapic". You'd lose performance since hardware interrupts would be
> serviced by only one cpu under that option, but stability will go up
> dramatically.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Tennent)
Crossposted-To: comp.dcom.modems.cable,redhat.general
Subject: Re: Portsentry 1.0
Date: 4 Jan 2001 15:35:44 GMT

On Thu, 04 Jan 2001 14:57:04 GMT, Bosco Tsang wrote:
 >In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 >  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 >> Other types of servers (www, ftp, etc) don't seem to be picked up on these
 >> scans. While they're still against @Home's AUP, you only get in trouble if
 >> someone reports you to @Home.
 >Wait a minute, why I will get in trouble? I don't even have a news server
 >installed. My portsentry have already blocked this scan, will this get me
 >into trouble?

It's not blocking the scans that will get you into trouble; it's installing
servers on your box.  Just put the IP address of the scanner into your
/etc/hosts.deny (or let portsentry do it for you).  

Bob T.


From: "Nils M. Lunde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RH Linux on flash disk
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 16:46:07 +0100


I'm about to install RH 7.0 on a 64MB flash disk which is IDE compatible.
I'm thinking of including the linux kernel, C++ compiler and linker, telnet,
ftp and maybe Samba.

Would it be any problem installing this on the flash disk.
Would LILO have problems booting from this device?

-Nils Magne


From: Silviu Minut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why did SawFish become default in RedHat, instead of Enlightenment ?
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 10:53:36 -0500

> RedHat is a strong supporter of Gnome.  The initial release of Gnome
> recommended Enlightenment as it's window manager.  However there were
> many problems.  Especially with the fact that both Gnome and
> Enlightenment wanted to provide the same set of features.  A
> light-weight window manager meant to be used with gnome was needed.
> That window manager was Sawfish (orginally Sawmill).  Sawfish is now
> the "gnome" windows manager.  It's a much better fit for gnome than
> enlightenment ever was.

Except that Sawfish is a little broken...


From: Robert Wiegand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OpenOffice - non-root cannot start program
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 09:31:46 -0600

Lloyd Llewellyn wrote:
> I'm unable to run OpenOffice as non-root.  When I run soffice, I get the setup
> program instead.
> When logged in as root, it runs properly.
> I have OpenOffice installed in /usr/local/openoffice60.
> I've tried with the 609 and 613 builds.
> Any ideas what the problem might be?

Did you do the original install using the net option?



From: "Jason Bond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: X won't start: $KDEDIR points to wrong place for KDE 2
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 08:18:11 -0800

Help.  I've installed KDE 2 and apparantely the default install directory
was not /opt/kde. So now when X tries to start, the variable $KDEDIR which
points to /opt/kde is screwing everything up.  The error message I get is:

/usr/bin/env: /opt/kde/bin/kdm no such file or directory

and X simply will not start.  I'm assuming the problem is the enviornment
variable $KDEDIR which is defined this a reasonable
assumption?  So my question is, where is $KDEDIR defined globally? and how
can I find where KDE 2 is installed?  is this a product of reminants of KDE
1 laying arund and defining global variables that KDE 2 doesn't clean up?
Thanks much in dvance,



From: Hajo Drescher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: memory question
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 11:19:35 -0500

Hi to all

I have a general question about memory usage under Linux.
I write a fortran program which uses static memory allocation, ok
I shouldn't, but it doesn't matter for the question.
On my debian system there is the command memstat which tells me,
I deduce the full memory used by the executable.
If I look with top, the actual memory used is much less,  how come ?

Ok, let's say the program uses 136Mb total according to memstat.
But I can run it on a 128Mb computer! Because the used memory is less or
why is it?

I cannot run it on my private computer with 48Mb ram. There I have a
fault immediately. What does this depend on?

thanks and happy new year,


From: Kae Verens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: memory question
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 16:29:41 +0000

Hajo Drescher wrote:
> Hi to all
> I have a general question about memory usage under Linux.
> I write a fortran program which uses static memory allocation, ok
> I shouldn't, but it doesn't matter for the question.
> On my debian system there is the command memstat which tells me,
> I deduce the full memory used by the executable.
> If I look with top, the actual memory used is much less,  how come ?
> Ok, let's say the program uses 136Mb total according to memstat.
> But I can run it on a 128Mb computer! Because the used memory is less or
> why is it?

when a computer runs out of RAM, it starts using swap space. This could
be the thing that's happening here.

> I cannot run it on my private computer with 48Mb ram. There I have a
> segmentation
> fault immediately. What does this depend on?

one standard for swap-space is to have it twice as large as your RAM -
in this case, the combined size is 96+48=144Mb - probably not enough to
run the program _and_ the operating system.



From: Rob Weiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Transfer Primary Zones to Secondary DNS Server?
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 16:30:11 -0000

How can I easily transfer my primary named.conf on my primary name server 
to my secondary name server? I really want to know how to get the 
named.conf on the secondary set up automatically. I have scripts set up 
for the primary name server set up and they work like a charm. The issue I 
have is that I need to then login to secondary server, update named.conf 
and then reload named. 


Posted via CNET


From: Dave Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Realtime audio processing
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 11:26:25 -0500

Theo van der Merwe wrote:
> I would like to do some processing on audio data (using a sound card
> compatible with Linux) in realtime. How do I obtain the raw audio data using
> Redhat Linux?

        The Linux Soundapps Site at

Currently listening to: Otto Luening, "Low Speed"


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Brown)
Subject: Re: Please Help me with XPERT 98 Video card and Redhat 7.0
Date: 4 Jan 2001 10:47:51 -0600

In article <930vbp$fsj$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Please Help me with XPERT 98 Video card and Redhat 7.0
>I got a ATI Xpert 98 Video Card, NEC MultiSync XV17+ Screen and Redhat
>7.0 and the best I could get this config to do is 640x480?
>Can someone please tell me the best I could get this going and how
>Please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The ATI Xpert 98 card is supported by the Mach64 server.  I don't know 
anything about the Monitor, but I'd be surprised if it's not listed in 
Xconfigurator.  But you didn't say if that was the case.  It would also 
be a good idea to mention what problems you were seeing at >640x480.

I have ATI Xpert98 running at 1024x768.  With a different monitor, of course.

Dave Brown  Austin, TX


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Step-by step to install Linux RH7 and Win98.
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 11:35:31 -0500

The original message seems to have disappeared , hence I am using this
message to reply.

Further to Mr. Evan's suggestion :

here's what my hdd looks like . It's a single 27 gb ata 66 drive, on an amd
Slot A tbird 700, 128 Mb of ram.

hda1           /boot            50MB     ext2, contains lilo
hda2           win2000       2GB           NTFS 5.0
hda3           win98            2GB           fat32

hda4          Extended       (Remainder of hdd)  hda5 onwards are in this
extended region

hda5          /                     500MB         ext2
( the root file system )
hda6         swap              128MB         swap                     my
first swap partition
hda7         swap              128MB         swap                     my
second swap partition
hda8        /var                   200MB         ext2
the "var " partition
hda9       /home                1GB              ext2
Home partition that I do not format if I reisntall.
hda10    /usr                      3GB          ext2
All user programs go under here . Also the kernel source, the X server
hda11   win98Data          2GB           fat32                       a 2 gig
place for putting files I need quite often
hda12   Games                4 GB         fat32                        all
my windows games

rest of the  drive is empty.

How did I do it ?
1) use partition magic 5 or higher ( Use the floppy disks  ) to create the
partitions ( create hda2 as a fat32 partition-  win2000 will convert it
later to ntfs). Then mark hda3 as active, reboot and install win98. As far
as it is concerned, it is being installed into a PRIMARY ACTIVE partition.

2) Set hda2 as active, and unhide hda3, ignoring all those warnings.
3) reboot, and install win2000. Don't forget to convert hda2 to ntfs.

4 ) go back into partition magic , set hda1 as active, and unhide hda2 and 3
if they were hidden.
5 ) Proceed with linux install, and when it asks you for fdisk or diskdruid,
just hit "done" and come to the mount point definition
     hda1 is "/boot" and so on as indicated above.
6 ) After copying over the files, and taking care of X, it will ask you
where to put lilo .This is where a lot of beginers set themselves up for
trouble . So save yourself the hassle and   put lilo into /dev/hda1 , and DO
NOT overwrite the MBR .  Lilo will find win98 and win2000 partitions and
give them some labels. you are free to go in and edit them .

7 ) Finish installation.

At boot prompt ("LILO" )hit TAB . you will see
linux        win2000   win98

This is if you labeled hda2 as "win2000" and hda3 as "win98" during setup.
If you did not, you will see "dos", and "win" or something similar.
Type the label to boot that particular partition .

If something went wrong, use partition magic and set ( hda3) win98 as
active.Or if you prefer win2000, hda2  Upon rebooting, win98 (or win2000 )
will start booting up , and you never see lilo. If you want lilo back
 assuming you took care of the problem using win98 (or win2000)  ) ,  set
hda1 as active.

At this point, if you feel the need to reinstall either os ( win98 or
win2000 ) , just set the interested partition as active, and proceed with a

I'm using Rh 6.0 with XFree86 4.0.1 . GeForce 2MX card needs 4.0.1 with the
nvidia module from NVidia, or just get the 4.0.2  XFree86 package, save
yourself some trouble.

Since you say you're a newbie, here's some lilo help:

LILO: linux single
boots into run level 1 , with no network support , so that you can fix
problems ( sendmail hanging ? ) .

once at a command prompt,
type "init 5" to switch to run level 5, where x windows comes up.
init 3 to go to the Command line level (3) . Note that at 5, the command
line is available also .

Also while at a command prompt, ( after login, of course ) , type "startx"
to get into X .

You have atleast 5 consoles Alt-F1 to Alt-F5, on which you can log in, and
do command line stuff.
While in X, to get to console 1 , it is Ctrl-Alt-F1.

To kill the X server abnormaly  (  you can't see anything!!  )
Ctrl-Alt-Backspace. This will cause a core dump.
/var/log/xfree86.log is generated by 4.0 and above X servers. It might help
you in figuring out X problems.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: lilo.conf
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 00:40:44 +0800

Hi all,
I mistype the kernel file name in the lilo.conf in rh6.2 and can't mount
the root filesystem after reboot. I know that I can create a boot disk
and rescue disk in rh 5.2. Then, use 2 disks to boot up and go to single
user mode. Can I do this in rh 6.2? I'm using scsi hd with adaptec 2940
scsi controller, will this cause more problems?



From: Bosco Tsang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.dcom.modems.cable,redhat.general
Subject: Re: Portsentry 1.0
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 16:38:05 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

> It's not blocking the scans that will get you into trouble; it's installing
> servers on your box.  Just put the IP address of the scanner into your
> /etc/hosts.deny (or let portsentry do it for you).

Besides nntp, any other server services are not allowed for the @home
connection? I am running pop3, smtp, www, telnet and ftp which I think is
base to linux box.

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From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: email
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 14:08:58 GMT

Ian writes:
> I was wondering if anyone could help me find an email app. that will
> allow me to write emails from the command line in text.

man mail
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI


From: benoit mordelet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.redhat,linux.redhat.install,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Matrox AGP G450 on Redhat 7 - Can't get X to Start
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 17:55:29 +0100

Tom Voltaggio wrote:
> Has anyone gotten Redhat Linux 7 to work with Matrox AGP
> G450?
> Everything installs and it sees my video card and monitor,
> but
> it will not give me more than vertical lines or "out of scan
> range"
> messages on my monitor (a Sony E210).  I downloaded the new
> driver
> from Matrox with no luck.  Redhat 7 uses Xfree 4.01.1.  I
> checked
> the monitor scan rates from the specs and have used every
> permutation
> of scan rates and monitors.  No luck.
> Is there any way I can get it to start in plain VGA?

a patch against 2.4.0-test13-pre1 kernel has recently been made
available to add support for the G450 in matroxfb. thus it may be
present in the last 2.4.0 prerelease (I hope because I've also got
problems with that card, but I've not yet downloaded a recent kernel).

if this works you will be able to run XFree on top of matroxfb (with the
FBDev X server).



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: DHCPD questions
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 16:25:08 GMT

I am running a Cobalt RAQ2 with Cobalt Linux. The distribution is so
similar to Red Hat that the differences are trivial! Though, it should
be mentioned, that this is a very lean distribution.

I was avised by Cobalt that this machine will not support a DHCP
server. I have DHCPD running. No sweat! The problem is, I have no way
to start it upon startup in the scripts. I tried using <chkconfig
--add>. It didn't work.

Help would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: lilo.conf
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 17:00:35 GMT

TomC wrote:
> Hi all,
> I mistype the kernel file name in the lilo.conf in rh6.2 and can't mount
> the root filesystem after reboot. I know that I can create a boot disk
> and rescue disk in rh 5.2. Then, use 2 disks to boot up and go to single
> user mode. Can I do this in rh 6.2? I'm using scsi hd with adaptec 2940
> scsi controller, will this cause more problems?
> Thanks
> Brian

If you have the boot disk you made during the install then you should be
able to boot with it and at the lilo prompt enter:

linux root=/dev/hdaX  
        # where hdaX is the correct root partition

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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