Linux-Misc Digest #272, Volume #21                Tue, 3 Aug 99 09:13:14 EDT

  Re: CIA assassinations (Michael Powe)
  Re: ICQ and linux client (Yap Chen Kuang)
  Re: Betrieve for linux (Yap Chen Kuang)
  Re: detailed step setting up email for dial-up (Robert V. Grizzard)
  Re: propertarianism (Michael Powe)
  Re: math.h problem (Sunil Rao)
  Re: filesystem corruption (Yap Chen Kuang)
  Re: Problems with Samba KHK - Accessdatabase ("Raimund Sacherer")
  Re: DOSLinux Questions (Philip Shore)
  COL22: newbie(ish) kernel questions (Chris Raper)
  Re: Here is a cute one for Linux :) (Darren Paxton)
  Re: StarOffice & RedHat 6.0 ? (Alex Flinsch)
  Re: Is Linux A Memory Hogging OS? (Ian Smith)
  bootdisk: Invalid compress format?? (Kenny Kim Leung)
  PLEASE HELP Imlib in garyscale??? (Guillermo)


From: Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: CIA assassinations
Date: 03 Aug 1999 02:53:06 -0700

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Stefaan" == Stefaan A Eeckels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Stefaan> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Michael Powe
    Stefaan> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    >>  Well, I'd be all for a classless society, in which "all men
    >> are created equal" -- and all women, too.

    Stefaan> Once created, should they forever remain (financially)
    Stefaan> equal?  I mean, it's a difficult problem: You've got two
    Stefaan> forklift operators, one who's a penny-pincher, and one
    Stefaan> who's a spendthrift. Do you constantly take from the
    Stefaan> pennypincher to give to the spendthrift, so that they
    Stefaan> remain (financially) equal?

Actually, it's not such a difficult "problem" -- equality is not
measured in dollars.  What's more, a look at human social behavior
shows that work is a major defining exercise in people's lives.  I
can't imagine not working -- retirement holds no carrot for me.  It's
quite noticeable that so-called self-made millionaires keep right on
working after they've made their pile.  Stephen King keeps right on
writing books even though he's a multi-millionaire.  

    >> However, such a society is an object of terror to the
    >> bourgeois, whose lives are based on an obsessive comparison of
    >> their status above and "superiority" to those below them -- and
    >> they control the purse strings.

    Stefaan> The obsession with what others have, and their status
    Stefaan> above or below oneself is a universal human character
    Stefaan> flaw.

When you're at the bottom of the pile, it's useful to keep an eye on
where your oppressors are planting their feet.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Michael Powe                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
Portland, Oregon USA             
- -- 
Amount of all stock owned by the least wealthy 90% of America: 18%
Amount of all stock owned by the most wealthy 1% of America: 41%
                     [Economic Policy Institute]
Version: GnuPG v0.9.8 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Encrypted with Mailcrypt 3.5.3 and GNU Privacy Guard



From: Yap Chen Kuang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ICQ and linux client
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 19:01:56 +0800

Philipp Maier wrote:
> Larry Clark wrote:
> >
> > man I tell you I have spent the WHOLE day triing to get a client for ICQ
> > that will work...not a dam***** thing...nothing,.....what a drag...think I
> > will sleep!!!!!!!

Try gtkicq. You can get it from


From: Yap Chen Kuang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Betrieve for linux
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 19:03:35 +0800

Ken Williams wrote:
> In article <7o592a$h0v$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christophe Zwecker) wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >is there a server and/or clients for linux available ?

Magic Software Enterprises makes them. Just search for their website
using Magic Software Enterprises.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert V. Grizzard)
Subject: Re: detailed step setting up email for dial-up
Date: 3 Aug 1999 11:14:09 GMT


>Anyone know of a detailed help for setting up email for a one user
>machine that uses ppp for dialing out.
>I've seen some general help, but not specifily for this config.
>   Kurt

Kurt, there's a script on that will set up sendmail and 
fetchmail.  You'll need to have perl, sendmail and fetchmail installed and 
need some information to feed the script, but it looks like you can get your 
system set up and running in no time. is the url.

If you didn't get sendmail with your distribution then take a look at your 
distribution's home site and see if it's available.  If it's not there you can 
follow the link from freshmeat.  Search on "sendmail" (which will also 
find the script).  Latest version is 8.9.3.  If you didn't get fetchmail with 
your distribution you can follow the link from and get to the 
fetchmail home site.  Search on "fetchmail" for this one .

Hope this helps.



From: Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: propertarianism
Date: 03 Aug 1999 03:17:48 -0700

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Joseph" == Joseph T Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Joseph> In comp.os.linux.advocacy Richard Kulisz
    Joseph> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: : In article
    Joseph> <7nqrma$cvk$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Joseph T. Adams
    Joseph> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: :>I agree.  My criticism of the
    Joseph> current status quo is not that it is too :>free, but that
    Joseph> it is not free enough, especially for those who are not
    Joseph> :>wealthy or well-connected.

    Joseph> : Then why are you a Propertarian? In Propertarianism, the
    Joseph> amount of : liberty you have is directly proportional to
    Joseph> the amount of property : you have.

    Joseph> It's a darn shame you can't carry on a conversation
    Joseph> without putting words in people's mouths.

    Joseph> I believe in liberty and justice for ALL, including those
    Joseph> who are denied both under the current socialist/statist
    Joseph> regime.

And then you go on to demonstrate that, in fact, this is not at all
what you believe.  You believe in "liberty and justice" for property

    Joseph> Of course I also recognize that some folks will never
    Joseph> allow others to live at liberty and peace, without
    Joseph> threatening to initiate force or fraud against them as you

Right, they're called "businessmen."  I'd like to see a country in
which making economic warfare on a community is a punishable offense.
Somehow, I don't think that's what you have in mind.

    Joseph> we would still need prisons and firing squads.  You would
    Joseph> be free, of course, to advocate your brainless ideas in a
    Joseph> free country, but ONLY to the extent that you did not
    Joseph> threaten violence against innocent people.  Unfortunately
    Joseph> you've already done that.  Meaning that even according to
    Joseph> *existing* laws in both Canada and the U.S., you are a
    Joseph> criminal.  If I were in charge of things, you would be

Criminy, what nonsense.  Are you familiar with the term, `round the

    Joseph> Others will please note that it is Mr. Kulisz' advocacy of
    Joseph> violence, NOT his political views, which are illegal both
    Joseph> in his country and in mine.  I believe in freedom of
    Joseph> expression.  I also believe in responsibility.  One cannot
    Joseph> exclude the other.

I'll bet it'll be a cold day in hell before we see you taking action
against irresponsible businesses.

    Joseph> As is true of all libertarians, by definition, I do not
    Joseph> believe in initiating force or fraud.  I do however

Hmm, then you're opposed to capitalism.  Interesting.

    Joseph> believe in responding to the initiation of force or fraud
    Joseph> by making it physically impossible for the person or
    Joseph> entity doing so to ever do so again.

Great idea -- life sentence in jail for dishonest businessmen.  Maybe
we could ship 'em offshore -- how 'bout Devil's Island?

    Joseph> But to address your question, those who like you pretend
    Joseph> to want freedom only for themselves, or only for their own
    Joseph> group, do not truly understand what freedom is.  Since it

You give no impression of having any profound understanding of the

    Joseph> You are the one who advocates repression by using a
    Joseph> so-called "government" (actually a band of Mafia-like
    Joseph> thugs) to steal most of it, WITHOUT OUR CONSENT, which is
    Joseph> what differentiates you even from most other socialists.

You're free to leave, any time you want to.  Go up in the caves, talk
the bears into takin' you in.  If you believe what you're saying, vote
with your feet.  Otherwise, it's just hypocritical.

    Joseph> You and other statists control the educational and media
    Joseph> systems in most of the allegedly "civilized" countries in
    Joseph> the world and are therefore able to delude hundreds of
    Joseph> millions of decent, but weak-minded, individuals into
    Joseph> granting you more power than you deserve.

Ah, now we get to the truth.  Those who don't agree with you are
"weak-minded."   They need to be led ... by you.

    Joseph> Now, as for how I shall deal with you.  Fortunately for
    Joseph> you, I believe you to be a "man" of all talk and no
    Joseph> action.  Accordingly, your threats are probably not worth
    Joseph> getting worked up over.  I will simply forward several of
    Joseph> your postings to the law enforcement authorities of Ottawa
    Joseph> (and of Carleton U., if they have their own police force),
    Joseph> and request that they take whatever action they deem
    Joseph> appropriate.  Then, I shall put you on ignore.  You will
    Joseph> not need to hear from me again, unless I learn of some
    Joseph> reason to believe that you are capable of carrying out
    Joseph> your threats against me and/or other innocent people.  In
    Joseph> which case, you definitely *will* hear from me, and will
    Joseph> not like what you hear.

    Joseph> I strongly suggest that from this point forward you weigh
    Joseph> your words carefully.  They will have consequences.  If
    Joseph> you continue to threaten to kill innocent people, then you
    Joseph> should not be surprised when, sooner or later, a bunch of
    Joseph> those people get together and make sure that you never get
    Joseph> the chance.

I strongly suggest that you consider that you just made a fool of
yourself in public.  


- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Michael Powe                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
Portland, Oregon USA             
- -- 
Amount of all stock owned by the least wealthy 90% of America: 18%
Amount of all stock owned by the most wealthy 1% of America: 41%
                     [Economic Policy Institute]
Version: GnuPG v0.9.8 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Encrypted with Mailcrypt 3.5.3 and GNU Privacy Guard



From: Sunil Rao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.lang.c,
Subject: Re: math.h problem
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 12:13:28 +0100

Kaz Kylheku wrote:
> Programmers working with the new setup will now will now regularly fail to add
> -lm to their compiler command line.  Everything works fine on the system that
> has integrated the math library into the C library. But the Makefile will break
> when they port it to another system.
> Trivial to fix, but a lot of little trivial things add up to big headaches.

Well, gcc already adds all sorts of extensions to the C language and
many programmers have got used to using several of these that simply
won't work if you're moving to another compiler. GNU already justify
that by saying they're making "improvements", so here you go, it's an
improvement. It'd probably be the least trivial of the things that
require fixing when porting the program anyway. Do we all use K&R C
today simply because some systems out there use compilers that still do
not support standard C?

{ Sunil Rao }
"...certainly no beast has essayed the boundless, infinitely 
 inventive art of human hatred. No beast can match its range and
 power." - Arundhati Roy, "The God of Small Things", 1997.


From: Yap Chen Kuang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: filesystem corruption
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 19:19:40 +0800

Chris Mahmood wrote:
> Yap Chen Kuang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I run redhat 6 at work. Everytime the system isn't shut down properly
> > the filesystem
> > is corrupted beyond repair. fsck just hangs.
> what do you mean fsck 'hangs'?  It takes a while to run on large
> filesystems.  And buy a UPS.

Fsck checks the blocks and inodes then it locks up the computer while
checking the directory structure.

Actually I had to reset the computer after Gnome locked it up.


From: "Raimund Sacherer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problems with Samba KHK - Accessdatabase
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 12:01:08 GMT

Does the fake oplocks make some things faster in this Situation? Is it
dangerous to set the fake oplocks to yes if you use the share for more then
only this database?

Raimund Sacherer (Ray)

Palm user & developer


From: Philip Shore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DOSLinux Questions
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 13:09:14 +0100

It looks very good - better than ZipSlack (a version of Slackware you
can just unzip and then run the DOS linux loader to get going).

The first time I tried Linux was with the Slackware live filesystem on
CD. All the read only stuff is kept on CD with just links to it on your
hard disk. A bit slow obviously but takes hardly any disk space.

Linux is so damn versatile!

This looks almost as easy as Win95 to install. Infact, it wouldn't take
that much for people to get an image together that worked for their
configuration of components and stick on the hardisk when the sold the
PC - just like they do for other software. Somebody should sell this
service to Dell or Compaq or whoever then just send me some commission
for the idea! 8-)


Brett Castleberry wrote:
> --
> Brett G. Castleberry
> Tallahassee, Florida
> mike murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >
> > I have a question for You.
> >
> > What is DosLinux & where can I read about it..??
> >


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Raper)
Subject: COL22: newbie(ish) kernel questions
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 11:57:03 GMT


I have been fiddling about with the kernel and have been reading a few
books about but I am still slightly confused :-\  So I've written down
what I believe to be true and added a few questions - if anyone could
comment or give me some answers I'd really appreciate it.

I am using Caldera OpenLinux 2.2.5 but I would like to upgrade to
2.2.9 and possibly alternate between the two setups. The hardware is a
Pentium 200 PC with 32Mb Ram - the IDE line contains a 1Gb IDE HD and
a 12x CDROM.

My current methodology for compiling a kernel is as follows:

1. make sure the /usr/include 'scsc', 'asm' and 'linux' sym-links
point to the appropriate directories in /usr/src/linux/include. [This
is done once - after downloading the kernel source]

2. make mrproper [This cleans the system in /usr/src/linux - removing
modules, config & dependencies. But does it also remove modules from
the /lib/modules/2.2.5 directory too or do I have to do this manually
if I have removed modules from the config?]

3. make menuconfig [Here I switch on/off any features I want in the
kernel - easy]

4. make dep clean bzImage [This makes the kernel image in

5. Then I copy the image down to a partition inside the 1024th
cylinder; modify /etc/lilo.conf [to supply and entry for he new
kernel]; run /sbin/lilo [to create the /boot/map file]

6. make modules modules_install

So far so good - but it is here I get confused. I understand that
modules are loaded into the kernel but I can't get my head around:

a) the compilation process (ie. where the modules go - is this
/lib/modules/2.2.5?) I guess they are compiled in their respective
directories (/usr/src/linux/drivers/net etc) and these are sym-linked
into /usr/src/linux/modules, from where they are then copied into
/lib/modules/2.2.5 etc - is this right?

b) when you need to compile them - every time you change a config
option or just when you include a new module?

c) what happens to the modules if they are removed from the config -
do they get tidied up or do you have to 'make mrproper' or manually
deleted them from /lib/modues/2.2.5?

d) I understand that different modules for different kernel revisions
are stored in different /lib/modules directories - but what about
different versions of the kernel within the same revision? Are there
potential conflicts here?

e) If I am sent a new driver for a non-standard device module - how do
I incorporate it in the existing kernel so that it appears in the
config and gets compiled/installed?

Now some miscellaneous stuff
1. Is it safe to move the contents of /boot to another partition
(within cylinder 1024) or does it have to be on a bootable partition?
Obviously I will rename the partition's mount point to /boot before
rebooting! :-)

2. Is there an easy way to make an emergency boot set? The
instructions in my book look a bit complicated :-(

3. I have a file in the /usr/src/linux directory, which
bears no resemblance to /boot/map - are they related? Should I be
doing anything with it or do I ignore it?

4. I have been fiddling around with the kernel config and now I get
the following message on shutdown & bootup: 'modprobe: can't locate
module net-pf-4' - I can't find where this is coming from :-(

5. Caldera has a boot screen (the one showing you the progress of the
boot process) with its logo on it but after upgrading to 2.2.9 this
screen disappeared - replaced with either a blank screen, plain-text
or a Linux penguin symbol - how is this controlled - can I get the
Caldera screen back again?

I'm sure I could think of more stuff but I think this is enough for
now! :-)

Thanks again
Chris R.


From: Darren Paxton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Here is a cute one for Linux :)
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 11:49:00 GMT

One thing you forgot, with Windows NT, Windows, and DOS Air, the pilot
is a bespectacled[1] little runt who tries to look like he knows what
he's doing, but in reality, he hasn't got a scooby-doo.

[1]Don't diss me for this comment, I wear gectacles meself


In article <y2up3.4673$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Scott MacDonald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here is a cute one for Linux.
> UNIX Airways
> Everyone brings one piece of the plane along when they come
> to the airport.  They all go out on the runway and put the
> plane together piece by piece, arguing non-stop about what
> kind of plane they are supposed to be building.
> Air DOS
> Everybody pushes the airplane until it glides, then they jump
> on and let the plane coast until it hits the ground again.
> Then they push again, jump on again, and so on ...
> Mac Airlines
> All the stewards, captains, baggage handlers, and ticket agents
> look and act exactly the same.  Every time you ask questions
> about details, you are gently but firmly told that you don't
> need to know, don't want to know, and everything will be done
> for you without your ever having to know, so just shut up.
> Windows Air
> The terminal is pretty and colorful, with friendly stewards,
> easy baggage check and boarding, and a smooth take-off.  After
> about 10 minutes in the air, the plane explodes with no warning
> whatsoever.
> Windows NT Air
> Just like Windows Air, but costs more, uses much bigger planes,
> and takes out all the other aircraft within a 40-mile radius
> when it explodes.
> Linux Air
> Disgruntled employees of all the other OS airlines decide to
> start their own airline.  They build the planes, ticket counters,
> and pave the runways themselves.  They charge a small fee to
> cover the cost of printing the ticket, but you can also download
> and print the ticket yourself.  When you board the plane, you
> are given a seat, four bolts, a wrench and a copy of the
> seat-HOWTO.html.  Once settled, the fully adjustable seat is
> very comfortable, the plan leaves and arrives on time without
> a single problem, the in-flight meal is wonderful.  You try to
> tell customers of the other airlines about the great trip, but
> all they can say is, "You had to do what with the seat?"

Darren Paxton


Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Alex Flinsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: StarOffice & RedHat 6.0 ?
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 07:51:19 -0400

> star office required. Now I've heard that Star Office 5.1 is out, is that just
> what I have(Star Office 5.0 + the filter upgrade) or is it a seperate, new
> suite version? And will RedHat 6.0 work with it? Also, can anyone give some hint
> on how to get star office 5.0 work under RH6.0? Thanks a lot for your help.

Can't tell you how to get SO5.0 or SO5.01 (the filter upgrade) to run under Redhat6,
but I have SO5.1 running under Mandrake 6, and it installed just fine.

SO5.1 is the SO5.01 version, plus some bugfixes and additional filters for the newer
versions of MS Word and some additional enhancements.


From: Ian Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Is Linux A Memory Hogging OS?
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 10:19:12 +0000

Donn Miller wrote:
> Someone suggested that the temperature of the CPU increases as
> the CPU usage increases.  By his reasoning, the larger the idle
> time, the cooler the CPU will be.  How true is this?

Which part of "true" don't you understand? [vbg]

Ian Smith                   Linux Help:     alt.os.linux


From: Kenny Kim Leung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: bootdisk: Invalid compress format??
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 19:42:02 +0800

I followed Bootdisk-HOWTO and also /usr/src/linux/Documentation/ramdisk.txt
and created a compressed ramdisk image as the root disk for floppy boot.
Used standard 1440 format. During boot it prompted me to insert the root
floppy and I did. It then responded with sth like "Found compressed image",
only to be immediately followed by sth like "Invalid compress format" and
asked me to insert the root disk. Pressing <Enter> again causes kernel

What's the problem?

Everything is not as it appears to be.


From: Guillermo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PLEASE HELP Imlib in garyscale???
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 14:12:36 +0200

What do I have to do to display grayscale images in imlib?
I need to display 8 bits grayscale images but I only  can do it with
color images (24 bits, 3 times more information =>3 times less quick).
Thanks a million




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