Linux-Misc Digest #272, Volume #26                Thu, 9 Nov 00 10:13:04 EST

  can't get past REMOUNT again! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Yamaha CRW8824 and Tekram 390F
  Re: Cant start X (second time I'm asking this) ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: OK, [CENSOR] MOUSE! ("Peter T. Breuer")
  SSH problems (Matthew L Creech)
  Questions about qmail ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: KDE help!! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Problem with vacation ("Ronald Kuczek")
  Re: network slow in linux, fast in win... (Wesley)
  Was: Software RAID ("U. Siegel")
  Re: Software RAID (Lee Allen)
  Re: Reformating (Eric)
  Debugging shared libraries with gcc 2.95.2, gdb 4.18 ("Thomas Laebe %staff%")
  Re: Reformating (Axel Schramm)
  Re: boot problems after moving HD (Eric)
  Re: Questions about qmail (Edwin Johnson)
  Linux firewalls ("Micer")


Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 06:17:14 -0500
Subject: can't get past REMOUNT again!

It's happened again; I think it has something to do with mtab. Anyway, the
boot halts (in Mandrake 7.0) at the point where the boot process is
'remounting filesystems for read/write'.

I've created another partition on the HD and can e2fsck the problem
partition and everything's clean. 

I got past it before but I can't recall how exactly -- I believe I started
a reinstall but then aborted it, in short, a very risky procedure.

(a) What is the problem?
(b) How can I solve it? <--priority question!

Thank God the HD is big and has a lot of empty space; I could do a small
install and salvage a document I need to edit by 6:00 p.m. today!

I'd _really_ appreciate some insights!


     Felmon John Davis     
     Union College /  Schenectady, NY
     os/2 - ma kauft koi katz em sack


Subject: Re: Yamaha CRW8824 and Tekram 390F
Date: 09 Nov 2000 20:10:01 +0900

>>>>> "Hrrunka" == Hrrunka  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Hrrunka> Aris Basic wrote:
    >> i have Tekram 390F controler
    Hrrunka> [snip]
    >> but i cannt bring it to work properly with Yamah8824 Drive
    Hrrunka> [snip]
    >> can anyone have an idea what could be wrong ?

    Hrrunka> I'm wondering whether there's something odd about that
    Hrrunka> drive. I have a CRW8824S, and I tried it with an IWILL
    Hrrunka> 2935LVD interface card. Even after twiddling the control
    Hrrunka> parameters in the card's BIOS I couldn't persuade the
    Hrrunka> a100u2w driver (which is quite happy to talk to the disk
    Hrrunka> on the same interface) to do anything but hang when it
    Hrrunka> tried to get a response from the Yamaha
    Hrrunka> drive... Unfortunately it hangs in a manner that locks
    Hrrunka> the entire system, so if any log information is produced,
    Hrrunka> I never get to see it...

yeah, i think there is something odd with that drive.  i have one, and
it won't cooperate with my adaptec scsi card.  it sends the card into
endless rescans of the scsi bus on bootup or module insertion.  it
will work with a tekram 315, but i get strange messages about dma
interrupts.  all this has me thinking the drive is just a hunk of
shit.  for those of you out there thinking about a cdr, stay clear of
this one.


My vaseline is RUNNING...


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,
Subject: Re: Cant start X (second time I'm asking this)
Date: 9 Nov 2000 11:30:42 GMT

: On Wed, 8 Nov 2000 19:26:57, "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
: wrote:

:> In [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
:> : For some reason I suddenly can't start X.  When I try I get a message
:> : saying:
:> :         Authentication failed - cannot start X server
:> :         Perhaps you do not have console ownership?
:> Perhaps you don't! Sounds like the first thing to check. That and if
:> Xwrapper is still suid. Then I'd check to see if /tmp is full.

: Perhaps I'm not making it clear what a novice I am.  "Xwrapper'?,
: "suid"?


:> : What do I do?
:> Look.

Is that your problem? Say! Don't leave me to guess what you may be to
shy to admit to for reasons of your own. For all I know your religion
may prohibit the reading of manpages, howtos, the use of find, locate,
etc. etc. So be precise about what your problem is. If your problem
is "how do I find a given file on my disk", then you probably haven't
gone to and had your questions answered for you, so go
there and be contented.



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OK, [CENSOR] MOUSE!
Date: 9 Nov 2000 11:34:26 GMT

:   My preference is to use RCS for this; you might start by doing:
: # cd /etc/X11
: # ci -l XF86Config
: XF86Config,v  <-- XF86Config 

Hey, I do that too!



From: Matthew L Creech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SSH problems
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 07:26:13 -0500

Hi, whenever I try to run SSH on my box it tells me this:

#ssh blah@blah
blah@blah's password:
usage: login [-p] [name]
       login [-p] [-h host][-f name]
       login [-p] -r host
Connection to blah closed.

Turning on the -v option doesn't tell me anything extra, or at least the
output looks normal to me:

SSH Version OpenSSH_2.2.0p1, protocol versions 1.5/2.0.
Compiled with SSL (0x0090600f).
debug: Seeding random number generator
debug: ssh_connect: getuid 1000 geteuid 1000 anon 1
debug: Connecting to [] port 22.
debug: Connection established.
debug: Remote protocol version 1.99, remote software version
debug: Local version string SSH-1.5-OpenSSH_2.2.0p1
debug: Waiting for server public key.
debug: Received server public key (768 bits) and host key (1024 bits).
debug: Host '' is known and matches the RSA host
debug: Seeding random number generator
debug: Encryption type: 3des
debug: Sent encrypted session key.
debug: Installing crc compensation attack detector.
debug: Received encrypted confirmation.
debug: Doing password authentication.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
debug: Requesting pty.
debug: Requesting shell.
debug: Entering interactive session.
[insert random crap about login here]
Connection to closed.
debug: Transferred: stdin 0, stdout 92, stderr 47 bytes in 0.0 seconds
debug: Bytes per second: stdin 0.0, stdout 9397.4, stderr 4800.8
debug: Exit status 1

I don't really know what the problem is here - scp works fine, as does
ssh if I issue a command afterwards - for instance, 'ssh
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ls' will execute ls and display it
correctly with no complaints.  So it looks to be some kind of problem
with just logging the user in via the login command, but I don't know
why that would have stopped working...  Any help is greatly appreciated

Matthew L. Creech


Subject: Questions about qmail
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 12:03:14 GMT

I don't understanding what to do for creating users using qmail (of
course after reading FAQ and Man pages).
My installation of qmail is based on RPMs on RH6.2.
It is mentionned in DOC that /var/qmail/users must contains several
files, but in my case there is no things, I dont have elsewhere
directory like rc as mentionned in DOC (however in the install I making:
cd /var/qmail/defaultdelivery
cp -f mdir rc , no error was mentionned), this is the alone reference to
rc. Note also that file ../users/assign does not exist, this is also the
case for smtproutes file.
In /var/qmail/control I creating files: defaultdomain, defaulthost,
locals, me, rcphosts and configured them as mentionned in the DOC.
- Test delivring morks fine for external addresses, but not when I send
to myself the same message (echo to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ...).
In my /Maildir/new, I can read the error: Sorry can not find any host
named (#5.1.2).
- Test for receiving:
telnet 25
220 mymachine.mydomaine ESTMP
then I tape: HELLO myname and press Return, but I got the error message:
502 unimplemented (#5.5.1)

Who can helps me to fixe this?
Escuse me in advance this is my first expérience with mail servers!!


Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: KDE help!!
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 13:20:16 +0100

Set follow-up to

On Wed, 08 Nov 2000 23:47:27 -0500, dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm running kde 1.1.2 on XF86-4.0.1, (redhat 7) and everytime I try to
>drag and drop, I will get an option to either copy, move or link, when I
>choose copy, or move the whole X server crashes and shuts down, and then
>I'm back to the terminal.  Any suggestions?

Eggert Ehmke


From: "Ronald Kuczek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problem with vacation
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 13:28:59 +0100

Hi all !
I use sendmail and vacation. Vacation works for all existing users ex.
there is user1, and if I send mail to
all is working fine. I don't know why it doesn't work for aliases.
user1 has alias we say user1.nickname, if I send email to
user1 get his email, but vacation send no reply.
I have tried with /etc/aliases and virtualusertable  - but altough I tried
to use
-a [alias_name] with vacation - it still does'nt work.
What am I doing wrong ?
Best regards


From: Wesley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: network slow in linux, fast in win...
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 07:36:47 -0500

In article <slrn90gqve.138.TheCentralScrutinizer@C298344->, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> On Tue, 07 Nov 2000 20:52:04 GMT, Paul Floyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On Tue, 07 Nov 2000 15:29:46 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>The importance of the MTU size is grossly overrated.  TCP/IP is a windowing
> >>protocol.
> >
> >If the MTU is too big and packets are being fragmented, then it'll have
> >an impact on performance. The MTU size works at the link layer level
> >and varies for different networking protcols (FDDI, ethernet, X.25
> >etc.), whilst windowing is done at the TCP level. There is no real
> >relationship between the two. The window can shrink to a size smaller
> >than the MTU, but the MTU can't grow to be any bigger! TCP tries to make
> >sure that it sends the largest packets it can without fragmenting.
> >
> >The MTU should reflect your networking hardware. For ethernet, that's
> >1500 bytes of data, for IEEE 802.2/3, it's 1492 bytes (which is where
> >the above figures come from).
> I was mostly posting against the belief that the MTU should be as large as
> possible.  It isn't like the XMODEM days where you had to wait for an ACK
> before sending the next packet.

Hello TCS,

 While ideally, setting it as high as possible doesn't really matter much 
as you say, I can tell you that setting it too high when running PPPoE can 
be a nightmare.  I am using my Linux box to firewall and share my DSL 
connection and it is setup by PPPoE with 1492 as the MTU.
 When I first connected it, with my Windows box setup with 1500, the 
Windows machine was crawling..!  After I lowering it to 1412, things are 
much better.  FWIW, I still don't think it's quite up to par, but I'm 
still tweaking it.  I'm still in the "new toy" phase..! ;-)



From: "U. Siegel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.hardware,alt.linux
Subject: Was: Software RAID
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 14:40:40 +0100

Seems to be that there are several people having experience with
software RAID.
So, let's be a bit more detailed.
Since one week i'm trying hard to get RAID5 to work.
The System is a netfinity server with 2 Pentium III/933MHz, 2GB RAM and
5 SCSI hd's. On 4 disk i created identicall partitions, each about 8GB.
The first three shall be for working and the fourth as spare.
Creating the array wasn't a problem, also the mke2fs completed w/o
errors. But when i try to copy some data to the array the system
crashes. All i get are EXT2fs errors in block allocation. This happens
under kernel 2.2.17, 2.2.17, 2.3.40, 2.4.0-test9 and 2.4.0-test10.
Always the same errors.
Is there a trick about ext2fs?? I upgraded to the newest ext2fs-tools,
but no change :..-((
Can anybody help me?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lee Allen)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.hardware,alt.linux
Subject: Re: Software RAID
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 13:45:51 GMT

On Thu, 09 Nov 2000 08:39:44 GMT, "Giampaolo Tomassoni"

>I tried it, but it seems you can create and install only raid0 devices, not
>6.1 has a button with (well, let me remember) I guess 'Raid partition' on
>it. It creates 0xFD partitions, but I recall it wasn't completely working.

I find that RedHat 6.2 installs, configures and syncs RAID-1 devices
quite nicely.  On /boot and / .  I have used both the graphical
install and kickstart.

-Lee Allen


Subject: Re: Reformating
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 14:50:15 +0100

Cindy wrote:
> I hope I can make this sound right...My grandson tried to put Linux on his
> computer which already had Win 98 and when he tried to boot it up the
> screen says something about invalid partition.......I have tried to
> reformat the harddrive and it will let me but won't let me put win98 back
> on. How do I get rid of this invalid partition thing and get the harddrive
> back to  1 drive.
> --
> Posted via CNET

use a linux bootfloppy and run `fdisk /dev/hda`.
remove all partitions. (you can't use DOS FDISK, it cannot handle linux
then run FDISK.EXE \mbr from a DOS bootfloppy (you can't use linux'
fdisk for this)
That should solve all the problems.


From: "Thomas Laebe %staff%" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Debugging shared libraries with gcc 2.95.2, gdb 4.18
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 14:55:20 +0100


I'd like to debug shared libraries with gdb 4.18 compiled by gcc 2.95.2
on a Suse 7.0 Linux System.
My Problem is that no stops are done at breakpoints in the shared
library. The same source compiled with
the same options (namely -g) on Suse 6.3 with gcc 2.91.66 and then
debugged under Suse 7.0 can be
debugged without problems.

Can anybody help ?


From: Axel Schramm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Reformating
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 14:47:03 +0100

Hi Cindy,

boot from a DOS boot disk and use the fdisk programm to remove all the
partitions including the non dos partitions.
After that you'll have to format the drive again.

Hope that helps.


Cindy schrieb:
> I hope I can make this sound right...My grandson tried to put Linux on his
> computer which already had Win 98 and when he tried to boot it up the
> screen says something about invalid partition.......I have tried to
> reformat the harddrive and it will let me but won't let me put win98 back
> on. How do I get rid of this invalid partition thing and get the harddrive
> back to  1 drive.
> --
> Posted via CNET


Subject: Re: boot problems after moving HD
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 15:01:14 +0100

Victor Rajewski wrote:
> hello everybody
> I've just put a whopping big new HD in my debian 2.2 system, and copied
> all of my system from my older HD onto the new one, now I got this wierd
> problem with LILO:
> (b4 is start, I initially put the new HD as the secondary master (hdc),
> and kept the old one as hda, so that I could boot up. then I transferred
> the system across (using cp -a, for some reason cpio didn't work) to the
> new disk, played with some configs on the new disk so  I could boot to it)
> The new HD is now hda, old one is hdc. If both HD's are connected like so,
> LILO boots the system fine. but if I remove (physically) hdc, lilo stops
> on the `L'. With hdc removed, I can boot to hda from a kernel image on a
> floppy. I have tried recompiling the kernel, recreating the system map,
> and rerunning lilo, all pointing to hda, but nothing wants to give
> any ideas?
> another wierd thing that occurred to me - the LILO docs say that when it
> stops after the first `L', and error code should be displayed indicating
> whats going wrong. mine does not display an error code at all.
> chow
> vik
> PGP:

What does lilo.conf contain?
Is there a reference in it to hdc?
And `rdev` does it point to the right device?

Does your BIOS boot from hda? or hdc?

so many questions I have, if you can answer some, maybe I can help more.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Edwin Johnson)
Subject: Re: Questions about qmail
Date: 9 Nov 2000 14:12:00 GMT

My qmail (v 1.03) is installed on Slackware4.0, but is probably applicable. 

Look in the ./qmail/man/cat5 or ./qmail/man/man5 directory for the man page
qmail-users. It tells you the structure for the 'assign' file which you make
with an ascii editor to put into the ./qmail/users directory.

It also tells you that until you run ./qmail/bin/qmail-newu the users you
have put into the 'assign' file will not be active, so you run the program
and it will create ./qmail/users/cdb which qmail will use for distributing
the mail.

Hope this helps a little. ...Edwin

On Thu, 09 Nov 2000 12:03:14 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I don't understanding what to do for creating users using qmail (of
>course after reading FAQ and Man pages).
>My installation of qmail is based on RPMs on RH6.2.
>It is mentionned in DOC that /var/qmail/users must contains several
>files, but in my case there is no things, I dont have elsewhere
>directory like rc as mentionned in DOC (however in the install I making:
>cd /var/qmail/defaultdelivery
>cp -f mdir rc , no error was mentionned), this is the alone reference to
>rc. Note also that file ../users/assign does not exist, this is also the
>case for smtproutes file.
>In /var/qmail/control I creating files: defaultdomain, defaulthost,
>locals, me, rcphosts and configured them as mentionned in the DOC.
>- Test delivring morks fine for external addresses, but not when I send
>to myself the same message (echo to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ...).
>In my /Maildir/new, I can read the error: Sorry can not find any host
>named (#5.1.2).
>- Test for receiving:
>telnet 25
>220 mymachine.mydomaine ESTMP
>then I tape: HELLO myname and press Return, but I got the error message:
>502 unimplemented (#5.5.1)
>Who can helps me to fixe this?
>Escuse me in advance this is my first expérience with mail servers!!
>Sent via
>Before you buy.

~   Edwin Johnson ....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~
~       ~
~                                         ~
~ "Once you have flown, you will walk the ~
~ earth with your eyes turned skyward,    ~
~ for there you have been, there you long ~
~ to return." -- da Vinci                 ~


From: "Micer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux firewalls
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 06:53:22 -0800

I am setting up a webserver and FTP server for a friend on the a single
machine, (a dual-homed Bastion Host). It will use Redhat Linux, Apache
Webserver, WU-FTP, and ipchains. There will be a perimeter network, followed
by an internal choke firewall (another Linux box, but only with
packet-filtering and no services). I am learning the software but am not yet
familiar with the the various holes in setting it all up, so:


1) You can install Apache by itself, or else with PERL, PHP, Java, SSL, etc.
Do these additional things open up big fat holes or are they basically
pretty safe to run on a Bastion Host?

2) I have installed WU-FTP and locked down a user account by chrooting it
and setting appropriate permissions to folders. I have blocked uploads. But
someone told me to use a "special ls command" that is different from the
regular Linux "ls" command, because it would be more secure. I realize that
the latest version of wu-ftp actually has its own "ls" command built in, but
is there some other "ls" version that people commonly use in ftp? Can anyone
me more info?

3) I want to set up NAT for this person so that anyone in his office can
attach to the internet via a single Linux box on a DSL line. This only
requires 5 lines in ipchains (I am running it right now), causing the Linux
box to perform Network Address Translation on all TCP packets that arrive at
its door. Alternatively, I could do NAT for just a few things (ie: SMTP
mail, HTTP, etc, and not allow NAT on anything else). If I decide to NAT
everything, and block anything arriving at the firewall from the internet
that doesn't have an ACK in the packet, then is this not safe? Wouldn't this
mean that only people from inside the firewall could be running sessions
that are done via NAT, but people outside the firewall couldn't do anything?
My objective is to keep it simple for myself to set up, yet secure. It would
be much better to NAT everything, because then in future whatever he tries
to access will be available from the inside of the firewall, and I wouldn't
have to come back to "punch holes" in the firewall.

4) I want to set up a PPTP VPN with SSH for this person so they or I can
dial in and maintain things, or copy files back and forth. How secure is it
to use PPTP and SSH on a firewall? Is this considered relatively secure or
relatively stupid?


Firewall Newbie,



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