Linux-Misc Digest #330, Volume #24                Mon, 1 May 00 01:13:05 EDT

  Re: Linux Journal Python supplement (John Scudder)
  ext2_free_inode: bit  already cleared ... (Hal Burgiss)
  Re: true type fonts in linux (Alastair Neil)
  Idiot desktop question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Running SCO version of Progress DB under linux (Dennis Marti)
  question about linux distributions (Michel Arcenault)
  Re: linux installation problem (Leonard Evens)
  Re: Difference between Mandrake 7.0 and RedHat 6.2 ("Richard M. Sugg")
  Has anyone gotten support from Corel?? (Frank Pittel)
  Re: Corel Linux "make install"??? (Christopher Browne)
  Re: database ("Spartacus")
  Re: Can't get 8.1.5 to install on Linux (Dowe Keller)
  Re: Corel Linux "make install"??? (Dowe Keller)
  Re: Idiot desktop question (Dances With Crows)
  Re: true type fonts in linux ("Lam Dang")
  Re: true type fonts in linux ("JDeg")
  Re: crontab hates me (Dowe Keller)
  Numlock ("Andrew J. Hesford")
  Re: Numlock (Hal Burgiss)
  Re: es1371? (Janet)


From: John Scudder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Journal Python supplement
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 21:47:05 -0500

Allen Ashley wrote:

> John Scudder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >Yes, I thought that was a little unusual for Linux Journal...
> >In keeping with the general Monty Python theme..the cover is from the 70's TV
> >series opening where a similarly attired Michael Palin said " It's...."  and
> >then the Monty Python theme started.
> My recollection is the piano player was Terry Jones.

You're correct...the segment I was thinking of was a bearded, smoldering  Palin
saying "It's..." right after being blown up.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hal Burgiss)
Subject: ext2_free_inode: bit  already cleared ...
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 02:11:39 GMT

Anybody have a clue what this is and what to do about it?

Apr 30 04:24:43 localhost kernel: EXT2-fs warning (device ide0(3,4)):
ext2_free_inode: bit already cleared for inode 191778 

Apr 30 04:24:43 localhost kernel: EXT2-fs warning (device ide0(3,4)):
ext2_free_blocks: bit already cleared for block 811296 

Apr 30 04:24:43 localhost kernel: EXT2-fs warning (device ide0(3,4)):
ext2_free_inode: bit already cleared for inode 191782 

Apr 30 04:24:43 localhost kernel: EXT2-fs warning (device ide0(3,4)):
ext2_free_blocks: bit already cleared for block 811291 

Apr 30 04:24:43 localhost kernel: EXT2-fs warning (device ide0(3,4)):
ext2_free_inode: bit already cleared for inode 191777 

I have a weekly cron job that copies my root partition to a backup
partition (both on IDE0/hda). I get these with each run. I ran e2fsck last
week, which found and fixed some errors. But evidently not permaneantly.

I aslo I am having trouble umounting my root partion for maintenance.

 #init 1
 #umount -a
 #mount -n -o remount,ro /

works, but today all I get is 'mount: / device busy'. Tried it a zillion
times. I occasionally get this for various partitions on shutdown too.
Seems to come and go, but now I'd like it to just go. This is updated RH6.2
with 2.2.15pre9 kernel.


Hal B


From: Alastair Neil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: true type fonts in linux
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 02:18:32 GMT

Gary wrote:
> Anyone who can help will be a saviour i have redhat linux version 6.2 and
> need to use true type fonts is this possible and if so how
> --
> Posted via CNET

There is a true-type X font server called xfstt  you should be able
find  on freshmeat.  Also RH 6.2 comes with freetype "a free and
portable TrueType font rendering engine".

Those who are mentally and emotionally healthy are those who have
when to say yes, when to say no and when to say whoopee. -- W.S. Krabill
Alastair Neil


Subject: Idiot desktop question
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 02:18:31 GMT

I played with Linux Suse KDE for the first time yesterday. Within
minutes, in my own imbecilic way,  I had activated a command that sent
cockroaches crawling all over the screen. Now I can't find the menu
that turned them on -- or how to turn them off!


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Dennis Marti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Running SCO version of Progress DB under linux
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 22:39:47 -0400


> I have a licensed version of Progress for the SCO Open Desktop platform
> that is sitting on a shelf collecting dust and am interested in
> installing and running it under one of the Linux dist's.  I have access
> to most of the Linux dist's all installed on different disk images.
> Has any one had success in installing and running an SCO version of
> Progress (v 8.x) under Linux?
> If so, does anyone have install hint, to help me avoid re-inventing a
> wheel?

I set up a version 6 Progress (for SCO) on Slackware last year. Make 
sure that the distribution you use supports the Intel Binary 
Compatibility Standard (iBCS). Slackware does (or did) out of the box. I 
had to tweak some termcap settings, but didn't run into any big 
problems. I couldn't get iBCS to compile on the RedHat distribution 
available at the time. 



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michel Arcenault)
Subject: question about linux distributions
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 02:49:32 GMT

I have a simple question about distributions.  Caldera SuSe 
Redhat Mandrake are some of the available distributions.  Is it
realistic to see these distributions (in the future) specializing 
in certain fields 

example Caldera = scientific
        Redhat  = home use
        SuSe    = economics

just curious to see what other think about this



From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux installation problem
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 21:47:28 -0500

sourire wrote:
> After I installed Redhat linux 6.1,there appears a message on the screen
> when booting:
> 'Find module dependencies can't open
> /lib/modules/2.2.12-20Boot/modules.dep'
> What does this mean? How can I fix this problem?

I don't know what the 'Boot' is doing there, but on my RedHat 6.1
system, there is a file
You are being told that the file can't be opened.  It may
not be there or something may be wrong with it.  If you just
finished installing 6.1 and didn't do anything else, I suspect
something went wrong with the installation.  Perhaps it was
just a transient error, and if you do it over again, it
will work properly.  Otherwise you might have a disk problem.

> --
> Posted via CNET


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: "Richard M. Sugg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Difference between Mandrake 7.0 and RedHat 6.2
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 03:16:20 GMT

Bill Unruh wrote:
> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Michael Iwaki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >I see many auctions for Mandrake 7.0 and RedHat 6.2 linux distributions
> >on ebay.  What's the differences between the two.  The Mandrake 7.0
> >sellers claim their distribution is the easiest to install and is fully
> >compatible with RedHat addons..Can someone give some more objective
> >information on this?
> ???? Why would anyone buy either on ebay? You can get them for $2 +$6
> shipping from say cheapbytes. You can download them for free. You can
> get them plus an install manual for $10 on cheapbytes. Why would you buy
> them on ebay?
> Mandrake's chief claim to fame with 7.0 was the Drax system (
> installation, repartitioning-- broken in 7.0 but fixed in 7.0-2,
> hardware detection). They are now ( in the next couple o weeks coming
> out with 7.1) Both use the rpm database system. mandrake is compiled to
> 586 machines (pentium) but I have seen at least one post which claims
> that 586 "optimisation" is the worst of 386 486 586 686-- have not
> tested it myself so do not know if this is true. (Note that the
> difference is slight).
> >thanks
> >Michael Iwaki

i have run both.  Pretty much the same.  Make your choice based on
colors:  red hat is, well, red, and mandrake is a purplish-blue.  Blue
is my favorite color, and they have some great icons.  I like their Drak
stuff, too.  Underneath, they're pretty much the same.
Richard M. Sugg
     "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it. But 
      whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same 
      shall save it."          Luke 9:24 
Linux Mandrake release 7.0 (Air)


From: Frank Pittel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Has anyone gotten support from Corel??
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 03:26:39 GMT

Awhile ago I ordered wordperfect office 2000 deluxe. When it arrived I installed
it on my machine and things seemed to go well. Unfortunatly when I tried to
run any of the applications a window poped up informing me an error had
occured and I should contact Corel for technical support.

At that I sent Email to their support Email address I found on the web page
which discribed the problem I had in detail. I included the serial number
that came with the software. The next day I recieved mail asking for my
adress and phone number. I sent them the information I was asked for and
have heard nothing since then. I couple of weeks later I sent more mail
again I have heard nothing. About two weeks after I got the software I
tried to call corel for some of the 30 days worth of phone support I was
supposed to get. After more phone calls then I can count the only person I
was able to get a hold of worked in the "windows area" and pushed me back
into their voice mail hell.

Has anyone ever been able to get any tech support from Corel?? If so how
did you get them to respond?

I here that Corel is on the verger of going out of business. Although I
like Word Perfect I can't help but think that they should be going out of


Keep working millions on welfare depend on you


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Subject: Re: Corel Linux "make install"???
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 03:30:57 GMT

Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when Carlos Alves would say:
>I have recently installed Corel Linux on my old desktop machine. I wanted to
>install some third party source package, X-ISP. I unzipped it, etc, and went
>until the step where I was told to browse to the directory and type "make"
>and then "make install." I browsed to the directory, and after typing in
>"make," I got the following error:
>bash: make: command not found
>I got similiar results from "make install."
>Please help, but be as simplistic as possible in the instructions, as I am
>relatively new using Linux.

1.  Make sure you have the install CD in the machine and/or have a
    connection to the internet active.

2.  Type "su -", and press enter.  Then enter the password for the
    "root" user.

3.  As root, type the command:
    apt-get install make

This will look up the package for "make," and install it.

It is possible that you may need other software as well; you can run,
as root, the command "dselect" which will provide a menu whereby you
can query and request additional software packages.  

The configuration of where it looks for packages is influenced by the
sites outlined in /etc/apt/sources.list

There is probably a "Corel-install" utility that provides a pretty
graphical front end for this; you can doubtless use that instead.
If you're sending someone some Styrofoam, what do you pack it in?


From: "Spartacus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: database
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 06:06:01 +0100

You can get Access modules that will convert an Access MDB (tables) to MySQL
at the Mysql site.

They also provide an ODBC driver that will allow you to work with your MySQL
database via linked tables.

For direct access from CGI scripts  use Perl and DBI::MySQL.

"Albert Hopkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Wed, 26 Apr 2000 08:12:10 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Hi All,
> >How can I transfer the program I wrote in ms-access 97 to Linux
> >environment.( I want to database program work with any browser )May I
> >request if there is database program working in Linux and compatible
> >with the web ( html ).
> You're probably best off using MySQL (  You need to
> somehow (roll your own?) get the information from an Access DB to the
> There are also other (free) solutions such as Postgres and mSQL.  Also
> just about every commercial database distributer now supports Linux.
> --
>                                                      Albert Hopkins
>                                              Sr. Systems Specialist
>                                                       Dynacare Inc.
>                                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dowe Keller)
Subject: Re: Can't get 8.1.5 to install on Linux
Date: 30 Apr 2000 21:10:07 -0700

>I've been trying but failing to get 8.1.5 (downloaded as an ISO image
>then burnt onto cdrom) to install onto linux. I get the following error
>when I run the installer:
>Initializing Java Virtual Machine from /usr/local/jre/bin/jre. Please wait...
>Error in CreateOUIProcess(): -1
>: Bad address
>I've done everything mentioned in the installation notes (created the dba, oinstall 
>groups, set up enviroment vars etc) but i still keep getting this error.
>I'm using Slackware 7, kernel 2.2.14 with jre 1.1.6v5 and glibc 2.1.
>Can anyone suggest whats wrong because I'm getting rather frustrated?
>Thanks in advance.

Um... Just one questiion.  8.1.5 *WHAT*!  When asking for help
installing something, It is wise to say what you want installed.

A version number is nice but the program NAME would be extremely
helpful to.  I can only assume from the post that the install program
is written in java.  You'll have to be wee bit more informative. :-/

dowe                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
prototype, n.:
        First stage in the life cycle of a computer product, followed by
        pre-alpha, alpha, beta, release version, corrected release version,
        upgrade, corrected upgrade, etc.  Unlike its successors, the
        prototype is not expected to work.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dowe Keller)
Subject: Re: Corel Linux "make install"???
Date: 30 Apr 2000 21:23:16 -0700

On Sun, 30 Apr 2000 21:47:47 -0700, Carlos Alves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have recently installed Corel Linux on my old desktop machine. I wanted to
>install some third party source package, X-ISP. I unzipped it, etc, and went
>until the step where I was told to browse to the directory and type "make"
>and then "make install." I browsed to the directory, and after typing in
>"make," I got the following error:
>bash: make: command not found
>I got similiar results from "make install."
>Please help, but be as simplistic as possible in the instructions, as I am
>relatively new using Linux.
>Thanks in advance for the help

Simply put either you haven't installed make, or it isn't accessible
in your PATH. I'd wager that it hasn't been installed.

dowe                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
prototype, n.:
        First stage in the life cycle of a computer product, followed by
        pre-alpha, alpha, beta, release version, corrected release version,
        upgrade, corrected upgrade, etc.  Unlike its successors, the
        prototype is not expected to work.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: Idiot desktop question
Date: 01 May 2000 00:11:31 EDT

On Mon, 01 May 2000 02:18:31 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<<8eiphd$pq0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:
>I played with Linux Suse KDE for the first time yesterday. Within
>minutes, in my own imbecilic way,  I had activated a command that sent
>cockroaches crawling all over the screen. Now I can't find the menu
>that turned them on -- or how to turn them off!

Must be the "xroach" program or something similar.  Entering 
"killall xroach" into the command prompt should fix that.  HTH,

Matt G / Dances With Crows              \###| Programmers are playwrights
There is no Darkness in Eternity         \##| Computers are lousy actors
But only Light too dim for us to see      \#| Lusers are vicious drama critics
(Unless, of course, you're working with NT)\| BOFHen burn down theatres.


From: "Lam Dang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: true type fonts in linux
Date: 01 May 2000 00:02:23 -0400

Gary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Anyone who can help will be a saviour i have redhat linux version 6.2 and
> need to use true type fonts is this possible and if so how 

I've got three RH6.2 boxes sharing an X Font
Server running on a RH6.1 box.

I knew next to nothing when I started
with the Font HOWTO.  The copy I had was
Donovan Rebbechi's.  I would have given
up without this well-written guide.

I happened to have the full version of
Corel's Linux, which contains a lot of
Type 1 fonts, and Corel's WordPerfect
Office 2000, which contains a lot of
True Type fonts.  The True Type fonts
from Windows were uselful too.  (I like
MS Verdana on Netscape.)

Read the Font HOWTO first.  Do "man xfs"
for configuring the server.  Then post
specific questions as you run into
them.  But I don't expect you to have
any ;-)
Lam Dang
dangit AT ix DOT netcom DOT com


Subject: Re: true type fonts in linux
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 21:17:35 -0700

Gary wrote in message ...
>Anyone who can help will be a saviour i have redhat linux version 6.2 and
>need to use true type fonts is this possible and if so how

>Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dowe Keller)
Subject: Re: crontab hates me
Date: 30 Apr 2000 21:40:30 -0700

On Sun, 30 Apr 2000 12:26:37 GMT, peter pilsl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>suse6.0, new kernel 2.2.14
>(I didnt install the system, I just migrated to it !!)
>I install a new crontab with new MAILTO,SHELL,PATH-settings and cron just 
>dont care about it !!
>at 13:25 I installed the new crontab
>[root@server]#crontab -l
># DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
># (/tmp/crontab.27944 installed on Sun Apr 30 13:25:26 2000)
># (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 2.13 1994/01/17 03:20:37 vixie Exp $)
>*/10 * * * *   fetchmail        >> /var/log/cron.log 2>&1
>and later I get this email (one every 10 minutes !!):
>Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 13:30:03 +0200      
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
>Subject: Cron <root@server>  fetchmail
>X-Cron-Env: <SHELL=/bin/sh>
>X-Cron-Env: <PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/lib/news/bin>  
>X-Cron-Env: <MAILTO=root>
>X-Cron-Env: <HOME=/root>
>X-Cron-Env: <LOGNAME=root>
>fetchmail: No mail for usera at servera
>fetchmail: No mail for userb at servera
>fetchmail: No mail for userc at servera
>fetchmail: No mail for userd at servera
>fetchmail: No mail for usere at servera
>fetchmail: No mail for userf at servera
>fetchmail: No mail for userg at servera
>fetchmail: No mail for userh at servera
>fetchmail: No mail for useri at servera
>and /var/log/cron.log shows:
>fetchmail: another foreground fetchmail is running at 27891.
>fetchmail: another foreground fetchmail is running at 27920.
>fetchmail: another foreground fetchmail is running at 27953.
>fetchmail: another foreground fetchmail is running at 27966.
>fetchmail: another foreground fetchmail is running at 27977.
>fetchmail: another foreground fetchmail is running at 27989.
>fetchmail: another foreground fetchmail is running at 28006.
>whats going on here ?
>seems that there is another cron running !! but root is the only user with 
>an active crontab (according to /var/cron/tabs) and ps shows only on 
>daemon. I even restarted /usr/sbin/cron
>there was another crontab in /etc/crontab which I deleted !!
>I am really confused !!!

Peter, I have bad news your computer is posessed by daemons. ;-)

dowe                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
prototype, n.:
        First stage in the life cycle of a computer product, followed by
        pre-alpha, alpha, beta, release version, corrected release version,
        upgrade, corrected upgrade, etc.  Unlike its successors, the
        prototype is not expected to work.


From: "Andrew J. Hesford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Numlock
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 23:30:45 -0500

I have RedHat Linux 6.1, kernel 2.2.14, and XFree86 3.3.6. How can
I make the OS set numlock on at boot-up? Furthermore, how can I make
XFree86 NOT set numlock off every time I start the program? I never use
those arrow keys, and would like to have automatic numeric capability
when I turn on the PC.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hal Burgiss)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Numlock
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 04:33:47 GMT

On Sun, 30 Apr 2000 23:30:45 -0500, Andrew J. Hesford
>I have RedHat Linux 6.1, kernel 2.2.14, and XFree86 3.3.6. How can I
>make the OS set numlock on at boot-up? Furthermore, how can I make
>XFree86 NOT set numlock off every time I start the program? I never use
>those arrow keys, and would like to have automatic numeric capability
>when I turn on the PC.

Hal B


Subject: Re: es1371?
Date: 30 Apr 2000 21:55:01 -0700

"David .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Janet wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have a Soundblaster card which cat /proc/pci says has an es1371
> > chipset.  I am able to load the es1371 kernel module fine, but no sound
> > comes out.  When I run xmms, it looks like it's playing about 50 times as
> > fast as it should be, but there's still no sound.  I can't get sound from
> > the CD player either, which is sort of weird.  Both the soundcard and the
> > cd player work fine under windows though.  Any ideas?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Janet
> Which Soundblaster card is it?? 
> All SB cards don't use the same module.
> -- 
> Registered with the Linux Counter.
> ID # 123538

It's called a SoundBlaster Live, but it doesn't seem to use the emu10k1




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