Linux-Misc Digest #357, Volume #24                Thu, 4 May 00 05:13:03 EDT

  Can anyone clarify boot sequence? (Thaddeus L. Olczyk)
  Re: Can anyone clarify boot sequence? (brian moore)
  Re: LILO doesn't like my 10G hard drive (Bill Unruh)
  Re: Newbie need help - Upgrade RAM ("Peter T. Breuer")
  ViaVoice (roger smith)
  Re: Software Automation Tool. ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Please help a Swede in need, logging in gone berserk! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Any FreeBSD books for a Linux user? (Vilmos Soti)
  Re: sed: find 2nd last occurrence (Vilmos Soti)
  Re: LILO doesn't like my 10G hard drive (Neil Koozer)
  Re: Can anyone clarify boot sequence? (Vilmos Soti)
  Re: best location to load parport.o and parport_pc.o (marc_badel)
  Re: Please help a Swede in need, logging in gone berserk! (Eric) & (Donald West)
  Ideas for an extra box (Jonathan Mendez)
  Playing sound from program (Janos LICHTENBERGER)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thaddeus L. Olczyk)
Subject: Can anyone clarify boot sequence?
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 06:19:49 GMT

Ok so the kernel starts.
First how do you know where the kernel is ( OK it's in
the /boot partition, but it's (supposedly) not mounted untill
the kernel loads.
Next the kernel calls init.
Well maybe. How does the kernel know where init is?
How does it get to it if the /etc filesystem is not yet mounted?
Init may require several shared objects, how does it find those

Part of the point is that it seems like after the kernel starts
/boot, /, /etc, /usr are accessible ( if not mounted ). So how do you
tell the kernel where they are?
What if you want a seperate partition for /usr/lib for example?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (brian moore)
Subject: Re: Can anyone clarify boot sequence?
Date: 4 May 2000 06:34:38 GMT

On Thu, 04 May 2000 06:19:49 GMT, 
 Thaddeus L. Olczyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok so the kernel starts.
> First how do you know where the kernel is ( OK it's in
> the /boot partition, but it's (supposedly) not mounted untill
> the kernel loads.

That's right.  The boot loader (LILO) doesn't know a thing about
"/boot", though.  It just knows "the kernel starts at track 17, sector
2, head 3" or whatever and reads that.  That's why you have to rerun
lilo when you change kernels, even if you keep the same name -- it won't
be in the same spot on the disk.

> Next the kernel calls init.
> Well maybe. How does the kernel know where init is?

The same way anything else does.  The kernel knows about file systems,
and it knows what the root file system is (which you can change with

> How does it get to it if the /etc filesystem is not yet mounted?
> Init may require several shared objects, how does it find those
> objects?

Again, by the time init is running the root file system is mounted
(though read only).

> Part of the point is that it seems like after the kernel starts
> /boot, /, /etc, /usr are accessible ( if not mounted ). So how do you
> tell the kernel where they are?


> What if you want a seperate partition for /usr/lib for example?

It doesn't matter.  Init's libraries are in /lib, not /usr/lib,
which should be the same for anything else run up until /usr is mounted
(obvious ones are e2fsck and mount, but there are a bunch of others like
/bin/sh that should have all their needed parts on the root partition).

Brian Moore                       | Of course vi is God's editor.
      Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker     | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
      Usenet Vandal               |  for it to load on the seventh day.
      Netscum, Bane of Elves.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: LILO doesn't like my 10G hard drive
Date: 4 May 2000 06:42:17 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Neil Koozer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

](3) Try the nuni boot loader (which I wrote:).  It avoids bios problems
]by not using the bios.  It can boot from anyplace up to 137gb on any IDE
]drive, including drives attached to add-on cards such as ata66 cards. 
]It can be downloaded from

Interesting. What is its downside? Why is it not the default loader in
(And what does nuni stand for? Or for that matter what does lilo stand


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie need help - Upgrade RAM
Date: 4 May 2000 07:23:25 GMT

To Tran Tung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:  Can you tell me how can I tell Linux that I've just upgraded my RAM? I

You can read the FAQ. Go to c.o.l.m (oops, you're already there) and
read the weekly/monthly posting.  I quote section 1.8

   A number of people have asked how to address more than 64 MB of
   memory, which is the default upper limit. Place the following in your
   lilo.conf file:


   Where "XX" is the amount of memory, specified as megabytes; for
   example, '128M'. For further details, see the lilo manual page.

(and run /sbin/lilo)

: upgraded my RAM from 64M to 128M but when I saw in System Info..., Linux
: still said I had only 64M ( Bios & Win98 correctly recognised my new
: RAM). Anyway, I'm using RedHat 6.0.
:  Furthermore, do you have any idea why Linux RedHat 6.2 installation
: recognised only about 14M out of 128M  on my friend's computer ( I saw

He can read the FAQ. Or go to

: it in System Info after installation) and the system run very very slow
: even it is a Pentium II 400.



From: roger smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ViaVoice
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 17:14:12 -0400

Hi there I am sorry to bother you but did you get viavoice running. I
installed lesstif as I was supposed to, and then I run rpm -ivh
and I get this error:
error: failed dependencies: is needed by ViaVoice_runtime-2.0-1.0
How can I fix this??


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Software Automation Tool.
Date: 4 May 2000 07:29:31 GMT

Lilia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: it's an emulator. it basically means a tool to automate the process of
: testing an application.  there is a manual and automated testing. and plenty

What kind of application? Could it test my compiler? Or my compiler
compiler? How can the tool test anything at all without knowing its

: of packages for all OS except Linux. Winrunner (actually XRunner) by Mercury
: Interactive is running on Unix. Another poduct LoadRunner can test Java apps
: on Linux.    But i'm looking for simply an automated software tool by third
: party that will create a test scripts to test in-house application that is
: run under Linux. thanks!

There is no such thing on any operating system. You are being conned by
snake oil salesmen. Without knowledge of the requirements and the spec
it can't do anything at all. And it couldn't do anything but the most
basic i/o type-checking even given the spec.

Excuse me while I laugh.

:>What do you mean? Do you mean something that constructs test vectors
:>from source code? That's generic theory-of-testing stuff, and will
:>in any case be specific to the source code language used.
:>Please explain yourself ..



Subject: Please help a Swede in need, logging in gone berserk!
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 07:44:31 GMT


I would really appreciate some help. The other day I was playing around with
some new programs (as root, what else?) trying them out etc. Everything
seemed ok, normal shutdown.

Now when I boot my trusted RedHat 6.1 Cartman, I get green OK's everywhere,
just the last INND complains a little about too many arguments, but it's a
green OK in the end too.

Then the RedHat logo appears (runlevel=5), and I type "root" and my passwd.
If I select anything except KDE (even "safe mode") as "user interface" all
that happens is some thinking, black screen, and then I'm back to the
redhat-screen, with empty "user" and "passwd" fields.

Logging in using KDE a get a feew windows up, but by no means a complete
environment. Now suddenly "ls" does not work "command not found". Thankfully
"dir" and "cd" together with "vi" works. Typing "$PATH" I only get a few up,
like "usr/bin" and "usr/local/emrc" (one of the last programs I tried was
NISA from EMRC). But my system is mounted, and I find the /etc/profile and
/etc/bashrc where I keep my paths...!? It seems like the initial files are
not properly read, or are replaced by something else?

Can anyone please give me clue to what has happened?

I tried editing "inittab" to runlevel 3, not starting the X system. I can
login, but again the "ls" was "command not found etc. The system is
incredibly hampered, "startx" is amongst the "command not found" commands for

I am truly at loss here!

Sincerely, Martin Rosander

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Any FreeBSD books for a Linux user?
From: Vilmos Soti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 08:12:04 GMT

burk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've been thinking of expanding my horizons setting up a FreeBSD box. I
> like Linux, (and make a good part of my living running it), but I want
> to get a broader grounding in the open source unices. Any suggestions
> for a good book, hopefully not too basic, that will help me get up and
> running on FreeBSD? I'm asking here because I'm sure there are people
> like me, who approach FreeBSD from a Linux background. Thanks for any
> help you can give me.

Well, there are a couple of good sources. One is to go to their site, and check out the handbook, tutorials, FAQ. These
are FreeBSD specific. Of course. Your second option is to buy the
book "The Complete FreeBSD" which comes with CDs and is a very good
description of the system. More than half of the book is the manpages,
but the first part gives you a lot of FreeBSD specific issues. You
can get this book for example in Borders or any better book store.
IF not, then go to and look for the book.
The present version of FreeBSD is 4.0 but I am not sure if the book
is shipped with this version. 3.x is definitely available.



Subject: Re: sed: find 2nd last occurrence
From: Vilmos Soti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 08:18:11 GMT


> Does anyone know how I would find the second last occurence of a word
> in a file ?

Does it have to be sed? I don't know sed. Is awk OK? Or shell?

In awk:

$ echo -e "a\nb\nc\naa\naaa"
$ echo -e "a\nb\nc\naa\naaa" | awk '/a/ {x = y; y = $0} END {print x}'

In shell:

$ echo -e "a\nb\nc\naa\naaa" | tail -2 | head -1



From: Neil Koozer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: LILO doesn't like my 10G hard drive
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 00:27:14 -0700

Bill Unruh wrote:
> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Neil Koozer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> ](3) Try the nuni boot loader (which I wrote:).  It avoids bios problems
> ]by not using the bios.  It can boot from anyplace up to 137gb on any IDE
> ]drive, including drives attached to add-on cards such as ata66 cards.
> ]It can be downloaded from
> ]
> Interesting. What is its downside? Why is it not the default loader in
> Linux?

It doesn't do scsi.  All scsi cards are different and the driver for
each one is a bios patch in rom.  In principle, nuni could be done for
scsi by doing a different version for every scsi card and let the
installing utility sense which one to use.  However, the programming
details for the scsi cards is not available.

I didn't think that this was so bad because the vast majority of new
users are probably using IDE, and power users who use scsi-only probably
don't need the help.  I have 10 linux systems on my machine, most of
which are on hde, which is a 17gb drive connected to an Ultra66 card.
Two of them are on hdd, and on that one I set the bios to 'normal' after
partitioning it in LBA.  The one I'm typing on right now is Slack 7.0 on
hde11, which is up around cylinder 2000.  Lilo can only boot about two
of these systems, and nuni boots them all.

I tried to interest Slackware and Mandrake in this loader, but they were
not interested.  I used the ploy: You can be the first to advertise
"Ours boots above 1024".  I also pointed out that Linux claims to fix
things immediately, and the "LI" and "L 01 01..." problems are more than
5 years old.  I also said, "What if Window would hang with "WI" instead
of booting, and what if they didn't fix it for over 5 years?"

> (And what does nuni stand for? Or for that matter what does lilo stand
> for?)

lilo stands for linux loader.  For my loader I wanted a pronounceable
two-syllable name that doesn't start with 'g' or 'k'.  When I was born
(1943), my brother could not pronounce 'neil', and what he came up with
was 'nuni' (or 'noonie").  So that was my name until I was 5 years old.
I just happend to think of that and adopted it as the name for my



Subject: Re: Can anyone clarify boot sequence?
From: Vilmos Soti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 08:28:57 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thaddeus L. Olczyk) writes:

> Ok so the kernel starts.
> First how do you know where the kernel is ( OK it's in
> the /boot partition, but it's (supposedly) not mounted untill
> the kernel loads.

No. The kernel doesn't have to be on the /boot partition. What happens
if the kernel is on a floppy? Or, for me, I have a subdir under my
home account with a lot of different kernels for a lot of different
distros. As somebody pointed out, lilo sets the kernel's location
when you run it. If you move your kernel, then you need to rerun

> Next the kernel calls init.
> Well maybe. How does the kernel know where init is?

This is hardcoded into the kernel.

[vilmos@ppro tty2 /boot]$ grep /etc/init vmlinux-2.2.5-15
Binary file vmlinux-2.2.5-15 matches

> How does it get to it if the /etc filesystem is not yet mounted?

/etc is part of your basic setup. It is part of the OS. It is supposed
to be on the same partition were the root is. So does /dev/, /bin,
/sbin, etc.

> Init may require several shared objects, how does it find those
> objects?

There is a file called /etc/ This specifies where extra
libraries are.

> Part of the point is that it seems like after the kernel starts
> /boot, /, /etc, /usr are accessible ( if not mounted ). So how do you

/boot is not necessary. It is just convenient but nothing special.

/etc is a subdirectory within / and is not on a separate filesystem.

/usr can be mounted. Look at /etc/fstab and a man fstab will explain
the format of the file.

> What if you want a seperate partition for /usr/lib for example?

Those things which are not needed to boot or are not part of the
basic system can be on separate filesystems which are mouned. These
can host applications such as browsers, X, TeX, etc.



From: marc_badel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: best location to load parport.o and parport_pc.o
Date: 04 May 2000 10:37:06 +0100

Look (on a RedHat distribution) at files "/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit" and/or (if it exists)
"/etc/rc.d/rc.modules" . You will find there calls to "depmod" (first before performing
anything else on modules) and then to "modprobe". On others distributions, the 
can be a little different. Try to find calls to "modprobe" (more rarely "insmod") on
module which you want (or some other). If you dont find, "rgrep" is your friend. 
"rgrep" is
like a recursive "grep", but the the syntax of options is a little different. Look at 
man page.

If you want to append some module loading, append at best in /etc/rc.... or 
scripts just behind call to "depmod -a" after finding it as described above.

Good luck.


Subject: Re: Please help a Swede in need, logging in gone berserk!
Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 08:04:45 GMT

You appear to have messed up your $PATH. No big deal though, you can set
it in the root's .bash_profile to whatever you like, for root probably 


will do.
!!!!Don't include :.   !!!

> Hi!
> I would really appreciate some help. The other day I was playing around with
> some new programs (as root, what else?) trying them out etc. Everything
> seemed ok, normal shutdown.
> Now when I boot my trusted RedHat 6.1 Cartman, I get green OK's everywhere,
> just the last INND complains a little about too many arguments, but it's a
> green OK in the end too.
> Then the RedHat logo appears (runlevel=5), and I type "root" and my passwd.
> If I select anything except KDE (even "safe mode") as "user interface" all
> that happens is some thinking, black screen, and then I'm back to the
> redhat-screen, with empty "user" and "passwd" fields.
> Logging in using KDE a get a feew windows up, but by no means a complete
> environment. Now suddenly "ls" does not work "command not found". Thankfully
> "dir" and "cd" together with "vi" works. Typing "$PATH" I only get a few up,
> like "usr/bin" and "usr/local/emrc" (one of the last programs I tried was
> NISA from EMRC). But my system is mounted, and I find the /etc/profile and
> /etc/bashrc where I keep my paths...!? It seems like the initial files are
> not properly read, or are replaced by something else?
> Can anyone please give me clue to what has happened?
> I tried editing "inittab" to runlevel 3, not starting the X system. I can
> login, but again the "ls" was "command not found etc. The system is
> incredibly hampered, "startx" is amongst the "command not found" commands for
> example.
> I am truly at loss here!
> Sincerely, Martin Rosander
> Sent via
> Before you buy.


Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 01:42:00 -0800 (PST)
From: Donald West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: &


I've searched everywhere but still cannot find which redhat 6.2 packages these 
libraries are part of, &

Can anyone help me please?

Access the world's best search engines instantly at...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonathan Mendez)
Subject: Ideas for an extra box
Date: 4 May 2000 08:28:30 GMT

I'd regard myself as pretty much a newbie, although I learn very quickly and
have been using linux (redhat 6.0 and then 6.2) since probably February.
Anyway, I am about to obtain an extra box which I would like to devote to linux
(right now i'm dual booting for use of my usb camera), and I just wanted to
open up discussion with the following topic:

What would _you_ do with an extra box with the following specs?

(I have limited specs, it's my family's friends' old computer, and I'm not in
It's a Gateway2000, probably a desktop or baby case.
I'm not sure if I'll be getting the monitor with it or not.
I know it's a Pentium, and I _think_ it's 90 MHz.
It has at least (but probably only) 16 MB of RAM.
It has a modem of some sort from US Robotics, I think they bought the modem
after the computer so it's probably 56K.
I have no idea as to the capacity of the hard drive, I would probably guess
around 1 gig.
It's got a cdrom and floppy drive.
I would imagine I'll be getting the keyboard and mouse with it.
It has a sound card, I have no idea what kind, but it's not a superpowerful one
or anything.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head, sorry it's not too detailed.

Anyway, I had thought of using the box as a firewall, and also to use ipmasq
since my laptop has ethernet capabilities but no modem.  Neither of those would
really apply when September comes around though, cause I'll be back at college
with an ethernet connection behind the school's firewall.  So, I leave it up to
the many poeple on this newsgroup to be as creative as you dare and come up with
ideas for the extra box :).


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Playing sound from program
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 11:48:32 +0200

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


I should play sound through sound card from a program (i.e. not using sox or play),

 the sound signal is stored in a vector. I tried to open /dev/audio end write the data 

to the device, but the result is the same as if I use 'cat qq.wav > /dev/audio'.

 This way I can play only mono signal, with 8 bit resulution and with 8 kHz sampling 

How can I set these parameter ( mono/stereo, bit resolution, sampling rate, etc.) from 
a program

or even from shell, but making the setting permanent? Can somebody help me?

. Janos Lichtenberger

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">


<pre>I should play sound through sound card from a program (i.e. not using sox or 

<pre>&nbsp;the sound signal is stored in a vector. I tried to open /dev/audio end 
write the data directly</pre>

<pre>to the device, but the result is the same as if I use 'cat qq.wav > 

<pre>&nbsp;This way I can play only mono signal, with 8 bit resulution and with 8 kHz 
sampling rate.</pre>

<pre>How can I set these parameter ( mono/stereo, bit resolution, sampling rate, etc.) 
from a program</pre>

<pre>or even from shell, but making the setting permanent? Can somebody help me?</pre>
<p>. Janos Lichtenberger<br>




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