Linux-Misc Digest #357, Volume #25                Sun, 6 Aug 00 08:13:02 EDT

  Re: Changing LILO in Mandrake? (Jim Richardson)
  color display (jason)
  reclaiming the master boot record? (Peter Bismuti)
  Re: reclaiming the master boot record? (Prasanth A. Kumar)
  Re: Config.sys parameters is my Question.  What is it or are they? (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: *Virtual Desktops* (Valentin Guillen)
  Re: Configuration file in xconfig (SeLmux)
  Re: changing distributions (SeLmux)
  Re: Linux sees only 64 M of RAM ??? (SeLmux)
  Re: color display (SeLmux)
  Re: Alpha vs Intel (Patrick Vogt)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Richardson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Changing LILO in Mandrake?
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 10:58:21 -0700

On 31 Jul 2000 07:44:55 -0500, 
 Tim Palmer, in the persona of <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 brought forth the following words...:

>Cap'n <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>>I'll admit I'm somewhat of a newbie to Mandrake Linux, 
>>and this is probably a stupid question...but, I need the 
>>I just installed Mandrake 7.1 on my system in a dual boot with 
>>Win98. My hard drive is in four partitions:
>>Partition 1:  Win98 system files (1.5 GB) - hdc1
>>Partition 2:  Win98 programs (8 GB) - hdc2
>>Partition 3:  Linux Swap (133 MB) - hdc6
>>Partition 4:  Linux Native: Mandrake Distro (2.3 GB) - hdc7
>>After I installed Mandrake and LILO, Linux is the first 
>>boot option and loads Mandrake after 10 seconds, 
>>unless I type Windows. I want to set it up so that Windows 
>>boots after 10 seconds, unless I type Linux.
>>What's the easiest way to change this in Mandrake? Or 
>>if someone could point me to a Mandrake HOWTO Web link 
>>for this, I would appreciate it.
>>*** The Cap'n ****
>Eddit a text fial and recompial kernal.  

Despite Tim's (poorly spelt) hyperbole, you can change the boot order in
one of 3 ways.
Edit /etc/lilo.conf to put the entry you want first in line and rerun lilo
Edit /etc/lilo.conf to add the line default=windows (or whatever the windows
entry is called) at the top of the file in the global variables section, 
 and rerun lilo.
Or IIRC using Drake, the mandrake config tool, you can do this, but I don't 
use mandrake so I can't be sure there. 

Note that Tim was either incorrect, or simply lying about recompiling the
Jim Richardson
        Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
        Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.


From: jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: color display
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2000 05:30:03 GMT

hi im using slakware 7 currently. my video card is S3 Trio64 with 2 mb 
memory. i was wondering how i can start x window straight away to 16 bit 
color without typing startx -- -bpp 16 in the command line. thanks for 

Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Bismuti)
Subject: reclaiming the master boot record?
Date: 6 Aug 2000 05:37:47 GMT

I accidently wrote over the master boot record, I can still boot but
only from a floppy.  How can I place lilo back in the MBR? 



Subject: Re: reclaiming the master boot record?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Prasanth A. Kumar)
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2000 05:50:10 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Bismuti) writes:

> I accidently wrote over the master boot record, I can still boot but
> only from a floppy.  How can I place lilo back in the MBR? 
> Thanks

Run the 'lilo' command after you boot in using the floppy.

Prasanth Kumar


From: Lew Pitcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Config.sys parameters is my Question.  What is it or are they?
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2000 02:10:21 -0400

"G. Eugene Mitchell" wrote:
> I am practicing on a pentium pci/isa.
> Can't seem to boot up from dos.
> too many unknowns.
>  Thanks in advance.
>    P.S.
> I am using Windows 95, upgrade.

Funny, we're using Linux.

Why don't you ask one of those newsgroups?

Lew Pitcher

Master Codewright and JOAT-in-training


From: Valentin Guillen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: *Virtual Desktops*
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2000 00:50:14 -0600

Object of my Desire,

X is a program which requires a configuration file to operate properly.  This
file is called  XF86Config, and is usually located at /etc  or another
similar directory related to X, like maybe  /etc/X11 .  This can and does
vary among the different distros.

For most users, this file is created by a video configuration utility which
us usually run at linux installation time. The contents of this file
determine if and when a virtual desktop resolution is used in X.  There are
to ways you can result with virtual desktops.  You could have explicitly
requested it, conciously or inadvertently, during the X configuration.
Another way is that the vid config util may default to always inserting the
command.  The other way can be to reques to use a resolution which exceeds
the capabilities of the monitor you're indicating to X to use.

Example, if I didn't request a virtual desktop res, BUT I told the config
util that I have a monitor which is SVGA which can do 640x480 and 800x600,
and then I request that the file be configured to allow me to use 1024x768
res.  Well now, I've already told it my monitor can only do up to 800x res,
but now I'm telling it to allow me to use 1024.  The only way X can do that
is to display the 1024x res in virtual, scrollable mode.

So you can edit the config file and seach for a line which begins with the
word Virtual.  Comment out this line, or remove it completely.  save the
edited file.  Also, make sure you haven't requested to use a res higher than
the physical ability of the monitor.

Also, make sure that you're X is not defaulting to the "Failsafe" double-scan
resolutions, like 300x200 res.



Subject: Re: Configuration file in xconfig
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2000 12:12:52 +0300

Chad Lemmen wrote:

> I'm using Red Hat 6.2.  I'm going to patch my kernel source tree to add
> support for Win4Lin.  I'm using make xconfig to setup the kernel.  In
> xconfig there is an option to "load configuration from file".  Was a
> kernel configuration file created during the install of Red Hat?  If
> so where is it located?  I want to keep the same kernel settings that
> the insalled kernel gave me, but add support for Win4Lin, which their
> kernel patch will give me.  If such a configuaration file doesn't exist
> then how can I get the kernel with the same configuration as it was
> installed?
> --

Nope its not . You need to go for old kernel and do a make menuconfig ,
dont change any thing just exit
and save . A .config file will be created in /usr/src/your_old_linux .
copy it into /usr/src/your_new_linux


Subject: Re: changing distributions
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2000 12:19:30 +0300

Robert Schweikert wrote:

> I am currently running RH6.2 but have the suspicion that there are a few
> things wrong with the distribution. Thus I would like to do a few tests,
> a.) go back to RH6.1, b.) install another distribution.
> What is the best way to go about this, is ther a HOWTO?
> Thanks,
> Robert
> --
> Robert Schweikert                      MAY THE SOURCE BE WITH YOU
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                         LINUX

The best way is to insert another distribution cd and format the whole
thing  and start from the begining .
There is nothing wrong with Rh6.2 , every body are using it including
Linus  .  And trying an older copy
of Rh is not a good idea for many reasons . Best Luck .


Subject: Re: Linux sees only 64 M of RAM ???
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2000 12:33:07 +0300

Stearns25 wrote:

> Hello all,
> Is it true that Linux only recognizes 64M of Ram and some modifications to the
> lilo.conf file (involving adding a  'mem=' line or something to that nature)
> is needed to make Liniux sees beyond 64M?
> would someone pls point me to the doc on this matter?
> I have a RH 6.1 box with 256M of RAM. According to /var/log/dmesg,  Linux seems
> to see all 256M.
> -al

Yup it is true .


Subject: Re: color display
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2000 12:46:15 +0300

jason wrote:

> hi im using slakware 7 currently. my video card is S3 Trio64 with 2 mb
> memory. i was wondering how i can start x window straight away to 16 bit
> color without typing startx -- -bpp 16 in the command line. thanks for
> helping.
> --
> Posted via CNET

Edit XF86Config by making the default resolution set to 16 bit


From: Patrick Vogt <patrick_dot_vogt_at_unibas_dot_ch>
Subject: Re: Alpha vs Intel
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2000 13:33:15 +0200

If I would not need the DEC fortran compiler, I would not go into troubles
of having a alpha.
Even though, the stablility of DEC UNIX and the DEC advancedfilesystem
might be worth thinking about it.


Ben Chausse wrote:
> Hi,
> I build a Intranet WebServer on Linux with Apache 1.3.12, mod_perl 1.49
> and PHP4 and I would like to know what will the best between a server
> with 2x667 MHZ Alpha Processer and a 4x700 MHZ Xeon Processer ??
> Also, except the 64-bits, what's the big difference between Alpha and
> Intel CPU ?
> Thanks ...
> Ben0iT



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